INDEX WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE VOLUME 15 The names of contributors to the Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine are printed in capitals and small capitals. The titles of books, periodicals, articles, and papers are inclosed in quotation marks. (R) indicates that the contribution is a review. Abbey, Kathryn T., speaker, 282 American Historical Association, Abraham, J. Burnett, 365 76; report, 361 Acadia, history, 10-13, 16; Jesuits American Historical Association, sent to, 11, 28, 29 Committee on Planning of Re- Adams, James T., "The Epic of search, "Historical Scholarship in America," reviewed, 338-340 America," reviewed, 336-338 Adams, Randolph G., author, 84 American Numismatic Society, 180 Advertising, historical, 87; in Pitts- Anderson, George K., 286 burgh newspapers, 361 Andrews, Charles M., 360 Agnew, Daniel, 93, 117 Andrews, J. Cutler, speaker, 169 Agriculture, history, 176, 283 Andrews, J. Cutler,— The Pitts- Aix-la-Chapelle Treaty, 23, 123 burgh Gazette A Pioneer News- Albany Congress, 1754, 151, 250 paper, 293-307 Alexander, George H., 352 Antes, Henry, 229 Aliquippa, Queen, Delaware sachem, Archeology, western Pennsylvania, 200, 204 183, 363 Allard, Charles H., author, 185 Archives, federal, 170; New York Allegheny City, 81; in-lot owners' State, 343; Pennsylvania, 343 association, 78; real estate, 78 Argall, Capt. Samuel, 12 Allegheny College, 316 Armor, Charles L., 278, 358 Allegheny County, 112, 203; Civic Armstrong, Col. John, 115, 116, 180 Club, 87 ;Washington bicentennial Armstrong County, 112 committee, 169, 171;land surveys, Ashe, Thomas, author, 357 356 Associate church, 361 Allegheny Mountain, 327 Associate Reformed church, 361 Allegheny Plateau, 47, 52 Atkin, Edmund, 213 Allegheny River, description, 357 Atlee, Samuel J., 112, 114 Alliance College, 89 Aughwick, Indians at, 146 Alski, Victor L., 173, 353, 354 Alvord, Clarence W., author, 68 Alvord Memorial Commission, 57 Bailey, Mrs. G. Loper, 177 Amberson's Bridge, 312 Baker, Thomas S., speaker, 273 Ambler, Charles H., "Transporta- Balazs, Michael, 173 tion in the Ohio Valley," re- Baldwin, Leland D,D., 274, 352 viewed, 265-267; author, 87 Baldwin, Leland D., (R) Ambler's Ambridge, historical tour, 310 "Transportation in the Ohio Val- American Federation of Labor, 263 ley," 265-267; (R) Leahy's 367 368 368 ININDEX "Who's Who on the Ohio River," Boone, Daniel, 197, 217 267; (R) Durrenberger's "Turn- Boone, Capt. Hawkins, 177 pikes," 346 Boone, Squire, 197 Bank of Pennsylvania. See Penn- Boucher, John N., author, 284 sylvania Bank Boughter, I.R, author, 361 Barnhart, John D., (R) Shippee's Bouquet, Col. Henry, 118, 214, 354; "Recent American History," 263 at Beaver Creek, no; papers, 355 Bates, Tarleton, letters, 77 Bouviere, Francis Charles, deposi- Baum, Donald H., 354 tion, 228 Beauharnois, marquis de, 121;gov- Boyd, John, manager of "Gazette," ernor-general of Canada, 20; 300 recalled, 21, 23 Boyd, Julian P., 182 Beaver, the, Delaware chief, 200 Brackenridge, Henry M., sketch, Beaver Borough, 118; history, 108; 284 historical tour, 311 Brackenridge, Hugh H., letters, 77) Beaver County, 112 interest in "Gazette," 297, 300; Beaver Creek, territory, 107-110 describes Pittsburgh, 297-299 ; Beazell, Kathryn E., author, 284 sketch, 302; relations with Scull, Beazell, William P., author, 185 303, 305; in Whiskey Insurrec- Beck, Virginia, author, 284 tion, 303-306; biography, 344-346, Beeler, L. H., 312; speaker, 313 357 Belfour, C. Stanton, author, 187 Braddock, Gen. Edward, at Gist's Belfour, C. Stanton, (R) Ritter's settlement, 193; expedition, 210, "Washington as a Business Man," 233-247; defeat, 44, 84, 209 Fay's "George Washington," and Braddock, Carnegie Library, 157 Young's "George Washington," Braddock's Road, map, 356 270-272 Bradford County, 112 Bencze, John, 173 Brady, Samuel D., 286 Bender, Wesley C, author, 361 Branch, Edward D., "Westward," Benn, Henry L., 81 reviewed, 67 Bennett, Daniel M., author, 185, 362 Brant manuscripts, 343 Bennett, Mrs. Daniel M., 180 Brashear Settlement Camp (Pitts- Bentley Hall (Meadville), 316 burgh), pageant, 364 Bessemer process, 71 Bridge building, 72 Beulah Cemetery (Wilkinsburg), Bridgeport Aid Association, 174 records, 178 Bridgeville, history, 185 Biencourt, colonist, 11, 12, 28, 29 Bristow, William H., speaker, 183 Bienville, Celoron de. See Celoron Brodhead, Daniel, 231, 233 de Blainville Brodhead, Col. Daniel, 100, 102, 104, Bigham, Thomas W., 278 118; commander of western de- Bigot, intendant, 126, 127, 128 partment, 106 ; opposed to building Bingham, Robert W., 182 Fort Mclntosh, no; study, 361 Bird, Charles, 329 Brodhead Road, 94 Bissell, Albert P., 80 Brown, Andrew, 295 Black, Jeremiah S., study, 86, 361 Brown, Thomas, 170 Blackford, Harry R., author, 89 Brownsville, 275 Bladensburg (Md.), battle, 40 Bryson, James, 301 Blainville, Celoron de. See Celoron Buck, Solon J., 45, 170, 288; author, de Blainville 76, 274; editor, 156; speaker, 74, Blair, John, 301 76, 169, 171, 183, 274, 287, 313, Blegen, Theodore G, "Norwegian 319, 323n., 351 Migration to America," reviewed, Buck, Solon J., AProgram for Re- 268-270 search in Western Pennsylvania Bollman & Garrison (Pittsburgh), History, 47-62; (R) Fisher's "The letter book, 354 Making of Pennsylvania," 165; Bond, Beverly W., speaker, 282 (R) Adams' "Epic of America," Bonnefons, J. C, journal, 133; ac- 338-340 count of Fort Duquesne, 145-150 Buel, Mrs. John L., 364 INDEX 369 Buffalo (N. Y.), history, 182 Civil War, papers, 177 Buffalo Historical Society, 182 Clairton, civic committee, 365 Buhl Foundation, 35, 47, 154 Clarion County, 112 Bull, Ole, colonist, 269 Clark, C. M., author, 357 Burney, Thomas, 201 Clark, George Rogers, 68; commis- Burt, A. L., author, 85 sioner, 113, 118 Butler, Capt. James R., marker, 287 Clark, Capt. John, 106 Butler, Col. John, 94 Clark, Gen. John S., 184 Butler, Mrs. Mary, 180 Clearfield County, 112 Butler, Richard, 112, 113 Clements, WilliamT., 69 Butler County, 112, 203 Clements Library (Michigan Uni- Byszewski, Dr. Jan Lech, 173 versity), 84 Clinton, George, 220 Clinton County, 112 Coal industry, 72, 362 Cadzow, Donald A., 363; speaker, Coldren, Jesse, 275 74 Cole, Edith G., 358 Calderwood, A. J., speaker, 313 Colonial National Monument (York- Callender, Robert, 206 town, Va.), 181 Cambray, chevalier de, engineer, 94 Compton, Harvey W., author, 85 Cambridge Springs, historical ma- Conference of Historical Societies, terial, 89 274 Cameron County, 112 Connecticut, controversy withPenn- Campbell, Guy E., 81 sylvania, 230-233 Canada, name, 7; population in Conner, Dr. William F., 352 1664, 15 ; population in 1749, 20. Continental Congress, 96, 97, 99, See also New France 100, 102, 113; proclamation, 115; Canadian archives, 178, 343 paper money, 279; papers, 343 Canadians, character, 124, 255 Contrecoeur, French commander, 43, Carlisle, council, 1753, 224 109, 142, 206, 251, 253; expedition Carlyle, Maj. John, 206, 207 to Ohio country, 133-137; quoted, Carnegie, Andrew, 163 139; instructions to Jumonville, Carnegie Base Ball Club, 280 140; at Fort Duquesne, 147, 235- Carnegie Corporation, 35 240 Carnegie Institution, 55 Cook, Mary A., author, 294 Carter, Clarence E., ed., "The Cor- Coon, Mrs. F. H., 318 respondence of General Thomas Cooper, Mrs. William J., 78 Gage," reviewed, 68-70; editor, Copley, Josiah, letters, 77 357 Copley, William, papers, 76 Casgrain, Abbe, editor, 133 Courtenay, Charles, deposition, 227 Catawba Indians, 209, 213 Cove Mountain, 327 Catlin, George B., author, 188 Cowan, Edgar, sketch, 284 Caughey, John, author, 184 Cowan, Robert, 81 Celoron de Blainville, 122; expedi- Cox, P. E., 80 tion, 24, 42, 109 Crafton, Washington bicentennial Centre Line, 77 committee, 365 Chartiers Creek, 203, 223 Craig, Maj. Isaac, 301 Chartiers Valley, history, 185 Craig, Neville, 306; account of Chatacouin (N. Y.), portage, 126 Stobo, 243, 245 Chatelain, Verne E., 181 Craig, Robert S., 278 Cheningue. See Logstown Craig family (Indiana County), Cherokee Indians, 209, 213, 214, 217 history, 278 Chesebrough, Silas, journal, 85 Cramer & Spear (Pittsburgh), Chesnut, Lida W., 177 broadside, 178 Chestnut Ridge, 327 Crane, Verner W., author, 84 Chippewa Indians, 113 Craven, Avery A., quoted, 181 Church, Samuel H., 187 Crawford, Col. William, 99, 102 Civic Club of Allegheny County, S7 Crawford, William H., 317 37O INDEXIN Crawford County, 112; historical Deyo, Merton J., 179 material, 89 Dice, J. Howard, 154; author, 75 Cresap, Michael, 200 Dieskau, Baron, 250 Cresap, Thomas, 197, 199, 200, 212, Dietrich, Marietta, author, 278 219 Diller,Dr. Theodore, 157 Croghan, George, 198, 206, 345; Dinwiddie, Robert, 197, 201, 204, trader, 108, 109, 122, 191, 320; ad- 205, 206, 209, 213, 221, 224; sends vises Dinwiddie, 134; letters to Washington on mission to Fort Hamilton, 134; at Pine Creek, Le Boeuf, 130, 131, 202; plans to 146, 221, 222 thwart French, 132, 219, 225; ar- Crown Point (N. Y.), 243, 254 ranges Logstown Treaty, 199; Cumberland Road, 339; construc- proclamation, 216 tion, 360 Dithridge, Edward, portrait, 81 Cuming, Samuel, author, 279 Dorrance, Frances, 288 Currin, Barnaby, 202 Downes, Randolph C, 273, 352; Cyamber, Paul, 276 speaker, 351 Czechoslovakian Historical Com- Downes, Randolph C, (R) Man- mittee, 173 ley's "Treaty of Fort Stanwix," 342—344342-344 Draper Collection, 343 Dahlinger, Charles W., 169, 279; Duane, James, papers, 343 author, 352 Duggan, Frank L., 169 Dahlinger, Charles W., The Dunaway, Wayland F., 288 Marquis Duquesne, Sieur de Men- DunDunaway,away, Wayland F., (R) neyille, Founder of the
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