INDEX 1984 January - December DWTE IN 194 4110TP'ThTS Competition: 362,703 ,ANGLIAN WA AU'iH0RITY Rayleigh Town Centre, Flood Relief Scheme: 136,383,631 704,727,821 Capital Programme 1984/85: 247 Consultation Cojanittees: 300 EIEK) Direotive — Quality of Water 480 ADDIT Interim Audit 1981/82 & 1982/83: 76(32 The Grange, Rayleigh: 76(33 Ebcternal Audit: 271 (2)547(3)(9),771 Report on 1ffective Use of Resources: 773 Council Grounds and Open Spaces: 125 Removal of House Refuse: 346,850 Straw and Stubble — Burning: 347,427,599,851 Tattoolets: 348 Pleasure Grounds: 378,809 CAR PARKING Websters Way: 52,161 ,261,425(16),872 Survey of: 53 Charges: 1 6o Offence — Mr. P. Grove: 200 Back Lane: 275,434,87 Oxford Parade: 425(13 Golden Cross Parade: 425(14) ,833 Replacement of Ticket Machines: 536 Future. Requirements: 537 Market Car Park: 871 CARAVAN SITES Bramblehurst Farm, Canewdon: 109 Halcyon Caravan Park, Hullbridge: 110 Gypsy Caravan Sites: 174(6) Sites for Touring Caravans: 226,726 Crouch Caravan Park, Hullbndge: 345 Caravan Storage: 397 Land Adj. Rectory Avenue, Hawkwell: 479,717 Site Licence No. 19 — Transfer: 6oo Land Adj. Clifton Road, Ashangdon: 605 Distances between Caravans: 721 - Review of Site Licences: 852 - Site Licence Conditions: 861- CHARGES :Equipment Hur& (Sports): 124,489,542 Car Parking: 160 Sports Centre Vending Machines: 223,263 Clements Hall: 234,263 Hire of Playing Fields: 227,263 Recreation Grounds - Charges: 801 CIflYIENTS HALL LEISURE CENTRE Sports Goods Franchise: 82,91,729 Snooker Exhibition: 132 Phase IV: 234,240,370, 371,425(4), 626 flower Arranging Festival 1986: 174,361 Advertising: 372 Second Access: 431 ,443,564, 567,675,783,830 Climbing Wall: 490,542 Licensed Bar: 728 Spencers Nursery — Use of: 807,922 Exclusive Use Of Pool By Disabled Perm': 814 Health Education in Workplace: 874 COMMITTM]S - PANELS OF Joint Staff and Safety: 55,409,771,880 Appeals Panel: 56 Rayligh Grange: 62,405,528 Chairman's 76,174,271,425,547.669,771,893 Audit: 76,174271,547, 669 771, 093 Hackney Carriage: 137,290 Joint Works & Safety: 168,258,771 UMinning: 174,669 Community Centres: 271 District Plan Working Party: 425 (5 ) , 516 Contd. ¶j'F "fl • 'w rr ' — imms o (C0N!rD.....) Music and. Dancing: 558,596 Rayleigh Consultative: 658 Dutch Cottage Management: 893 Rate Consultation: 393 COMMITTEES and EXPORTS OP Rayleigh Consultative and. Liaison: 181 Appointment of Standing Committees: 311,559 Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees and Panels of Committees: 312 COMMUNITY CERTITh2S Rayleigh Grange: 39,236,612,613,799,800,897 freight House: 121, 179,232,369,493,815 Great Wakering: 271(2),426,7898 CQ1PULSCRY IMPR0TE2ENT See: UNFIT HOUSES COMPULSORY PURCHASE ORDERS Clementa Hall (Second Access): 443 Grange Village, Rayleigh: 443 Lancaster Road, Rayleigh; 496 COMPUTERS - USE OF Computerisation of Land Charges: 883 Computer Development: 899 CONFERENCES Recreation Management: 225 Essex Business Exhibition, Basildon: 274 C.I.P.F.A: 554 Association of District Councils: 680 CONSERVATION GRANTS Expenditure 1984/85: 4 Hochford Hall Barns: 182 CON!IERACTS Hardwick House, Rayleigh (lois) 13 Oxford Parade Car Parking, Ashingdon Road: 71 Castle Hall, Rayleigh: 122,233,238 Tender Opening: 174(3 Standing Orders: 174(5 Wheeled Bin Scheme: 216 Clements Hall — Phase TV: 240 Day Centre, Back Lane, Rochford: 291,421,906 Spa Court Lift Installation: 339,476,674,722 Repainting and Repairs, Gt.Wakering (1047): 355 Window Replacements, Essex Close (ioi): 355 Painting and Redecorating, Rayleigh (1048): 420 Housing at Pearsons Farm: 438,446 Painting — Little Wheatleys Estate (1050): 481 Goose Cottages, 5/22 Essex Close and Stambridgo Road (1057): 461 Replacement of Wooden Windows (1058): 431 Replace Central Heating Boilers (1056): 593 Bntton Court (Extension)(1O1O): 660,691,347,863 Contd CONTRACTS (CONT .) Resurface Freight House Car Park 815 Land adjoining 64 Nelson Road, Rayleigh 836 Replacement of Windows (Contract 1080): 848 Invitation to Quote (Contract 1084 — Cleaning of Public Conveniences): 849 Supply of Black Refuse Sacks: 888 CONTRAVENTIONS See 'TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING - CONTRAVENTIONS' COUNCI LLORS Mrs. P. Hawke: 77 P.J. Himfen - Resignation: 197 M.CL. Warner — Resignation: 197 A.L. Tate 288 t!Teach_Intl for new Members: 551 Role of Councillors in the Planning System: 642 Representative — Essex L.A. Supplies Consortium; 776 COUNCIL PROPERTY, PREMISES Selecting Contractors: 15 Painting Programme: 16 Function Catering: 40, 368 Rayleigh Civic Suite: 51, 539 Rayleigh Grange: 62, 84, q4 118 High Street, Great Wakering: 111, 336 Cleaning Staff: 167 Castle Hall, Rayleigh: 239, 271 (2) Commercial Sales: 369 Playing Fields: 487 Ashingdon Playing Fields: 501 , 804 C.E.D.A.R. Centre, Rayleigh: 543 Hockley Public Hall: 549 Gardens, Rochford Offices: 625 Betts Farm Estate, Hockley: 639 Fairview Playing Field, Rayleigh: 640, 704 Dutch Cottage, Rayleigh: 669 Freight House — Conservation Award: 702 Highmead Court, Rayleigh: 743 Rochford Depot — Central Store: 778 Hockley Primary School — Playing Field: 806 Day Centre, Rochford: 906 CRIME PREVENTION: 11 Glue Sniffing — Legislation: 199, 555, 854 CROUCH HARBOUR ACT 1974: 177, 199 DEEMED PLANNING CONSENTS Land Adjacent 64 Nelson Road, Rayleigh: 33, 320, 380 Great Wakering Playing Field: 99, 119, 443 Clements flail Playing Field: 99, 119 Rochford Information Technology Centre: 99, 176 A.P. Flats, Bramerton Road, Hockley: 99, 113 Market, Pooles Lane Car Park, Hulibriclge: 99, 155 Freight House, Rochford: 186, 199, 567, 610 A.P. Flats, Britton Court, Rayleigh: 320 Temporary Car Park, Grove Road, Rayleigh: 320, 380 Spa Court: 339, 763, 839 Britton Court, Rayleigh: 351 Back Lane, Rochford: 434 5 Wymarc Crescent, Rayleigh: 482, 700, 719 Spencers Nursery Site; 491 Turret House Farm, Rayleigh: 498, 732 Mill Hall, Rayleigh: 567, 610 312 Rectory Road, Rawkwell: 567 Clements I-Tall — Second Access: 675 Rawreth Playing Fields, Rawreth Lane: 763, 798 North Street, Great Wakering: 765 Purdeys Industrial Estate: 770 Rochford Depot - Central Store: 778 DELEGATION SCHEME Access to Council Property: 523 I ELECTIONS District Council: 429, 678 Register of Electors — Prosecutions: 679 EMPLOYMENT AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES See ROCHFORD ENTERPRISE MANPOWER SERVICES COMMISSION ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL Essex County Bill: 175, 514, 677, 704, 774 Coastal Protection Plan: 517 Womeris Aid Refuges: 853 ESTIMATES I Capital Programme 1984/5 4, 12, 37, 47, 69 80, 179, 435, 556, 673 Mill Hall Development: 36 Street Lighting: 417 Day Centre, Rochford: 421 The Drive and The Walk, Hullbridge: 636 Summer Play Schemes: 655 MEC Mobile Patrol Transport: 655 Architectural and Engineering: 688 FOOWAPHS No. 10 Canewdon: 243, 392 Essex Bill — Establishment of new Footpaths: 514 No. 10 Hockley: 635, 829 Footpath 23 (Ualwkwell): 830 PUI?AL ARRANGB!J}1NTS Mrs LL. Sampson: 350 GRABP MID LOAN REQUESTS Grant Aid to Outside Bodies: 49, 869 Rayleigh Grange Association: 39 Mr M. Smith (Athlete): 222, 263 Christmas Lighting - Rochi'ord Parish Council: 651 Assistance towards Litigation Costs: 870 GYPSIES 619, 699, 704, 746, 823, 907, 922 HACKNEY OMtRIAGES See also COMNITPEES Thorease in Pares 137(4), 173, 253, 290 Terms of Reference: 137 1 Licence Fees: 137 3 Plate No. 28: 137 2 Consultation Paper: 637 B1P.ATTH and SM'ETY Storage of Liquified Petroleum Gazes: 18 Noise Nuisance, 34/36 High Street, Great Wakering: 601 HIGHWAYS See also ThABTIC REGULATION ORDERS General: 61, 64, 75, 91, 736, 831 Street Lighting: 61, 390, 417 The Drive and The Walk, Hulibridge: 66, 391, 636 Road Safety Review: 72, 140 Consultations with Essex County Council: 245 Consultation dttafts — Transport Policy 1985/86: 249 Heavy Lorry Routes: 254 B1013 —Access to Southend: 301, 389, 529, 638, 670, 704 Eastwood Road Improvements: 507 Ashingdon Park Estate: 507 Bramerton Road, Hockley: 508 South Fambridge Works: 510 Rayleigh Downs Road, Rayleigh: 644 HOUSING See: IWROVIIHffiNT GRANTS TJNPIT HOUSES MUNICIPAL HOUSING HOUSING BENEFITS HOUSE PURCHASE LOANS Protection from Eviction: 353 Housing Strategy: 354 Housing and Building Control Act 1984: 592, 711 HOUSING BENEFITS General: 105 Benefits Review: 756 HOUSE PURCHASE LOANS Case 2786F: 24, 115 General: 103 Mortgage Interest Rate: 104 IMPROT4EMT GRANTS (:ousING) Capital Programme 1984/85: 12 Roof Insulation 14, 591 4 Russell Row, Canewdon: 26 King Georgets Close, Rayleigh: 478 2 Russell Row, Canewdon: 588 17 Queen flizabeth Chase, Roohford: 589 KEEP BRITAIN TIDY Report: 208, 840 Sponsored Litter Bins: 856 LAND Albert Road and Alexandra Road, Rayleigh: 6 Land adjacent to64 Nelson Road, Rayleigh; 55, 581, 661, 836 Land South of Woodlands Road, ilockley: 67 flaws Heath Allotment Site: 68 Land H/C Council Offices, Rochford: 81, 91 Kingley Wood: 126 Land between Rawreth and London Road, Rayleigh: 144, 193, 395 Land between Ethelbert and Tilverston Road: 146 Land between 108—110 High Street, Great Wakering: 251 Land adj. 21 London Hill, Rayleigh: 252, 744 Land at Bedloes Corner: 399, 497, 518 Land adj. Smuggler's Den, Hullbridge: 401 Land adj. 181 Rochford Garden Way: 402 Hambro Hill, Rayleigh: 425(6) Council's Land Requirements — Next 10 Years: 634, 671 t2unett House Farm and. Plumberow Avenue: 618 Purdeys Industrial Estate: 741 Land opp. Cagefield Road, Stambndge: 605 Play area - Cavershwn Parkmanns Way: 624 Land H/C 36 Pulpits Close, Hockley: e6o LEISURE FACILITIES Grove Road Open Space: 30, 31, 91, 127, 230, 373, 495 Rochford Pair: 34, 78, 91, 816 Wheelers Cycling Club: 35, 616 Tennis Centre, Temple Farm Industrial Estate,
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