Registebed as a Newspaper. No 437.—(Vol. XVIII.—No 1.) LONDON: FRIDAY, JAN. 7, 1881. Published Weekly: Price Twopence. No Gentleman should leave London without one of JAMES MALTBY’S UNITED SUITS. COMPLETE ATTIRE IN ONE GARMENT. “ Tho Greatest Success ever obtained in Clothing.”—Vide Opinions of the Press. PATENTED IN AMERICA. To be seen, with a Splendid Assortment of tho Finest Goods for the present season, at the Establishment of JAMES MALTBY, Army Tailor, 8, HANOVER PLACE, UPPER BAKER STREET, Three Minutes’ Walk from Baker Street Station. A NEW PUBLIC LENDING LIBRARY. “THE SPIRITUALIST LIBRARY,” 33, MUSEUM STREET, LONDON, W.C. Catalogues may be had on application. Subscription Fifteen Shillings a Year, exclusive of the cost of postage of books. Full particulars as to terms will be found in the catalogue. Domy 8vo. Cloth. Red Edges. Price 12s. 6d. Post Free. ILLUSTRATED BY VARIOUS FULL PAGE AND DOUBLE PAGE ENGRAVINGS. TRANSCENDENTAL PHYSICS. AN ACCOUNT OF EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS FROM THE SCIENTIFIC TREATISES OF JOHANN CARL FRIEDRICH ZOLLNER, Professor of Physical Astronomy at the University of Leipsic : Member of the Royal Saxon Society of Sciences ; Foreign Member of the Royal Astronomical Society of London: of the Imperial Academy of Natural Philosophers at Moscow; and Honorary Member of the Physical Association at Frankfort-on-the-Main. TRANSLATED FROM TIIE GERMAN, WITH A PREFACE AND APPENDICES, BY CHARLES CARLETON MASSEY, (of Lincoln’s inn, Barrister-at-Law.) The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office, 33. Museum Street, London, W.C. EPPS’S OOOO A., GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. “ By a thorough knowledge of tho natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition,and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast-tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtlo maladies are floating around us ready to attack whenever there is weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly-nourished frame ” "-Civil Service Gazette. JAMES EPPS & CO., HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, LONDON. Makers of EPPS’S CHOCOLATE ESSENCE for Afternoon use. Just Published. Price 2s. 6d. Crown 8vo. Cloth. Red Edges. MESMERISM, WITH HINTS FOR BEGINNERS. By CAPTAIN JOHN JAMES (Formerly of the Ninetieth Light Infantry). A text-book by an A utlior who has had thirty years' experience in Mesmerism. ’ Captain James is, it is needless to say, a very firm believer he holds that one of tho chief causes of the failure of mesmerists J? tne reality and uses of the mesmeric sleep, and he has here is, that they give up the trail too quickly, and that they also “fown together the results of his own experiences, at the request mesmerise far too many persons. As to the beneficial results of . * his publisher. We agree with Mr. Harrison that the author mesmerism, our author has no doubts whatever, whether as a th 8 ^rcatt'8 the subject exactly in the way in which it is desirable cure for epilepsy, headache, toothache, or other ailment; and his at matters on which the public require information should be final advice to the practitioner is, ‘ Call it what you like, but per­ reated; and ho tells concisely, and yet fully, many of the sistently employ it for tho berefit of the sick and suffering. acrets of what is still regarded in many quarters as a somewhat Even if Captain James fails to make converts by bis little volume, ark an Want of faith is, he argues, the gTeat bar to the pro- he may at any rate l.e credited witii naving written an interesting Krei*a of what he terms • a just appreciation of the powersand work in a thoroughly pleasant way.”—The Tiiblis/icr’l Circular. “® blessings to be derived from a proper use of mesmerism,’ and The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Oflice, 33, Museum-street, London, W.C. THE SPIRITUALIST. Jan. 7, 1881. ALLAN KA RD EC’S WORKS. MR. F. OMERIN, ALLAN KARDEC (Blackwell’s Translations). Having made many rapid and permanent cures of Uout, Rheumatism, and other painful maladies is pre­ THE SPIRITS’ BOOK (1858). From the Hundred and Twentieth Thousand. pared to visit pationts. Address, THE MEDIUMS’ BOOK (1861). From the Eighty-fifth Thousand. ' MR. OMERIN, HEAVEN AND HELL (1863). From the Sixtieth Thousand. o, NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, STRAND, ____________ LONDON. Price 78. 6d. Tbubneb and Co., London. HEALING BY LAYING” ON OF ' HANDS Just Published. DR. JAMES MACK, SPIRIT-IDENTITY. 37; Upper Baker Street, N.W. By M.A. (Oxon).” mesmerism. " Cloth 8vo. Red Edges. Price Five Shillings, post free. The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office, 33, Museum-street, London W.C. MR. J.ILIJ^ERBST Is now prepared to treat diseases by above method. AU appointments by letter. Ho visits from 10 a.m. n ,1 1 p.m. and recoivcs at his residence from 2 n m Second Edition fust Out. 21 pp. Price 2d.; by post 2|d. till 4 p.m. __ Note Address, RATIONALE OF SPIRITUALISM. xork House, (Next to Metropolitan Station) Upper Baker Street, London. BY F. F. COOK. ______ Within easy reach of rail and bus. “‘Spiritualism,’ as Mr. F. F. Cook points out in his very able paper, ‘ is Revolution, not simply Reform.’ This is exactly the view that I have long had impressed upon me. F. 0. MATTHEW’S, There is very little conservative about it; little that is orderly, any more than there was in 11, GOLDEN SQUARE, LONDON, W. the great Revolution that left us Christianity. It is an upheaval, and is attended with all the apparent disorder and chaotic confusion of an earthquake. * * * In order rightly to Also at Goswell Hall, Goswell Street, estimate the progress of the movement, it is necessary to view it from within, and from tho Every Sunday afternoon at half-past two. standpoint of the Spiritualist. In no other way can any clue be got to what seem its THE HERALD OF PROGRESS, manifold absurdities, contradictions, and vulgarities, to say nothing of other more serious Weekly, price id., post free lid. blemishes. In this pamphlet Mr. Cook points out with much shrewdness and force, that tho t t Subscription 6s. Gd. in advance. movement which we call Spiritualism is controlled and governed by spiritual methods from Is published on purely co-operative principles, and a spiritual plane, and that what we see around us hero are the results of causes ovor which contributed to by the leading minds of the mOvomont we have comparatively little command.”—“M. A. (Oxon.)” in Higher Aspects of Spirit­ among whom may bo mentioned W. Oxley, Esn A ’ ualism. V roHugh'annbookXs.“ bO Ordcred dirc“tor “ This ‘ paper’ is full of indications of fresh freo thought. Its writer has the genuine London: E , W, Alien. 11, Ave Maria Lano E C spirit of a seeker after truth, and there is something most refreshing in his treatment of a Manchesti^^r: J. Heywood, John Dalton Street, and at -J, Blackett Street, Newaisttc-on.-Tync, to where all subject that too often calls forth the drivel of denying bigots, or the hysterics of affirming communications should bo addressed fanatics. Mr. Cook is a hundred times more of a ‘ philosopher ’ than many of the sublime persons who would have there doubts about listening to him. We commend it to such Id W. WALLIS, Iranco Medium, inquirers as may still be humble enough to suspect that, after all, they may not know l-J • desires engagements to deliver public or nri everything, and that they have not yet exhausted the boundless possibilities of the uni­ T?? *dd.resse,s ’n. Lo,nd°n tho provinces. Address,’ verse.”—Rev. John Paoe Hopps’s, Truthseeker, for April, 1880. 33S, St. Anne’s Well Road, Nottingham. The Spiritualist Office, 33, Museum Street, London. rjHINA, GLASS AND EARTHEN- VJ WARE. Co-operative Stores and all other Stores fully equalled if not superseded for China Glass, and Laithenware. Quality and quantity un­ rivalled for tho smallest margin of profit on the pre­ THE THEOSOPHIST, payment svstom * A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO SCIENCE, ORIENTAL J. M. DALE, 50, Crawford-street, Bryanston-square, London. riHLOSOPHY, HISTORY, PSY’CnO.LO)GY", LITERATURE AND ART. QECR FTARY OR AMAN UENSSL Conducted by H. P. BLAVATSKY. Wantod by a young lady an engagement as abuve to Author or Literary man. Would take Business SS?’ y°ar8’ experience. Excellent PUBLISHED AT 108, G1RGAUM BACK ROAD, BOMBAY. O. A. B.t Subscription, £1 Per Annum, Post Freo. 88, SLStephen’s Avenue, Shepherd’s Bush, London, W, VERSAILLES. Post Office Orders to “ The Proprietors of 1 The Theosophist? ” n ENGLISH LADY’S APARTMENTS TO BE LET EUltNlSHED, at No. 25, Rue des lteser". at the above address. voirs, ’ A OPPOSITE THE HOTEL VATEL, Consisting of Drawing-room, Dining-room, and two Price 5s. Crown 8vo. Post freo. Cloth. Red edges. Tho new Book by Bed-rooms; a good Kitchen, with usual OlUcos Evcrv convenience, and double entry, Tho portorcooks well “ M. A. (Oxon),” on it required. Perns, eight pounds per mouth. Apply to A. R., PSYCIHOGRAPHY; OR DIRECT SPIRIT WRITING Soadding’s Library, Illustrated with diagrams. Bclgrave Road, Warwick Square, London. Trains and Iranis to and from Paris every hour. Newspaper Branch Office, 33, Museum-street, London, W.C. The Spiritualist J ust published, in (istavo, Price Olio Shilling “ The spirit of the matter- Just Published. _ “- HORN,” a Boom, by Loud Queeksikuuy Dedicated to the Beers of Scoiland.
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