FLORA NEOTROPICA MONOGRAPH NUMBER 30 BANISTERIOPSIS, DIPLOPfERYS (Malpighiaceae) by Bronwen Gates no•1c o, t.•~cu .. ~ .... ' . ..... FLORA NEOTROPICA~ """' O< """"" ....... Published for Organization for Flora Neotropica by The New York Botanical Garden New York, lss...ued/8 February /982 FLORA NEOTROPICA Published for Organization for Flora Neotropica by The New York Botanical Garden STAFF COMMITTEE Ghillean T, Prance, Chairman Enrique Fo~ro EJCOfficio Dana Griffin Ill EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Clark T. Rogerson, Editor James L. Luteyn, A.:uociate Editor Scott A. Mori, A.11ociate Editor Richard A. Howard Peter H. Raven Paul C. Silva Frans Stafleu William L. Stem MoM[lf'tlph No. JO was ediud hy Clark T. Ro1erso11 ORGANIZATION FOR FLORA NEOTROPICA Founded and Conducted under the Auspicesof UNESCO GEOGRAPHIC CONSULTANTS Central America and Mexico ....... ......... , • , ... .... ............... Jerzy Rzedow,ki Welt Indies ............... , . , . .. .. .. • . • . • . • • • • • . • • • • • . • . • . • • • .. Richard A. Howard C6ombia-Ecuador. .. .. • . • • .. .. .. • .. • .. • • • • • • • . • . • .. .. • .. • .. • . Enrique Fo~ro hru-Bolivia .. , .. .. .. • .. • • . .. • .. • . .. • . .. • • . .. • • .. • • . • • • .. • . • Ramon H. Ferreyra Venezuel-.Guiana.. .. ., ... ...... .......... , ... ........... , ..... Leandro Aristeguieta Brazil ..... .... ... , . , . .' ... , .. , .. .. • . .. • .. Luiz Ouimaries de Azavedo BANISTERIOPSIS, DIPLOPTERYS ( ,talpighiaceae) BRONWEN GATES Tt0fllC CJ (AN(fl ••o,,,c o, (Afl!(OIN FLORA NEOTROPICA MONOGRAPH Number 30 The New York Botanical Garden Bronx, New York 10458 Issued /8 February /982 Copyright© 1982 The New York Botanical Garden Published by The New York Botanical Garden Bronx, New York 10458 International Standard Serial Number 0071-5794 This material is based upon research· supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. GB-37314 and No. DEB 76-01757 and is published with support of National Science Foundation Grant No. DEB-8005535. The Foundation provides awards for research and education in the sciences. The awardee is wholly responsible for the conduct of such research and preparation of the results for the publication. The Foundation, therefore, does not assume responsibility for such findings or their interpretation. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reHect the views of the National Science Foundation. Libraryof CongressCataloging in PubUcationData Gates, Bronwen, 1945- Banisteriopsis, Diplopterys (Malpighiaceae) (Flora neotropica ; monograph no. 30) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Banisteriopsis. 2. Diplopterys. 3. Botany­ Latin America-Classification. I. Title. II. Series. QK495.M26037 583' .214 81-11278 ISBN 0-89327-238-8 AACR2 "Allmaterial subject to this copyright may be photocopied for the non-commercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement. A MONOGRAPHOF BANISTERIOPSISAND DIPLOPTERYS,MALPIGHIACEAE 8RONWEN GA TES 1 CONTENTS Introduction ..................................................................... : . I Circumscription, distribution and subdivision of the genera ........... : . 2 Morphology . .. .. .. 7 Habit............................................................................. 7 Hairs .....................................................•............. , .......... 8 Stems .................................................................. ·.......... 8 Leaves ........................................................................... 10 Inflorescences .......................................................... : . 12 Floral parts . 12 Calyx ..............•......................................................... 12 Corolla....................................................................... 14 Stamens . • . 16 Gynoecium . • . 17 Fruit . 17 Chromosome numbers . 18 Taxonomy............................................................................ 18 Banisteriopsis . 19 Dip/op/erys . • . • . • . • . • . 208 Acknowledgments ..................................................................... 216 Literature Cited . 217 Numerical list of taxa .................................................................. 218 List of exsiccatae . 220 Index to scientific and common names . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 231 INTRODUCTION The genus Banisteriopsis is one of the largest and most widespread genera in the Malpighiaceae. The genus has presented considerable difficulty to botanists interested in the correct identification of plants in this genus because many of the species are very variable, have considerable synonymy, and even the name of the genus has presented nomenclatural problems. The last monographic revision of the genus by Franz Niedenzu (1928) recognized 74 species. Since that time, much additional material of Banisteriopsis has accumulated, and in the present revision I recognize 92 species of which 34 are new. Many of the widespread and variable species still present problems, but I hope that I have been able to identify these problem areas for further study. The genus Dip/opterys is included with this treatment of Banisteriopsis because the two genera appear to be very closely related; in flower it is very difficult to distinguish them. Plants now included in the genus Banisteriopsis were first circumscribed under the name Banister/a L. by Adrien de Jussieu (1832 in Saint Hilaire, 1840, 1843). The name Banister/a L. as used by Humboldt, Bonpland and Kunth (1822) in­ cluded also plants now segregated as the genus Stigmaphyllon. Jussieu's usage of Banister/a L. was followed by many subsequent workers, such as Grisebach, who treated the Malpighiaceae for Martius' Flora brasiliensis (1858), and Nie- 1 The University of Michigan Herbarium, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A. 2 Flora Neotropica· denzu (1900, 1912), who monographed the Malpighiaceae for Das Pjlanzenreich (1928). Unfortunately, Jussieu did not include any of the Linnaean species of Banisteria in his usage of the name. Of the seven species included by Linnaeus in Banisteria, one is in the Rhamnaceae, and six belong to the genera Stigma­ phyllon, Heteropterys and Hiptage in the Malpighiaceae. This fact was noted by Robinson and Small in Small's treatment of the Malpighiaceae for North Amer­ ican Flora (1910). Small (1910) advocated the use of the name Banisteria L. to replace Heteropterys H.B.K. (since three of the Linnaean species of Banisteria belong to the genus Heteropterys), and Robinson (in Small, 1910) introduced the name Banisteriopsis to replace the name Banisteria as used by Jussieu. Small's usage of Banisteria L. did not find general acceptance, and the name Heterop­ terys was conserved by the International Botanical Congress in Cambridge in 1930. The name Banisteria continued in general usage for plants of the genus Banisteriopsis, and was used by floristicians such as Kostermans (1938), Mac­ bride (1950), and Standley & Steyermark (1946). A few botanists, such as O'Donell and Lourteig in their treatment of the Malpighiaceae of Argentina (1943), and Cuatrecasas in his Prima Flora Colombiana (1958), used the name Banisteriopsis. However, it was not until proposals to conserve the name Ban­ isteria for this genus (Anderson, 1967; Morton, 1967) were rejected (McVaugh, 1968)that the name Banisteriopsis gained more general acceptance as the correct name for this important genus. Unfortunately, Robinson (in Small, 1910) desig­ nated Banisteria brachiata L., which is a species of Heteropterys, as the type of Banisteriopsis. Cuatrecasas (1958) selected B. cornifolia as lectotype, but without proposing conservation of the name Banisteriopsis with the new type. Such a proposal was published recently (Gates, 1977a), but it has been withdrawn because it was deficient in several respects. That proposal will be revised and resubmitted in the near future in the hope that soon the name of this large group of neotropical plants will finally be stabilized. CIRCUMSCRIPTION, DISTRIBUTION AND SUBDIVISION OF THE GENERA The Malpighiaceae are characterized by opposite leaves, stipules, a five-parted calyx which is often glandular, a corolla of five free clawed petals, usually ten stamens, and a three-parted pistil. Niedenzu divided the family into two subfam­ ilies, the Planitorae with a flat torus and unwinged fruits, and the Pyramidotorae with a pyramidal torus and winged or bristly fruits. These subfamily names used by Niedenzu are invalid under the Rules of Botanical Nomenclature, and Morton (1968)substituted valid names for the names used by Niedenzu in his infrafamilial classification. Thus, the Pyramidotorae to which Banisteriopsis and Diplopterys belong was renamed the Gaudichaudioideae. However, Niedenzu's infrafamilial classification is unsatisfactory and the infrafamilial taxonomy is now being revised by Dr. W.R. Anderson at The University of Michigan, so that the names as well as the groupings are subject to change (see Anderson, 1977). Niedenzu recognised two tribes in the Pyramidotorae, the Hiraeeae, with the principal wing of the samara lateral in position, and the Banisterieae with the principal wing of the samara dorsal in position. Banisteriopsis is a member of the Banisterieae since the principal wing of the samara is dorsal in position. The genus is characterised by a fruit of three samaras, each with a well-developed dorsal wing which is thickened along the upper margin, minute interpetiolar stipules, pedicels that are usually sessile, ten fertile stamens, and three
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