;'tember 01 ter st s In se eral port" In STc:Un, Fr.i: e, Four Jays later she art h d :1t lstanhul, Turke), where :ind Ita!~. she remained until 16 St>pteml:>er. :!9 Sept.,rnht•r l gan a J.l!ll: l 53W er ag:aln I :.. ri .:.. ::'\.l\ al Ship- t"ehe d.l; timdar .l\allaMUty rt'ri"'-1 In \ allt>tta, Mal• } rd . •· , . ernaul toll.,,.-ed by n>!~'her train! o:t Cu Here, n -I Oc.-tot-er, C<.'mmand<?r G. H. Da\ 1s relil"\"t'd in .\r,..11. ln JWlt', s e apin de,.i.rt~ :.. rro' r r a !he Com:.,:inder :... L. i.;aufui.in as C•rn•rnand.111& Otflt"t'r I month , l v.ent to the • '•'<lih!rra. ~ a;;d t.~e MlJdle LAFFEY. E:ist. T s ·cruise "' lligh!.l t...:l '!sits to such On :!5 <Xtotoer, LAFFFY arrhed In Beirut, I eN.non, e o.lt I c rtS llS l:QsJ., 1't. la, D31bouU, Fr ~h lbr a se,.rn d.l\ '!"It. \\ hilt> In Bt>lrut. sl1t• i: -.ented 87 Su.,.aillland, A~n A.ss.tb, Ethic>r Port S\Jd:m, SUdan mattresses t.> · orphara!1'.t'S and t\' I\ -four can f Port Suez, lru:'1<1 •.uab Rt>pU. ~t" Piraeus, GN-eee ::-.apl.,s, t<''\tllooks to s ·ho. ls. The sl,ip' s t"OMho pro\ id <I "l r­ lt.tl}, ~esstna, S1cil , \ a!eflc1a, Spain, and Palm.i, :\1JJOn:a. t.llnmt>nt at the opening or the :-a,.., Cante• n In B L..\FFEY apin ~"' borne on 6 :.. '~ ber. J.S ,..,11 a..s at the dedication of the J, n Fltz~ralJ "-~ After ,~ the remai.Dder Ill 1965 ln :.. rrou.. , CU!:ural Center there. LAFFEY left n I J3.11uary !br :i month ln Key '\\e t, From Beirut, LAFFEY return~d to Ital) rat.,. da\ Fl rid.a, acting s..s school ship tor u:e Fl.eel . :ir School. stop In :-.a.pies and a ten d.l\ '!sit ln Gt m'll.. From Gt' , LAFFEY spent m t ot Febru.11") ln ::'\ rt 11.. but on LAFFEY pr<X"et.: IN to Barcel(ln , Spain, \\li<?rt' 3.C'erem m 7 • arcti apin bi!3ded south. this time to t. e Cari an \\3..5 held on N3rd fbr the i:rt>sent;itl n to t!l SU;r.h and Opuati.:in Sprtn&t>oard, the 21Ulual .\tlanuc Flt'11t Department tor t?le "E" ft>r E'\('ell.,n<"e. Traininc E en:tse. °'1 8 De<.·t'mher, LAF~ E\ :inht>d In G1 LAFFEY remrned to :Sorto on :! Arrtl 1966. After turn '"r and Outt"hop 1ro•n t?-e • !'\th F' a ~ of truensh e m~ten:ince she ~ a series r tollo"lng day, LAFFEY a• ct the ot" r Unth :antl-.submarLe exen:IS<'S lJ.StlllC unul I Juh . 36 renJe%'oused \\Ith tht" u ·Its or Oe. 1 in 3:" Back In ;:<; rtalA, s e hsd :l!IOther maintenance upkeep r turni~ from \ lettarn, On 17 Otoe r, tht' ~riod 1n preparation !br a."\Olber deployment to the ton: or Desron 36 and °"st , 3:? a rrt l i Meuiternn On :!2 July s e was WK!erv. ' along "lth The operational r.:aJln "-" o1 l u FEY units of Desron 36. t<'sted again ~ ae:iJn ul'der t e m t tn"ing After Incl.op to U.e Sl.x-th Fleet on l •.\uitUst, she In e'er)· maior C'.lmp;lir.n slnt"e s e Join d tbt> n proceeded to It~. • A th~~ stop at Ischla and a nine t" e.nt\ -l\\ o y rs ago. Sh• .·1.in<.b d\, da nslt to :S pies "'as tollo...-ed b\ tralning anc: or:.1.i::e s n again, "h ""'er at~. Grttce, hert! she remained untll S S01ptember. should arts• • FORMER COMMANDING OFFICER CDR. N. L , KAUFMAN USN CHANGE OF COMMAND ~ CommJnd<'r Norman I . Kaufman, L'SN, a nathe ol Servi ce Craft ... Ith collateral duues as Engineer and Repai r S e1> York Clt1, graduated from th<> L'nltedStates Merchant om~ ~ J ary Marlo<' Academ1, Kings Point, :\e\\ Yor~ in 1948. Follo'l\ - Upon compl etion or hi s shore duty tour I n anu 101 his gr.iduatlon hP serwd .is a Ship' s orncer In the 1960 he 'l\aS asslgrwd tempor .iry d u t~· \\Ith Dest roy;;;; l '.S. At m) T r:rnsport GENERAL ED\\ IS D. PATRIC!\ unlll 1he IJlter pan or 1949. Sq uad r on TWElffY-FOUH and served aboard U to MCCA FFERY ( DD -860) until assi gnment In lll ay 1960 From JanuaT) 1950 until 195 1 h" \\as attachl'd Ju ~t> USS llALI:. ( DD - 642) \\here he ser ved as ExecutJvc 0m~ :::; to l 'SS LSM 398 of th" Atlantic Fl,•t!l Ampltlblous Force, 1 Hts dulle\ Included Ofl('rjllons O!llcer, First Lh utenam , and then as O!ilcer-in-Char ge a fter HALE was se :~· u .ln<l .:0..1\l 1Cator. for tr ansfer t o the Col ombian Navy as a part 0 ~ ~~E ~ a~ 1 9 After an t!\Wnsh " pe no<.1 of dUt) under Inst ruction tary Assi stance Progr am. In January , G ~ 1Destroyer comm 1ssloned as the Col ombi an !'ava as f 111 th!' Submarine School, Se" London, Connecticut and the I ftJDJ " Al\'TIQUI A" and C DR KAU FM AN r emai ned aooard 0t'<•p SP.1 O!'lng School, \I ashlncton, D.C., CDR KAl' FMA..'i T ·ningT eam. nporwd to the subma1 In<' 1e•cut> ship l'S.S KlT T J\\ AKE Officer- i n-Charge of the U.S. Naval llloblle r :uTE RHA as ,.here he sened from June 1952 until October 1954 .i.s I n May 19G l he reported to USS C A L CA HRA In ~ · Rescue .ind Sal\ag(I Olllcer, O!>erauons OCOcer, s.11lgator Commanding O!flcer. Upon departing CAL CATBE r cau of Md com)>ll•ted his tour as E wcullve Oflker. October 1962, CDR KAUFMAN r eported t o the u Plans • Ills nex1 tour or tlu11 \\as with Cruiser - Destroyer Na\•al Per sonnel! for duty as Head, M obihz:ttlon . - ~ Section Policy Divi si on. He then attend e d the At rm"".i F.o~ce' ~ac l llc as Operations Offlce1 and Xa1 !gator 0 1 196 l:SS !3LU. (DD-i-14) \\hfch terminated In Ja1iuan 1957. Forces' St aff College, Norfolk, Vir ginia f rom i~~ooa rd \ For th!' ne\t tt>n months CDR KALI FM AX \\as .i .student to Ja n uary 1965. CDR KAUFMAN was P m cer. tn the General Lint• Curriculum a1 tho.> Xaval Postgraduate LAFFEY 12 February 1965 as her Comm andJ~g. ~ormer SchJOl, Mo1111•1 ay, Call lo ml a. Aftt•r success f u 11 ,. com ­ CDR KAUFMAN and M rs. KAUFMAN, t ~ thr ee pl!'ltn1 thP <'<>1Jrsc., he r£>ponPd t o thP L'.S. Na•ai Base, Edlth Cel sl er of For est Hills, New Yor k, have ' ""'llOrt, Rhode Isl.ind and sened .is Otncer-ln- Charge, children: Ruth J. , Juldth lll. , and Davi d L . 4 5 PRESENT COMMANDING OFFICER CDR G.H. DAVIS USN Commander George H. Davis, USN, a native or Pulaski, Lawrence Seaway and became one or the nrst four "Salt New York graduated rrom the United StJ.tes Mer chant Water" JS"avy ships to vi sit all five Great Lakes. ~l arlne Academy, Kings Point, Ne~ York In 1948. Following CDR Davis r eported to the Bureau or Naval Personnel his commissioning as Ensign, CDR Davis reported aboard In January 1961 for duty as Head, Disability Retirement the USS MANCHESTER (CL-83) for duty In the Eng1neertng Branch. He then attended the Command and Starr Course DtJpartment. at the Naval War College trom August 1963 to June 1964. Shortly aner the outbreak or Korean llostlliues, CDR Upon compl etion of War College, CDR Davis was t rans­ Davi s reported aboar d the USS CORAL SE A (CVA-43), fer red to duty on the Staff or Commander Seventh Fleet , In which he served umll 1952. In May 1952, CDR Davis wher e he served as Assistant Surface Operations Officer received orders to Mine Coumer Measures School at and Amphibi ous Warfare Otncer. CDR Davis was awar~ed Yorkto\\n, Virginia, In preparation for a two year tou r the Navy Commendation l\ledal for m eritorious ser vi c e aboard the USS PTARMIGAN ( A~l-37 6), a Steel Hulled while sen1ng on Seventh F leet from July 1964 t o August Flcl.'t ~ll nesweepe r . Whtie on the PTARMIGAN, he served 1966. as Chief Engineer, Operations Officer, and nnally as In addition t o the Navy Commendation M edal, CDR Execut1 \e Officer. Davis holds the Navy Occupation Servi ce Medal, China In December 1954, CDR Davi s reported at the New Servi ce M edal , National Defense Service Medal with one \:or~ State ~ l ar1t 1 me College, Fort Schuyler, Bronx, New star, Korean Service Medal with one star, Viet Nam \ 01 k, \\here he sened as an I nstructor In Naval Sci ence Service M edal , Navy Expeditionary Service Medal with until December 1956.
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