Issue 1/ 2021 February 2021 Editorial After announcing the estab- It is a good time to get ready being founded in the BPM lishment of the BPM Associa- for BPM 2021 in Rome—the space. With the announced tion, I am happy to report deadline for research papers acquisition of Signavio by that hundreds of members passes in a few weeks from SAP, we can expect business have joined already! The now. Massimo Mecella and processes and the respective BPM Association organizes a his team are working hard methods and techniques to BPM Expert Forum series; to organize another out- become more relevant, not BPM heavyweights Wil van standing BPM conference only in enterprise compu- 1st BPM 2003 Eindhoven der Aalst and Michael Rose- experience for you. Hopeful- ting. A person note by Gero 2nd BPM 2004 Potsdam mann will kick off the BPM ly BPM 2021 can be held in Decker can be found in this 3rd BPM 2005 Nancy Expert Forum series in early presence to provide the BPM newsletter. 4th BPM 2006 Vienna March, as detailed below in community atmosphere we Thanks for supporting the 5th BPM 2007 Brisbane this newsletter. Please sup- are all missing. BPM newsletter, and happy 6th BPM 2008 Milan port our activities by joining The success of our commu- reading! the BPM Association, if you 7th BPM 2009 Ulm nity can also be seen by the are not yet a member. Mathias Weske 8th BPM 2010 Hoboken constant flow of companies 9th BPM 2011 Clermont-Ferrand 10th BPM 2012 Tallinn 11th BPM 2013 Beijing 12th BPM 2014 Haifa/Eindhoven 13th BPM 2015 Innsbruck 14th BPM 2016 Rio de Janeiro 15th BPM 2017 Barcelona 16th BPM 2018 Sydney 17th BPM 2019 Vienna 18th BPM 2020 Seville 19th BPM 2021 Rome 20th BPM 2022 Münster P AGE 2 B P M N EWSLETTER BPM Expert forum by the BPM Association We are delighted to announce the inau- Prof. van der Aalst will provide his in- An opportunity-rich environment and gural expert forum to take place on 2 sights on what we missed in the last the changing nature of processes (e.g., March 8am CET, where renowned BPM several decades of BPM research and transformational, scalable, entrepre- thought leaders Wil van der Aalst and development. He states that neurial, socially responsible) require Michael Rosemann will provide their “Traditionally, BPM is about process entirely new BPM approaches. Deduc- viewpoints on “BPM Past, Present and modeling and BPM/WFM systems. In tive and also inductive (e.g., process Future”. the 1990-ties we assumed that we mining) methods need to be comple- Prof.dr.ir. Wil van der Aalst is a full pro- could generate information systems by mented by abductive approaches ena- fessor at RWTH Aachen University lead- modeling processes properly. However, bling advanced process design. This will ing the Process and Data Science this turned out to be the exception ra- require new design criteria, methods, (PADS) group. He is also part-time affili- ther than the rule. Instead, Process Min- systems and most of all mindsets for ated with the Fraunhofer FIT where he ing (PM) and Robotic Process Automa- BPM to stay relevant.” tion (RPA) are booming while organiza- tions are still using ERP systems from SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Infor and the like. Therefore, we need to rethink BPM and no longer assume we can improve processes by just modeling them. We need to exploit the data available, go beyond simplistic BPMN models, and accept that BPM needs to build on exist- ing complex data-centric applications. This will help us to expand the scope of process management far beyond con- temporary BPM niches.” Prof. Dr. Michael Rosemann is a full pro- fessor at Queensland University of Tech- nology leading the Centre for Future Enterprise. He has published compre- hensively on various aspects of BPM and initiated research in areas such as leads FIT's Process Mining group, and a BPM maturity models, context-aware We invite you to join and promote this member of the Board of Governors of BPM, ambidextrous BPM and trust- event within your networks and pre- Tilburg University. Wil van der Aalst has aware BPM. His books are available in pare to be enlightened and entertained published over 800 articles and books five languages and he serves on the at this rare opportunity to learn from and is typically considered to be in the editorial boards of 10 international jour- two of the biggest contributors in the top-15 of most cited computer scientists nals. Rosemann has conducted invited field of BPM. with an H-index of over 155 and more keynotes at academic and professional than 110.000 citations. Next to serving BPM conferences and is a regular advi- on the editorial boards of over ten sci- sor to board rooms across various indus- Register now at https://uqz.zoom.us/ entific journals, he is also playing an tries. He is also the Honorary Consul for webinar/register/ advisory role for several companies, the Federal Republic of Germany in WN_i4sg26h_QAqsLsbCC5HpqQ including Fluxicon, Celonis, and UiPath. Queensland, Australia. Van der Aalst is an IFIP Fellow, IEEE We look forward to continuing the ex- Fellow, ACM Fellow and received hon- pert forum with further exciting talks. orary degrees from the Moscow Higher Looking forward, Prof. Rosemann high- School of Economics (Prof. h.c.), Tsing- lights the need to understand what we On May 4, 2021, Gero Decker and Jan vom Brocke will debate whether hua University, and Hasselt University might miss in future BPM related re- “Digital innovation needs process mod- (Dr. h.c.). He is also an elected member search and developments. He indicates els?”, and on July 6, 2021, we will hear of the Royal Netherlands Academy of that “The management of business pro- from Stefanie Rinderle-Ma and Bernd Arts and Sciences, the Royal Holland cesses has been mostly centred on the Society of Sciences and Humanities, the identification of process issues and been Ruecker on whether they think “RPA will make BPMSs redundant?” Stay Academy of Europe, and the North guided by process improvement ap- Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Scienc- proaches such as lean management, six tuned for further updates. es, Humanities and the Arts. In 2018, he sigma or process automation. However, such reductionist approaches to process was awarded an Alexander-von- Shazia Sadiq Humboldt Professorship. management are no longer sufficient. P AGE 3 B P M N EWSLETTER Welcome to BPM 2021 — Welcome to Rome! Rome is the capital and largest city of informatica, automatica e gestionale Italy, and one of the largest cities in Antonio Ruberti (DIAG), named after Europe. Roman antiquities, Baroque the famous engineer, politician, and palaces, the Vatican with the St. Peter’s European Commissioner (with a major Basilica and the Vatican Museums, Lib- impact on EU research and EU scientific erty quarter and 900 modern quarters programmes), will be the organizational (such as Esposizione Universale di Ro- home of BPM 2021. ma) give the city a unique flair well The venue of the main conference and known all over the world. All this is ac- of the forums (BPM Forum, Industry Forum, Blockchain Forum, and RPA Forum) will be the Auditorium Antonia- num, an astonishing congress center nearby the Colosseum. Satellite events, as well as the workshops and the Doc- toral Consortium, will be held at DIAG (photo left). The two buildings are only 110 mt. away from each other. Unfortu- nately travelling on large scale might not yet be possible due to the pandem- ic, but the organizing team is well pre- pared for a fully blended mode, thanks to the equipment that was recently procured in all rooms of DIAG and Au- ditorium Antonianum for remote teach- party will be probably substituted by an ing. Zoom and Whova are already in alternative “party” (a concert or some place for managing remote attendees. companied by a fantastic weather that nice activity in the open air) that will allows enjoying the summer until the Social events will be a very important allow to socialize even in these times of end of September and also having part of BPM 2021 as well, respecting all social distance. swimming and beach time in Ostia, the safety constraints imposed by the We are very much looking forward to which is easily accessible from Rome. pandemic. Besides enjoying the fantas- your contribution and hope to see you tic September weather in Rome, you in Rome next September! Find more BPM 2021 will be organized by Sapien- will learn more about the history of the za Università di Roma, the largest Euro- information at the conference website: Romans and the Popes during the social https://bpm2021.diag.uniroma1.it/ pean university by enrollments and one dinner, and enjoy a real Trattoria-based of the oldest in the world, founded in welcome reception, with delicious Massimo Mecella 1303. The Dipartimento di Ingegneria “carbonara” and “tiramisu”. The dancing (BPM 2021 General Chair) I SSUE 1 / 2 0 2 1 P AGE 4 A message from the BPM 2021 PC Chairs The BPM 2021 conference explicitly well as interaction with services and special issues in Elsevier's Information seeks to bring together the finest rese- deployment architectures like the Systems (Tracks I and II) and in Sprin- arch contributions and viewpoints from Cloud. Papers in this track must include ger’s Business & Information Systems the fields of computer science, informa- rigorous and repeatable empirical eva- Engineering (Track III). tion systems engineering, and informati- luations that demonstrate the merits of The BPM 2021 conference will continue on system management, insofar as they the artifact introduced.
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