In-tuition Newsletter of the Faculty of Education at the University of Pretoria July 2019 Vol. 13 – No. 2 www.up.ac.za/education Minister awarded PhD degree at Faculty of Education The Minister of International Relations and Several friends referred me to UP.” She HVSHFLDOO\IDPLO\ΖPDGHHYHU\HRUWQRWWR Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, took her also explained her choice for her focus on negatively impact my work schedule, but I portfolio seriously by graduating with a PhD education: “It is the discipline I have always did accept fewer invitations for three years in Education with Prof. Chika Sehoole, Dean, had an interest in understanding further. of the four,” she said. as her supervisor. Until recently she was the I am a teacher by early training and am Minister of Higher Education and Training. fascinated by education. I learnt that there Dr Pandor says the decision to study again is a vast amount of absolutely fascinating was nerve-wracking. She went on, “But I Her research topic was ‘The contested education information that we need to tap knew I had to try. I was nervous and slightly meanings of transformation in higher into much more than we do today. I also embarrassed, as I am an older student, but education in post-apartheid South Africa’. learnt how to use research material and once I started, I did not want to stop. There to carry out a very demanding academic were several really bright young students The Minister, who holds a Master’s in schedule.” DQGWKH\VHHPHGVRFRQȴGHQWDQGUHOD[HG Education Policy and Practice in multi-racial I sometimes felt I could not catch up to their societies, and another in Linguistics from Being a student and a cabinet minister was FRQȴGHQFHOHYHOVEXWΖZDQWHGWRGRWKLVVR the applied linguistics perspective, explain demanding and she said she had to plan I persevered.” why she chose UP to further her studies: “I her work and study schedule carefully, was told that the Education Faculty at UP DQGVDFULȴFHGPDQ\WKLQJVVKHHQMR\HG Prof. Tawana Kupe, Vice-Chancellor and was a really good team with very powerful including time with her family. Her sleep was Principal, was present at the graduation postgraduate support. I knew that given DOVRDHFWHGȊ(YHU\PRPHQWRXWVLGHZRUN ceremony on 16 April 2019, and conferred my schedule I should be registered at an and politics was given to my studies. I tried the degree on Dr Pandor. institution with a good PhD programme. to balance, but some areas were neglected, With Dr Naledi Pandor, MP, (centre) are from left Prof. Salomé Human Vogel (Deputy Dean), Prof. Chika Sehoole (Dean), Prof. Tawana Kupe (Vice- &KDQFHOORUDQG3ULQFLSDO DQG3URI7KHPED0RVLD 9LFH3ULQFLSDO6WXGHQW$DLUV In-tuition newsletter | July 2019 | 1 GRADUATION Vice-Chancellor honoured guests with his presence at graduation ceremony Prof. Tawana Kupe, Vice-Chancellor and Principal made a presentation at the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Education on 16 April 2019. He conferred degrees and also on Dr Naledi Pandor, MP, Minister of Internationalisation and Cooperation. At that stage she was still Minister of Higher Education and Training. It is my pleasure and privilege as Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Pretoria, to welcome and address you in celebration of those who are graduating today. It is an occasion to celebrate your success as graduates. Every graduation ceremony is exceptional as it marks the start of a new and exciting chapter in your personal and professional lives and often in further postgraduate studies. Prof. Tawana Kupe, Vice-Chancellor and Principal Today we celebrate excellence, something that is natural to this university. The 111- year history of the University of Pretoria has Our Faculty of Education from which you are graduating today, prides been characterised by excellence and change. Your success today itself in being responsive to the needs of the education system and of embodies the excellence that this University is about and is the economy. known for. Over the past 2 decades, the Faculty has been able to upgrade As we know today, South Africa and Africa urgently need, in every WKHTXDOLȴFDWLRQVRIRYHUWHDFKHUVLQ6RXWK$IULFDDQGWKH sector, a critical mass of good leaders, who have foresight and Southern African Development Community through Distance wisdom, are well-educated, well-skilled and rounded citizens, and Education. strong institutions that can anchor sustainable democratic futures, inclusive economic development and social progress. And today, I can During this graduation season, the Faculty will be conferring 1514 say with pride and conviction that the education you received at this degrees of which 639 are postgraduate degrees, including 19 PhDs XQLYHUVLW\ZLOOHQDEOH\RXWRSOD\DVLJQLȴFDQWUROHLQFUHDWLQJEULJKWHU and 52 Master’s Degrees. futures of our country and continent. The Faculty had the highest performance level in the university at UP is a leading research-intensive University and the largest 92% success rate, in 2018, compared to the university average of 82%. contributor of graduates in South Africa. At this graduation ceremony 6LPLODUO\RXUVWXGHQWVVHFXUHMREVGXULQJWHDFKLQJSUDFWLFHEHIRUH alone, we will be conferring a total of 449 of the 11649 degrees and they complete their studies, based on the quality of the training they FHUWLȴFDWHVWKDWZLOOEHDZDUGHGGXULQJWKLV$SULOȇVJUDGXDWLRQVHDVRQ receive. At UP, we believe in being a quality institution of excellence that is This afternoon, our very own Minister of Higher Education and locally responsive and comparable to the best in the world. Global Training, Dr Naledi Pandor, MP, received her Doctor of Philosophy rankings place UP in the top 1.9% of Universities in the world. We are Degree in Education Policy from this Faculty. ranked in the top 100 in Law, Theology and Religion and Veterinary Science. At UP, we keep up with developments in various sectors of the economy and society by continuously renewing, reforming and The Department of Higher Education’s report on the assessment transforming our curriculum to make our education relevant and of research outputs for 2017 reveals that UP produced the highest responsive to our knowledge and human capital needs. We also research units, and is the largest producer of PhD and Master’s transform in core mandate to sustain quality, excellence, excellent degree graduates in South Africa. It also reveals that we have one of and innovative teaching and learning. WKHKLJKHVWSHUFHQWDJHVRIDFDGHPLFVZLWKWKHKLJKHVWTXDOLȴFDWLRQ the PhD. Your professional life, running your own business or organisation or pursuing further studies will thrive if you continue to follow these The University leads in research outputs in South Africa and is principles. high in the rankings because of its research performance. We conduct cutting-edge, impactful and relevant research that matters Finally, I applaud all 449 of you! PROUD OF YOU! in transforming lives, communities and it makes a meaningful contribution to Africa and the world. In the last 7 months some of our I know you are wondering, when I will conclude UHVHDUFKDFKLHYHPHQWVLQFOXGHFDUU\LQJRXWDUWLȴFLDOLQVHPLQDWLRQ my speech, as you eagerly await your name to be of a lioness resulting in the birth of healthy cubs, the restoration of hearing using a 3-D printed middle ear as well as participating in the called to take that walk of pride across the stage. All LPDJLQJRIDEODFNKROHIRUWKHȴUVWWLPH7KH8QLYHUVLW\ȇVKLJKTXDOLW\ that remains is for me to say. Make today and every professional and research-orientated degrees enabled 93% of its day matter! Make South Africa and Africa’s future students to enter careers of their choice or continue to postgraduate education 6 months after graduation. matter! 2 | University of Pretoria | Faculty of Education GRADUATION Joy as Minister is awarded doctoral degree with 450 other graduates Dr Naledi Pandor, MP, then Minister of Higher Education and Training, 'HJUHHVZHUHDZDUGHGWRJUDGXDWHVLQFOXGLQJȴYHRWKHUGRFWRUDO was conferred the Doctor of Philosophy degree by Prof. Tawana GHJUHHV7KDWLQFOXGHG%DFKHUORUGHJUHHV+RQRXUVGHJUHHVDQG Kupe, Vice-Chancellor and Principal on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 at Master’s degrees. Ms Lilize Wonigkeit received the award of the Vice- 10:00 in the Rembrandt Hall at Hillcrest Campus. Chancellor and Principal. Dr Pandor’s supervisor was Prof. Chika Sehoole, Dean of the Faculty Dr Pandor was accompanied by many family members, but also of Education. The title of her thesis was ‘Contested meanings of 18 members of Parliament who supported her in the wonderful transformation in higher education in post-apartheid South Africa.’ accomplishment. With Dr Naledi Pandor, MP, were from left Prof. Tawana Kupe, Vice- Dr Naledi Pandor, MP, introduced by her supervisor, &KDQFHOORUDQG3ULQFLSDO3ULQFH0DQJRVXWKX%XWKHOH]LDQG Prof. Chika Sehoole (Dean). Prof. Chika Sehoole (Dean). Joy after the graduation ceremony. Front row from left: Dr Gregory Adewusi; Prof. Salomé Human Vogel (Deputy Dean); Prof. Tawana Kupe (Vice- Chancellor and Principal); Dr Naledi Pandor, MP, (Minister of International Relations and Cooperations); Prof. Chika Sehoole (Dean: Faculty of (GXFDWLRQ 3URI7KHPED0RVLD 9LFH3ULQFLSDO6WXGHQW$DLUV %DFNURZIURPOHIW3URI5XWK0DPSDQH +HDG'HSDUWPHQWRI(GXFDWLRQDO Psychology); Dr Goronga Pedzisai; Prof. Everard Weber (Head: Department of Education Management and Policy Studies; Dr Dinah Ngwenya; Dr Moleboheng Ngozwana; Prof. Ronél Ferreira (Department of Educational Psychology); Dr Ina-Marie Harcourt and Prof. Cycil Hartell (Acting Head: Department of Early Childhood Education). In-tuition
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