APRIL / MAY 2007 Texas Psychiatrist Foundation Appreciates Your Support Linda J. Rhodes, MD, Chairman, Texas Foundation for Psychiatric Education and Research he Texas Foundation for Psychiatric CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS BY YEAR TEducation and Research concluded its 2006 Annual Campaign on December 31 with excellent results...thanks to the financial support of Texas Psychiatry, advocates and friends. Annual Campaign 2006 received $35,145 in charitable contributions, ranking Linda J. Rhodes, MD the 2006 Annual Campaign as the Foundation’s most successful campaign. The success of the 2006 Annual Campaign Farley, Dr & Mrs Arthur J. brought the Foundation’s total charitable (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) contributions received since 1993 to Furber, MD, Edward (94,95,99,01,02,03,04,05,06) $314,309. Gaitz, MD, Charles M. (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) TSPP members have accounted for about Hauser, MD, Lawrence A. (93,95,96,02,03,06) 55% of donations since the Foundation Jameson, MD, Grace K. began receiving contributions in 1993: (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) TSPP Members - 54.7% Jones, MD, Alison (01,02,03,04,05,06) Academy Members - 0.2% Kane, MD, Judith (00,01,03,06) Kelly, MD, Marie T. (05,06) Individuals - 12.3% Klaas, Priscilla Sierk, DO (03,04,05,06) Business - 15.6% South Texas - 0.1% Peel, Deborah and Larry Kowalski, MD, Debra A. (06) Foundations - 13.4% Kowalski, MD, Peter C. (06) El Paso - 2.9% Pfizer, Inc. Organizations - 3.6% Korenman, MD, Philip (93,00,02,04,06) Tarrant - 3.3% Reilly, Dr. and Mrs. Edward The geographic distribution of contributions Rhodes, MD, Linda J. Leatherman, MD, Martha E. (97,01,04,06) Brazos Valley - 0.0% Leon, Dr. & Mrs. Robert to the Foundation have been diverse: Stubblefield, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Corpus Christi - 0.4% (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Houston - 21.5% Tripp, Dr. and Mrs. Larry Red River - 0.0% Texas Society of Psychiatric Administrators Levine, MD, Matthew E.(03,04,05,06) Southeast Texas - 3.9% Lewis, MD, Jerry M. Victoria - 0.2% TSPP Auxiliary East Texas - 4.6% (94,95,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,05,06) Lone Star - 0.7% Whitley, MD, Agnes V. North Texas - 14.7% Wick, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Malek-Ahmadi, MD, Parviz (04,05,06) Galveston-Brazoria - 0.7% Melnick, MD, Matilda Benyesh Heart of Texas - 0.7% Wyeth-Ayerst Panhandle - 0.5% (98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Austin - 22.4% Out of State - 3.4% Mernin, MD, George P. Bexar County - 14.5% CLUB 2000 (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) West Texas - 5.8% Abbott Laboratories Munson, Dr & Mrs Alex To help recognize the participation of indi- Ash, Margarita (93,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03.04,05,06) viduals, corporations, organizations and Bowden, MD, Dr. & Mrs. Charles Nace, MD, Edgar P. (93,98,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) foundations who support the Foundation, Bush, John R. Nelson, Dr. & Mrs. Jefferson E. Foundation Grants Cimmarron Foundation the Foundation has established Donor (93,97,98,99,00,02,03,04,05,06) Through April, 2007, the Foundation Feaster, Miriam and Keith Ortiz, MD, Lilia M. (98,99,01,02,03,04,05,06) Recognition Designations, as follows: has awarded 94 grants amounting to Hamilton, Tom and Carolyn Reilly, Dr & Mrs Edward L. $140,996 supporting the following Chairman’s Club: Honors and recognizes Jameson, MD, Grace K. (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) friend of the Foundation who contribute or Linnie Pierce Fund Rios, MD, Arturo F. (04,06) purposes of the Foundation: Munson, Dr. and Mrs. Alex pledge a cumulative sum of $10,000 or more. Sargent, MD Charles H. (05,06) Public Education/Advocacy - 59%; Reilly, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Schleuse, William and Doris (03,04,05,06) Professional Education - 36%; Founder’s Circle: Honors and recognizes Rhodes, MD, Linda J. Schmalstieg, MD, Linda A. (05,06) and Research - 5%. donors who contribute a cumulative sum of Stubblefield, Mrs. Robert L. Secrest, Dr, & Mrs. Leslie H. (98,99,00,03,05,06) $2,500 or more during the first five Annual Tripp, Dr. and Mrs. Larry Skaggs, Murray and Kathryn Research TSPP Auxiliary (95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Campaigns. Wick, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Spiwak, MD, Alana R. (93,95,01,05,06) 5% Club 2000: To help launch the Foundation Stone, MD, J. Byron (06) into the 21st Century, the Foundation will FOUNDATION ASSOCIATES- 2006 Wick, Dr & Mrs Paul (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) recognize donors who contribute at least Anonymous (06) Young, MD, Patrick G. (06) AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals (06) $2,000 from 1999 through 2003. Zapalac, Dr, and Mrs. Robert Stephen K. Brannan, MD (06) (93,94,95,96,97,01,02,04,05,06) Professional Public Foundation Associates: Recognizes friends Bush, John R. who donate $500 or more during an Annual Education (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Education/ Campaign. Eli Lilly & Co. (96,97,06) OTHER DONORS - 2006 36% Advocacy Amrung, MD, Suchakorn (02,03,04,05,06) Foundation Advocates: Recognizes contrib- Feaster, Miriam and Keith 59% (96,97,98,99,00,01,02,04,05,06) Bacon, MD, Robert J. (93,06) utors who donate $100 or more during an Harden, MD, Robert J. (97,06) Baskin, MD, Dr. & Mrs. T. Grady Annual Campaign. Hunt Family Foundation (06) (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Khushalani Foundation (02,03,04,06) Bradshaw, MD, C. Marshall (93,95,98,99,01,02,06) The Foundation proudly acknowledges the Marks, MD, Shirley F. Childers, MD, Cecil A. (04,05,06) following donors for their support of the (93,94,95,96,00,01,02,04,05,06) Cohn, MD, Cal (00,06) Foundation’s Annual Campaign 2006: Rhodes, MD, Linda J. Cox, Jr., MD, Virgil M. (01,03,06) (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Dotter, Dr. and Mrs. James (99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) CHAIRMAN’S CLUB Sawyer, MD, J. Clay (97,98,99,01,02,03,04,05,06) Stubblefield, Mrs Robert Elliott, III, MD, Boyce (96,97,98,00,03,04,05,06) I NSIDE Anonymous Gallentine, Kathleen A., MD (03,06) Dr. and Mrs. Alex K. Munson (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Calendar of Meetings . .8 Tripp, MD, Larry E. Giffen, Col. and Mrs. Martin B. (99,02,03,04,06) Linnie Pierce Trust Gittess, MD, Franklin H. (92,94,99,06) (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Dare to Define . .2 Linda J. Rhodes, MD Gomez, MD, Efrain A. (06) Gomez Rejon, MD, Julio C. (06) From the Federation . .6 FOUNDER’S CIRCLE FOUNDATION ADVOCATES - 2006 Groom, Ms. Linda (99,00,02,03,04,05,06) Altshuler, MD, Kenneth Z. (06) Gutierrez, MD, Jose A. (95,96,99,00,01,02,04,05,06) Legislative Update . .4 Abbott Laboratories Bennett, MD, Robert D. Becker, MD, Emile Attwell (94,03,04,06) Holden, MD, Patrick (06) Mark Your Calendar . .8 Bowden Massey Foundation Bennett, MD, Robert D. Jeffreys, MD, Matt (96,97,99,00,01,02,03,04,06) Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (93,94,97,98,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Jones, Mitchell, MD (93,94,98,99.02,03,04,05,06) Membership Changes . .6 Burguieres, Philip J. Briones, Dr. & Mrs. David McGregor, MD, Jacqueline (06) Bush, John R. (93,94,96,97,98,99,00,02,03,04,05,06) Moore, MD, Wm. Patrick (06) The Voice of TSPP Eli Lilly & Co. Claghorn, MD, James (06) Patel, MD, Rajeshkumar (01,02,03,04,05,06) Represents Integrity . .2 Glaxo Wellcome Collier, Jacque’ (96,97,98,99,00,01,02,05,06) Ponder, MD, Stewart M. (01,03,06) Cerenex Davis, MD, Harry K. Redmond, MD, Franklin TSCAP Summer Conference . .7 Grossman, Burton E. (93,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) (93,95,97,98,99,00,01,02,03,04,06) Goodrich Memorial Trust Debus, MD, John R. (05,06) Rogers, Ronald L. (03,06) TSPP 2007 Annual Convention Jameson, MD, Grace K. Decker, MD, Norman (00,04,06) Serrano, Albert C., MD (03,04,05,06) and Scientific Program . .5 Janssen Pharmaceutica Durgham, MD, Suresh (00,01,04,05,06) Swinney, Jim and Sarah (99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Marks, MD, Shirley F. Eisenhauer, Gail, MD (03,04,05,06) Terrell, MD, Clark C. (93,96,00,03,04,06) TSPP Spring Meeting . .3 Munson, Dr. and Mrs. Alex K. Etter, MD, Gary L. (93,94,99,00,01,02,03,04,05,06) Zimmerman, Jr., MD, Frank W. (06) The Voice of TSPP Represents Integrity Leslie H. Secrest, MD, President, Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians here is no time like a session of the thoughtfulness is critical to the functions of leadership which will represent our profes- TTexas Legislature to recognize the value our committees. There are numerous leg- sion and promote quality care for those of membership in TSPP.
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