✕✖✗✘ ✙✚✛✜✗✢✣ ✤✥ ✦✧ Photograph Courtesy of Beth Shedd e mission of the Wellesley Council on Aging is to serve as the primary resource for residents over the age of 60; to empower individuals to reach their goals; to o"er comprehensive programs, services, and assistance that optimize quality of life; and to enable meaningful connections and collaborations that inspire a spirit of community across generations in our town. March/April 2018 Registration: Let’s Eat! ursday, March 1 (Wellesley residents) Wellesley COA Senior Lunch Friday, March 2 (non-Wellesley residents) ✂ ✄☎✆ ✄✝✞ ✟ ✄✠ ✡☛☞ ✄✠ ✂ ✄✠✌ ✄✠ ✆☞ ✟✍✄ ✝✎☎✏ ☛ ✏ ✁✠ ✟✟ ☎ ✍✑✠ ✄✒☞ ✟✠ ✏ ☎ ✍✠✓✔ ✁✁ Program Expansion We are thrilled to announce that our senior lunch program is How To Register: expanding to 5 days/week (Monday through Friday) starting ere are three ways to register for programs: in March! We welcome a new partner, Wellesley Bakery, 1. Online through MyActiveCenter (https://myactivecenter.com) to cater our lunch program on Mondays and Wednesdays 2. In-person, during open registration, at the TPC and Express Gourmet will continue to cater the program on 3. By phone: 781-235-3961 Tuesdays, ursdays, and Fridays. Guests are charged $4.00 Please note: Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. for all methods per meal (pay upon arrival) and must sign up no later than listed above. Online registration is available if you have received 9:30 a.m. the day prior. Lunch is served at 12:00 p.m. Menus your keytag and created a MyActiveCenter account. are available at the Tolles Parsons Center or on the COA IMPORTANT: For fee-based activities, you MUST pay at the website: www.wellesleycoa.org Please inform COA sta" and time of registration (see chart below for accepted payment volunteers of any food allergies at the time of registration. If methods): you have not yet dined at the TPC, come on down for the de- Registration Method Form of payment accepted licious food and great company! Special thanks to the many MyActiveCenter Credit Card wonderful volunteers who help with our lunch program. e In-person at TPC Credit Card, Cash, Check senior lunch program is generously subsidized by the Friends (payable to Town of Wellesley) of the Wellesley Council on Aging and e New Era Fund. By Phone Credit Card NOTE: MyActiveCenter.com is a secure site (https) - does not store credit card information - nor does MySeniorCenter when sta" key in a card number. Page 1 Program Information and Policies Age Policy Filled Classes/Waitlist Priority is given to Wellesley residents age 60 and over. If space You are encouraged to register as soon as possible. Programs are permits, non-Wellesley residents age 60 and over are welcome to %lled on a %rst come, %rst served basis. We do not “hold” spots. participate. Individuals under age 60 are invited to participate Once a program %lls, you may call or visit the COA to be added if space permits. If a certain program is restricted to Wellesley to the waiting list. For programs requiring pre-registration and/ residents only, it will be noted in the description. Please note that or fee-based programs, drop-ins are not permitted. To check many of our programs require pre-registration. your waitlist status, please call the COA. Program Cancellation Fitness Participants Programs that do not attain the minimum enrollment will be All individuals who participate in %tness programs o"ered by cancelled one business day in advance of the scheduled start the Wellesley COA are required to sign our Exercise Release date. Full tuition will be refunded. We reserve the right to and Participant Agreement. Forms will be distributed on the reschedule or change classes. You will be called if your class is %rst class date (for group classes) or membership start date (for cancelled, otherwise, plan on attending. %tness room). Forms must be reviewed and updated annually. Make Up Classes Inclement Weather One potential make-up date will be agreed upon by instructors All COA activities (day and evening) will be cancelled when and sta" for all fee-based programs that run several consecutive Wellesley Public Schools are closed. e COA bus will not run weeks. All students will have this information prior to registra- when Wellesley Public Schools are closed. If Wellesley Public tion. No refunds will be given if you cannot attend the make-up Schools have a delayed opening, all COA programs WILL STILL class. Make up dates/times may di"er from the regularly sched- START at their regularly scheduled time, unless you are in- uled class day/time. formed otherwise. Additionally, information about class cancel- Refund Policies lations, delayed starts, etc. will be clearly stated on the outgoing Cancelled Class voicemail message of the COA. Call 781-235-3961 a&er 8:00 a.m. Full Refund will be given for a cancelled class. to hear detailed information. Information will also be posted on Class Refunds our website at www.wellesleycoa.org Refunds will be issued when COA sta" is noti%ed prior to the Food/Beverages start of the second scheduled class. e refund amount will be All are welcome to enjoy co"ee and tea on the %rst 'oor of the equal to the total of the remaining classes. No exceptions will be Tolles Parsons Center. Only water is permitted on the 2nd 'oor. made. Participant Photograph Policy One-time Only Program Refund (less than $20.00) Full refund Periodically, the COA photographs/videotapes program if you contact the COA one business day prior. participants for promotional use. Unless participants informs us One-time Only Program Refund (more than $20.00) Refund of their desire not to be photographed, the COA will use minus a $5.00 administrative fee if you notify the COA one photographs/videotapes for promotional purposes business day prior. *"ese policies are subject to revision and will be reviewed at Day Trip Refund least annually. Refund policies for day trips will be clearly stated on all publicity Friendly Reminders! materials for each individual trip (e.g. COA newsletter, day trip Fragrances: As a courtesy to all of our participants, when using perfumes or body lotions, we ask you to be mindful of those with 'yer, and newspaper article). erefore, refunds will be issued only when in compliance with the stated refund policy. Refund allergies and sensitivities to fragrances. Scholarship Funds Available: Funds may be available to policies will always state, “no refund issued a&er X date.” subsidize or pay for COA classes, activities or trips for Wellesley Program Speci#c Refund Policy residents. Call the COA for more information. Please note that there may be a speci%c refund policy for a Tolles Parsons Center parking: Should you %nd the TPC particular program. e speci%c policy information will be noted parking lot to be full upon your arrival, there are usually spots in the program description. available along both sides of Washington Street in front of the center. TPC visitors are welcome to park in these spaces. ✞✟ ✠✡☛✟ ✟ ☞✟✌✍ ✟✎☎✌ ✂ ✂☎ ✟✏✑✆ ✌✟ ✂✄✡✂ ✂✄ ✟ ✒✏✓☎✌ ✠✡✔ Please Note: ✁ ✂✄☎ ✆✝✄ ✕☎✏ ✒ ✏ ☎ ✆✌ ✏ ✟✞✑✁ ✟✖✟✌ ✒ ✑ ✡✗✗✆✌✡✂✟✘ ✂✄ ✟✌✟ ✡✌✟ ✕✠✟ ✑ ✞ ✄ ✟✏ ✞ ✟ ✒ ✏ ✡✙☞✟✌✂✟✏✂✁✍ ✁ ✟✡☞✟ ✑☎✠✟ ✂✄✒✏✝ ☎ ✆✂ ☎ ✌ ✠✡☛✟ ✡✏ ✟ ✌✌☎✌✘ ☎ ✌ ✒ ✏✓☎✌ ✠✡✕☎✏ ✄ ✡✑ ✗✄ ✡✏✝ ✟✙ ✑✒✏ ✗✟ ✚ ✆✛✁✒ ✑✄✒✏✝ ✙✡✂✟✜ ✢✁✟ ✡✑ ✟ ✓✟✟✁ ✓ ✌✟✟ ✂☎ ✗✡✁✁ ✆✑ ✡✂ ✣✤ ✥ ✦✧ ★✩✪✔✩ ✫✬ ✦ ✂☎ ☞✟✌✒✓ ✍ Page 2 ✂✄✟ ✡✏✍ ✒✏✓☎✌✠✡✕☎✏ ✜ COA Announcements Wellesley Celebrating Volunteers As this newsletter goes to print, we are still Council on Aging Did you know that more than 200 volunteers %nalizing details regarding use of the Fitness Sta$ : have shared their time and talents with the Center. Please visit www.wellesleycoa.org or call Wellesley Council on Aging over the last year? 781-235-3961 for further updates. Gayle " ieme ✝ ✞ ✟ ✄✠✁✝✂ ✟ ✄ ✂ ✡ ✁☎✄☛ It has been our pleasure to welcome many new ✁✂✄☎✆✝✂ volunteers, many in new roles, at the Tolles Use our MySeniorCenter Touch Linda Cli$ ord ✁✂✄☎✆✝ ✂ ✝ ✞ Parsons Center. e COA sta" extends deep Screens and Enter to Win! ☞ ☛☛✁☛✆✌✠✆ ✟ ✄ ✂ ✡ ✁☎ ✄☛ appreciation to all volunteers for their invaluable We are continuing our monthly prize drawing in ✟ ✄✠✁✝✂ contributions. National Volunteer Appreciation March and April! Each day you check in at our Kate Burnham ✌✠✑ ✟ ✝ ☎ ✁✌✎ ✟ ✄✂ ✡✁☎ ✄ ☛ Week is April 15-21, 2018. roughout that week touch screens and select “Drawing Entry” (in ✍ ✄ ✌✎✆✏ at TPC, we will highlight the many ways COA addition to selecting your daily activities), you ☞ ✑✒✁✠✁☛✆✂✌✆✝ ✂ volunteers contribute to our success! A volunteer receive an entry into the monthly drawing for a Ashley Shaheen ☞ ☎✓✡ ✁✓ ✄☛ ✔✝✝ ✂✑ ✁✠✌✆✝ ✂ appreciation event will be held in June – details $25 gi& card. A winner will be drawn at random ✟ ✄✠✁✝✂ to come! Invitations will be sent to volunteers at the end of each month. By checking in to Elizabeth Bradley ✌✠ ✑ ✗ ✘ ☎✄ ☞ ☛☛✁☛✆✌✠✆ who have provided a minimum of 15 hours of your programs and activities at Tolles Parsons ✕ ✂✝✖ ✂ ✌✒ volunteer service to the COA over the last year. Center, you are helping us provide accurate Jill Dube & Judy Siggins ✔✝✝✂✑✁✠✌✆✝✂☛ participation data to both the Town of Wellesley ✙✂✌✠☛✚✝✂✆✌✓✝✠ 6th Annual Senior Art Show and the Massachusetts Executive O*ce of Elder e COA and Waterstone at Wellesley are happy A"airs (EOEA), which may result in additional Beth Harrington ☞ ☎✓✡✁✓ ✄ ☛ ☞ ☛☛✁☛✆✌✠✆ to announce that they will be partnering again funding for programs and services. You must with the Wellesley Free Library to present the 6th check in using our touch screens to enter! e Sara Raveret ✔✝✝ ✂✑ ✁✠✌✆✝ ✂ annual art show highlighting the works of senior prize for March
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