EVERYTHING YOU’VE ALWAYS WISHED FOR IN A COMMUNITY. CANARYDISTRICT.COM Illustrations are artist’s concept. Specifications are subject to change. E. & O.E. arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTUre HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & arts ParK dininG retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & “WE are caPTUrinG THE Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTUre HeatH & Fitness arts ParK ricHness and History OF DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL THis Part OF toronto to CULTUre dininG retaiL arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & inForm its FUTUre.” Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE renee daoUst, HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL PrinciPAL, daoUst LestaGE CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & “OUR desiGN creates arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING THE Greatest VALUE. We retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTUre are not onLY creatinG HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness AFFordaBLE Homes FOR PeoPLE to LIVE in, BUT arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE DINING retaiL arts ParK dininG WE are creatinG SPaces, retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE inside and OUT, to BUILD HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTUre HeatH & Fitness A trUE commUnity.” arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING Peter CLEWes retaiL CULTUre HeatH & arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & PrinciPAL, ARCHitects ALLiance Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL “OUR ProVEN EXPerience CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE DINING IN creatinG VIBrant MIXed-USE commUnities retaiL arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK BY PROGramminG and DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness actiVatinG A QUALity CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & miX OF BUsinesses WILL ensUre THat Canary Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & arts ParK dininG District Becomes A retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE THriVinG and endUrinG HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTUre HeatH & Fitness neiGHBOURHood For arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING Generations to come.” retaiL CULTUre dininG retaiL arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH ROB SPanier & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE Senior Vice President, LiVeWorKLearnPLay HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTUre HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE DINING retaiL arts ParK dininG retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTUre HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTUre HeatH & arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE DINING retaiL arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & Fitness arts PARK DINING retaiL CULTURE HeatH & arts ParK dininG Imagine a visionary new city within a city, beside a beautiful park, nestled by a meandering river, imbued in timeless history, enriched with public art, inspired by vibrant culture, designed for healthy living and celebrated throughout the world. Welcome to the greatest urban village in Toronto’s history. Welcome to Canary District. CONT ENTS 01 03 07 11 15 19 21 24 25 31 33 37 TORONTO’S A commUNITY HOST TO THE Canary District STATE-OF- 18-ACRE OTHER ALL TRAILS TAKING CONNECTIONS, A WORLD- A RENOWNED FIRST 21st CELEBrated 2015 PAN/ AMONG TOP 7 MOST THE-ART PARK PARKS IN THE LEAD to THE LEED CONVENIENCE C LASS DEVELOPMENT CENTURY aroUND PARAPAN INTELLIGENT FITNESS ALONGSIDE NEIGHBOUR- canary IN GREEN & commUNITY DESIGN TEAM COMMUNITY THE WORLD AMERICAN COMMUNITIES AND A RIVER HOOD district LIVING AT YOUR VISION GAMES IN THE WORLD HEALTH DOORSTEP TORONTO’S FIRST 21 ST CENTURY COMMUNITY History will be witness to the fact that next generation communication at the beginning of the 21st century, a technologies and diverse educational profound idea took root in Toronto’s opportunities. As a sustainable, healthy, downtown east. The idea to take an pedestrian-friendly, live-work-play international celebration of sports and destination, Canary District will be a friendship, and build a visionary new celebration of art and culture, life and community on its foundations. nature, family and community. A revolutionary new neighbourhood focused on the principles of green living, with open courtyards and public spaces, vibrant parks and promenades, new-age urban planning and transit, 1 2 A commUnity Every element of Canary District is THE ARCHITECTURAL VISION designed to be open, inclusive and FOR Canary District IS to SET welcoming as a reflection of what makes standards FOR THE FUTURE Toronto a world-class city. In the short develoPMENT OF THE ENTIRE term, Canary District will be a home away NEIGHBOURHOOD AND to estaBLISH CELEBrated from home for the athletes of the Toronto as A world LEADER IN 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games. In healthy, VIBRANT CITY BUILDING. the long term it sets the platform for At Canary District, a family-oriented, establishing a great new neighbourhood active street life is promoted by AROUND in this city of vibrant neighbourhoods, integrating townhouses and live/work and a model for 21st century mixed-use units along the side streets and laneways. residential development. Competing The innovative development of amenity against some of the finest urban spaces in all of the buildings encourages communities from around the world, residents to spend time outside, while THE WORLD Canary District has consistently contributing to street animation and EMERGED WITH THE highest HONOURS community building through mixing and at various international award interaction. shows. These include the 2012 Best Urban Community of the Year Award and The result is an active, pedestrian-inspired the 2012 Canadian Architects Award of neighbourhood that embodies sound Excellence. principles of health, wellness and active living by leveraging the spirit of the community and proximity to Corktown Common park, the scenic gateway to an extensive 1800 km provincial trail network. 3 4 CANARY district commUNITY TO DVP O LD EA STERN AVENUE EASTERN AVENUE 18 acre ParK connected to 1800 KM EXisting of trails E historic U 2 storey N E BUILDING V PHASE 2 A BLOCK 3 BLOCK 1 W E I PHASE 2 V Y A B N BLOCK 4 BLOCK 14 BLOCK 15 BLOCK 16 CHERRY STREET CHERRY CorKtown FRON T STREE Common ParK T PROMENADE TREE lined Boulevard & cafÉS BLOCK 11 BLOCK 12 BLOCK 13 DistiLLery streetcar construction District PHASE 1 future under MILL STREET MILL STREET 5 6 HOST TO THE 2015 PAN/ParaPAN AM GAMES TORONTO 7 8 Canary District, home to the Athletes The Games aim to showcase a high level of Village, will reap the rich legacy of the 2015 performance and competition, excitement Pan/Parapan Am Games which will be and sportsmanship, flavoured by the spirit held in Toronto. The enduring vision of the of the Americas. The comprehensive sports 2015 Games is to transform communities and athletic facilities being created for the and set new benchmarks in achieving all- Pan/Parapan Am Games, including the brand round physical, mental and infrastructural new YMCA recreational complex, will be excellence. The Games will celebrate and seamlessly integrated into the community, engage Toronto’s multicultural population, and enable the residents of Canary District to inspire heightened participation in sports, lead active lifestyles. energize local communities and generate sustainable, long-term investment in transit, THIS world-class infrastructure education, health and urban development. WILL BE A SHINING legacy OF THE Coaches and delegates from more than GAMES AND A SOLID foundation FOR 52 countries will compete in 48 sports Toronto to SET A gloBAL EXAMPLE IN at more than 40 venues spread across healthy, VIBRANT CITY-BUILDING. 17 municipalities of the Greater Golden Horseshoe Region. More than 10,000 athletes from 52 countries 9 10 Canary District will be home to Canada’s traffic management. first open-access, ultra-high-speed Residents will enjoy symmetrical Internet broadband community network provided connections (same uploading and by Beanfield Metroconnect, the leading downloading speed) starting from 100 edge service provider selected by megabits per second up to 1 gigabit per Waterfront Toronto. Residents WILL second. Unlimited data and neighbourhood RANKED RECEIVE UNLIMITED INTERNET service wi-fi is also included in the service. WITH SPeeds UP to 4 TIMES faster Beanfield Metroconnect’s Intelligent THAN TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL networKS. Community Network at Canary District Wired with the latest
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