CURRICULUM VITAE GORDANA P. CRNKOVIĆ Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and of Comparative Literature, Cinema and Media University of Washington, Seattle EDUCATION Ph.D., Stanford University. Program in Modern Thought and Literature. 1993. Ph.D. Thesis: “American, English and Eastern European Literature Against Closure: A Dialogical Perspective.” M.A., Stanford University. Program in Modern Thought and Literature. 1991. M.A. Qualifying Essay: “Presentation of ‘the Other’—a Yugoslav Video in San Francisco.” B. A., University of Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Comparative Literature. 1986. B.A. Thesis: “Crime and Punishment as a Gnoseological Aspect in Döblin's Berlin-Alexanderplatz.” B. A., University of Zagreb. Philosophy. 1986. PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Post-Yugoslav Literature and Film: Fires, Foundations, Flourishes. London and New York: Continuum/ Bloomsbury, 2012. Peer reviewed. 301 pages. Paperback edition: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. In Contrast: Contemporary Croatian Film Today. Co-editor with Aida Vidan. Zagreb: Croatian Film Association, and New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2012. 263 pages. Electronic version published in KinoKultura, Special Issue no. 11, May 2011. Kazaaam! Splat! Ploof!: The American Impact on European Popular Culture, since 1945. Co-editor with Sabrina P. Ramet. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003. Peer reviewed. 264 pp. Imagined Dialogues: Eastern European Literature in Conversation with American and English Literature. Evanston, Ill: Northwestern University Press, 2000. “Rethinking Theory” series. Peer reviewed. 164 pages. VIDEO Zagreb Everywhere. An experimental video and an unorthodox lecture on the city of Zagreb, Croatia. Produced by MiroJoy group, Seattle. Texts and reading Gordana P. Crnković. Video art Victor Ingrassia. Soundscape David Hahn. Premiered at the University of Washington, Seattle, May 23, 2001. Multiple public projections in the US and abroad, also presented at Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin (Paris, Feb 2003, Berlin, Nov 2003). 49-minutes-long. http://vimeo.com/45275095. Sample clips (in Quick Time format) from this video can also be viewed at: http://www.victrolux.com/L2/zagreb/Zagreb_Everywhere.html BOOK CHAPTERS AND ARTICLES “A Betrayal of Enlightenment: EU Expansion and the Estonian Border State.” In Andrew Hammond, ed., The Novel and Europe: Imagining the Continent in Post-1945 Fiction. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, October 2016. Gordana P. Crnković – CV 2 “Reclaiming Charisma, Resetting the Senses: Vladimir Arsenijević’s In the Hold.” In Serbian Studies Research, vol. 6, no. 1, 2015, pp. 151-165. “Mothers of Invention: Milcho Manchevski’s Delightful Icons.” In Maria Hristova, guest ed., KinoKultura, Special Issue 15: Macedonian Cinema (August 2015), at http://www.kinokultura.com/specials/15/crnkovic.shtml “Ja sam ti, ti si ja: o oslobađajućem antinacionalizmu.” In Maša Kolanović, ed., Komparativni postsocijalizam: Slavenska iskustva. Zagreb: Zagrebačka slavistička škola, 2013, 351-366. Book chapter. “Nenacionalistička kultura, u podzemlju i na površini.” In Reneo Lukić, Sabrina P. Ramet, Konrad Clewing, eds., Hrvatska od osamostaljenja: Rat, politika, društvo, vanjski odnosi. Zagreb: Golden marketing—Tehnička knjiga, 2013, 223-240. Peer reviewed. Book chapter. “Suvremena hrvatska književnost: pod Orwellovom zvijezdom.” In Reneo Lukić, Sabrina P. Ramet, Konrad Clewing, eds., Hrvatska od osamostaljenja: Rat, politika, društvo, vanjski odnosi. Zagreb: Golden marketing—Tehnička knjiga, 2013, 259-281. Peer reviewed. Book chapter. “Vibrant Commonalities and the Yugoslav Legacy: a Few Remarks.” In Radmila Gorup, ed.: After Yugoslavia: The Cultural Spaces of a Vanished Land. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013, 123-134. Peer reviewed. Book chapter. “O studiju južno-slavenskih književnosti i o opstanku studija književnosti uopće” [“On the Studies of South Slavic Literature and on the Survival of the Studies of Literature in General”]. Sarajevske Sveske [Sarajevo Notebooks] 35-36, January 2012, at: http://www.sveske.ba/bs/content/o-studiju-juznoslavenskih-knjizevnosti-i-o-opstanku-studija- knjizevnosti-uopce. 7 pages. Article. “O Nedžadovim američkim predavanjima” [“On Nedžad's American Lectures”]. In Nedžad Ibrahimović's O poeziji, pticama i drugim varkama [On Poetry, Birds, and Other Shams]. Sarajevo: Rabic, 2011, pp. 117-123. Afterword. “Milcho Manchevski’s Before the Rain and the Ethics of Listening.” Slavic Review vol. 70, no. 1 (Spring 2011), pp. 116-136. Peer reviewed. Article. “The Poetry of Prose, the Unyielding of Sound.” In Marjorie Perloff and Craig Dworkin, eds., The Sound of Poetry, the Poetry of Sound. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009, pp. 79-94 and 303-308 (notes). Peer reviewed. Book chapter. “The Border Guard’s Focus and the Women’s Diversions: Insights of the New Slovenian Film.” In Ksenija Vidmar Horvat, ed., The Future of Intercultural Dialogue: Views from the In-Between. Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, 2008. 22 pages. Book chapter. “Contemporary Croatian Literature: Under the Star of Orwell.” In Sabrina P. Ramet, Konrad Clewing, Reneo Lukić, eds., Croatia since Independence: War, Politics, Society, Foreign Relations. Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2008, pp. 269-292. Peer reviewed. Book chapter. “Non-Nationalist Culture, Under and Above the Ground.” In Sabrina P. Ramet, Konrad Clewing, Reneo Lukić, eds., Croatia since Independence: War, Politics, Society, Foreign Relations. Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2008, pp. 233-250. Peer reviewed. Book chapter. Gordana P. Crnković – CV 3 “The Battle for Croatia: Three Films by Vinko Brešan.” In Sabrina P. Ramet and Davorka Matić, eds., Democratic Transition in Croatia: Value Transformation, Education & Media. Texas A & M University Press: College Station, 2007, pp. 247-275. Peer reviewed. Book chapter. “Vladimira Arsenijevicia Pod pokładem: Zadziwiający bohaterowie i wyzwania serbskiej transformacji.” [Polish translation of “Vladimir Arsenijević’s In the Hold: Charismatic Characters and the Challanges of Serbian Transition.”] In Halina Janaszek-Ivaničková, ed., Literatury słowiańskie po roku 1989 w dialogu z Europą i światem. Nowe zjawiska, tendencje, perspektywy, t. I. Transformacja. [Slavic Literatures After 1989, vol. 1.] Warsaw: Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, 2006, pp. 222-230. Book chapter. “‘Bitka za Hrvatsku’: tri filma Vinka Brešana” [translation of ‘The Battle for Croatia’: Three Films by Vinko Brešan]. Published in Croatian in Davorka Matić and Sabrina P. Ramet, eds., Demokratska tranzicija u Hrvatskoj: transformacija vrijednosti, obrazovanje i mediji [Democratic Transition in Croatia: Transformation of Values, Education and Media]. Zagreb: Alea, 2006, pp. 213-239. Peer reviewed. Book chapter. “From the Eye to the Hand: the Victim’s Double Vision in the Cinema of Roman Polanski.” Kinoeye: New Perspectives on European Film 4:5, 29 Nov 2004. Polish Cinema issue, part 1. Article, 60 pages. http://www.kinoeye.org/04/05/crnkovic05.php “Inscribed Bodies, Invited Dialogues, and Cosmopolitan Cinema: Some Brief Notes on Agnieszka Holland.” Kinoeye: New Perspectives on European Film, 4:5, 29 Nov 2004. Polish Cinema issue, part 1. Article, 27 pages. http://www.kinoeye.org/04/05/crnkovic05_no2.php “Croatian literature,” “Macedonian literature,” “Serbian literature,” “Ivan Gundulić,” “Miroslav Krleža,” “August Šenoa,” “Ivo Andrić,” “Petar Hektorović.” Primary contributor in charge of writing, revising, or enlarging these entries. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2005. Online 2004 at http://www.britannica.com. Encyclopedia entries. Apx. 17 pages. “About 100 Pairs of Pants and Oil.” Interview with Gordana Crnković interspersed with text of her lecture on “Globalization and World Literature,” given at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 2003. Župa: Magazine of the Society of the Academic Thought ODPILK, Ljubljana, no. 2, June 2004, pp. 18-23. An interview. “Retrieving a Picture from Motion (on Zagreb Everywhere).” Kinoeye: New Perspectives on European Film 3:10, 29 Sept 2003. Article, 6 pages. http://www.kinoeye.org/03/10/crnkovic10_no2.php “Farewell, My Love (Vesna Ljubić’s Adio kerida, 2001).” Kinoeye: New Perspectives on European Film, 3:10, 29 Sept 2003. Article, 15 pages. http://www.kinoeye.org/03/10/crnkovic10.php “American ‘Utility’ vs. ‘Useless’ Reflection: On Possible Futures on Both Sides of the Atlantic.” In Sabrina P. Ramet and Gordana P. Crnković, eds., Kazaaam! Splat! Ploof!: The American Impact on European Popular Culture, since 1945. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003, pp. 9-12. Peer reviewed. Book introduction. “Have a Nice Day: from the Balkan War to the American Dream and the Things that Shape the Way We See Each Other.” In Sabrina P. Ramet and Gordana P. Crnković, eds., Kazaaam! Splat! Ploof!: The American Impact on European Popular Culture, since 1945. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003, pp. 158-172. Peer reviewed. Book chapter. Entries for Croatian and Serbian women writers whose work is translated in English (Drakulić, Parun, Ugrešić, Velmar-Janković, Vrkljan). In Jane Eldridge Miller, ed., Who's Who in Contemporary Women Writing. London and New York: Routledge Press, 2001. 8 pages. Gordana P. Crnković – CV 4 “Underground Anti-Nationalism in the Nationalist Era.” In Vjeran Pavlaković, ed., Nationalism, Religion, and Culture in Croatia in the Tuđman’s Era, Donald W. Treadgold Papers no. 32. Seattle: Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, 2001. 25 pages. Peer reviewed. Article.
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