Annex 2-B Tariff Schedule of Korea HSK Description Base rate Staging Category Safeguard 0101101000 Horses 8 D 0101109000 Other 8 D 0101901010 Horses for racing 8 D 0101901090 Other 8 D 0101909000 Other 8 G 0102101000 Milch cows 89.1 A 0102102000 Beef cattle 89.1 A 0102109000 Other 89.1 A 0102901000 Milch cows 40 M 0102902000 Beef cattle 40 H 0102909000 Other 0 K 0103100000 1. Pure-bred breeding animals 18 A 0103910000 Weighing less than 50kg 18 G 0103920000 Weighing 50kg or more 18 G 0104100000 Sheep 8 A 0104201000 Milch goats 8 G 0104209000 Other 8 A 0105111000 Pure-bred breeding animals 9 A 0105119000 Other 9 A 0105120000 B. Turkeys 9 A 0105191000 Ducks 18 G 0105199000 Other 9 A 0105921000 (1) Pure-bred breeding animals 9 A 0105929000 (2)Other 9 A 0105931000 (1) Pure-bred breeding animals 9 A 0105939000 (2) Other 9 A 0105991000 Ducks 18 G 0105992000 Turkeys 9 A 0105999000 Other 9 A 0106110000 Primates 8 A Whales, dolphins and porpoises(mammals 0106120000 of the order Cetacea); manatees and 8A dugongs(mammals of the order Sirenia) 0106191000 Dogs 8 D 0106192000 Rabbits and hares 8 D 0106193000 Deer 8 G 0106194000 Bears 8 A 0106199000 Other 8 D 0106201000 Snakes 8 A 0106202000 Fresh-water tortoises 8 D 0106203000 Turtles 8 A 0106209000 Other 8 A 0106310000 Birds of prey 8 D Psittaciformes (including parrots, 0106320000 8D parakeets, macaws and cockatoos) 0106390000 Other 8 A 0106901000 Amphibia 8 A 0106902010 Honey bees 8 D 0106902090 Other 8 A 0106903010 Lug worms 8 A 0106903020 Yarn earth worms 8 A 0106903090 Other 8 A 0106909000 Other 8 D 0201100000 Carcasses and half-carcasses 40 H See Annex 3-A 0201200000 Other cuts with bone in 40 H See Annex 3-A 0201300000 Boneless 40 H See Annex 3-A 0202100000 Carcasses and half-carcasses 40 H See Annex 3-A 0202200000 Other cuts with bone in 40 H See Annex 3-A Tariff Schedule- Korea-1 This schedule is authentic only in the Korean language HSK Description Base rate Staging Category Safeguard 0202300000 Boneless 40 H See Annex 3-A 0203110000 Carcasses and half-carcasses 22.5 Q Hams,shoulders and cuts thereof,with bone 0203120000 22.5 Q in 0203191000 Belly 22.5 G See Annex 3-A 0203199000 Other 22.5 G See Annex 3-A 0203210000 Carcasses and half-carcasses 25 Q Hams,shoulders and cuts thereof,with bone 0203220000 25 Q in 0203291000 Belly 25 Q 0203299000 Other 25 Q Carcasses and half-carcasses of 0204100000 22.5 G lamb,fresh or chilled 0204210000 Carcasses and half-carcasses 22.5 G 0204220000 Other cuts with bone in 22.5 G 0204230000 Boneless 22.5 G Carcasses and half-carcasses of 0204300000 22.5 G lamb,frozen 0204410000 Carcasses and half-carcesses 22.5 G 0204420000 Other cuts with bone in 22.5 G 0204430000 Boneless 22.5 G 0204501000 Fresh or chilled 22.5 G 0204502000 Frozen 22.5 G 0205001000 Fresh or chilled 27 G 0205002000 Frozen 27 G 0206100000 Of bovine animals,fresh or chilled 18 H 0206210000 Tongues 18 H 0206220000 Livers 18 H 0206291000 Tails 18 H 0206292000 Feet 18 H 0206299000 Other 18 H 0206300000 Of swine,fresh or chilled 18 Q 0206410000 Livers 18 Q 0206491000 Feet 18 Q 0206499000 Other 18 Q 0206800000 Other,fresh or chilled 18 M 0206900000 Other,frozen 18 M 0207111000 Weighing not more than 550g 18 M 0207119000 Other 18 M 0207121000 Weighing not more than 550g 20 M 0207129000 Other 20 G 0207131010 Leg 18 G 0207131020 Breast 18 G 0207131030 Wing 18 G 0207131090 Other 18 G 0207132010 Liver 22.5 G 0207132090 Other 27 G 0207141010 Leg 20 G 0207141020 Breast 20 M 0207141030 Wing 20 M 0207141090 Other 20 G 0207142010 Liver 22.5 G 0207142090 Other 27 G 0207240000 Not cut in pieces,fresh or chilled 18 G 0207250000 Not cut in pieces,frozen 18 F 0207261000 Cuts 18 G 0207262010 Liver 22.5 G 0207262090 Other 27 G 0207271000 Cuts 18 F 0207272010 Liver 22.5 G 0207272090 Other 27 G 0207320000 Not cut in pieces,fresh or chilled 18 G 0207330000 Not cut in pieces,frozen 18 M 0207340000 Fatty livers,fresh or chilled 22.5 G Tariff Schedule- Korea-2 This schedule is authentic only in the Korean language HSK Description Base rate Staging Category Safeguard 0207351000 Cuts 18 G 0207352010 Liver 22.5 G 0207352090 Other 27 G 0207361000 Cuts 18 M 0207362010 Liver 22.5 G 0207362090 Other 27 G 0208100000 Of rabbits or hares 22.5 G 0208200000 Frog's legs 18 A 0208300000 Of primates 18 D Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of 0208400000 30 C manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia) 0208500000 Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) 18 A 0208901000 Of deer 27 G 0208909010 Of marine animals 30 C 0208909090 Other 18 G 0209001000 Pig fat 3 A 0209002000 Poultry fat 3 A Hams,shoulders and cuts thereof,with bone 0210110000 25 Q in 0210120000 Bellies(streaky) and cuts thereof 30 Q 0210190000 Other 25 Q 0210201000 Dried or smoked 27 H 0210209000 Other 27 H 0210910000 Of primates 22.5 G Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of 0210920000 22.5 G manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia) 0210930000 Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) 22.5 G 0210991010 Of bovine 22.5 H 0210991020 Of swine 22.5 Q 0210991030 Of poultry 22.5 G 0210991090 Other 22.5 G 0210999010 Meat of sheep or goats 22.5 G 0210999020 Meat of poultry 22.5 G 0210999090 Other 22.5 G 0301101000 Gold carp 10 C 0301102000 Tropical fish 10 C 0301109000 Other 10 A Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus 0301911000 mykiss,Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus 10 C aguabonita,Oncorhynchus gilae Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus 0301912000 10 C chrysogaster 0301921000 Glass eel 10 A 30% or 0301929000 Other I ₩1,908/kg 0301930000 Carp 10 C 0301992000 Yellow tail 10 A 45% or 0301994000 Sea-bream G ₩3,292/kg 0301995000 Conger eel 10 G 0301996000 Sharp toothed eel 10 G 0301997000 Salad eel 10 C 0301998000 Flat fish 10 C 0301999010 True bass 10 G 0301999020 Puffers 10 G 0301999030 Tilapia 10 C Tariff Schedule- Korea-3 This schedule is authentic only in the Korean language HSK Description Base rate Staging Category Safeguard 0301999040 Rock fish(including pacific ocean perch) 10 C 0301999050 Sea bass 40 C 0301999060 Mullets 10 C 0301999070 Loaches 10 C 0301999080 Cat fishes 10 A Rock Trout(Hexagrammos spp., Agrammus 0301999091 10 C spp.) 0301999092 Crusian carp 10 C 0301999093 Salmon 10 A 0301999094 Grass carp 10 A 0301999095 Croakers 36 G 0301999099 Other 10 G Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, 0302111000 Oncorhynchus clarki,Oncorhynchus 20 G aquabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus 0302112000 20 A chrysogaster Pacific salmon(Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, 0302120000 Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus 20 A masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon(Salmo salar)and Danube salmon(Hucho hucho) 0302190000 Other 20 A Halibut(Reinhardtius 0302210000 hippoglossoides,Hippoglossus 20 G hippoglossus,Hippoglossus stenolepis) 0302220000 Plaice(Pleuronectes platessa) 20 G 0302230000 Sole(Solea spp.) 20 G 0302290000 Other 20 G Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus 0302310000 20 C alalunga) 0302320000 Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) 20 G 0302330000 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito 20 G 0302340000 Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) 20 G 0302350000 Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) 20 C 0302360000 Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) 20 C 0302390000 Other 20 C Herrings(Cluppea harengus,Clupea 0302400000 20 C pallasii),excluding livers and roes Cod(Gadus morhua,Gadus ogac,Gadus 0302500000 20 I macrocephalus),excluding livers and roes Sardines(sardina pilchardus,sardinops 0302610000 spp.),sardinella(sardinella spp.),brisling or 20 G sprats(sprattus sprattus) 0302620000 Haddock(Melanogrammus aeglefinus) 20 A 0302630000 Coalfish(pollachius virens) 20 A Mackerel(Scomber scombrus,Scomber 0302640000 20 G australasicus,Scomber japonicus) 0302650000 Dogfish and other sharks 20 C 0302660000 Eels(Anguilla spp.) 20 G 0302691000 Alaska pollack 20 G 0302692000 Yellow tail 20 G 0302693000 Hair tail 20 G 0302694000 Sea-bream 20 I 0302695000 Conger eel 20 G Tariff Schedule- Korea-4 This schedule is authentic only in the Korean language HSK Description Base rate Staging Category Safeguard 0302696000 Sharp toothed eel 20 G 0302697000 Horse mackerel 20 G 0302698000 Saury (including horn fish) 20 A 0302699010 Chub mackerel 20 G 0302699020 Puffers 20 G 0302699030 Pomfret 20 G 0302699040 Angler(Monkfish) 20 I 0302699090 Other 20 G 0302701000 Livers 20 C 0302702000 Roes 20 C Sockeye salmon (red salmon) 0303110000 10 A (Oncorhynchus nerka) 0303190000 Other 10 C Trout(Salmo trutta,Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus 0303210000 aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, 10 C Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) Atlantic salmon(Salmo salar) and Danube 0303220000 10 A salmon(Hucho hucho) 0303290000 Other 10 A Halibut(Reinhardtius hippoglos- 0303310000 soides,Hippoglossus 10 I hippoglossus,Hippoglossus stenolepis) 0303320000 Plaice(Pleuronectes platessa) 10 I 0303330000 Sole(Solea spp.) 10 I See paragraph 6 of Appendix 2-B-1 of 0303390000 Other 10 the Schedule of Korea to Annex 2-B Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus 0303410000 10 C alalunga) 0303420000 Yellowfin tunas(Thunnus albacares) 10 G 0303430000 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito 10 G 0303440000 Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) 10 G 0303450000 Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) 10 C 0303460000 Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) 10 C 0303490000 Other 10 C Herrings (Clupea harengus,Clupea 0303500000 10 C pallasii),excluding livers and roes Cod(Gadus morhua,Gadus ogac,Gadus 0303600000 10 D macrocephalus),excluding livers and roes Sardines(Sardina pilchardus,Sardinops
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