Prepared by Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Persimmon Homes | May 2012 | P.0747 Fugglestone Red, Salisbury ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT NON TECHNICAL SUMMARY Pegasus Planning Group CONTENTS Introduction 4 Assessment Approach 5 Cumulative Effects 5 Application Site Description 7 Application Site 8 Proposed Development 8 Alternatives 13 Socio Economics 14 Ecology & Nature Conservation 14 Landscape & Visuals 18 Archaelogy & Cultural Heritage 22 Agricultural Circumstances 23 Transport & Access 25 Air Quality 27 Noise & Vibration 28 Hydrology, Drainage & Flood Risk 29 Ground Conditions 29 Conclusion 31 Pegasus Planning Group Ref: P.0747 Date: MAY 2012 COPYRIGHT: The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Planning Group. FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY INTRODUCTION Persimmon Homes Ltd (the “Applicant”) is seeking to While the second application considered is described as: obtain planning permission for a residential-led mixed “LAND NORT WEST OF THE AVENUE, SALISBURY” use development (the “Proposed Development”) at Fugglestone Red in Salisbury, Wiltshire. “PROPOSED NEW CEMETERY WITH VEHICULAR ACCESS FROM THE AVENUE” An Environmental Statement (ES) has been prepared in support of two planning applications submitted on The two sites cumulatively are hereafter referred to as adjacent sites. The first planning application considered is the Application Site and have been considered together described as “ for the purposes of the environmental assessment. The Application Site is situated within the administrative area “LAND TO THE NORTH WEST OF FUGGLESTONE RED of Wiltshire Council (WC). AND BEMERTON HEATH, SALISBURY” This document comprises a non-technical summary “PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT COMPRISING (NTS) of the ES. The ES presents the findings of the RESIDENTIAL (UP TO 1250 DWELLINGS), EMPLOYMENT Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which was (8 HECTARES OF B1, B2), LOCAL CENTRE (CLASSES A1 undertaken in conjunction with the design process for the – A5) COMMUNITY USES (CLASS D1), PRIMARY SCHOOL, Proposed Development and various supporting studies, PUBLIC OPEN SPACE, LANDSCAPING, PEDESTRIAN which have informed the design. LINK TO FUGGLESTONE RED BY DEMOLITION OF EXISTING HOUSE, DEMOLITION OF FARM BUILDINGS The full findings of these studies and of the overall ES VEHICULAR LINK TO BEMERTON HEATH AND 2 No. are presented in a comprehensive set of documents that VEHICULAR ACCESSES OFF DEVIZES ROAD.” can be viewed at the offices of WC. Additional copies of the NTS (no charge), ES Volume 1 (£75 plus postage) and the Technical Appendices (£150 plus postage), are available from Pegasus Planning Group, Pegasus House, Querns Business Centre, Whitworth Road, Cirencester, Glucestershire, GL7 1RT. Telephone: 01285 641717. The complete ES can also be obtained in CD format for £10 from the same address. 4 FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY ASSESMENT APPROACH CUMULATIVE EFFECTS The purpose of EIA is to identify and assess the likely Effects that result from incremental changes caused by significant effects of the Proposed Development on the other past, present or reasonably foreseeable actions environment for both the construction and operational with a Proposed Development are known as cumulative phases of the Proposed Development. The ES provides effects. There are two main types of cumulative effect: data to identify and assess any environmental effects • Combined effects on a particular receptor or resulting from the Proposed Development which are likely individual effects from the Proposed Development, for to be of significance and provides a description of the example, noise, dust and visual effects; and measures proposed in order to avoid, reduce or remedy, if possible, significant adverse effects. • Effects from several developments, which individually might be insignificant, but when considered together The EIA Regulations stipulate that an ES should, there could be a significant effect. where possible, identify, describe and assess the likely significant effects of a development on the environment. The likely effects of the Proposed Development together Therefore this ES identifies and assesses the likely with the proposal for the Old Sarum Academy, the UKLF significant effects of the Proposed Development in Site and the land north of Wilton Road which is identified relation to both the construction and operational phases for four hectares of employment development have been of the Proposed Development. Environmental effects have assessed by the relevant technical specialists to establish been evaluated with reference to definitive standards the likely significant cumulative effects. The locations of and legislation where available. Where it has not been these schemes is identified overleaf. possible to quantify effects, qualitative assessments have been carried out, based on available knowledge and professional judgement. 5 FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY SCHEMES CONSIDERED IN THE ASSESSMENT OF CUMULATIVE EFFECTS 6 FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY APPLICATION SITE DESCRIPTION The Application Site is located in Salisbury approximately 4km to the north-west of the city centre. The surrounding landscape is formed by a number of river valleys and prominent ridgelines which converge at the city centre. The Application Site is bound to the north by Devizes Road (A360), to the east by existing residential development at Fugglestone Red and Bemerton Heath. To the south the Application Site is bound by Sarum Academy and agricultural land, while to the west the boundary is formed by the The Avenue. In the wider context the Application Site lies between River Avon and River Wylye valleys. Land rises further to the north-west of the Application Site along a ridgeline. Old Sarum Iron Age hill fort lies east of the Application Site which is located on locally high and steep land offering 360 degree views over surrounding agricultural land and within Salisbury. Small woodland plantations form part of the surrounding agricultural landscape and field boundaries are characterised by tree lined hedgerows. Extensive swathes of woodland in the vicinity of the Application Site are found on the hilltops between Barford St. Martin and Great Wishford and mature woodland associated with Wilton Historic Park and Garden, which includes Hare Warren, a mostly coniferous plantation to the south-west of the Application Site. 7 FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY APPLICATION SITE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The Application Site consists of agricultural land The Proposed Development comprises the following key and associated farm buildings. The Application Site components: is predominantly arable in nature, with a number of • 1,250 residential dwellings; relatively large fields separated by boundary features including prominent shelterbelts and rough grass • Employment land; margins. A number of hedgerows and tree lines are also • Mixed Use Local centre; present, with a line of mature Beech trees alongside • Two form entry primary school; the A360 road being a prominent feature. Within the Application Site a number of agricultural buildings are • Cemetery; present, together with a residential bungalow from • Community infrastructure; which a commercial dog kennels is currently operated. • Open space and landscaping; and A residential property situated on Ramleaze Drive is also located within the Application Site. • Supporting infrastructure and utilities. The Proposal Development is shown on the following Parameter Plans. 8 FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY LAND USE PARAMETER 9 FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY BUILDING HEIGHTS PARAMETER 10 FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY ACCESS & MOVEMENT PARAMETER 11 FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PARAMETER 12 FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY ALTERNATIVES The EIA Regulations require that the Applicant provides an outline of the main alternatives they have considered. The alternatives to the Proposed Development, which have been considered by the Applicant comprise: • Alternative Sites; • The ‘No Development’ Alternative; and • Alternative Designs. Alternative sites were considered during the preparation of the South Wiltshire Core Strategy which identified the Application Site as a suitable location for development. The ‘No Development’ Alternative refers to the option of leaving the Application Site in its current state which would lead to the missed opportunity to provide 1,250 residential dwellings, 8ha of employment land, a two form entry primary school and a cemetery in a sustainable location. A variety of different designs for the Proposed Development have evolved over the course of the design and consultation process. 13 FUGGLESTONE RED, SALISBURY SOCIO ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & NATURE CONSERVATION The Proposed Development would have a major beneficial An assessment of the likely significant effects of the effect by providing residential provision including Proposed Development in relation to ecology and nature affordable housing for the area and bring forward conservation has been undertaken. opportunities for 800-1200 direct new jobs. This would No sites designated for their ecological value are present make a contribution to the supply of jobs in Salisbury and within the Application Site but a number of such sites provides the opportunity to enhance the self containment are present in the vicinity of the Application Site and are of the town and continue the sustainable trend of limiting potentially affected by the Proposed Development. The outward commuting patterns. Application Site is agricultural
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