Kiss summer ACCENT: WSND offers an altern goodbye Variable cloudiness and cooler Wednesday. High VIEWPOINT: A tragic lesson learned J around 70. VOL. XXII, NO. 27 The ObserverWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1988 _ the independent newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's ND may host political debate By JIM LANG though the candidates have not News Staff yet agreed on a time or date. If and when the debate is The 2000 students who regis­ held, Jordanich said that stu­ tered to vote in St. Joseph’s dents should force the candi­ county could play a crucial role dates to address student issues, in the upcoming 3rd District and should try to be as in­ Congressional race according formed as possible about the to Ed Jordanich, one of the Stu­ two candidates and their dent Government liasons to the stands on the issues. Hall President’s Council. Jor­ In other business, Morrissey danich, speaking to last night’s Co President Tom King told the council in Lewis Hall, said that council about an am endm ent to in the last congressional race the Student Constitution, which the outcome was determined the council will vote on next by a mere 47 votes. Tuesday, regarding the ab­ Because of the large amount sence policy of senators at the of student voters, Jordanich weekly senate meetings. said, and the small amount of Formerly a Senator was votes dividing the two candi­ reviewed for “excessive ab­ dates in the last election, chal­ sences” from the meetings, lenger Tom Ward has agreed The O bserver / Kim O'Connor King said, but the new policy Engineering a get-together to a debate with incumbent will call for a review after a John Hiler on the Notre Dame Senator has accumulated three Sophomores (left to right) Paul Dash, Bruce Savage, listening attentively to the agenda during the minority campus. and Keith McCoy get an opprtunity to meet some of engineers meeting yesterday in Cushing, Hiler is receptive to the idea, see HPC, page 5 their peers, while discussing pertinent issues, and One killed, 10 hurt in shooting spree Associated Press people who were screaming,” said School Superintendent GREENWOOD, S.C. A Robert Watson. “The teacher teacher who was wounded, said those who were scream ing while trying to stop a gunman or making noise; he shot during a fatal shooting spree in them .” an elementary school, and then Police Chief James Coursey held the man for police, “thinks said James Wilson walked about others before herself,” through the school’s front door colleagues said. Monday morning, went to the An 8 year-old was killed and cafeteria and opened fire with two teachers and eight students a 22-caliber, nine-shot revol­ were wounded in Monday’s at­ ver, wounding one teacher and tack at Oakland Elementary three students. School. A 7-year-old who was He left the cafeteria and en­ shot in the neck was returned tered a girl’s restroom to to surgery Tuesday because of reload. complications and was in criti­ Physical education teacher cal condition. AP Photo “He seemed to be shooting see SPREE, page 4 Greenwood County Emergency Service workers19, surrendered to school officials after openinglire remove the body of 8-year-old Shequila Bradley from in the cafeteria and in a 3rd grade classroom killing Oakland Elementary School Monday. James Wilson, Bradley and injuring 10 others. Shroud thought to be burial cloth of Christ could be a clever forgery Associated Press understand that the rumors Some have maintained the were right.” herringbone patterned linen ROME -Laboratory tests “It is quite evident some­ is the burial cloth of Christ, show the Shroud of Turin body sold out to the press,” while others have dismissed was m ade in the 14th century said Gonella in an interview it as a clever forgery. and could not be the burial from his home in Turin. cloth of Christ, the scientific He refused to identify who The shroud was removed adviser to the archbishop of had told him about the April 21 from the silver chest Turin said he learned on results of the tests at Oxford where it is kept wrapped in Tuesday. University, the University of red silk on an altar in the Arizona and the Swiss cathedral in Turin. Professor Luigi Gonella Federal Institute of Technol­ A strip, four-tenths of an said he has not yet seen the ogy at the University of inch by 2.8 inches, was cut official report from the three Zurich. from the cloth and then laboratories that conducted The shroud, 14 feet, 3 divided into three smaller Precious Moments "O'C0"™ the carbon-14 dating tests, inches long and 3 feet, 7 pieces for the laboratories, A South Bend resident and his grandson enjoy yesterday’s beautiful but that all the leaks to the inches wide, bears the faint, each of which got one piece, sunshine at the Grotto. Even the townspeople enjoy taking a break from press dated it to the 14th cen­ blood-stained image of a in addition to another piece daily routines to sample life under the Dome. tury and “somebody let me whipped and crucified man. of cloth of a known age. page 2 The Observer Wednesday, September 28, 1988 INSIDE COLUMN IN BRIEF Teaching has few bucks Princess Dianablushed brightly Tuesday when workers whistled at her while she toured a car factory in northwest England. The princess laughed off the but many great rewards whistling when she met with a small contingent of women machinists among the Ford factory’s 9,700 Room 110 was empty at 8 a.m. Monday mor­ workers. “I have never stopped blushing all morning ning, but by 8:10 the students began filing in, Suzanne because of those men downstairs,” she told them. taking their respective seats. Strangely, the stu­ “They have really given me a bad time.” - Associated dents were smiling and laughing, seemingly un­ Poch Press affected by the early hour. Paid union scale of $97 each, 12 young residents of This was definitely not freshman calculus or Assistant Photo Editor a New York City welfare hotel became actors for a day physics, notorious for meeting at similarly thanks to Ilene Kristen of “Ryan’s Hope.” Kristen obscene hours of the morning. The conversa­ volunteered to teach acting, singing and fitness at the tions in the room were not of the weekend’s hotel. Antoine Robinson, 12, who lives with his family in tailgaiting or romance, but rather of Sunday’s an apartment now, made such an impression on Kristen trip to grandm a’s house and the latest Saturday that he was given a speaking role. When Kristen asked morning cartoon. him if he wanted to rehearse, he replied, “No, I’m These are the students I encountered in a first confident, babe.” The episode is to air Oct. 6. - grade class at a South Bend elementary school Associated Press I visited as part of an education class which is taught at Saint Mary’s. Education 201F, Teaching As a Profession, OF INTEREST the course I am taking as an elective this se­ mester, is designed to give students first-hand, practical experience and knowledge of the field. Senior Daughter/Father adswill be sold in Haggar This first day brought back many memories College Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 to 6 p.m. of grade school. It is not the subjects we studied in the dining hall at Saint Mary’s for DaughterFather that I remember so well, but saying the Pledge Weekend. -The Observer of Allegiance, the ritualistic lunch count, smile faces on papers, words of praise, and the ever­ Irish Insanity will meet at 8 p.m. in the main lobby of present threat of my name on the board for not LaFortune Student Center to discuss plans for the Miami following directions. game. All are welcome. -The Observer The three short hours of my visit to the class be put off by the prospect of a lower starting I encountered all these things and more. salary, for teaching can provide one of the hig- The children took great interest in the topics herst degrees of job satisfaction. The future of A London Program application meeting for all they were discussing. Questions were met with our country is dependent on raising the quality interested sophomores will be held at 5:30 p.m. in Wash­ enthusiastically raised hands reaching for the of education. There is a need for creative and ington Hall. -The Observer sky, and at times accompanied by appropriate motivated people who will be dedicated to sighs, groans, and exclamations. making the present system more successful and When a child’s mother surprised the class workable. Those entering the field today will The Juggler will be accepting poetry, fiction, drama, with a recently captured praying mantis, the most likely be involved in exciting reform criticism and visual art until Sept. 30 in 356 O’Shaughnessy. students observed it with the fascination and movements of the educational process. -The Observer curiosity unique to childhood. For these It is true that teachers are underpaid. Con­ children their teacher helped them to m eet new sider the responsibilities of the teacher to not discoveries in a fearless and open-minded man­ only educate, but to instill values, supply guid­ Senior Reflection Group sign-ups will continue until ner. ance, and provide encouragement. Teachers Friday, Oct. 7. Contact Denise Parent at 283-3785 for Teaching is not a highly esteemed profession play a large role in the development of a child details.
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