Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-11-1969 Arbiter, April 11 Students of Boise State College Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. InSubal Theatre "Threepenny Opera"Opens The B¥ise State College John Gay's "Beggars' Opera," bitter satire of morals and values production of Brecht's "Three which was written 111 the 1600's. placed on "whether you have Penny Opera" begins at 8: 15 The German composer, Kurt money or not." p.m, Friday, April 11 in the Weill, provided the musical score Music for each performance . Subal Theater following a dress w h i c h c 0 n.s i s t s 0 f will be provided by a three piece .rehearsal the previous night. German- American jazz songs. group composed of Larry Updated by Hobert Dewey, the Singers have been practicing Clabby, pianist; Carol March, opera (actually more a musical) their roles since the first of the orgamst: and Dennis O'Connell, is set in London, England during semester Starr Sigglekow, a drummer. the 1930's and concerns itself freshman cast in the romantic Tickets for the nightly with the unrest occurring after lead as Polly Peachurn, is performances areavailablein Ih.:··--· World War I and the resulting presently a voice student of Miss Subal Theater from 3 p.m. to 7 rebellion against authoritv. Standing. p.m. Students and faculty are "Threepenny Opera" is a Don hawkins, a drama major, admitted free with their activity combined venture of both the is playing the part of Machearh cards while tickets for the drama and music departments. (,..tack the Knife) which general public arc $2 for adults Dewey directs the production constitutes his first singing role. and $1.25 for students without while '''~ISS Georgia Standing A sophomore drama major, IlSC activity cards. assists him as musical director. Nathan Davis, is cast as Mr. J.J. Reservations for tickets can Ron Krernperz manages design Peachum, father of Polly. Ix: made by calling 385-1382. and technical direction, Shari The pan of Mrs. Peachum is Maughan handles lighting, and played by June Schmitz who AT niGHT: Nathan Davis, V irginia Krcmpetz is dance sang in last year's Music Week seated, play' the role of Mr. J.J, consultant. St~e manager for performance of "Showboat" and Pe achu m , father of PoUy the production IS Lee Kelly. the "Butterfly" performance Peachum , in Boise State The 1928 composition of the sponsored by the Boise College'S production of Bertholt German poet. Iknholt Brecht, Philharmonic. Brecht', "Threepenny Opera", was taken from unc of the first The story concerns the which opens Friday at 8: 15 p.m. significant English opera charming Mack the Knife, a in the Subal Theatre. Tickers arc composed for the British stage, leader of a gang of Thieves, and available at the Subal box office. open daily from 3 to 7 p.m. Boise State College PROFilE ON ROBERT DEWEY. DEADLINE FOR BSC DIRECTOR OF CHEERLEADER "THREEPENNY OPERA" TRYOUTS IS TODAY, BY NATHAN DAVIS: SEE PAGE 6. ARBITER SEE PAGE 2 Vol. 1 No. 27 Friday, April II. 1969 lIoise. Idaho College Receives Grants, ASB Officers Scholarships And Awards Travel to ISU Boise Stale College has III making the presentation. said received two grants for the next it will be an award presented A s s o c iated Student Budy school year according to Dr. each semester. officers, Jack Arbaugh, Gerald R. Reed, director of The recipient must have p r c s idc n t. Jim Tibbs. vice special projects. Onc granl is completed one semester in the rcsident and Dvkc Nallv, from the National Science trade field of auto-rnechanics> rormer presIJen·t.arc 'in Foundation for an in-service welding, machine shop. auto Pocatello today attendllll: the institute in earth sciences. The bodv or auto mechanics, or a second meeting of the Idaho award is for $7.XOll. course in office machine repair ~ S t u d e n I (; II v ern men t Dr. Mont Warner, associate Applications can be madc by Association. The two days of professor of earth science, is tIle co n tal'ting the Director of mecllnl:s arc king hmlcd br director of the NSF grant Financial Aids, or thl' Boise studcnl bodY "ffl,'elS "f Idaho institute which Will Ix: a year State Colkgc An'a Vocational S Iate U I1Iver~ity. long series of classes and SdlOOI. During the <'on<'Ll\e. the laboratorv work for secondary ..... ISC;A members will meet for sc h 001 'geology and. related discussions on IJaho "ducation science instructors. Thl' II1stitute .Ind diSCUSS su<'h topin a.s will meel wecklv at Boise Statl' SERVICE SCtfOlARSHIP cooperative booking of during thl' acadmeic vcar, and "nterUinmenl ;lmong Idaho up 0 n sucCl'ssful n;lIlpktion. Two $ 5 .000 awards, one each colleges and U 1111"'''1 lies. school four undergraduatc crnlns will III an individual and a l{lOUP for d"nlOnstrations and reprncnling be awarded toward a sl'eondarv outstanding volunl~'er scrvice, and backinl: th,' admll1islration education dl'gree in earth arc availahle to qualified of rou r college. SCiel1l"', ap\llicants h~' Lane Bryant Arh.lUgh s;llli the ;ls" ....lation. ASSisting 111 the institute Vo untcn Awards, which is madc up of S!lI,!cnt rogralll Will b,' Dr. !\.l'nnl,th Entrics lTlust be submittcd for hody offlCl'rs from Idaho rlollenbaugh and ,'Irs. Donna Judging hdorl' May I. 1969 colkgcs ;md unIH·"llies. will Parsons. accolllpanied hy a ~Iatl'ment not el,'ct a president and vice LYNNE STAI>TMAN, sophomore, was named the first official Miss Thc olher grant IS a eXl'eedlllg -too words describinl( prcslllt-nt dunnr. the me,·tinp. noise State Collelle Saturday cvcninllllt the sixth annual pageant in continuing grant undl'r Tnle III Illl' nominn"s activities and their 'Who"H'r 1\ e ITted as ISC,A th~ colle~e m.usie auditClliulll. Daughter of the. ~V:L. St.aJullans of of thl' lIifther Education Act of impact on the cOlnmunitv and "fflccrs will h,' rl'prc\l'ntllll{ nOISe, Mlu Stlll.!tman also won the talent diVISIOn With lIlodern 1965, . 'Strl'nl{theninl{ tho\(' h"ing ,,'r\,('(1. Idaho's 2X,OIlIl 1'0111'1:" dance. She was sponsorc,l hy Alpha Omkrnn Phi sornrily. Dcveloping Instillltions," Boise Further infonnation " and sIlHknts," Arh,llI~h addcd, Runners-up were the Misses Vkkl SimpslIn, first and winner of swilll Statl' reccived an initial grant official nomination fonllS mav I k also ,'xplallln! Ihat Ihe suit competition; Kim Forwnato. sccond; and Glenda Sali, third. last year under this acl, and th~' Ix' ohtaincd hy writing: Lan'e !{foul' hopcs 10 Jrrangl' for a Judith Walters and Sue Stover tied for the Miss Longeniality title. continuing ;Iward from thc Brvant Volunteer Awards, 465 r<~pr"Sl'nlaIIVc frum IS(;A to Sll federal governmcnt is in Ihe Other contestllnts were Marianne l>e S11111. 0, Amy Young, Matl:aret Fi{lh Avcnuc, New York. N.Y, on lh,' Slat .. Hoard of Edul'ation Obel1llorf and Mamiko Martinez. Miss Stll(ltman will cOlll11ete for Ihe amounl of S5(),OOO. 10017 "in ordcr 10 l{,·t mon' sllllknts lille of Miss Idaho in the June pal:ellnt. I>r. Heed indieated that IJar! , illvolvnl in Idaho l'ducation." of thc l1Ion,'v will he usel to The studenl would nol h,~ a "I1I\lloy two 'National. Teaching Issu,'s and Spe:tkers Commiltel', Fd ow~. in al'<'a\ YI't to h,' JOURNALISM STIPEND votinft memher of th .. hoard, . the program will in<'lude such , Another IH"I",S('d IHI'l{r,un 01 Czech Movie Set dl'tnmined. and the rl'l1Iaindn speakers as Dr. IInbcrt ISC;,\ is a tr.IHlin}: campus ;Irt of th,' monev will h,' us,'ll in Apth"ker, a pr;leticinp Marxist; Six new scholarships will be show malk up of tour works of several of. thl' ten pn'l{ram~ Hobnt Welch, head 0 the John For Friday Night availahk for incoming freshmen suhmitted for funding. The arl l'ontrihut,'t! fonn each Birch Society; and Gordon lIall, who all' intl'lnted in working Oil Friday, at X p.m. in the I..A , ,'xaCI usc of the funds will h,' p,lflicipalin~ ... >Ikl{" and a spc;lker critic.1 of l'xtremisls the Arhiter next fall, Director of AuditorIUm the movie "The <!eterminl'll hy the college, uni\'crslly, rhl' show will h,' of the left and right. Finan('ial Aids Hichard Reed displavl") at ,·a ..h rolkftl' for lWO Shop on Main Strl'et" will he ~'lid todav, shown. It is Czechoslovakian. •••• w("('ks' and Ihl'n lhat colkge or Committee chainnan, Mrs. The S:,wo schola~hips will be dirn'lcd h)' Jan Kader. This film univt'lsity is rnponsible for the Naey Leazcnby, said the VOC- TECtf AWARD aw:mkd to high s('hool graduates won the Acadcmy Award in show being transported to the nllnmittee is attempting to "l{ive who have a Journalism 1965 as the hest foreign film. nl'X t sdlllol. t he students a balanced I'ow,'r Tool :lIld Ma<'llinery hackgr<>und and e"perienee.
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