VOL. CKANBUKY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1923. NO.'24. EASTERN STAR ELECTION. THEY'RE OFF! HERE'S HOPING. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. THE CHURCHES. lIllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllliiiiillllllllllIllllllllllllllllliiiililllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllR Officers for the ensuing year were The Annual meeting of the stock- First Presbyterian. elected Wednesday evening at the A jolly party of hunters left Cran- S Business Hours—Open 8:30. Close at C :OO. Every Dny, Saturday Included. S \ bury today for Atsion in the Jersey holders of the First National Bank regular meeting of Brainerd Chapt- Pines, where they will set up camp of Cranbury, New Jersey, will be Prayer Service in the Chapel at er, No. 132, O. E. S. of Cranbury. held at their Banking House on seven-thirty. and be- ready when the curtain rises They are: Clara B. • Rue, Worthy on the dawn of Monday, "Jimmie" Tuesday, January 8th, 1924, for the 1 HOEHIG, SWERH & COMPANY | Subject for Discussion and Prayer, Matron; E. S. Barclay, Worthy Pat- purpose of electing nine (9) direct- "A world-Wide • Gospel." " - . Ewart drove the" party down in his Successors to S. E. Kanfman Co. — ron; Ada V. Wilson, Associate Mat- big truck and the hunters will es- ors to serve for the ensuing year Sunday School at 10 o'clock. ron, Emma Owens, Conductress; and to transact any other business Organist and Choirster assisted, by tablish their camp tonight. They ex- Olive L. Petty, associate conduct- pect to be gone about a week, so we that may properly come before the = Phone 5000 South Broad at Lafayette Sts., TRENTON, N. J. | the • orchestra. ress; Rhoda Dorrance, secretary; meeting. Polls open 11 o'clock A. M. Men's Bible-Class at ' the same can look for plenty of venison in ~" RADIO BROADCASTING—STATION W-W-A-B. = Annie R. Voorhees. treasurer; Eva the next few days. Rev. Frederick and remain open one hour. hour, taught by the pastor. Conover and Elizabeth Mershon, GEO. B. MERSHON, "Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. Schweitzer and E. C. .Wilson have trustees. These officers together.with been looking the ground over for Cashier. Sermon by the pastor. .Subject: the appointed ones will be installed Cranbury, N. J., Dec. 7th, 1923. ' "The Riddle of Life." John 8:37. on Wednesday evening, December several days and great preparations The Pastor will preach at the have been under way for the past 26th. ' '• ' week. We hope that the party will STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. Community Service In the Second There was a fine attendance on Church on Sabbath evening. meet with luck and bring home the The annual meeting of the Stock- Wednesday evening and a play en- "bacon." Good luck to you! A Cantata, "Christmas Ahoy" will titled, "Just Like a Woman," was holders of the First National Bank, be given by the Sunday School on given. It was greatly enjoyed and The campers will be well supplied of Jamesburg, N. J., for the election Friday night, December 21st, in the ably given by the following cast: with good food for they have taken of Directors for the ensuing year, chapel. This is a spirited collection Mrs. Joseph Owens, Mrs. Samuel Chef Peter Walton and his assistant will be held at the banking house on of songs and choruses, ,iu character Perrine, Miss Olive Petty, Charles cook, Jack Wilson. Pete is an excel- Tuesday, January 8th, 1924. Polls and costume, given under the train- C. Groves, Carlton Campbell and A. lent cook and he will no doubt be will be open at 2:00 P. M. and re- ing and direction' of Mrs. Gertrude L. Burroughs. Mrs. Martin Welsh a very busy man keeping 'em fed up main open for one hour. Bennett, Mrs. Anna.JDenison and and A. L. Burroughs rendered piano The party comprises: Rev. Leon- M: I. VOORHEES, ard Bushman, of Woodbridge; Jack Mrs. Symmes H. Perrine, assisted by- duets, Dainty refreshments were Cashier. other members of the committee. served. Baremore, of Spring Lake; John An- The Junior Choir for Monday tone, of New Brunswick; John Cow- The Store of ard and Charles Carson, of Hights- -M-fr-t night will be merged in the training BED QUILT PARTY. II 1 H.i-M"I'i-M-H"M"l-M-i- for the Christmas Cantata. town; Earl C. Wilson, Rev. Freder- People, just take a look at your ick Schweitzer, William Updike, Second Presbyterian. bed quilts, and if they are any wayWilliam Danser," James Ewart, Alex. STARVING DOES NOT PAY. soiled just bring them into us and Farr, Frank Hand, John Aler, Clen- The Prayer Service this Friday we will make them look like new. don Danser, Arthur Danser, Lewis B Gifts evening in the Chapel at 7:30 P. M.We do all kinds of dry cleaning and Chamberlin and Charles Brown. Mau's trne self requires food and will be in charge of one of the dyeing of portieres, blankets, baby Guss Farr and Samuel Dey will exercise, in order to live and grow. Elders, during the absence of the carriage covers and robes, all sorts join the party over night next week. Come out Sunday and get some TOLLY days, these are. There's a bustle and a pastor. of fancy dresses or anything that is food. £r bigness in the air, for it's the time when folks The Men'.s Bible Class will meet wearable. MISS HUTCHINSON ANNOUNCES in the , Church and the Sunday We are also experts in steaming HER ENGAGEMENT. 11.00 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. are thinking of other folks and bustling in School in the Chapel at ten o'clock. plush and velvet coats. Miss Mary Hutchinson, daughter their hunt for gifts to make others happy. This The Christmas hymns - will be re- A fine assortment of suits, over- of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hutchinson, store has a share in this great, good Christmas sea- hearsed at the Sunday School ses- coats and boys' overcoats at very of Cranbury, announced her engage- sion. reasonable prices. Come in and look ment to Milton T. Vanderveer, of :: SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-:: son, a part that has to do with bringing closer Divine Worship at eleven o'clock them over. Hightstown Cleaners •&• New -.York, Saturday afternoon, with sermon by the pastor. Mrs. Dyers, Phone 61-A. We call for when she entertained a number of together generous hearts and the things they are Lewis B. Chamberlin will sing a and deliver—advertisement. her friends at her home in South ' l"l I I -Mi I I Mi I I-I [ I I •!•!• C"t searching for to give as Christmas gifts. To add to solo. , o Cranbury. the jollity of Christmas by adding to everyone's The memorial flowers will be FUDGE KIRKPATRICK The guests indulged in the play- given by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barclay ADDRESSES BROTHERHOOD. ing of five hundred after which shopping comforts and conveniences is our desire, The Senior Christian Endeavor delicious refreshments were served. and aisles brimming over with gift suggestions is will meet in the chapel at 6:30 P. M. A group of seventy men, comprls- The color scheme for the occasion Topic: Bible passages we should ed of members of the Second Pres- was green and white, our answer. memorize and why? (Each Endeav- byterian Brotherhood, and guests_ The guests were: Mrs. Gill Robb LYONS & PARKER orer is asked to memorize one pas-attended the meeting Monday ov"e~| Wilson, of Trenton; Mrs. Carlton sage.) Leader, Stanley Owens. All ning when Judge Johh P. Kirk- Campbell, Mrs. Alvah Probasco Mrs. the young people are invited to help Patrick of Middlesex County related Lewis B. Chamberlin, Miss Lucille increase the attendance at these some of his experiences in the courts Chamberlin, Miss Margaret Bergen, meetings. over which he presides. His remarks Miss Marion Campbell, Miss Mildred Community Service in the Second were interesting and well received Forman, Miss Olive Petty, Miss New Brunswick's church at 7:30 P. M. The Rev. J. E. by the men. Josoph Owens render- Marion Johnes, Mrs. Isaiah Barclay, Curry will preach the sermon. The ed a cornet solo. Chorus singing Jr. choir will render an anthem entitled was heartily indulged in- by the men Greatest Over- "Abide With Me." and delicious refreshments served NEXT LYCEUM COURSE On Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30, by the Ladies Auxiliary. coat and Suit the Brainerd Chapter, Westminster o EXTERTAIXMEXT, DEC. 122. Toy City and Doll Village Guild, will meet with Mrs. John BRAINERD CHAPTER TO HOLD Stonaker. Topic: India. Leaders, NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE. The second entertainment of the House Miss Elizabeth Campbell and Mrs. Lyceum Course will be held in the on Main Floor Lewis B. Chamberlin. School Assembly room at Cranbury Brainerd Chapter, No. 132, O. E. on Saturday evening, December 22d, v Oh, my, kiddies, if you haven't seen Toy City, On Friday, December 21st, the S., of Cranbury, will hold a New at 8 o'clock. High Grade Makes Such as annual Sunday School Christmas en- Year's eve dance in the Peddie come to the store bright and early tomorrow; for, tertainment will be held in the Mr. Charles Dietric and his assist- ymnasium at Hightstown. Excell- ant musician will entertain with oh, there's carload after carload of toys of every Church Auditorium. Seats will be ent music for the affair will be fur- magic and music. STEIN-BLOCK, reserved for the Sunday School nished by Barlow's Orchestra of description/ Toys for tiny, wee tots, and toys for classes in the front half of the main In offering Mr.
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