Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 10-14-1964 Herald of Holiness Volume 53 Number 34 (1964) W. T. Purkiser (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Purkiser, W. T. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 53 Number 34 (1964)" (1964). Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today. 653. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/653 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. O V IN G and OSING THIS YOUNG MAN was losing while But he lost and apparently was lost he thought he was winning. His story because he loved wealth more than is told in the nineteenth chapter of Christ. Christ w ill not share the first Matthew. The fact that he lost be­ place in our affections. His requirement comes all the more remarkable when is, “Thou shalt have no other gods be­ we notice he was a respectable young fore me.” In the affections is where man with high moral standards. eternity's battles are fought. To put He possessed a good foundation of material things first in our affections is knowledge upon which to base his faith. fatal here and hereafter. We cannot He knew that this life doesn't end it love God and mammon. all. He talked of eternal life, life be­ “If any man love the world, the love yond the grave, life that never ends. of the Father is not in him” (I John He also recognized his personal re­ 2:15). And if our affections are wrong, sponsibility and the possibility of find­ ing the secret of eternal life. Hence his question. “What shall I do?” General Superintendent He knew where to go, for he came Powers to Christ, who alone has the words of eternal life. This young man came in­ quiring of Christ. He respected mo­ rality; he lived a good outward life. our service, regardless of how pious it He came in humility of spirit and he appears on the surface, will be wrong came with a tender conscience, for after also. What we are in our hearts tends Christ pointed the way, he went away to work out into our deeds. “Ye cannot sad. His conscience was responsive to serve God and mammon" (Matthew the message. 6:24). impossible exploits for His glory, knowing He would prove His promise true. It had never been difficult for me to accept and believe the glorious truth of heart holiness, for it had been so wondrously demonstrated before me I Went in the beautiful, sweet, triumphant life of my own mother and the others of this congregation. When those old-fashioned preachers pointedly OME insisted God would cleanse the heart from all sin and make it pure, that the “old man” would be crucified when one really “died out,” I never had difficulty in accepting it. The demonstration was Today before me in that saintly group that worshipped here. This band of Christian witnesses were not much By H. DALE MITCHLLL of a hand to point to a verse in the Bible, when working with souls seeking God, and say, “Believe.” I WENT back home today to preaclt in the little But they were stalwarts at keeping the “seekers” church where Jesus Christ came to my heart with praying and digging and dying out. saving grace. It was the occasion of the fiftieth When one came to the altar with a hungering anniversary. My, ho tv God blessed us and warmed heart, the “workers” believed it was their responsi­ our hearts! bility to keep him there until he “prayed through” I could not help noticing how things had changed and had the witness in himself. I can still remember since my youth. I had left that town of six or those victorious scenes around the altar and the seven thousand people a few months after becoming shouts and glory that very frequently attended them. a Christian, and a half a lifetime had intervened. I have thought back often on those boyhood The city blocks seemed shorter; the buildings scenes since I have reached the mature years of life. seemed lower; the church building had been re­ T he whole world has changed much, and the meth­ modeled a bit but was substantially the same as ods in church circles have altered somewhat as well. when I attended. But the sanctuary seemed so But the gospel we preach and the results achieved much smaller than when I was a boy and had to must be the same. There is no other way that will go down the 1-o-n-g aisle to reach the altar. The fully satisfy the soul and meet the needs of life but people had aged, too, but many of the very ones the way of holiness. who had prayed for me were still there. There are many cheap counterfeits being offered There was one thing that had not changed, how­ from the pulpit and in book form. They tickle the ever. The people still had the glory of God upon ear and make one feel comfortable in his half­ them. This was a holiness church indeed. Holiness hearted and self-filled way of professing to follow radiated from their faces; it showed in their dress God. The results are most unsatisfactory and un­ and demeanor; it proclaimed itself in their joyful convincing and will be found wanting in the day singing; it was confirmed in their burdened pray­ of reckoning. ing; it exuberated in their triumphant testimonies; Those old-time saints that got me started on the it exhibited itself in their generous, selfless giving; road to heaven had the right interpretation of and it testified convincingly to all in a tender spirit God’s eternal Word. The way of holiness, which of love and blessing that bound this group to­ is the only way to heaven, demands with no com­ gether in Christ. Any man could witness for him­ promise the confession and renunciation of sin, the self that they “had been with Jesus” and His Spirit death to self, and the cleansing of the heart and was abiding in them. life of all that is unlike Christ, and the continual What a time I had trying to preach! My heart “walking in the Spirit.” “Blessed are the pure in and eyes overflowed again and again as I tried to heart: for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). tell how the gospel that they had believed, that they had lived, and that they had taught me, had worked in my heart and life also. It was never hard I and i n 1/ house u ill sci re the l ord: for me to believe in a supernatural God who was lint first, obedient to lit-s Word all-powerful and ever-present. I must mi:self sr,reear: This church where I “grew up” was filled with I lotions, words, and tempers, show That I mij heave nil) Master know. people who knew Him. They talked with Him on And serve with heart sincere. a personal basis; they walked with Him in an in­ lies Wesh", timate relationship; they counted on Him caring for them in their time of need; and they attempted OCTO BER 14, 1964 • (675) 3 IT HAS truthfully been said,1 “Christ alone can save the w o rld .” B u t w ith equal emphasis we can say, “Christ cannot save the w orld alone.” Christ’s sac­ rifice on Calvary is complete. Ours can be made effective through the Thanksgiving Of­ fering as we link our efforts with Him in worldwide evan­ QUESTIONS gelism . ■ -• & ASKED G en eral Superintendent school all their lives. Every child began going when he was three weeks old. From choice, 110 one was IT WAS Sunday morning. No questions were going to start missing today. Certainly, all were asked. None was needed. Everyone knew the sched­ staying for church. Every member of the family ule and willingly followed it. heartily participated in the singing of the hymns No one ever asked, “Where are we going today?" and gospel songs, even when some were too young To our church, of course! A neighboring congre­ to get either the words or tunes correct. The pas­ gation is having a good revival; there will be time tor’s messages were from the Word. They helped to go to it when the doors of our church ;ue not people to Cod and built up and instructed the open. There is a homecoming at a friendly place Christians. of worship nearby; perhaps some of the returning The N.Y.P.S., Hi-N.Y., juniors, prayer meeting- old acquaintances will still be there when our ser­ something for all ages—preceded the evening vices are over. A big, exciting somebody is preach­ preaching service. ing in a nearby city; we shall plan to go one night None would think of missing that evangelistic next week. meeting. The Lord often visited with special out­ Fishing? To the beach? To school 01 club activi­ pourings then. Who would want to be absent from ties that involved the weekend? Such inquiries the altar service when folks prayed through and were never made.
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