Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas Faculty left out of search for new University dean RICHARD BRANDT pointed by the Board of Trustees. Staff Writer elect eight members to serve as the with the Senate on this matter would ' The faculty Senate approved a The Senate's recommendation faculty advisory committee ,, The' have been appropriate " method to elect faculty members to specifically excluded the Chancellor Senate approved the motion, setting Wilsey said that, to the best of his help search for a new vice chancellor ami Executive'.Vice-Chancellors, the election for April 21. - knowledge, the Board of Trustees was but asked that search cojnmittees be never informed of the Senate's for academic affairs at its April Wayne Ludvigson i Psychology I formed to find replacements in recommendation. meeting then offered the following resolution, "administrative positions with policy However, the Senate also expressed which the Senate adopted with one However, Wilsey said, he felt the disappointment that its own policy reponsibilities for academic func- adopted would guarantee active and tions'' dissenting vote: recommendation would qot be used in "The Faculty Senate' regrets thai involved participation from the widest the search... According to Senate Chairman the Board of Trustees chose not to range of sources At the April 6 meeting, Executive Malcolm Arnoult. "the faculty mem follow more closely the Senate's "The intent is to have broader Vice Chancellor H Lawrence Wilsej seemed to feel that Brewer's recommendations regarding search participation than would be called for presented the procedure to be used in position was included in that committees in adopting a process for in the Senate document, he said finding a successor to Vice Chan ory, while the administration Ihe nomination of a vice chancellor for Senate Chairman Arnoult agreed cellor.Dean Tom Brewer Wilsey said considered it excluded along academic affairs Although the Senate that the policy was perfectly he had bafin given responsibility for with other board appointments, recognizes both,the authority ol tin reasonable, and attributed Ihe con the search, .-although thi fusion over Ihe Senate document to "a "1 don t think the Senate realized that Board in these matters and the cellor must ultimately tfe nominated tailure in communication the Vice-chancellor for Academic urgency of beginning Ihe selection by Chancellor.I M Moudy and t process we feel prior consultation somewhere." "By the Board of Trustees ■•■ is a trustee appointment," Wilsey said that, in his search, lie Arnotill said "If they had known, I would seek the advice ol the Student don't know what they would have House of Representatives, the trustee's executive committei Wilsey said the administration Urban funds go the vice chancellors and deans. He ■ 'I to the Senate's recom also wanted the advice and counsel of mendation with regard to deans and a faculty committee, Wilsey said sitions A letter from Chancellor Moudy asked the Senate to name an However. J.\ Board appointment committee, composed of either the was not one within (lie jurisdiction of ■ to North, East Senate executive committee or, ii the the administration to agree to." he Senate (hose clghl leaching faculty , By STEPHEN BRITT 50,000 have many problems similar to memliei i Staff Writer those in larger urban centers, such Members ol the Senate then Wilsey said that he pointed out to the President Carter's proposed $8.3 as dying downtowns as business icrcji surprise thai the ad- committee drafting the recom billion urban policy will not only moves Io outlying shopping centers, ministration io follow a dation thai Brewer's position was ignore Ihe small cities, but may even dilapidated housing, high unem- policy recommendation on search a Board appointment, but he said that exclude Dallas and Forl Worth. ployment, little medical and social committees The Special Senate Senate as a whole seemed Carter is asking Congress for a care, inadequate transportation, and Committee on the Hole and Function e ol the lad program thai would send most ad- so on. ditional funds to Ihe decay ing cities of It would be foolish-of us," says of the Sedate had been working on the • oiber Geraldine Dominiak Ihe North and'East. where population North Carolina Governor James B, recommendation since Hie beginning intnig) said she was "shocked is decreasing and unemployment Hunt, "tohavea national policy'that of last summer, when replacement iic Senate spent all this tune rising causes these small cities to be -the was needed for the Dean ol AddRan. working oul a statement and now Confusion apparently arose over As people abandon Ihe snow bell distressed area ol the future and that seeing that this position isn't covered >l Ihe North communities of the will happen unless'we address their precisely which positions were in it." South and West generate B5 percent of needs." coven locument i hit Venier (Chemistry) said he was THAMQl'H.ITY—While review week and finals loom in the near future, it's nice t<« the new jobs And with Dallas and Ray saui no one knows how Carter's thai a know that peaceful places tan still he found, like the bike and hiking path which and department I Forl Worths unemployment rate lar urban policy will effect Ihe metroplex, h committee with faculty ihe national averai bin saui. "(here arc bound to lie some runs beside the Trinitv River, i Photo by Reiner M Triltsiln cellor. Executive Vice t ham 'illation would not be tori ■ ri that Carter's prog cutbacks.' uggested that theSei may bypass Hie Metroplex. "At this poinl il s |usl pure "There is ,i great concern over speculation," said Ray "Thai is good whether or,nol we are going to get our nisr because you can start Pre-registration procedure is outlined share, "Dr. William W Ray said Kay reevaluating your priorities and start is Ihe Director ol Urban Studies at lining up your lobbying forces." TCI and a member ol the Forl Worth Assuming the program gets through By BARRY. MORRIS tirst letter of the last name), between9am and 12 noon, and I to4 events, and "that wouldn't be fair to Chamber ol Commerce Congress, il will require $4.4 billion in Staff Writer AC Mon. P ni io- those who paid Iheir bill " "We may not have access to the new spending And some city officials Since most of the financial aid ap- Providing a new twist in D-H Tues a i Drop oil' the packet and funds by virtue ol the prevailing are wondering if it is worlh it or not. plications have yet to be processed, unemployment rale In this area, he George ii Schrader, Dallas' city registration, the advance registration 1-M Wed, ive a student II) picture students should just turn them into the said. "The monies are going to be manager, says Ihe system forces all- process gets underway next week anil N-S Thurs taken. T-Z Fri. financial aid office, Logan Ware, targeted primarily to those cities that cities "into a mold of some general will continue through dead week. Among the differences in the new director of financial aid, said currently have unemployment rales conception of what American urban And the administration hopes the Students can pick up packets as late process will be the lack of a cen- "There is no hilling until August," higher than (he national average So. life is like, overlooking the diversity students won't be bent out of shape as Friday, May 5, but that's not ad- tralized location to get minor things he noted, "so when the financial aid is in some sense, there is a prejudice ol American communities. over it visable, Henry said. "but of the v approved, we will put the amount into against those areas that are already Others are worried about losing The process is truly advance "It's to the students' advantage to ,' "We won't have on the bills Ihe meal Ihe student's-account." vibrant." more local independence "We do not registration, not "pre-registration," pick up the packets as early as plan or residence halls," Henrj Ware added that all applications • Tn addition, the small cities and have local control," says Miami's towns, where most people live, will Mayor Maurice Fine Washington according to associate registrar Thorn possible," Henry said. "Otherwise, When fall rolls around, students will should be turned in immediately to the Henry, May 5, could be a bad Friday. have to go to the different areas to miss out on Carter's parks and sols the standards and guidelines financial aid office. recreation, housing rehabilitation, There is no question Ihe cities are run Henry added that the new system, But as for the registration process linalize their decisions concerning "If people don't take advantage of these factors "meals on wheels" lor the elderly, and From Washington,'' Ferre said which includes billing in August, will itself, students will have to follow this advanced registration, he sa"id, other programs. Ray said the programs should be Also, students will have then II) discourage those who go through with these set guidelines: the fall registration could be murder. "Small cities have a number of the initiated at Hie local level "i think the no intentions of staying at TCU in the pictures .taken, but will not receive "All you're able to register is 3000 same problems as the big city," says major difference between his (Car- fall. 1) After receiving a counseling them at that lime people during that time (Thursday Fred Zook, commissioner of Ottawa, ter s'proposal and those of say, both "What we want to discourage is card, go to the tables located outside "We can't really give out ID'S prior and Friday till noon)," Henry said, Kansas.
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