On the Radio This Week This Radio the on Thursday

On the Radio This Week This Radio the on Thursday

arvIcim Fr g3333 °wog° 1;n g,2 010) 00 90A1 0l00 00)0 33 K.4ag Pup PONY/. OMOW ghg: A.go 0001. (TS 2 333 zoo >4 a Wt, :41 floW 0001'0 0000 :102 ON THE RADIO THIS WEEK 0 0 THE NEW YORK TIMES BULLETINS, EVERY HOUR ON THE HOURWQXR-1560 Ice.FM-98.3 WEEKDAYS. 7 A. M. TO MIDNIGHT. TODAY. 8 A. M. 70 MIDNIGHT (Except at 4 and 9 P. Id.) TODAY, SUNDAY, JULY 25 TODAY,. SUNDAY,.JULY 25 wess,seet Foster and W111.-14Menvork Hour FM Schedules UMS.WVIN-tI5="1"a 5b030n9 WOXR-Nov.. Tines News 4:SPANOLIrInrCLIevrgports P;U5.Wi05-Se,sO,sO Sal: WINN 11,1.3-11,00 LH. 1:457bItf."-;:liNews Round.Op LEADING EVENTS ON RADIO TODAY WNW SRN1:00AMAPA 'AN AFTERNOON '"21-041Zittaf.c ess .11,1,00 12,00-WNBC-Sunday /Mc . 8:00A5L1:00.11 Musical Events Are ListedOS the Bottom of the Page WOR-Mbn L Flan. Conan ZISisoy.."Lr6 Lases Nsim Gana.Vag gl9:30 AM-IMAM 5:06-WABC-HimayFrews, wan WM WINOsIS AN-1700 A.DI 11:35 A. 51-13 IN-lovitation to Learning: Shake-"."-A.thok.6Y: Excerpta froM "Othello" ma"Ham- , Jimmy Nelson . speare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"-Ilenry I. " with Juaa Ferrer and others-WNBC ntl'intgrnalst"Yesirf 1NIUM-Cencert Hall / WPM. 100.9 ra woo W3B3101./ 2.1:122.1.1.. VV. Simon John ble.,ua 6-6,30-AinerIcan Forum: "What Has the Eighty-third eiUae-In, 5,16 cern Yvelle 5:20.1=riarz 10136,011 A.M.-I:00 ISM 12 '51.-3,30-The Leading Question:RepresentatiVes Congress Accomplished," -RepraentetiVeN guef WOXR Zees Ma:Ma WW1. Msa sOOP.M.-12:00P.73. Katherine St. George and Edna Kelly, guests- Scott and SOhn W. MCCormack-VVNBC. MITR"-Rer511 Oils, Ness :03w6XR-Pop Concert WCBS. 7-8-Joke Box Jury: Zsa Zsa Gabor, Rita Mare., WNBC- :20-INNBC-Mth Wants to KnOM S'" 12:30-1-The Eternal Light: "Wards We Live By Tile Eddie Fisher, Joseph Pasternack; others-WCGS. Goe Bm/ EVENING 1NVIZaggenheim Memorial Smiporting Cast as the BMW-Mark Van Doren,7:50N-Conversation: Clifton Fadiman, With Bennett 6:0071.1.-Amicas Forum Mee concert-Tie Goldman Band, treggets.,VAtr Maurice Samuel-rWNBC. Cerf, , Bergen Beane and H. Allen SMith-WNBC. wAsEtr,;.,7 1r011=1 Baal Meal P. 11,01171510, WORNABC, 14:30-11an's Right to Knowledge: "Gandhi," With -Spec ,.1111)XR-Ciert.53500er Plan MIR-Nick Carter Alfred Drake-Columbia University Bicentonni.8-10-Sunday With GarroWay: Will Rogers Jr., may ra'fiER-Mmic WABC-Mouday Headlines ""trAtayrtr"1""" News .7747-14"egs"o rk Timesews Starr. Carl Smith. Eddy Arredd and others-WIMBC. 11.-WOR-World Tarreler wreS-Bmedivar My 113.17NABC-Mas in Mel. 8-8:30-Gary Crest/Ms Show: Betty Clooeey-WCBS. ""TABCtr.g" WNYC-F. m gEGESE:;z64" ITrt"..71 News 1:3(r-VCitizennnion Searehlight:. Averell Harriman, Wtlical"Music frRecorder WCBS-Soing 9101NOR-Ausnor Critics111%:..1.110Otgell.S7. 9:80-10-Author Meets tile Critics:"I'll Cry Tomer- 6,05-1M:*2" Xiltring Onnr- Me Ma 1:35?2=1,1dWiNnYde. Diseeurse by the Rev. Dr. James A. row," by Lillian Roth; John 'Borkham, Fannie ""*Wwo'liotereZ.,VaVenlog tef. Leonid Hambro piano- WA-11Ausscr". Me Mood Pike an Mc Rbv. John Pyle, Cathedral of St. John urSt. Virggia. Peterson-WON. 3,118-WO0R-sun2ay smarm ./ s L. 3 ms issineorM t2g3t.-. 5=^ W.5-1Aay Orchestra the Divine-WABC. 95-12OpOrt From Washington: Rep. Jacob K. WABEtalrylelzfa W.aaratrhar3,30-WMICNatioas1 Nadlo Pulpit: 6:157NABW551lfarvey, Cane. 9:55....-Weeland News 11:23WABC-Nows Reports 3:53-Baseball: Yankees-Cleveland, at Yankee Stadium Javits-WMCA. 10,00-WNBC-mbermnce -WINS; 2:33-001gers at St. Lou:, Cardinals-117:05-10,30-"Crossroads in Asia": Averell Harrirnam Festirals, WZCZ.VII;Gtart ':"Tin'Toe'rVirtgrann" WOR-Radio Bible Cass ""°12C-oltg"Darfrusic WI/NM: 3:2t-CicStaat Milwailkee Braves-Ca. guest-WCBS. WCBS-Mmical Hin BroMman, conductor 10:3011-Meet the Press:Sen.Honaer Capehart, WNYC-Camber Music Time 2,30-3-Home Qui.: Ben Grauer and Panel of Home- amens 4,113WNOC-Week-End guest-WNBC. 0:051711.6rals,srs: i 1111t5ts.:Zzr.`tM7- Building Specialists-VONEW wOOO;OLOE vi.,..a.taolt/conlingsrplwarli W17.--Nev York Trews 3:0S-WE1a.;111elodfei From..Old Gilbert Remelt tenon DNAn WICSM-Mermeehle Mara ZOOLTEOnIN.`Ahr...,, WRE-A%:4"1"Hou'r McArthur,Mom 0:15-WARC-Geme IL Combs ' moRNhIG 717:01Pcl'ii1V r-ti'rl 10,10-WhilalCiDarta Charm Gee B./ wABC- "'n 11:00ANNOC-News Report Robert ,!nogg; ' 1,311.1/111,CataiazesasOnion Search, °"'" WC115-nan. M WO-Global Fe:sneers WOR-Wings of Hearing WP/ntreakfast.S.00. WCIXR-New York Times N WABC-Radio BM BffIS-WOR-Frabk and Ernest Wal-Opera: 1""etads Land of f4v,25 a Mal by dale WABC- " mr.,g,_ff,,,,, Kara 11,2B,WWER-Weatber Report 91,,WOIXR-Breakfast Symphonlr "1/4O°717: Smises WNYC-W and 11.5.2.tatPAPPorts tiflOWNBC-Eghnnt and UroMIY IAMBS-News Reports 935WOR-Your Navy Show 4:13WCBS-RecoMe0 Hits 7:00.10O1-0od and Gen CM Lany Lemur 1:0D-WOR-Mr. Midnight WI/VC-Gumdrop playhouse II/CBS-Maurice Wilk, Vialinist WCBS-Neas Reports WOXR-New York Times Naves WABC-Nlannes in Review OnM.WOR-News Reports wIOEa 2410,1=7:-00,4,20-WOR-Flight in the Blue WCBS-fute Bea Jury. WIPC-Keyboard Masters MONDAY, JULY26 MONDAY, JULY 26 1:307,1111F- EVENING 7:1S-WOR-Todays Business_ dews 10,45-..c-Trevel Tem MORNING WABC-Onincy Howe, News larniVorYvrtsethe More:11MWNBC, WOR, WABC, WCBS_ 8,00,IVNBC-Newm Allyn Edward Light '°°11,1111%:I'a Ifestrs... WCBS-Pmer Lind Hayes Show Glenn Osser, Conductor WOXR-Neas; Dinner Concert 8.10-WOR-O.r Arrest rAVPIIVPRIcCarthy 613.10C-Sporm Daily HAVIITS=Irnreport 7:30.WNBC-Morgan, Beatty, News "'-'4"..e5.`72.4 areal, '500=" Robert Reenseville, Tenor 10100.1MNOL-Filam McGee and Alolly WABC-Mellow MoM B:ISW0R-Dobothy.antl Dick Show 6:23We R-Weather Reaa, rat-Tingrager WCBS-GotlMy Tale. Scouts WP31-Traveis 1, 101,:, ralFfiggrIlIohls""""11,20.1117VC:ttaTrShg"" ° 6"*ICIT-=1"IPlosaShwa yaS-YARSSIllgracsa Family ""letillnragt; Ogid "*"" WCBS-mr. /1:20.7atems,La roams Roan.. Voorhees Orchestra MIER-News; Pm Dem 6:0.4213"SR-71= C°""' - WOR-Newm Man from Times IMISMOBC-Heare of Me. Nars 13.-WOBS-Sommy MM. WCBS-Ohis Is New York 6:45MNBC-lbree.Star Extra WOR-Sport3 Smn Lem Whrlilusic. Camara. ,r0,1zstiz:zr"sm WCBS- WABC-Sports: Bob Ca :00-WROC-Idm Coy INCEIS-U.N. Subcommittee INCES-Nnsic 'Til Dawn WCBS-Lowell Thomas rsifiglIT2r;ears,rre tabon Eta, Disarmament WoM-New Times News WOR-Ray H erten Show LOOMNBC-Guy bosagO, Si,, WABC--Frank Farrell Show P r 10,13MIBC-Nem Reports INCOS-Road of Li. 8"szTlitTMarTandcoa 9:23.WABC-News IMPpax WM.-George H. Combs "'in/I:CT/Ts:V.1 WAB - nor Leer giININNBC-Band of America,Paul WIMR-Concert Hall ."Musk 1:15-g02-a"T =Bs-my FriendIrma,With Lavelle, Conductm Male Beheve gfonT:71"VarrOsi"Stg?" made swim Quartet 10:35.=.1tr; """ 11gg 1:11t=1-0.1rPliZant' TUESDAY. JULY 27 AFTERNOON WQXR-News; WNBC-Froni. Page Ewen 9,20.03-11an From Times Mi. rVIF37 WOO,WNBC-News, Lack Larlelle 1.1OZIO:r "' SfIEMCDS-Nouse Pa 5:45-WIOC-It Pays to Be Married 7:007.11Z.172.2=Saar P :83WOR,-Cmil Brum Cements 1.11:22g=1"4.g5300.vo. 9:60-WNBC-Novn Cdrne and PeteNaUSE-,14"., 'az ,l'avs_ ....w"s- i,30-WNB WCBS-Thls I Believe 128C7P-TIVIrgiderrook Cbamber,Syste 0:MIVOR-blart Dee EVIT'iregr MOS WABC-Wh Streets IrClItZeLl! "="rSigaG" 1,15-MISC-Joe Hasel-Spons EVENING .2e:F:gc Music CI:OSANNOO-Breathe Bank 6:00-WNBC, 16.116-rvews 7:13 9:06WABC,EnyinR.WM.. WABC-Wben a Gir/ Marries .04-a_readays Busimss 8:15-1ONBC-Sengs DM Sinatra IniggE*.!glirow"gods "slrE°.-E-OT:767LO: WCBS-Migm C.Me's B30,WIIBC-Tex and Jinx Show 111:T:g.. ''''W"OPT?M!it 7,20-ZE= S"l'ElindfelLe WABC-Gearge H. Combs 1:28-WAIBC-Tex am Jinx Shaw hife'v,sT i'oTer "sriilleT,Z,',T, sill 7:28.13M-We.er Read WCBS-16.. Keen "0121-'"larlt"- WCRS-Cur, Massey Time 7421/17-2/1or Remy, News 8,58-WABC-N:rrepores WOXR-Nas; The Showcase ''"VUTA= LISAVABC-Ever Since Eve 638.1411C-lIght-lai Me 9:00-WMC-Dragnet-Drama ZOMIO1,O5,0ELI, WOR-Nem Nation's Business ","-onmirsts-WABC-Nelen Hall Program WM.-Music 1To 6/ TEZ.. IMMO-SM. Arils.: Leonid WCBS-Straw Hat Cono. WGBS-111Msic 'LI Dawn WCOS-Joan Edwards Show gg,---MareUp Your WiMR-New Tina WOXR-Piano nem - Frer. Mum Aoeoloce.i INes rEireijIti: 10" woR-Dinner Date 'nnn l'OlINVIOn";b7 '41FRIEVo 'O:ort WCBS-CMies Collingswood WRIN-News; Panorams in Me 1:00.WOR-M7Might WEDNESDAY. JULY 28 WEDNESDAY,JULY 28 MORNING AFTERNOON StOSINOC-Tt Pays to 51 1,1110 1100.411., WOR, WABC, WCINS- 0,00.1glaC-rdn, ,Ryn Edwards g2OETLIET ""'s ows Jem tame 5:53.0R-Mcil Brown, Connects 00 VBSC=Moal:g Pgalfr-Zns rir-QIN ':'°15eilt"e; WCBS-This I Bel. WOR-News .ports OSE's=VO WOR-Dmad Rom WralleVT. Orchestra I NAB IcLarthy rth EVENING YAK7..".g! 42.4 ""'"111.111C-ame H.esetSpores gittert Mere and M. O:3OZ`k_,E IMMR-News; On Same COE-Caroe"MPsods 8:1S-W2C1 ''nlift07SNweinntIT:inTSide WABC-George H.

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