Scattered thunderstorms High: 79 | Low: 55 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE yourdailyglobe.com Friday, July 3, 2015 75 cents Iron County board approves mining ordinance By RICHARD JENKINS “Basically, if a company tive act, it offers more protection even though the development of now. I believe it’s not restrictive ply have to sit down with the [email protected] wants to come in and mine, they for the county than an adminis- the mine site has stalled, the enough to chase any mining com- board and come up with a local HURLEY — Another chapter go through this application pro- trative act, since a public body ordinance is now ready for a panies away, but its still protec- agreement if they feel the ordi- in the saga of mining in Iron cess and have a bunch of criteria created the ordinance, Bergman future company to come in. tive enough to protect the peo- nance is too restrictive. County came to a close Thursday (they have to meet.) Now those explained. “We wanted to make sure we ple. I think it’s a good ordinance A local agreement would take as the Iron County Board of criteria are not necessarily set in The county has continued had the ordinance in place before both ways,” Pinardi said. “At precedence over the ordinance, Supervisors approved a final stone. They are more there for with development of the ordi- another interested developer least it’s there for some guide- Pinardi said. draft of the county’s mining ordi- the legislative body, which is the nance even after the Feb. 27 comes on board, so they can be lines. We never had one before In other action, the county nance. county board, to make sure those announcement that Gogebic- aware of it right from the get- and now we do.” board: The ordinance establishes things are being looked at in the Taconite — the company work- go,” Pinardi told the Daily Globe. He said he was willing to —Approved a resolution urg- requirements a company would development process,” said Zon- ing on developing the mine site He feels the ordinance is a work with companies interested ing the state legislature remove have to meet when developing ing Administrator Thomas near Upson — was closing its neutral document that should in mining in the county that may paragraphs 18 and 23 of Motion an industry in the county that Bergman at a public hearing in Hurley office. work for both sides of the mining have issues with the ordinance. falls under the ordinance’s juris- April regarding the ordinance. Iron County Board Chairman debate. If problems arise in the future, diction, such as mining. As the ordinance is a legisla- Joe Pinardi, of Hurley, said that “It’s good for both sides of it Pinardi said the companies sim- MINING — page 5 LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Bessemer Historical Society members read Declaration of Independence By TOM STANKARD Second Continental Congress [email protected] voted on Richard Lee’s original BESSEMER — To celebrate call for independence. Then, on the U.S.’s liberation from King the fourth of July, they accepted George and Great Britain on the Declaration of Indepen- July fourth, the Declaration of dence.” Independence was read during As they recited the document, Bessemer’s week-long celebra- the four took turns reading tion Thursday at Ethnic Park. aloud. From start to finish, Connie “When in the course of Pricco, Al Gaiss, Richard Steiger human events ... We hold these and John Frello read aloud truths to be self-evident, that all every word of the declaration in men are created equal, that front of 10 listeners. they’re endowed by their creator Before they recited it, Pricco with certain unalienable rights. told the audience about the his- ... life, liberty and the pursuit of tory of the document. happiness,” Pricco said. “It was Thomas Jefferson To conclude the recitation, all who really wrote the Declara- Tom Stankard/Daily Globe tion of Independence,” she said. CONNIE PRICCO, left, Al Gaiss, Richard Steiger and John Frello read the Declaration of Independence Thursday afternoon at Ethnic Park in Besse- “By July second of 1776, the mer to celebrate the nation’s freedom from Great Britain in 1776. BESSEMER — page 5 RAMSAY FOURTH Ironwood church offers free food IRONWOOD — A free food distribution will take place at the Lighthouse Faith Center Church in Ironwood Monday from 5 to 8 p.m. “The Lighthouse Faith Center on Ayer Street has been feeding hungry people in Uganda, Africa, for more than 10 years and now has been blessed with a shipment of food for our city,” said Pastor Tom Rouse. “Feed the Hungry, of South Bend, Indiana, has sent a ship- ment of food to be distributed at our churches in Ironwood and Calumet. The distribution is available to those in need in our area. It would be helpful if you brought a bag or box for your food, however there will be some available if needed,” Rouse said. The church is located at 777 Photo submitted E. Ayer St. A VAN parked outside of the Lighthouse Faith Center Church in Ironwood is full of free food that will be —Ralph Ansami distributed to the area’s needy on Monday. Bewley disappointed in Well Woman changes MADISON, Wis. — State has created so much confusion She said program training women will be forced to travel Sen. Janet Bewley, D-Ashland, by their actions that women was promised for new providers up to 100 miles or more,” she this week expressed disappoint- understandably believe that the and regional coordinators, but said. ment in both the process and program is being eliminated.” has not taken place. Bewley said funding from substance of changes to the There are WWWP coordina- “Women across the state now the federal government through Wisconsin Well Woman Pro- tors in all of Wisconsin’s 72 will wake up to find out that the Centers for Disease Control gram. counties. the agencies and health care and the state of Wisconsin has The changes are being made Those responsibilities are providers they have come to been stable. by the Wisconsin Department being transferred to 13 regional rely on for mammograms, cervi- She said members of the Leg- Tom Stankard/Daily Globe of Health Services. coordinators and the number of cal cancer and other life-saving islature’s Joint Finance Com- SCOTT BROWN plays bass with The Madd Trappers as they perform at “The Well Woman Program participating health care health screenings can no longer mittee were so impressed with Bessemer Township’s Fourth of July celebration in Ramsay Thursday is a literal life-saver for women providers has been slashed serve them,” Bewley noted. evening. The evening also included food and beverages in the park, a in need across the state,” said from more than 1,000 to about “Instead of turning to someone concert by Marty’s Goldenaires and fireworks. Bewley. “Unfortunately, DHS 400, Bewley said. in their own community, these BEWLEY — page 5 C O N T A C T U S WEATHER INSIDE INDEX TODAY BUCKS BIG MAN Business . .8 Daily Globe Inc. Thursday Today’s records Vol. 96, Ed. 156 118 E. McLeod Ave. High 73 High 94 (1949) Classifieds . .13-14 Scattered t-storms Milwaukee signs free Comics . .12 P.O. Box 548 —Details, page 2 Low 45 Low 38 (1963) agent Monroe from Pis- Ironwood, MI 49938 tons Community . .3 Year ago today Precipitation Obituaries . .7 yourdailyglobe.com High 66 To 7 a.m. —Sports Low 46 Thursday none Opinion . .4 906-932-2211 page 9 Sports . .9-10 WEWEPre-1965 SilverAREARE Coins Paying 11.00BUYING!!BUYING!! x Face Value! • Pre-1936 Silver Dollars PayingGOLDGOLD $16.50 and up! • All other-- collectibleSILVERSILVER coins, paper money, tokens, && medals, MOREMORE stamps, militaria. Spot July 2, 2015 • Gold - $1163.70 - Silver $15.65 • 10K Gold pay $10.85 per gram • 14K Gold pay $15.25 per gram • Dental Gold pay $16.25 per gram • 18K Gold pay $18.35 per gram Any Sterling Silver - $10.95 per ounce Pre-1967 Canada Silver Coins Paying 8.00 x Face Value! 1965-1970 Kennedy Half Dollars Paying 3.25 x Face Value! Mon.-Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. 9:30-4:30pm, Sat. 10-3pm (call first) 906-663-4030 (Subject to Market Fluctuation) U.P.U.P. COINCOIN && CARDCARD • 1002 East Lead St. (in the Evergreen Plaza), Bessemer, Michigan • • 2 l FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2015 NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR IRONWOOD TODAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Scat'd T-storms Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Mostly Cloudy Mostly Sunny 79º 55º 76º 59º 80º 64º 74º 54º 71º 54º Winds: 5-10 mph W Winds: 5 mph E Winds: 10-15 mph NE Winds: 8-14 mph E Winds: 5-10 mph NE Ontonagon LOCAL OUTLOOK 79/51 Today we will see mostly sunny skies with a 40% chance of showers and thunderstorms, Bergland high temperature of 79º, humidity of 57%. West 79/54 wind 5 to 10 mph. The record high temperature :DNHÀHOG for today is 94º set in 1948. Ironwood 79/55 45 Saxon 79/55 77/56 Marenisco SUN AND MOON Bessemer 78/53 Watersmeet Associated Press Hurley 79/56 2 Upson 78/53 75/55 THE DEEPWATER Horizon oil rig burns in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010, more than 50 miles southeast of 75/55 Sunrise . 5:13 a.m. Venice, La. BP and five Gulf states announced an $18.7 billion settlement Thursday that resolves years of 51 Sunset. 8:56 p.m.
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