MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) ACTS AND RESOLVES AS PASSED BY THE Ninetieth and Ninety-first Legislatures OF THE STATE OF MAINE From April 26, 1941 to April 9, 1943 AND MISCELLANEOUS STATE PAPERS Published by the Revisor of Statutes in accordance with the Resolves of the Legislature approved June 28, 1820, March 18, 1840, March 16, 1842, and Acts approved August 6, 1930 and April 2, 193I. KENNEBEC JOURNAL AUGUSTA, MAINE 1943 PUBLIC LAWS OF THE STATE OF MAINE As Passed by the Ninety-first Legislature 1943 290 TO SIMPLIFY THE INLAND FISHING LAWS CHAP. 256 -Hte ~ ~ -Hte eOt:l:llty ffi' ft*; 4tet s.e]3t:l:ty tfl.a.t mry' ~ !;;llOWR ~ ~ ~ ~ "" hunting: ffi' ftshiRg: Hit;, ffi' "" Hit; ~ mry' ~ ~ ~, ~ ft*; eounty ~ ft8.t rett:l:rRes. ~ "" rC8:S0R8:B~e tffi:re ~ ft*; s.e]38:FtaFe, ~ ~ ffi" 5i:i'ffi 4tet s.e]3uty, ~ 5i:i'ffi ~ a-5 ~ 4eeme ReCCSS8:F)-, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ffi'i'El, 4aH ~ eRtitles. 4E; Fe8:50nable fee5 ffi'i'El, C!E]3C::lSCS ~ ft*; sen-ices ffi'i'El, ~ ft*; ffi4s, ~ ~ ~ ~ -Hte tFeasurcr ~ ~ eouRty. BefoFc tfte sffi4 ~ €of' ~ ~ 4ep­ i:tt;- ~ ffle.t:J:.p 8:s.aitional e1E]3cfisc itt -Hte eM, ~ -Hte ~ ~~' ~, ftc ~ ~ -Hte conseRt ~"" lIiajority ~ -Hte COt:l:fity COfi111'lissioReFs ~ -Hte 5a+4 coufity. Whenever it shall come to the attention of the commis­ sioner of inland fisheries and game, or his deputy commissioner, that any person or persons known to have gone upon a hunting or fishing trip, or a trip for any other purpose, in the woodlands of the state, and have not returned within a reasonable time after his or their departure, the commis­ sioner of inland fisheries and game is hereby authorized to summon any person found within the state to assist in finding the lost person or per­ sons, and each person so summoned shall be paid at a rate set by the said commissioner, with the approval of the governor and council, and be pro­ vided with subsistence during such service. The expenses of the commis­ sioner in attempting to find lost persons shall be charged to the general funds.' Effective July 9, 1943 Chapter 256 AN ACT to Simplify the Inland Fishing Laws. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows: Sec. I. R. S., c. 38, § 4, amended. The last sentence of section 4 of chapter 38 of the revised statutes, as revised, is hereby amended to read as follows: . 'Whoever violates any provision of this section or any ru1e and regulation issued under the provisions of this chapter or under the direction of the legislature shall be subject to the penalty of section 107.' Sec. 2. R. S., c. 38, new § 2I-A. Chapter 38 of the revised statutes is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to be numbered 2I-A and to read as follows: 'Sec. 2I-A. Open seasons for fishing. Except as provided for by ru1es and regulations, the following shall be the open seasons for fishing in the state; opening and closing dates in all instances are inclusive: TO SIMPLIFY TIIE INLAND FISHING LAWS 291 CHAP. 256 I. In lakes and ponds for salmon, trout, togue and white perch from the time the ice is out until September 30 and for black bass from June 21 to September 30; 2. In rivers above tide-waters for' salmon, trout, togue and white perch from the time the ice is out until September 14 and for black bass from June 21 to September 14; 3. In brooks and streams for salmon, trout, togue and white perch from the time the ice is out until August IS and for black bass from June -21 to August IS; provided, however, that 3 black bass per day may be taken by fly fishing only from June I to June 20 of any year and provided further that no person shall fish with more than 2 lines at anyone time.' Sec. 3. R. S., c. 38, § 22, amended. Section 22 of chapter 38 of the revised statutes, as revised, is hereby amend~d to read as follows: 'Sec. 22. Size of fish and weight of catch limited; special provisions in . various localities. During the respective closed seasons on the below named fish no person shall fish for, take, catch, or kill, or have any of them in possession; provided that no perso.n shall in anyone day during the respec­ tive open season herein provided, take, catch or kill, in ~r from any or all of the rivers, streams and brooks of the state, or have in possession taken therefrom at any time, more than 25 fish or more than 7Yz pounds in all of salmon, trout, togue, white perch and black bass unless one individ­ ual fish caught shall weigh more than 7% pounds or unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight thereof to more than 7Yz pounds; provided, further, that no salmon or togue less than 14 inches, no trout less than 6 inches, no white perch less than 6 inches, and no black bass less than 10 inches in length shall be caught and killed or had in pos­ session by any person at any time; provided, further, that no person shall in anyone day take, catch or kill in or from any or all of the lakes and ponds ~ ~ of the state or have in possession at any time more than 25 fish or 10 pounds in all of salmon, trout, togue, white perch and black bass even ~hough the 25th fish, caught and killed weighs less than 10 pounds; pro­ vided, further, that no salmon or togue less than 14 inches in length, nor trout less than 7 inches in length, no white perch less than 6 inches in length, and no black bass less than 10 inches in length shall be caught and killed or had in possession by any person at any time except as provided for by the rules and regulations of the department. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ffir ~ ~ ffi ;;H+ ~ ~ ~ '* _'\ndroscoggin C0i:111ty ~ _'\p:::i.l +5" e4 ea-eft~. No person, who has fished in 2 or more counties, shall have in his possession, at anyone time, more than the maximum number or weight of fish permitted in the county where the larger number 292 TO SIMPLIFY THE INLAND FISHING LAWS CHAP. 256 is allowed under rules and regulations of the commissioner of inland :fisheries and game.' Sec. 4. Certain rules and regulations repealed. All the rules and regu­ lations issued by the commissioner of inland fisheries and game, except those relating to ice fishing, are hereby voided and shall no longer be of any force and effect. Sec. 5. Commissioner of inland :fisheries and game to issue certain rules and regulations. The commissioner of inland fisheries and game is hereby authorized and directed to issue rules and regulations relating to the open­ ing and closing of certain lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and brooks to fishing and regulating the length of fish taken therefrom, as follows: In Androscoggin County: Opening the season in Androscoggin county on April Ist; Providing that trout less than 8 inches cannot be taken from any lake or pond; Prohibiting the taking of smelts; Closing Auburn lake to all fishing, beginning at the post set in the ground on the shore of Lake Auburn about 2500 feet westerly from the Auburn Water District intake; thence northerly about 300 feet to a point (buoy) ; thence northeasterly about 2400 feet to a point (buoy) about 3300 feet northerly from the intake of the Auburn Water District; thence easterly about 2500 feet to a point (buoy); thence southerly about 3000 feet to a post on the shore of Lake Auburn and on the line between the Lake Grove lot and the Morrell farm, so-called; thence westerly by the shore of Lake Auburn to the point of beginning; containing 340 acres more or less; Opening Moose Hill pond to white perch fishing only; Closing Pleasant pond, in Turner, south of row of stakes situated ap­ proximately 5 rods north of the outlet except to white perch fishing; Establishing a bag limit of 4 fish in one day in the aggregate of trout, togue and salmon in Thompson pond, Poland (also Cumberland and Ox­ ford counties) ; Closing Townsend brook from the bridge on the discontinued road run­ ning from the Waterman road to Dillingham hill, downstream, to 2 red posts set at the mouth of the brook. In Aroostook County: Opening the season in Aroostook county on May Ist; Providing that trout less than 8 inches cannot be taken from ponds and lakes; TO \SIMPLIFY THE INLAND 'FISHING LAWS 293 CHAP. 256 Permitting fly fishing only for salmon and trout in the Allagash river tributaries from August 15th to September 30th; Providing the following for Chiputneticook chain of lakes. Thorough­ fares connecting the different lakes shall be open to fly fishing only. Sea­ son May 19th to September 15th. It is unlawful to fish within 25 yards of the lower end of any fishway. Daily bag limit 20 fish or lO pounds per day even though said number weigh less than lO pounds. Gill nets for the taking of white fish in Grand lake may be used during the month of November.
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