"t;alies" an art of acti g that was I1C X1UiIovel, n.CIUYUfor the book is a prose narra- genune..Sheas suprb carac ofgraphic arts in the north galleries tive o elbat ihcaatr cbracon the first floor of the Art intit- o elbat ihcaatr genuie.Sh Shewasa was suprbalso a writer , o ahndhaction out of real life portrayed Cauds p Stationery ter woman. of geniuine ability, and had many motim cratbo. ceboksfrthefor in a plot. It niay properly be called . bocks and short staries to hr etiprat hereic ok r a *yoiing" novel because ail the ac- SERVICEin. loaned by the New- tion of the story occurs in, the year the Eook% Yom fBey credit. Her husband. Walter Hale,,,on exhibition, th. ýBOOk§ Yom Kent who died ini 1917, was a most gifted: berry library of.Chicago and Lessing ýHepatica, Hawks, itsý heroine, is fii- Seoéhù Statlonery amd'Party Cards artist, andînade~ illustrations. for, bis oewl fPiaepi.teen. It will be iked by youing ,people 724 Oruingfon A%;e.- Gi.. 0227 wife's books.- Husband and wife had Block' books were printed from aând many older on es as. weil. Omntnton Hotol dg.. Evanston a great deal of fun taking jaunts to- blocks -of wood uponl which both. the, Hepaia'wswstebgduh -gether through New. England or Vir- ilsrto n.t~twr cut by ter of Hallelujah Hawks, the giant ginia and writing and drawing their band. They made their appearance in Joshuaý Polloc-k's Xorld Famous ,impressions of the counitryside. in the Netherlands. and lower, Rhine IFreaks: and Fandangos-*'You could-ý Mrs. -Hale had given a niagnificent district aftier the Middle ai the fif- n't éfind a more decent: first-class 'set perormnceof hegradmoherinteentb Century simultaneou sly wt of freaks anywhere," Joshua boasted Zona iGale's "Miss -Lulu Bett." Just the early books printed from metal ion ail occasions. "Nor a kin der set HýTH-EFARM" recently,,and just prior. to lier 4eath type. ofSanJo." j people," Jashua P .oll ck might seappeared in._ a film- with Kay The "Apocalypse ofSitJh,.lhave added. racsand Walter' Huston-au old pobabiy the eariiest of these block1 W he the story pn i r n By Louis .BromIbeId lady part as usual,. the type of part books, was done .in Germany about1 terested. in their celebration of Hepa- for wbich Hollywood used her. In 1470. It is the history af Saint John' tica's .birthday. Hepatica herseif isî "Letty Lynton" with Joan Crawford, the Evangelist and bis apocalyptic moved b.y a cherry tree in blossom, T'he aufhor of The Green Mrs. Hale gave one of her best per- vision tdinpcuewihbri ex- the spring, and ail the exnotionai ex- ByTre formances, as she did with Mrineplainatory text* ,Before printing be-i perience*of a sensitive girl of filteen. Dietrich in "Shanghai Express. camne general, few cauid read and who is, living on the outskîrts oi Gyracious, interesting. aàmusing.'ai- books were likecire'ilutte normal.lf ihatruei hc wavs intenseiy alive, NMrs. Haie was books of today. she -has grow n'up, but where ie is, one oi the %world's finest! ôAceoransg'Bible hecomi>ng.* impossible to lier. She can't $2-50 to \VWilliam Rose Benet of the 'Sat- The Bbi Pauperuni" or Poor bear anyv longer ta be a spectacle. urday Re.view." a' il.isapcuebo of the and she longs for a 'friend w\ho kj" lMea'iblhrisawict rpecbsoor pe.fot a f reak, lofi Crs wt r. ce o r- She hag her .wish «when Tony fgurations trom the Oid Testament. Quinn. ýa b right boy of. about her CEIANDLEIR'S Read Own Poems at Thougli called the Poor 'Man's Bible Century of rriess it is perhaps rnuch more likelv that> vn. age but a rascal, joins. the Foumiain Square Evanson troupe. And when liheleeshi Mis HrretMoro.w1-non it is ictures, texts. and reter- ' riendship has served oni ta remind editor af Poetry magazine and a dis- ences, it served as a reminder and eptcHhtteesest en -tinguîshed poet herself, read some otf.furnxshed suggestions for sermons pac forherintheevsery-dav orld.n her own poe.try at a prograni giVen for the "Poor Preacher" than that itplacetingrthîrnhaptthe t-a%'roup. in the auditoriumi of ýthe Illinois Hast %vas intended, for the poor lavrnan Hepatîca continues to use her iovely building at -A Century oi, Progres's who was unable to read and t0oopoor singing voice behind the scenes 'toa Aýugust Il.:MI'ss M\o-nroe read ber ta buv such a book. hl iai rp nbrat n poem~oumbin '*Te Od~" wich The *'Ars M.\oriendi" or "Art af th at leads ta tonetrno1h she wrote at the time oi the Worid's :Dying,'- was one oi the most popu" ?oad where flepatica finds after al Columbian exposition, and read be-1ar and widely distributed ai thet early a place in the worid really big enough t ore an audienceai over 100,000 per- block books. One ai the 'chief mis- ftor ler. sons. during the dedicatory cere- sions of the éarlv churcli was to These are the, bare outiines f manies af the building for mani- teach men how ta die. Froni this'i- tr hic'h hasaseildic ufacturers and liberai arts. The toriai presentation ai lessons in spir- and lovelîness.Agodtryiitef lyric pssges,.%%ere set ta music by itual fortitude ta ,resist temptation. ý for grown-ups, it might stan d also as' Georgé W Chadwick ai, Boston and mani might learti how to die without à:sj.mbol aio those yer -hen 't he sung by a chorus a .0 ocs instructions from tepretveirtoarut-o sciul rnt reaches out alter. beauty; is fhe in the sme orPu Eger The -'Hand Wjth the Mirror ai hispom,'Aeria emebesSalvation" the earliest block book with vearnings; is troubled bv mi- whchwote 10 piz ofeedbywoodcut bearing an .engraved date: agined, if not real, oddity. and has t FmidgyClnbeaiThicaomthrough-"factum anno 1466;" only three cap- littie or no peace. "Hepatica Havks" Poery agzin.hispocu aS e-ies oai which are known. is also an has na trace of a morbid quality, is lected as being the most interpreta- ve..ie rn snietit.ad is the young city had a -population af tuUe," continues ta hide away%from RICESTFAMLY N U S. les than eight tbousand, agile pigs i dirr hs upstate (New Accordiitg tô Harvey O'Connor's had jugt been banisbed from- the York) fan. new book, "MeIlon's Millions," the streets as "a menace to lufe and 11mb," I Mellons are now the ricbest faznily and roai and board -in a first-class, LONG NOVEL in,3America, with a private fortune of botel could be had for seventy-A-ve, MVargaret Ayer Barnes' new bock. ES about $25S00,O,OOO. centsa.day. will be 200,000 words long..
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