2 44 HISTORY OF CRAVEX. PARISH OF KIRKBY MALGHDALE* [HIS parish, at the time of the Domesday Survey, consisted of the townships or manors of Malgum (now Malham), Chirchebi, Oterburne, Airtone, Scotorp, and Caltun. Of these Malgum alone was of the original fee of W. de Perci; the rest were included in the Terra Rogeri Pictaviensis. Malgum was sur­ veyed, together with Swindene, Helgefelt, and Conningstone, making in all xn| car. and Chircheby n car. under Giggleswick, of which it was a member. The rest are given as follows :— 55 In Otreburne Gamelbar . in car ad glct. 55 In Airtone . Arnebrand . mi . car ad glct. 55 In Scotorp Archil 7 Orm . in . car ad glct. •ii T "i 55 In Caltun . Gospal 7 Glumer . mi . car ad giet. Erneis habuit. [fj m . e in castell Rog.f This last observation applies to Calton alone. The castellate of Roger, I have already proved to be that of Clitheroe; Calton, therefore, in the reign of the Conqueror, was a member of the honour of Clitheroe. But as Roger of Poitou, soon after this time, alienated all his possessions in Craven (with one or two trifling exceptions) to the Percies, the whole parish, from the time of that alienation to the present, has constituted part of the Percy fee, now belonging to his Grace the Duke of Devonshire. \ [* The parish of Kirkby: in-Malham-Dale, as it is now called, contains the townships of Kirkby-Malham, Otterburn, Airton, Scosthrop, Calton, Hanlith, Malham Moor, and Malham. The area, according to the Ordnance Survey, is -3,777 a- i r- 3- P- In '871 the population of the parish was found to be 930 persons, living in 183 houses.] [f Manor.—In Otreburne (Otterburn) Gamelbar had three carucates to be taxed. Manor.—In Airtone (Airton) Arnebrand had four carucates to be taxed. Manor.—In Scotorp (Scosthorp) Archil and Orm. had three carucates to be taxed. Two manors.—In Caltun (Calton) Gospatric and Glumer had four carucates to be taxed. Erneis had it, but now it is in the castellate of Roger.] [J KIRKEBV.—In eadem villa sunt III car. terrae ; quarum ecclesia dotata est de II bov. terrae ; et x bov. terrae tenentur de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege; et residuae xil bov. tenentur de Alicia de Buckeden et eadem Alicia de dictis haeredibus de Percy.—Kirkby's " Inquest." KIRKEBV.—In Kirkeby sunt III car.; quarum Abbas de Derham tenet n bov. unde ecclesia fuit dotata; et idem abbas tenet xn bov. de domina Alicia de Bukeden, et Robertus de Stainford tenet I bov.; et Adam filius Aliciae de Bukeden tenet n bov., et Johannes filius Pyme de Malghum tenet I bov., et Ricardus de Rither tenet I bov., et Alicia de Bukeden tenet mi bov. Et omnes isti tenent de Alicia de Bukeden, et Alicia de Percy in dringagis,1 et Percy de rege in capite. Summa in car.—"Knights' Fees," 3151 Edward I. In the 9th Edward II. Willelmus de Hawkeswyk was lord of the manor of Kirkby-in-Malhamdale.—"Nomina Villarum."] [' The people who held by this peculiar tenure were called " drenges," defined by Sir Edward Coke as "free tenants of a manor;' but Halliwell, in his "Dictionary of Archaic Words," says that they were "a class of men who held a rank between a baron and a thayn. The ordinary interpretation would be soldiers."] PARISH OF KIRKBY MALGHDALE. 245 Within the present parish are the following manors:— Lords at the time of Kirkby's "Inquisition," gth Edward II. Present Lords. William de Hawksworth, lord of Kirby. I .. \ Lord Ribblesdale. Heitrv de Hertlington, and John de Otter-' kirkby. [ The purcilaser from Oliver burn, lords of Hagenleth. ( Hanleth. j Marion, Clerk. The Abbot of Fountains. ( ™*lha™ Ta"d I Right Hon. Lord Ribblesdale. [ Malnam Moors. ) Abbot of Dereliam, and ) Thomas de Scostrop, I Scostr°P- . f The purchaser from Oliver Areton. William de Malgham, \ _ . ( The purchaser from Oliver William de Skipton, ) I Marion, Clerk. Rad. de Otterburri, et) ^ . ... „.. f Otterburn? /0/;. fil. Ehe. i The name of Kirkby proves the existence of a church at this place in the Saxon times ; ihough the silence of Domesday with respect to it may induce a suspicion that it had been destroyed by the ravages of the Danes. But perhaps it is to be added to the many omissions of that record on the subject, t The first distinct mention of this parish and church is in the confirmation of King John, a. r. i [1199-1200], to the abbey of West Dereham, founded by Hubert Walter, then Archbishop of Canterbury, but at the time of the foundation only Dean of York. The following quotation from that charter will prove the inaccuracy of a common opinion, that the church of Kirkby was given by Hubert himself J:— " Concessimus etiam et confirmavimus eisdem canonicis donationem quam Adam filius Adas eis fecit de ecclesia de Kirkby Malghedale, scilicet ecclesiam prasnominatam cum omnib. pert, et libert. &c. ad earn pertin'. Concessimus etiam quantum ad regalem pertinet dignitatem quod praefati canonici praefatam ecclesiam cum pertinentiis suis in usus convertant proprios, salva tamen decenti et honorifica administratione ejusdem ecclesias." A salvo little attended to in the subsequent endowment of this poor'vicarage. In the register of Abp. Walter Giffard at York is a kind of Inspeximus, dated 1275, and referring to an act of his predecessor, Abp. Geoffry, A.D. 1205, confirming in proprios usus the church of Kirkby Malghdale to the abbot and canons of Dereham, and ordaining a vicarage in the said church, with an assignation of ten marks per annum to the vicar.§ ' Hopkinson's MSS., vol. i. fol. 150.—I can trace this manor in the family of Fitzhugh no lower than the inquisition post mortem of Henry Lord Fitzhugh, 3rd Henry VI.—Dugd. " Bar." in Fitzhugh. t But in this attestation of charters among the Townley MSS. I find Ric. Cler. de Kirkby contemporary with Malger parson of Gisburne, or about 1150 ; and Henr. persona de Kirkby contemporary with Henry Percy the Second. I " Mon. Ang." vol. ii. p. 624. [§ A composition of five shillings a year, to be paid on Michaelmas Day, was agreed upon between John, Abbot of Fountains, and this church; which had been given to the abbey of Dereham, in the diocese of Norwich, in lieu of the tithes of all such lands in this parish as those monks were possessed of before the General Council in the time of Pope Innocent III. (who died in 1216) ; but for all such lands as they had or might acquire within the said parish after the said General Council, the monks should pay tithes for corn and legumes.—Burt. " Mon." 175, p. 182. "Walterus Dei Gratia, &c., Abbati et conventui de Derham, salutem, &c. Cum bona vicario ecclesias vestras de Kirkeby Malgam assignata ad ejus sustentationem et ad onera quae vicario incumbunt sustinenda non sufficiant, sicut fertur, volentes ut eidem vicario de dictas ecclesias proventibus congrua portio assignatur, de quo possit se et ecclesias onera sustinere, tenore prassentium peremptorie vos citamus quatenus in crastino Dominicas qua cantatur Lcetare Jerusalem (the Fourth Sunday in Lent), coram nobis, ubicunque in nostra dioscesi fuerimus, compereatis, in quibus bonis dicta vicaria, 2 46 HISTORY OF CRAVEX. The rectory and the advowson of the vicarage continued in that house till the Dissolution; after which, in the 6th of Edward VI., it was granted to George Earl of Shrewsbury.* By what means, or at what time, it passed into the Cavendish family, I have never been able to learn. The present patron, however, is Lord George Cavendish, and the owners of the great tithes, some private purchasers, pay the vicar a pension of 3O/. per annum; and this, with the Easter offerings and Surplice Fees, constitutes the endowment. It is not known to what saint this church was dedicated. [The Rev. James Raine, in the Journal of the Yorkshire Arch&ological Association, vol. ii. p. 187, states the dedication to be St. Michael.] In the Register of Abp. Melton the reduced taxation of this church is twenty-three marks. [Over the door of the vicarage is this inscription— 1622 THOMAS KINGE E K B. RESTORED 1866.] VlCARII DE KlRKBY MALGHDALE. Temp. Inst. Yicarii Ecclesice. Patroni. Vacat. 4 non Mart. 1275. Fr. W. de Billingford, Can. Ord. Praemonstr. Ab. et Conv. de Dereham. 4 kal. Apr. 1310. Fr. Rad. de Belring, Can. ib'm. lidem. 13 kal. Mart. 1316. Fr. Jo. de Toiyngton, Ca. ib'm. lidem et sic usq. ad dissol. domus. 4 id. Dec. 1321. Fr.yb. de Tyrington, Ca. ib'm. 4 id. Nov. 1323. Fr. Rad. de Derham, Pr. per resig. 6 non Jul. 1328. Fr. Pet. de Ryngland, C. ib'm. per mort. 17 Oct. 1349. Fr. Rob. de Wygenhale, C. ib'm. Fr. Win de Holt, Can. ib'm. per resig. Fr. Constantinus de Marham, Can. Mon. de Ult. Mart. 1368. Derham. 1 1 Jun. 1384. Fr. H. de Cressingham, C. ib'm. per resig. 12 Mali, 1400. Fr. Tlw. de Hengham, C. ib'm. per mort. 7 Dec. 1402. Fr. Joh. de Foston, Can. ib'm. per mort. 4 Mali, 1426. Fr. Tho. Tilneye, Preb. Can. 4 Apr. '433- Fr. Edin. Roxham, Can. ib'm. per mort. 22 Jan. '435- Fr. Ric. Wygenhale, Can. Fr. Joh. Scardeseth. per resig. 20 Oct. '447- Fr.yb. Ditton, Can. ib'm. per mort. 2 Sept. 1482. Fr.yb. Martyn, Can. ib'm. 14 Sept. 1485. Fr. Geo. Norwych, al. Mydelton, Can. ib'm. per mort. 5 M 1490. Fr. Tho. Preston, Can. ib'm.
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