The Indepndt Florida Allgator V OL. 67 NO. 7() puose y mp CmmunecotIos n. Go *sv l F r do No* olficolly onmoc aned wih 4h. Un ers ly ofFodo L -J Cheating confessions mount By STUART EMMRICH The list of students involved has grown to approximately 85 W atson also said his office was investigating any possible AllIgator Staff Writer names and should at least double in the next couple of days. involvement by career service employs in the business according to Marmish. college. Full confessions from students who have admitted they Marmish said he is not asking the students if any criminal "Information is available at this time that career service were involved in cheating in the College of Business Ad- activity, such as breaking and entering, was used by them to enmploycs may have been associated in the procuring of tests ministration are "coming in all the time," according to Honor obtain the tests, but he just wants to know if they obtained the ror students," Watson said. Court Atty. Gen. Paul Marmish. Marmish said he expected to tests "directly or indirectly." Although Watson said he had not talked to any career have approximately 20 confessions filed in his office by HE EXPLAINED he was going to leave that pant of the employs in the business college about the investigation yet. midnight Tuesday. investigation to the University Police Department. he added he was going to talk to them this week. [WARMISH SAID early Tuesday evening students had UPD Investigator Gene Watson said he had no evidence The Honor Court will fie formal charges Friday against been 'calling in all day" to give him their confessions which "at this time" that breaking and entering was used to get students who allegedly took part ,n a "cheating ring which Marnmish said "names of everyone they know is involved, exams, but added his office was still investigating that involved every department in the College of Business Ad- everything" possibility. ministration," according to Marmish. MWARMISH SAID he couldn't estimate how many students would be charged Friday, because "we keep on finding out new information." Marmish said he has discovered 'an incredible number of ways" used by students to obtain tests before the exam period. Marmish refused to discuss the various methods used but said one way "was so simple you wouldn't believe it." ,HE SAID IT was a "hole in the system' that still had to be Plugged up. SMannish said several people had access to exams in all departments of the business college. "ind if one person wasn't able to get an exam, he could tell where you were to go br it" he miaximnum penalty that could he assessed agaln't a student thr cheating is expulsion trom UF. MARMISH emphasized that no immunity would he granted to anyone, but said a person might receive a lesser penalty it he went to the Honor Court and volunteered in- torm at ion. Miarmish said he wanted suggestions rnm professors and 'raduate students in the business college as to what penalties they thought would be appropriate "We need input on this. I don't want to be the one who has to decide what should be done." Marmish said. Marmish is holding a press conference this morning at 10:30 to discuss the investigation with members of the state and local press. Aid sessions set The Office of Student Financial Affairs will sponsor two financial aid information sessions next week for residents of Beaty Towers and To"bert area According to Steve Pritz, assistant director of financial insane. affairs, the previous sessions have been extremely helpful for The Tolbert Area sessions will be Wed. Jan. 29. in the Weaver Hall recreation room at 7:(0 p.m. Spokesmen will be answer questions concerning deadlines for applying for State. federal and UF financial aid programs, gm~p~c. by lic WEan in addition to any other questions students may have. Mentally ill turning to community center efforts Dy TERN! WOOD "Feet at my door!" Rosemary who runs the state mental hospital at Mac- drugs - and be well within three weeks, Amyt., Maaghu Ei~et hisses. .stares at the fields of pink and Clenny. without hospitalization, he said. green roses stamped on her cotton quilt - she The brain may short-circuit from chemical Schizophrenia, a catchall category for EDITOR'S NOTE: N am -n cut cf bae seas legions of shoed feet - A THOUSAND imbalance - disrupting the usual flow of insanity, is the most common of severe mental p-u.-m Raig k MAchelm Cs in 3970, BLACK ROOTS MASH ME INTO THE impulses - and the "person cannot select illnesses, its origins unknown. iii thny ended ni bulth eas, e. EARTH! MUDDLOODY SPIKED reality from fantasy.' Burke said. MENTAL ILLNESS, as defined by esa tpyjabtlmh by aUP temeht a. HEELS. One out of 100 Americans are professionals in the field, also includes manla, DeSpIS -m e a I9AU0 sdR-std .she hemt fret - shuffling, rap-tap-tat schizophrenic. Eleven yewr was the average depression, anxiety, nervous habits, nervous mae.s in 39y0, .b 9W4 esm4 reaSi waiting.hears them rumbling, marching. stay for schizophrenic, in mental Institutions breakdowns, alcoholism, drug addiction. nitsth a s --ma meius hea TOES CR ACK -- ANKLES SNAP - in the 'E0s, before the usedo drugs developed unsuccessful lifestyles and problems PUegme in 393.74, Tay 'The A& ABOUT TO STAMPEDE MY DOOR! about 20 years ago, he said. of coping with strms. * rnS eine inAbes Csumy ROSIMART IS "freeklng out." an ex.* THESE "SUPER sedatives suppress Metal illness can apply to any state of mid the ;-u-es df es et perlence common to paranoid schizophrenic delusions and halludination:" which cause mind deviating from well-being. heSSl ems-s in csmkeau the pmebe, and hallucinating drug-eaters, a Galncsvllle "great states of fear and anxiety," Burke said. PROFESSIONALS SAY the origins of psychologist said. Halludinations disappear as the drugs take mantS ijlne are still speculation; they must Rosemary sits on her twin bed, hairy white Thoughts get scambled. 2 + 2 equals S. effect - slowly, over twoso three weeks. The often settle with treating the symptoms. not legs crossed in a bow. "Tic-toe people with RationalIty Is lost when perceptions of space parso calms down to where you can talk to the causes. frozen faces." she says and grins. .dhwws her and time become mirages. him. Burke saId. Trying to cure mental Illness is like "trying flps bloody mumbling graveyard vision,, her 'The brain Is a very complex comptuter.It If the first episode of schizophrenia is mWItdS creation. can shorn-cdreut," said Dr. Fintan Burke, caught early, the person may be treated with (Sne page #ighgO -9 Pug. tit Ma needeMrd AJIgar, Wedn.day. Jenuory 29. 1975 Ford Congress Ford se eks agree on trying .military aid to compromise for far-East WASHINGION (UPI) -- President Ford and (,ngrcssional leaders agreed I uesday to find a compromise WASH INGION (UPI) -- President Ford asked ('ngrecs on action to case the recession and the energy shortage. & I uc.,day bor another 1522 nullson in military aid to 5olth rhe spirnt of compromise came a week after Ford used such Vietiin and Camibodia, saying "We cannot turn our IbAck words as "mirpieking," ''rresponsible politicking.'' "Diddling on these embhattled countries."' and Dawdling" to Democratic-controlled Congress. Sen Robert Byrd. D-W.Va., said Repubbic.n and White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen, who attended the Democratic leaders informed the President "It wouid he nmetmg of Ford and Congressional leaders, quoted Ford as extremely difficult, if not impossible. to get the lunds ip. saying "We are trying to be reasonable." K proved. It Without 1300 million in extra military aid, Ford siad. - would destroy all our "Let's not have a confrontation it South Vietnam "may go down the drain'' to military attacks Rep. Al Ullnman. fl-Ore., chairman efforts'" Nessen quoted Irom, communist North Vietnam. He asked another 222 (oj and Means Committee. I A the Houwe Ways 41 million tor beleagured Cambodia leaders and White House officials said the Congressional PtESIDET OD Both presidential requests sought the aid funds for the main area where compromise is needed are the opposing . asked tongressfor $522 million aid current fiscal year ending June 30. positions in their energy plans. Is roe! agrees on troops pull-back wednesday WI.Edio (UPN) Defense Minister Shimon Peres said Tuesday Israel that Israel move back to a new defense line 65 miles east ol would agree to pull its troops back to a new defense line 35 the Suez Canal if there is no quick agreement on a troop with- miles east of the Suez Canal but will insist on keeping cap- drawal plan. tured cilfields and strategic mountain passes in the Sinai "At this stage," Prem said, "There is room to talk about desert. withdrawal of 20 to 30 miles in the Sinai without the passes or In the most specific presentation of the Israeli position to Abu Rodeis (Site of the Oilflelds). All this is conncctcd with a Goldwater: Nixon eyes date. P eres told a national television audience the range of political return from Egypt." pullback--between 20 and 30 miles eastward -- "Is the governmentP- ply' Pere sad te Cbint' o Prie Mniser it"ak'abi getting back into politics Israel's forward troops in the Sinai peninsula now hold a had not been asked by the American government to draii line about five miles east of the canal. maps of its specific pullback offer "in geographic term' -- Israeli reports earlier said the United States will suggest only in political terms." WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Sen.
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