Renaissance 4/2012 - 1 Renaissance Studies in Canada An overview of Research Centers, University Programs and Faculty Nicholas Terpstra / Steven Teasdale Table of Contents 1. Research Centres 2. Progra s and Concentrations !. Research Chairs 4. Research Gro#ps and Societies $. Online Pro&ects '. (ac#lty at Canadian *niversities 1. Research Centres Centre for +edieval and Renaissance St#dies ,rock *niversit) $00 Glenridge .ven#e/ R . 1!0 St. Catharines, ON 12S !.1 http://www.brocku.ca/humanities/departments-and-centres/medieval-and-renaissance-studies Centre for Refor ation and Renaissance St#dies *niversity of Toronto 01 2#een3s Par- Crescent 4ast Toronto/ ON +$S 150 http://www.crrs.ca Centre for Renaissance St#dies and Research Carleton *niversit) 6#nton To7er/ R . 1812 112$ Colonel ,y 6rive %tta7a/ ON 51S $,' http://www5.carleton.ca/directories/yellow-pages/the-centre-for-renaissance-studies-and-research/ The +edieval and Renaissance C#lt#ral St#dies Research Gro#p 9+.RCS: *niversity of Calgar) 6epart ent of 4nglish 2$00 *niversity 6r. N.;. Calgar)/ ., T2N 1N4 http://mems.ucalgaryblogs.ca/research/marcs/ Nic- Terpstra / Steven Teasdale Renaissance studies in Canada – an overvie7 -#nstte=te.de 4/2012 - 2 +edieval and 4arly +odern Instit#te *niversity of .lberta 6epart ent of ?istor) & Classics 2-28 Tor) ,#ilding *niversity of .lberta 4d onton/ ., T'G 2?4 http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/classics/MEMI.cfm 2. Progra s and Concentrations *ndergrad#ate degree progra s in Renaissance st#dies School 1ocation Progra 6egree option *niversity of ,ritish Aanco#ver/ +edieval & Renaissance St#d- +inor Col# bia ,ritish Col# bia ies ,rock *niversit) St. Catharines/ Ontario +edieval & Renaissance St#d- ?ono#rs, +a&or ies *niversity of Calgar) Calgar)/ .lberta +edieval/ Renaissance & Re- +inor for ation St#dies *niversity of 5ing3s ?alifa=/ Nova Scotia 4arl) +odern St#dies ?ono#rs College *niversity of +anitoba ;innipeg/ +anitoba +edieval & Renaissance St#d- ?ono#rs, +a&or/ ies +inor *niversity of %tta7a Otta7a/ Ontario +edieval & Renaissance St#d- +a&or/ +inor ies *niversity of Saskat- Saskatoon/ Saskat- Classical/ +edieval & Renais- ?ono#rs, +a&or/ che7an che7an sance St#dies +inor *niversity of Toronto Toronto/ Ontario Renaissance St#dies Specialist/ +a&or/ +inor *ndergrad#ate certificates/concentrations in Renaissance st#dies School 1ocation Progra 6egree option *niversity of the (raser .bbotsford/ 4arl) +odern St#dies Certificate Aalle) ,ritish Col# bia Si on (raser *niversit) ,#rnab)/ +edieval and Renaissance Certificate ,ritish Col# bia St#dies Trent *niversit) Peterboro#gh/ +edieval/ .ntiB#e and 4 phasis Ontario Renaissance St#dies Nic- Terpstra / Steven Teasdale Renaissance studies in Canada – an overvie7 -#nstte=te.de 4/2012 - ! "rad#ate degree progra s in Renaissance st#dies School 1ocation Progra 6egree option *niversity of %tta7a Otta7a/ Ontario Collaborative Progra in +e- +. dieval & Renaissance St#dies !. Research Chairs Chairs in Renaissance St#dies School 1ocation Progra 6egree option ,ishop3s *niversit) Sherbrooke/ 2#Cbec Canada Research Chair in Cristian ,erco Social and C#lt#ral 6ifference *niversity of ,ritish Aanco#ver/ Canada Research Chair in Carla Nappi Col# bia ,ritish Col# bia 4arl) +odern St#dies +cGill *niversit) +ontreal/ 2#Cbec Canada Research Chair in ,rian Co7an 4arl) +odern ,ritish ?istory *niversity of Toronto Toronto/ Ontario Canada Research Chair in Pa#l Stevens 4arl) +odern 1iterat#re and C#lt#re 4. Research "ro#ps and Societies .tlantic +edieval and 4arl) +odern "ro#p httpD//777.#nb.ca/fredericton/arts/grad#ate/history/grad-earl) odern%20standard-sidenav.ht l The st#d) of 4arl) +odern ?istory helps #s to co prehend the 7hy of odern 4#rope and the 7ider 7orld. 4cono ic e=pansion and depression/ political #pheaval/ religio#s refor and conflict/ chang- ing gender and se=#ality attit#des, persec#tion of religio#s dissent (heresy) and of 7itchcraft/ scient- ific and edical innovation/ literary and artistic geni#s/ and so #ch ore/ 7ere all a&or feat#res of the 1ate +edieval and 4arl) +odern eras/ c. 1!00-1800. Canadian Societ) for Renaissance St#dies c/o Centre for Refor ation and Renaissance St#dies *niversity of Toronto httpD//777.crrs.ca/csrs-scer/ The Canadian Society for Renaissance St#dies is dedicated to enco#raging #ltidisciplinar) st#dies in the Renaissance by st#dents and established scholars in both official lang#ages. The Society sponsors the biling#al scholarly &o#rnal Renaissance and Refor ation / Renaissance et RCfor e/ a thrice-yearly Ne7s 7ith infor ation for e bers, and organizes an ann#al eeting as part of the Congress of the Social Sciences and ?# anities. The Society also ann#ally sponsors three special a7ards: for 1ifeti e .chieve ent/ for a paper 7ritten by a grad#ate st#dent/ and for a paper 7ritten by a #niversity researcher or independent scholar. Nic- Terpstra / Steven Teasdale Renaissance studies in Canada – an overvie7 -#nstte=te.de 4/2012 - 4 Cercle inter#niversitaire d3Ct#de s#r la RCp#bliB#e des 1ettres 9C>4R1: *niversitC 1aval httpD//777.cierl.#laval.ca/ 6ep#is 1GGG/ le Cercle inter#niversitaire d3Ct#de s#r la RCp#bliB#e des 1ettres (C>4R1) entend pro o#voir la recherche s#r l3.ncien RCgi e. Pl#ridisciplinaire et transCc#laire/ le C>4R1 rasse ble des littCraires, des historiens et des philosophes B#i ont en partage la passion de cette vaste pCriode B#i co#rt de la fin d# HAe siIcle a#= prodro es de la RCvol#tion franJaise. Par l3e=a en des doc#- ents, des disco#rs, des o#ve ents, des str#ct#res (instit#tions officielles et lie#= pop#laires, sym- boliB#es et e piriB#es), des rCsea#= et des acte#rs, la progra ation scientifiB#e d# regro#pe ent propose #ne vaste enB#Kte sur #ne c#lt#re B#i a &etC les bases des cha ps d# savoir act#el de l3.n- cien et d# No#vea# +onde. (rench .tlantic ?istor) "ro#p 6epart ent of ?istor) +cGill *niversit) 8$$ Sherbrooke St. ;est Roo '08/ 1eacock ,#ilding +ontrCal/ PQ ?!. 2T0 httpD//atlantiB#e. cgill.ca/content.phpLdb=ho e ,ased in +ontreal since its inception in 200$/ the (rench .tlantic ?istor) Gro#p brings together re- searchers interested in the (rench di ension of the 4arl) +odern .tlantic ;orld (c. 1$00 - c. 18!0). >ts eight core e bers hold ?istor) 6epart ent positions at Concordia *niversit)/ +cGill *niversit)/ the *niversitC de +ontrCal and the *niversitC de Sherbrooke. .ffiliated fac#lt)/ postdoctoral re- searchers and grad#ate st#dents all play a vital role in this collective scholarl) enterprise. The (.?G sponsors se inars, 7orkshops, conferences, visiting spea-er series and p#blications. >t provides a s#pportive and sti #lating intellect#al environ ent for grad#ate st#dents p#rsuing st#dies on (rench .tlantic topics at any of the fo#r participating histor) depart ents. ;e also ai / thro#gh this 7ebsite/ to provide #sef#l reso#rces to the international scholarl) co #nity. "ro#p for Pre-+odern St#dies 9"PS: >nstit#te for the ?# anities 400 Tier ,#ilding *niversity of +anitoba/ ;innipeg/ +, R!T 2N2 httpD//# anitoba.ca/fac#lties/arts/depart ents/h# anities/rcl#sters/pre odern_gro#p.ht l The Gro#p for Pre odern St#dies (GPS) ai s to chart ne7 directions for the ?# anities by providing a for# for the research of individ#al scholars at the *niversity of +anitoba/ the *niversity of ;in- nipeg/ and C+*/ and by pro oting ne7 synergies a ong scholars fro several disciplines. "ro#pe de recherche s#r les po#voirs et les sociCtCs de l3%ccident CdiCval et oderne 9"R4PS%++: *niversitC de 2#Cbec O +ontrCal httpD//777.grepso .#Ba .ca/ 1e progra e d# Gro#pe de recherche sur les po#voirs et les sociCtCs de l3Occident CdiCval et oderne porte sur les fonde ents d# lien social et politiB#e d#rant la long#e pCriode de rCorganisa- tion de la sociCtC occidentale/ dep#is la frag entation fCodale des po#voirs 9HIe siIcle) &#sq#3O la consolidation dCfinitive de l3Ptat oderne 9HA>>>e siIcle:. 13hypothIse centrale est la suivante D le lien social CdiCval et oderne/ &#sq#3a# HAIIIe siIcle a# oins, se constr#it sur l3interaction co ple=e et Nic- Terpstra / Steven Teasdale Renaissance studies in Canada – an overvie7 -#nstte=te.de 4/2012 - $ o#vante d3#n grand no bre de rCsea#= d3appartenance conc#rrents/ B#i tendent O la fois O con- str#ire et O occ#per des espaces sing#liers, et O crCer des reprCsentations identitaires B#i O le#r to#r dCter inent l3ordre social et les rapports de po#voirs. Cette hypothIse paraQt vérifiable po#r l3ense - ble de l3espace-te ps B#e le gro#pe s’est dCli itC. Cette progra ation rCpond O #n besoin social pressant/ dans #n conte=te ondial de globalisation et de redCfinition des po#voirs. 4lle ve#t en o#tre assurer des conditions adCB#ates de fonctionne- ent O des professe#rs et Ct#diants B#i se consacrent O #ne recherche fonda entale dans des cha ps de spCcialisation oR les e=igences de for ation de base sont trIs Clevées. 1a progra ation suit trois grands ob&ectifs scientifiB#es D favoriser les Cchanges sur les grands concepts co #ns, dans #ne perspective Cvol#tiveS inflCchir le odIle interprCtatif do inant centrC s#r la genIse de l3Ptat oderneS ettre en vale#r la contin#itC dans la long#e d#rCe et le caractIre ho ogIne de la pCriode Ct#diCe.
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