Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1988 Daily Egyptian 1988 2-4-1988 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 04, 1988 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1988 Volume 74, Issue 90 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 04, 1988." (Feb 1988). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1988 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1988 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Thursday. February 4, 1988, Vol. 74, No. 90, 24 Pages Tuition hike saves college budgets ~~~~~!rWlneton "The i'1crease didn't do Gov. James R. Thompson cut dean of the College of li!lrary affairS, said tOO library everythir.g we wanted it to do, state higher ePucation spen- Enghleering and Tecbnolog:'f, was able to restore funding for The $1.2 million generated butitwasveryhelp;11l,"J.ewis dingby4percent. said the tuition bcrease ~ office supplies and contractual by this semester's tuition said. Micnael Youngblood, help the School of Electrical services. increase has done much to Se said, "We need a tax associaie tiean of the College of Engineering remodel "We took nO cut on library restore slashed departmental increase to solve our Communkations and Fine laboratory facilities.' The materials, Peterson said. "We budgets, administrators said. budgetary problems. The Arts t:aid the college's improved labs will ile!P ~ just rlidn't think. 11'"' could But they also said the money tuition increase was a step in academic units were able to college meet accreditation sustain that." is only a temporary balm, and the right direction, but it put money back into office standards. The library is continuing its may not mean much if the missed the mark by a long supplies, telecommunications' "The lab renovatioos will be decrease of new material University's budget situation shot." and travelaecounts. our first priority," Tern- purchases. ''There is still a doesn't improv~. Thirty-three percent of the "The increase has really pelmeyer said. The increase shortfall, we are still cutting Ernie Lewis, associate vice acadE.rrJc affairs budget was been an immense hE>lp. It's also helped pay for the pur- back on new purc:hasb;" president for campus affairs, restored by the tuiti9D in- unfortunate that the parents chase of new laboratory Petersonsaid. said the l8-percent tuition crease, Lewis said. and students have to take up equipment, office supplies and "None of us like to see an increase helped coileges buy The increas~ for each the burden, but it was will help pay student worker increase in tuition, hutit was a mucb-needoo office supplies department was proportionate nP.CeSSary," Youngblood said. wages, he said. and pay their phone bills. to the budget cut it took after Kenneth Tempelmeyer, Kerneill Peterson, dean of See TumON,Page5 Board to hear sides in Bible quote case By Dana DeBeaumont Staff Writer the civil rights of the clillciren in his classes. The Carbondale elementary Robert Sberman, national school board will bear both spokesperson for American sides in a dispute over a Atheists, will accompany teacher's right to quote the Stivers to the meeting. Bible at '1 p.m. tonight in the Sherman said ~e will make a Brush Administrative Center, presentation to the public 4OOW.MonroeSt. before the executive session. Individuals will have the The closed session will be op~tunity to voice their held togive the board a chance opInions in an open meeting. to bear the· complaints At 8:30 p.m. the board will go themselves < tather than: into a closed executive session to bear '-eomplaints from both BOARD,Page 5 . sides,' Larry.:Jacuber, :;ee superintendent· of the Car-. bondale Elementary Schools Gus Bode Distric*No. 95, said. Curtis Caldwell, an SIU-C master's student in linguistics, t claims his civil ~ts were ~~"' violated when he was asked ,/ )3 not to quote the Bible while No problem substitute teaching at Lincoln Junior High School. iAJ. Damon Frugoll, sophomore In radio­ nurse Lynnette Thomas draws blood JOhn Stivers, parent of two Wednesday at the Red Cross Blood DrIve junior high school students and television, and Renee Bochantln. Gu. say. something'. wrong sophomore In public relations relax as being held In the Student Center this week. graduate student in higher education, said Caldwell when you can't tell H they're violated constitutional law and preachln' or teach In'• N. J. high court rules surrogacy for pay,· illegal TRENTON, N.J. ell-I) - her fourth child. said she was "But I am gratified to see The state Supreme Court ruled Surrogate mother case examined "grateful" that,· although she that surrogacy has been Wednesday that surrogate did not win custody, the New discredited and delighted to motherbood for pay is illegal -Page 6 Jersey high court recognized know that my relationship with "and perhaps criminal," but . her as the JegaJ mother of her my daughter will continue for !'efused to return Baby M to daughter. the rest of our lives," she said Mary Beth Whitehead Gould, daughter, the nearly 2-year-old Gould said she is satisfied. She ''I .did nqi begin this as a at a news eonfere.nce with her who fought to reclaim the child whose birth sparked said she will Dot appeal the public crusade," said lawyers. daughter she bore for a worldwide debate on the unanimous decision to the U.S. Whitehead Gould, the natioo's Lawyers for William and childless couple. morality of surrogate Supreme Court and will end first surrogate mother to go to Elizabeth Stern, the childless The court did, boweve:r, motherhood. her baWe for custody. trial asking to back out of a Tenafly, N.J., couple who restore Whitehead GOI;Jd's A weeping but smiling and Whitehead Gould, recently contract to give up her infant right to visits with her happy Mary Beth Whitehead remarried and pregnant with to a childless couple. See CASE, Page 5 This Moming Suspect in home inva'sion caught House rejects By John Mohler StaffWriler Karri, 21, of 2212 Cloverfield a Carbondale resident, said. Springfield Wednesday af­ aid to Contras Lane, Springfield. Karri's Zappa said Karri, an Indian, ternoon. A former University student parents told police that Finley was to marry an Indian man Police said Finley entered -Page 7 wantd in Springfield on abducted Karri after breaking through a traditional arranged the Karri residence Monday, Kennedy gains charges of home invasion was into their house. marriage and that her parents wielding a wooden board after arrested by Carbondale police However, Karri has filed no were "not too crazy about her Karri's parents twice refused Senate confirmation Tuesday night at Heritage charges herself, Leo Zappa. of marrying an American." to let him see Karri. Motel,l209 W. Main St., police the Springfield state's at­ Finley was taken io Jackson Karri's mother told police ...,~ Page 22 reports said. torney's office said. Kam and County Jail and later released Finley had thrown a brick SaJuki women The arrest ended a statewide Finley may have been plan­ on $25,000 bond to !Appear in through a window and search by police and FBI ning to marry, he said. Springfield for his arraign­ threatened her and her to battle N. Iowa agents for John A. Finley, 25, "It looks as though she went ment, Zappa said. A court date daughter thrwgh a locked of 1612 N. Eighth St. in on her own free will," Zappa . has not been set. bathroom door upon entering -Sports20 Springfield and RR 6 in Car­ said. Finley was arrested without the residence. bohdale. Finley and Karri were a struggle and Karri was Fink'Y forced Karri out of Flumes, mid 20&. Charges against Finley were acquaintances for at least five unharmed, police said. Zappa the hoose and into his car, filed by the parents of Lakshmi months, Finley's brother Paul, said Karri had not returned to Karri's mother told police. ,---- ------------------------~·i u.rbond~l~ ,~'. i ,P~i~_ ··to 1"73 00 '" - LA ROMffSFREE Delivery . PlZZRIII .. Chicago • aT $1.O ff 1/32oz. Pepsi .f<.t I 00 ~Amtrak_.{~. MedlulII. La.... with delivery of __ " (3.. I . world/nation . or X-Large or medlulII plua I ~rJ Pizza 2/32oz. Pepsi's I A - . I 'I' 549-7347 limit one per pizza with large or X-~arge I all for info N. Korea names remains We Always Deliver FREE Peps is I B . I *""A Travel Servic . __________________________---4 of 2 MIAs, keeps them -529.1344 t 701 S. University SEOUL, South Korea (UPI) - North Korea for Ule fitst time ~** ••• ******* •• bas identified two American soldiers missing siDce the Korean War but bas refused to release their remains, citing slander by RAMADA I"ft i~ Rea.:'lngsi the United States. A U.S. general said North Korea refused to release the remains because of recent U.s. condemnation of it~\ .nl.~ North Korea for its alleged bombing of a (South) Korean Air OASIS LOUtiCiE :it ...-.--.~-"... __. ...- . : jetliner with 115 people aboard on Nov. 29. In reaction to the bombin&, Wasbingtoo placed North Korea 011 the U.s. list of : ==. .:::.::=- : terrorist natioos last month. Pyonyang quickly said it would not ...,--_ ......... - lit- band over any remains of missing American servicemen. =--......,~,.. ... ". ~ i. I_.!!w'!.-...::....~_ : Three union members arrested for hotel fire ~ _L ..=-_ lit_ SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (UPD ..;.. Authorities arrested a local . ...- lit- ~ ••• ¥¥¥¥ ..... lIt_ Teamsters off'tcial and two uniOD members before dawn Wed­ nesday and charged them with f1l counts of first-4egree murder, plus other charges of arson, sowing de5tructioo, and conspiracy m COIlIleCti.on with the 1986 Dupont Plaza Hotel fire.
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