PUNK ICON A WOW Hall concert will honor Joe Strummer and raise money to build a new skate park PAGE 5 OREG O N WWW.DAILYEMERALD.COM DAILYTHURSDAY | AuGUST 14, 2008 EMERALThe independent student newspaper at the University of Oregon | Since 1900D Volume 110, Issue 24 University gets go-ahead for alley vacation The city will allow the UO with a 5-3 vote after discussing the issue Bonny Bettman said. “My motivation constructing a sidewalk. which may be granted after it receives to purchase the alley and for over an hour. To approve a property here is to make the alley vacation be in However, after several councilors a Conditional Use Permit, before it can vacation, the council must rule that it is the public interest.” pointed out that it would be difficult to begin construction. a neighboring plot of land in the public interest to sell the land. Bettman began the work session assign another value to the properties “The UO manufactured this sense of University spokesperson Phil Wei- yesterday with a motion to increase the without postponing the decision to re- JESSIE HIGGINS | NEWS REPORTER urgency to get us to prematurely grant ler said the University requested the purchase price of the parcels by nearly negotiate the price with the University, them this alley vacation so that they can The Eugene City Council approved vacation because it already owns $1 million. Bettman withdrew the amendment, get this part under their belt, but they’re the vacation of an alley way and another property on three sides of the Vil- The University had already depos- opting to instead table the decision and going to really sit on this for several small area of land near the site of the lard Alley from East 13th Avenue to ited $482,950 with the city as payment re-negotiate the cost of the properties. months,” Councilor Alan Zelenka said. University’s proposed new arena. East 15th Avenue and the triangu- for the properties pending the council’s At a public hearing on the topic July Other members saw the situation The approval means the University lar portion of East 13th Avenue near approval, Steve Ochs, associate planner 21, University officials said postponing differently. can now buy these two properties from Franklin Boulevard. for the City of Eugene, said. the decision on vacating the properties “We’ve had all the time and informa- the city, which brings the University Before agreeing to sell the proper- Bettman said she felt the proposed could potentially cost the University tion we need to make a well informed one step closer to constructing the $200 ties, council members debated the val- price did not accurately reflect the millions of dollars. and thoughtful decision,” Councilor million arena that will be located at East ue of the land to the Eugene tax payers. cost the tax payers would incur by los- Even with the acquisition of these Jennifer Solomon said. 13th Avenue and Franklin Boulevard. “I think that rushing this decision is ing public land, including the loss of two properties, the University must JESSIE HIGGINS The city council approved the sale not in the public interest,” Councilor four parking meters and the cost of obtain a building permit from the city, jhIGGINS@DAILYEMERALD.COM FILM The class is really about experiencing what is happening and seeing what it is like down there. My “ hope is that students will be able to better relate to the immigrant population.” — EDWARD OLIVOS PROFESSOR Crossing the border A two-week University summer course allowed students to study immigration first-hand TRISTAN COOLEN | frEEL ANCE Participants can bring 8mm, Super 8mm and 16 mm films to be played during Home Movie Day. Home Movie Day to allow a glimpse into history COURTESY OF EDWARD OLIVOS The class left for San Diego on August 2 and returned Tuesday with a unique learning experience. TRISTAN COOLEN | FREEL ANCE WriTER JESSIE HIGGINS | NEWS REPORTER Rodriguez and her 14 classmates returning from organization devoted to helping Latino Home movies always seem to be one a week-long expedition to the U.S.-Mexico border immigrants on both sides of the border. of those things that get better with age. If or Ermila Rodriguez , the topic of viewed too soon, the holiday recording immigration has always been close to her to study immigration first-hand tried to express “The class is really about experiencing what is or graduation video can seem corny and, and her family. Her mother migrated to the to their fellow students and several University happening and seeing what it is like down there,” frankly, rather embarrassing. But footage of years past — of youthful parents wearing United States from El Salvador years ago, officials what they had learned during the newly Olivos said before departing for San Diego and vintage clothes and happy smiles — can be a F developed two-week summer course. Tijuana, Mexico. “My hope is that students will be Rodriguez told a solemn audience last Tuesday. real treasure. She paused, struggling to maintain composure. The class, founded by education professor able to better relate to the immigrant population.” Unfortunately, few people still have the “People don’t understand,” Rodriguez said. Edward Olivos, left for San Diego on August 2 for The students registered for the new course came projectors to view these old film reels, and Through tears of guilt, anger and frustration, an intensive week working with a local non-profit Turn TO IMMIGRATION | PAGE 4 Turn TO FILM | PAGE 3 EDITOR letters@dailyemerald.com (541) 365-5511 dailyemerald.com/opinion WORLD BRIEFLY TALK TO US letters @dailyemerald.com • Limit your submis- sion to 600 words •Submissions should include name, phone number and address • The Emerald reserves the right to edit all submissions • One submission per person per calendar month 5 1 4 WEEKEND WEATHER 3 ToDAY 2 SUNNY 95º/61º FRIDAY SUNNY 93º/61º SATURDAY GORI, GEORGIA SUNNY 1 Indian and Pacific oceans that probably es- The bus — coming from Akkar, a region But the world’s press ridiculed the move 91º/60º caped from a Florida fish tank, is showing farther north where many military person- on front pages from Romania to Australia. Bush to send massive U.S. aid up everywhere — from the coasts of Cuba nel live — was pockmarked with holes, its “The counterfeit Games: designed to package to conflicted Georgia and Hispaniola to Little Cayman’s pristine windows shattered. Soldiers and bystand- look good from every angle,” said a headline OUTSIDE GORI, Georgia — A Russian Bloody Bay Wall, one of the region’s prime ers carried away the dozens of wounded on in The Times of London. The Daily Tele- military convoy defied a cease-fire agree- destinations for divers. downtown Banks Street, which was littered graph urged organizers of the 2012 London NEWS STAFF (541) 346-5511 ment Wednesday and rolled through a stra- Wherever it appears, the adaptable pred- with glass. Games to “bring some sanity and propor- ator corners fish and crustaceans up to half “I jumped out of my car and saw bodies tion back to both the opening ceremony and ASHLEY CHASE tegically important city in the former Soviet Editor in Chief republic of Georgia, which claimed fresh its size with its billowy fins and sucks them in the streets,” said Nabil Sebaei, owner of the games themselves.” ROBERT D’ANdrEA looting and bombing by the Russians and down in one violent gulp. the nearby Rivoli theater. “Wherever I saw a Senior News Editor Research teams observed one lionfish body moving, I helped carry them to a car to 5 CANADA JESSIE HIGGINS their allies. eating 20 small fish in less than 30 minutes. drive them to the hospital.” News Reporter President Bush said a massive U.S. aid U.S. Army specialist ordered ANdrEW GrEIF package was on the way for tens of thou- “This may very well become the most “There is no religion in the world that ac- Sports Editor devastating marine invasion in his- cepts such acts,” Sebaei said, visibly shaken. back to the states after fleeing BENJAMIN SCHORZMAN sands uprooted in the conflict and demand- Sports Reporter ed Russia “keep its word and act to end tory,” said Mark Hixon, an Oregon State Security officials told The Associated Press TORONTO — A U.S. Army specialist who TIFFANY REAGAN this crisis.” University marine ecology expert who that 10 soldiers and eight civilians were killed fled Fort Bragg for Canada after learning his Pulse Editor compared lionfish to a plague of locusts. and 46 people wounded, while a senior mili- KELLI CURTIS “The United States stands with the dem- unit was to be deployed to Iraq was ordered Copy Chief ocratically elected government of Georgia “There is probably no way to stop the tary officer said 15 died. The security officials, deported Wednesday. ROBERT HUSSEMAN and insists that the sovereignty and territo- invasion completely.” speaking on condition of anonymity because Jeremy Hinzman, 29, is likely to be court- MATT SEVITS Copy Editors rial integrity of Georgia be respected,” Bush A white creature with maroon stripes, the they weren’t authorized to speak with re- martialed when he returns to the United JOSE TANCUAN said sternly in Washington. red lionfish has the face of an alien and the porters, said several bodies had been torn to States and could face up to five years in pris- Designer One day after the Kremlin and its small- ribbony look of something that survived a pieces, complicating the count. on. Hinzman said Canada’s Border Services JAROD OPPERMAN Photo Editor er neighbor agreed to a French-brokered paper shredder — with poisonous spikes The army described the blast as a “terrorist Agency ordered him to leave the country DAVE MARTINEZ cease-fire to end the dispute over two pro- along its spine to ward off enemies.
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