2016 Alaska Marine Science Symposium Posters and Exhibits January 25 and 26 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm Egan Center Explorer’s Hall elcome to the Poster Session and Exhibits for the 2016 Alaska Marine Science Symposium. This year the Wlocation of the Poster Session and Exhibits will be in the Egan Center, Explorer’s Hall. Here is a basic map on how to get there. For posters, you can use this program is intended to guide your through the Poster sessions and the Exhibits. For Exhibits, simply refer to the diagram on pages 9-10. You’ll also find exhibiting organizations listed by full name on page 22. You can use this program to locate posters by author or by topic. To find a particular first author, refer to the author index on pages 3-8. Or to browse by section (topic), use the list on pages 11-21. After you’ve found the poster listing, use the row # and poster # to locate the poster on the diagram on pages 9-10. Note that poster presenters will be standing by their posters to answer questions during specified times called “Waves”. Simply cross- reference the “Wave #” on a particular poster listing to the Wave times shown on page 2 under Poster Receptions. Contents Page Author index .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Diagram of Explorer’s Hall of the Egan Center with poster panels number for posters and exhibit spaces .......................... 9-10 Poster presentations sorted by sections and poster numbers .............................................................................................. 11 List of exhibitors .................................................................................................................................................................... 21 1 Information for poster presenters: SET-UP Posters will be displayed on panels in the Egan center located at 555 W. Fifth Avenue just a few blocks from the Hotel Captain Cook in downtown Anchorage, the Egan Center provides a spacious and convenient location for poster presentations. Site maps are available. You may begin putting up your poster after noon on Monday, January 25. SIZE LIMITATION Restrict the width (side-to-side, either landscape or portrait) of your poster to 48 inches. Poster panels are also 48 inches top to bottom; you may choose to have your poster hang off the edges, but it will not be supported. We recommend posters to be less than 48 inches high so there will be room for the handout folder on the panel. T-pins and/or push pins will be provided on the poster panels for your use. HANDOUTS You are encouraged to bring handouts of your poster or other related information. We will provide cutaway folders that you will be tacked to the poster panel for holding these handouts. POSTER TUBE STORAGE You may leave your poster tube at the poster area IF you tie the tube to the poster board legs so the tube is not on the ground. Twine will be provided for each poster for these purposes. SCHEDULE & PROGRAM Regardless of the geographic region of the research being presented, posters should be displayed during BOTH poster sessions to maximize visibility and traffic. POSTER RECEPTIONS Presenters will be asked to stand by their posters at different times to alleviate congestion and to help judges with time constraints. We are calling these time periods “waves.” Please be available to stand next to your poster at the time (Wave #) you are designated. Wave times are: Monday, Jan. 25 (Arctic and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands) Tuesday, Jan. 26 (Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska) Wave 1 - 6:00pm to 7:15pm Wave 1 - 6:00pm to 7:15pm Wave 2 - 7:15pm to 8:30pm Wave 2 - 7:15pm to 8:30pm TAKE-DOWN All posters must be taken down NO LATER THAN 9:15 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26. If you do not remove your poster by this time, it will be removed by symposium volunteers. These orphaned posters will be left on a table outside the Discovery Ballroom of the Hotel Captain Cook on Wednesday morning. Once the symposium is over, the hotel staff will dispose of them. For more information, please contact Mary Whalen, poster coordinator either in person at the Egan Center or at [email protected]. 2 AUTHOR INDEX This author index shows the locations of all of the authors of the 2015 Alaska Marine Science Symposium Poster Session. Names in BOLD refer to lead authors or person standing in front of the poster at the scheduled time. Names not in bold refer to co-authors on the posters. The R refers to the Row # and P refers to the Poster #. The locations correspond to the diagram on pages 9-10. A Blanchard, Arny R7, P79/ R16, P173 Castellini, Judith R1, P9 Ackerman, Josh R8, P91 Blood, Deborah R6, P66 Cates, Kelly R12, P119 Adams, Billy R17, P176 R1, P10/ R5, P50/ R5, P52/ Catterson, Nate R14, P139 Bluhm, Bodil R19, P205 Allen Akselrud, Causey, Douglas R8, P88/ R9, P93/ R9, P94 Bochenek, Rob R19, P207 Caitlin R2, P13 Chappell, Ashley R10, P105 Bodenstein, Barbara R8, P87 Allison, John R20, P217 Charapata, Patrick R12, P121 Bodkin, James R20, P213 Altukhov, Alexey R11, P108 Chen, Changsheng R19, P201 Boldt, Jennifer R2, P16 R11, P108/ R15, P158/ Cheng, Wei R4, P41 Andrews , Russel R17, P184 Bond, Nicholas R2, P16/ R16, P162 Chernook, Vladimir R12, P123 Andrews, Alex R1, P2 Bortz, Eric R12, P114 Chritz, Kaiti R20, P214 Angliss, Robyn R11, P109 R1, P4/ R1, P5/ R3, P25/ Chumbley, Kathryn R14, P145 Anningayou, Sheena R12, P117 Boswell, Kevin R12, P116 Ciannelli, Lorenzo R18, P192 Antunes, Ricardo R11, P111 R13, P128/ R13, P137/ R15, P152/ R16, P166/ Cieciel, Kristin R7, P78 Apsens, Sarah R1, P3 Boveng, Peter R16, P173 R12, P124/ R13, P127/ Arimitsu, Mayumi R9, P100/ R19, P202 Bowen, Liz R20, P214 Citta, John R16, P163 Armstrong, David R4, P42 Bradshaw, Robert R6, P63 Clark, Casey R12, P125 Arnould, John R14, P138 Brady, Gavin R13, P137 Clark, Christopher R4, P48 Artukhin, Yuriy R11, P113 Branch, Trevora A. R3, P36 R12, P115/ R13, P131/ Clarke, Janet R13, P133/ R18, P187 Ashjian, Carin R13, P133/ R19, P201 Bromaghin, Jeffrey R20, P215 Cokelet, Edward R2, P16 Asmutis-Silvia, Brower Jr., Harry R17, P176 Regina R14, P141 R19, P210/ R20, P212/ R12, P115/ R13, P131/ Coletti, Heather R20, P213/ R20, P214 Atchison, Sheila R2, P22 Brower, Amelia R13, P133/ R18, P187 Collins, Eric R5, P52/ R7, P77 R11, P112/ R12, P119/ Brown, Randy R1, P8 Atkinson, Shannon R14, P146/ R15, P160 Conn, Paul R15, P152/ R16, P166 Brownstein, Atwood, Todd R15, P161 Alexandra R12, P116 Conrath, Christina R1, P6/ R2, P17 Auburn-Cook, Mary R1, P2 Brueggeman, Jay R18, P190 Coon, Catherine R20, P212 B R12, P117/ R16, P163/ R8, P84/ R18, P196/ R19, Cooper, Lee P205 Bacon, Cathy R18, P190 Bryan, Anna R17, P178 Copeman, Louise R1, P7/ R2, P18 R19, P210/ R20, P213/ Bryant, Joni R12, P114/ R13, P132 Ballachey, Brenda R20, P214 Budge, Suzanne R20, P215 Cornick, Leslie R12, P122 Barnes, Cheryl L. R18, P192 Burek, Kathy R12, P122 Cornman, Robert R12, P120 Bartholow, Sarah R10, P106 R9, P97/ R11, P113/ R11, Correa, Lucero R16, P164 R1, P4/ R1, P5 / R12, P108/ R12, P118/ R12, Costa, Dan R18, P186 P123/ R14, P147/ R15, Barton, Mark P116/ R3, P25 Counihan, Katrina R13, P126/ R20, P214 P157/ R16, P164/ R16, Battaile, Brian R11, P110 Burkanov, Vladimir P168 Courtney, Michael R1, P8/ R3, P31 Beamer, Jordan R4, P46 Burns, Jennifer R12, P114 Crance, Jessica R4, P48/ R17, P175 Beaudreau, Anne H. R18, P192 Busby, Morgan R3, P35 R13, P127/ R15, P154/ Crawford, Justin R16, P163/ R16, P173 Bell, Lauren R7, P70/ R18, P194 C Belonovich, Olga R11, P113 Cross, Jessica R5, P57 Calkins, Donald R11, P108 Berchok, Catherine R4, P48/ R17, P175 Curchitser, Enrique R4, P46 Callahan, Matt R3, P25 Bering, Janet R19, P199 Cushing, Dan R19, P202 R15, P152/ R16, P166/ Biasatti, Dana M. R8, P84 Cameron, Michael R16, P173 Cyr, Andrew R1, P9 Bik, Holly R7, P79 Campbell, Robert R7, P71/ R18, P197 D Bishop, Amanda R12, P114 Carls, Mark R20, P218 Dahle, Shawn R13, P128 R9, P98/ R9, P99/ R19, Castellini, J. Daly, Benjamin R4, P42 Bishop, Mary Anne P202 Margaret R16, P164 Daniels, Michael R20, P217 3 AUTHOR INDEX R4, P46/ R5, P49/ R5, Estes, James R18, P195 Grebmeier, R8, P84/ R16, P173/ R18, Danielson, Seth P56 Evans, Mark R3, P31 Jacqueline P196/ R19, P205 Dasher, Doug R18, P198 Green, Gregory A. R18, P190 F De Robertis, Alex R2, P19 Grumbine, Robert R5, P60 Fadely, Brian R16, P164 Dean, Jedediah R4, P43 Gryba, Rowenna R19, P203 Fang, Ying-Chih R4, P44 Dean, Thomas R19, P210/ R20, P213 Guinet, Christophe R14, P138 Feng, Zhixuan R19, P201 Debenham, Casey R6, P67 Gunderson, Aren R15, P159 R11, P109/ R12, P115/ Delarue, Julien R13, P129 R13, P131/ R13, P133/ Gurarie, Eliezer R11, P108 Dempsey, Mike R2, P22 Ferguson, Megan R18, P187 Gustine, Dave R20, P214 der Westhuysen, Fergusson, Emily R3, P34/ R8, P82 Guthrie, Daniel R8, P85 Andrevan R5, P60 Ferrer, Tatiana R12, P124 Gutierrez, Laura R3, P30 Dilliplaine, Kyle R5, P52 Fertl, Dagmar R18, P190 Guyon, Jeff R4, P38 DiMarco, Stephen R4, P45 Feyen, Jesse R5, P60 H Divine, Lauren R1, P10 R11, P110/ R12, P120/ Hall, Philip R11, P109 Dobbins, Elizabeth R4, P44/ R5, P49 Fischbach, Anthony R17, P183 Hannay, David R13, P129 Dolliver, Jane R8, P89 Fleishman, Abram R9, P92 Hanson, McKenna R8, P88/ R9, P93 Donnellan, Mike R7, P70 Fomin, Sergey R11, P113 Hardy, Sarah R7, P79 Dorn, Martin R7, P75/ R18, P192 Forney, Matt R10, P104 Harris, Brad R3, P26 R4, P47/ R7, P71/ R17, Fournier, Wyatt R6, P67 Doroff, Angela P182 Hartmann Moore, Foy, Robert R2, P21 Cindy R19, P206 Douglas, David R9, P100 Frederick, Jeffrey R9, P93 Hartwell, Ian R18, P198 Drew, Gary R9, P100 Fritz, Lowell R14, P145 Harvey, Rodger R7, P72 Drobny, Paige R3, P29 Frost, Kathy R15, P154 Harwood, Lois R14, P148 Duffy-Anderson, Frothingham, Hastings, Kelly R13, P134 Janet R3, P35 Alyssa R1, P12 Hauser, Donna R13, P135 Dugan, Darcy R19, P207 R1, P1/ R8, P82/ R20, Duncan, Colleen R15, P161 Fugate, Corey P218 Haynie, Alan R11, P107 Dunton, Ken R5, P50/ R19, P200 G Hebert, Kyle R7, P70 Hedstrom, Kate R4, P46 Durban, John W.
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