® 澳門醫學雜誌 Revista de Ciências da Saúde de Macau 季刊 2001 年 4 月創刊 第 7 卷 第 3 期 2007 年 9 月 1 日 出版 主辦 目 次 澳門特別行政區政府 衛生局 編輯 論著和研究 澳門醫學雜誌編輯委員會 澳門特別行政區 澳門 2005 年青少年煙草使用調查………………………陳丹梅 余詠恩 153 CP 3002 若憲斜巷 澳門仁伯爵綜合醫院兒童不明原因性 衛生局 行政樓 3 樓 電話: (+853)-390 7307, 390 6524 腎病症候群病人之分析研究…………………………………黎文豪 159 傳真: (+853)-390 7304 動靜脈瘺併發假性動脈瘤的外科經驗…………鄭月宏 宮琪 宋德偉 等 162 電郵: [email protected] 網址: http://www.ssm.gov.mo 末期癌症病人的褥瘡預防及處理措施的調查報告………郭艷明 沈茂光 164 髂動脈支架結合股深動脈成形 主編 瞿國英 治療重症下肢缺血…………………………劉昌偉 鄭月宏 管珩等 168 澳門地區 2006 年惡性腫瘤死亡監測研究………………吳懷申 瞿國英 171 執行副主編,編輯部主任 吳懷申 肝內鈣化灶的臨床分析…………………………………楊少華 豆志強 177 出版和發行 澳門特別行政區政府 衛生局 綜述和講座 印刷 中藥對骨髓間質幹細胞可塑性的影響何敏………………陳運賢 陳嘉榆 180 澳門文寶印務有限公司 鼻咽部血管纖維瘤的診斷和血管內栓塞……黃祥龍 何偉釗 莫家寶 等 183 澳門慕拉士大馬路激成工業中心 第二期十一樓 J 座 遠程醫學技術在澳洲的應用…………………………………………陳迺志 186 電話: (+853)-28481581 傳真: (+853)-28527546 電郵: [email protected] 短篇和病例報告 國際標準刊號 路易體癡呆—附 2 例報告…………………………李延峰 梁惠怡 韋東尼 191 ISSN 1608–7801 喉氣囊腫的 CT 診斷—附 1 病例報告………………………………楊貞勇 194 冬季成人傳成人手足口病 2 例……………………李彩珠 巢和安 甄健榮 196 醫學文摘 ©2007 年版權 歸澳門特別行政區政府 十五國家重大科技專項“食品安全關鍵技術” ………………………… 197 衛生局 所有 椎間盤源性腰痛的診斷與治療初步報告…………………………………… 197 突發性聾的發病時間規律與血液流變學的關係………………………… 198 愛滋病合併馬爾尼菲青霉菌感染的胸部影像學表現…………………… 198 不同方法治療圍絕經期及絕經後婦女抑鬱症的療效分析……………… 199 手術後患者疼痛控制滿意程度狀況及影響因素的研究………………… 199 信息和動態 2006 中國科協年會在北京召開…………………………………………………………………………尤淑瑞 200 預防醫學新進展研討會在澳門舉行……………………………………………………………………尤淑瑞 202 廣州市科普創作工作座談會在廣州舉行……………………………………………………………尤淑瑞 203 澳門地區醫學學術會議簡報……………………………………………………………………………姚立德 204 工具和資料 非麻醉醫師使用鎮靜 / 鎮痛藥物指南………………………………………………孫傳江 曹麗勤 廖自偉 205 《中華放射腫瘤學雜誌》簡介…………………………………………………………………………吳懷申 208 最新藥物資料…………………………………………………………………………澳門衛生局藥物事務廳 210 新書介紹 《現代臨床腫瘤學》一書出版…………………………………………………………………………吳懷申 215 【澳門醫學雜誌】2007 年稿約 (中文, 葡文, 英文) ……………………………………………………………… 212 本期責任校對:姚立德 葡文英文翻譯和校對:Jorge Humberto MORAIS,林明理,姚立德 Revista de Ciências da Saúde de Macau ® 澳 門 醫 學 雜 誌 Trimestral Lançamento da revista em Abril de 2001 Volume VII Número 3 1 de Setembro de 2007 Organização Serviços de Saúde(SS) da Região ÍNDICE Administrativa Especial de Macau (RAEM) Dissertação e Investigação Inquérito sobre o consumo do tabaco na juventude Gabinete Editorial de Macau em 2005…………………………………………………… 153 Conselho Editorial da RCSM CHAN Tan Mui, U Veng Ian CP 3002 RAEM Análise do sindroma nefrótico idiopático da criança no Centro 3o piso, Hospitalar Conde de São Januário, Serviços de Saúde……………… 159 Edifício da Administração dos LAI Man Hou Serviços de Saúde de Macau Tratamento cirúrgico do pesudoaneurisma de fístula arteriovenosa para Tel : (+853)-390-7307, 390-6524 hemodiálise…………………………………………………………… 162 Fax: (+853)-390-7304 ZHENG Yuehong, GONG Qi, SONG Dewei, e outros E-mail: [email protected] Uma auditoria sobre a prevenção e tratamento das úlceras de decúbito http://www.ssm.gov.mo em doentes com cancro em fase avançada………………………… 164 KUOC Im Meng, SHAM Mau Kwong Editor-Chefe Tratamento conjunto do stenting ilíaco com a plastia profunda por KOI Kuok Ieng (瞿國英) isquémia aguda da extremidade…………………………………… 168 LIU Changwei, ZHENG Yuehong, GUAN Heng, e outros Editor Geral Estudo da mortalidade causada por tumores malignos na região de Huai-Shen WU (吳懷申) Macau no ano 2006…………………………………………………… 171 Huai-Shen WU, KOI Kuok Ieng Edição Análise clínica da calcificação intrahepática…………………………… 177 Serviços de Saúde(SS) da RAEM YANG Shao Hua, DOU Zhi Qiang Impressão Revisão e Palestras Tipografia Man Bo Lda. Efeitos da Medicina Tradicional Chinesa na plasticidade das stem Tel : (+853)-28481581 cells da medula óssea………………………………………………… 180 Fax: (+853)-28527546 HE Min, CHEN Yun Xian, CHEM Jia yu E-mail: [email protected] Diagnóstico e embolização endovascular dos angiofibromas nasofaríngeos………………………………………………………… 183 HUANG Xianglong, MOK Ka Pou, HO Wai Chio, e outros Acesso Remoto aos Serviços de Saúde graças à tecnologia de informação na Austrália……………………………………………… 186 ISSN 1608-7801 CHAN Nai Chi ©2007 Propriedade : Serviços Relatório Sucinto e Estudo de Caso de Saúde(SS) da RAEM Demência dos corpos de Lewy : relatório de dois casos……………… 191 LI Yanfeng, LEONG Wai I, Antonio VICTAL Diagnóstico do laringocelo pela tomografia computorizada…………… 194 Yang Zhen –yong Dois casos de doença das mãos, pés e boca transmitida por adultos… 196 LEI Choi Chu,CHAO Wo On, João Paulo Chin Resumos de Artigos Médicos Internacionais Introdução de tecnologia básica na segurança alimentar no 10º. plano de 5 anos…………………………197 Diagnóstico e tratamento da dôr da coluna de orgiem discal………………………………………………197 Estudo da relação entre o início da surdez súbita e a reologia sanguínea…………………………………198 Aspectos da imagem torácica da peniciliose marnefei em doentes com SIDA……………………………198 mulheres em período perimenopausa e pósmenopausa com depressão……………………………………199 Avaliação da satisfação do doente com o tratamento da dôr pós intervenção cirúrgica e factores que influenciam……………………………………………………………………………………………199 Artigos da RCSM (em chinês, português e Inglês) …………………………………………………………………212 Revisão em chinês: IO Lap Tak Revisão Português / Inglês : Jorge Humberto MORAIS, LAM Meng Lei, IO Lap Tak Health Science Journal of Macao ® 澳 門 醫 學 雜 誌 Quarterly Established in April 2001 Volume VII Number 3 September 1, 2007 Sponsor CONTENTS Department of Health of Macao Special Administrative Region Original Articles and Research of Macao ( MSAR ) Macao Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2005………………………………… 153 CHAN Tan Mui, U Veng Ian Editorial Office Analysis of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of children in Centro Hospitalar Editorial Committee of HSJM Conde De S. Januàrio, Serviços De Saùde…………………………………… 159 3rd floor, LAI Man Hou Administrative Building, Surgical Management of Pseudoaneurysm of Arterialvenous fistula for renal Department of Health of Hemodyalysis……………………………………………………………… 162 Macao, CP3002, MSAR ZHENG Yuehong, GONG Qi, SONG Dewei, et al Tel : (+853)-390 7307, 390 6524 An Audit of the Prevention and Management of Pressure Sores in Patients Fax: (+853)-390 7304 with Advanced Cancer ……………………………………………………164 E-mail: [email protected] KUOC Im Meng, SHAM Mau Kwong Website: http://www.ssm.gov.mo Combinative Treatment of Iliac Stenting with Profoundoplasty for Critical Extremity Ischemia……………………………………………………… 168 Editor-in-Chief LIU Changwei, ZHENG Yuehong, GUAN Heng , et al KOI Kuok Ieng (瞿國英) Macao: Surveillance of Mortality of Malignant Tumors in 2006 ………… 171 Huai-Shen WU, KOI Kuok Ieng Executive Editor-in-Chief Clinical analysis of intrahepatic calcification……………………………… 177 Huai-Shen WU (吳懷申) YANG Shao Hua, DOU Zhi Qiang Publishing Collective Reviews and Lectures Department of Health of The Effects of traditional Chinese medicine on Plasticity of Bone Marrow MSAR Mesenchymal Stem Cells………………………………………………… 180 HE Min, CHEN Yun Xian, CHEM Jia yu Printing Diagnosis and Endovascular Embolization of Nasopharyngeal Tipografia Man Bo Lda. Angiofibromas …………………………………………………………… 183 Tel : (+853)-28481581 HUANG Xianglong, MOK Ka Pou, HO Wai Chio, et al Fax: (+853)-28527546 Remote Access to Health Services via Information Technology in E-mail: [email protected] Australia………………………………………………………………… 186 CHAN Nai Chi ISSN 1608-7801 Short Report and Case Report …………………………… Copyright © 2007: Dementia of Lewy’s Bodies: Two Cases Report 191 LI Yanfeng, LEONG Wai I, Antonio VICTAL Department of Health of CT Diagnosis of Laryngocele……………………………………………… 194 MSAR Yang Zhen –yong Two Cases of Adult Transmission of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease in Winter…………………………………………………………………… 196 LEI Choi Chu,CHAO Wo On, João Paulo Chin Foreign Medical Abstracts Introduction of Key Technology in Food Safety in 10th Five-year Plan…………………………………… 197 Diagnosis and Treatment of Discogenic Low Back Pain…………………………………………………… 197 Study of Relationship Between the Onset Time of Sudden Deafness and Blood Rheology……………… 198 The Chest Image Appearances of Penicilliosis Marneffei in Patients with AIDS………………………… 198 Comparison of Different Antidepression Therapy in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women with Depression………………………………………………………………………………… 199 Assessment of Patient Satisfaction with Postoperative Pain Management and Influence Factors………………………………………………………………………………………… 199 Articles of HSJM to authors ( in Chinese, Portuguese and English)…………………………………………… 212 Proofreader in Chinese : IO Lap Tak Revision Portuguese / English : Jorge Humberto MORAIS, LAM Meng Lei, IO Lap Tak Revista de Ciência de Saúde de Macau 澳門醫學雜誌, September 2007, Vol 7, No.3 153 ‧論著和研究‧ Macao Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2005 CHAN Tan Mui, U Veng Ian 【Abstract】 Objectives This report describes the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of youth regarding tobacco use, their exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), pro-tobacco and anti-tobacco advertisement. Methods We conducted a multistage, school-based, two-cluster survey (47 schools, n=2,155) in government and private schools using a standardized questionnaire based on the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS). Results In the overall sample, prevalence of ever smoking was 42.7% for boys and 33.8% for girls. 38.4% of never smokers and 57.7% of current smokers were exposed to smoke from others in their home. But if only the 13-15 year group was considered, prevalence of ever smoking in this age group was 33.8% for boys and 28.3% for girls. And 11.4% of boys and 9.8% of girls in this age group were current cigarette smokers. In the overall sample, more than 6 in 10 never smokers and 9 in 10 current smokers were exposed to smoke from others in public places. There were more than half of non-smokers who saw a tobacco advertisement and 2.9% of them were offered free cigarettes from a tobacco company representative. Moreover, over 7 in 10 youth bought their cigarettes
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