Mar. 13 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 American people: The United States stands the voice of gladness are heard again in the more strongly than ever, shoulder-to-shoulder, cities and the hills of Israel.'' with Israel. We will work with you as you strive Thank you very much. for a secure peace. We will stand by your side until Israelis come to know that peace with se- NOTE: The President spoke at 9:21 p.m. at Ben- curity within this land is a reality, ``until,'' in Gurion Airport. In his remarks, he referred to the words of the prophet, ``the voice of joy and Prime Minister Shimon Peres of Israel and Sheval Weis, Speaker of the Knesset. Remarks Following Discussions With President Ezer Weizman of Israel and an Exchange With Reporters in Jerusalem, Israel March 13, 1996 The President. Let me say that it is a great airport, obviously intending thereby to dem- honor to be back at the President's house and onstrate Israel's historic commitment to Jeru- with the President again. And along with the salem being its capital, a position that you en- Prime Minister, we were able to give a report dorsed yourself during your campaign but we on our impressions of what happened at Sharm haven't heard much from you on since? Do you al-Sheikh today and what the significance of it have any feeling about that situation you'd like was, and then we talked a little bit about the to share with us? challenges ahead. We spent about an hour in The President. No. My feeling is what it has a very good discussion, and as always when I'm been ever since the first agreement was reached with the President, I learned a lot and I leave in which Israel and the Palestinian Authority with a lot of food for thought. agreed that that would be part of the final nego- But I feel much better about our prospects tiations. And the United States agreed that we for presenting a united front against terror and would support the process that Israel had fash- for security and therefore creating and maintain- ioned, and that's what I intend to continue to ing conditions under which the peace process do. I haven't changed my position on anything. can proceed than I did before I went to Sharm I justÐI believe that we are a partner in a al-Sheikh today. And I thank the Prime Minister process that primarily affects the Israelis and for his work, and I say again, I came here more the neighbors of Israel, and we ought to support than anything else just to once again express the process that the parties agreed to for resolv- the solidarity of the United States with Israel, ing all those matters. grief at your loss, and our determination to do what we can both to restore your security and to preserve the march of peace. NOTE: The President spoke at 10:20 p.m. at Presi- Israel's Capital dent Weizman's residence. A tape was not avail- Q. President Clinton, do you have any reflec- able for verification of the content of these tions on President Weizman not going to the remarks. The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Shimon Peres of Israel in Jerusalem March 14, 1996 Prime Minister Peres. Mr. President, ladies President Clinton, this is the fourth important and gentlemen, under the administration of move that took place in the Middle East. The 444 VerDate 06-OCT-99 14:02 Oct 11, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00001 Frm 00444 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\96PUBP~1\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 / Mar. 14 first was the agreement, the first agreement with I am taking this step because I am deter- the PLO; then the agreement with Jordan; then mined that we must have every tool at our dis- the second agreement with the PLO; now the posal to fight against extremist violence. Last fourth agreement in the Middle East to confront night I sent to the Congress an urgent request terrorism. for the first installment of this counterterrorism Those are events that exceeds any normal po- effort. I expect Congress to act quickly on this litical achievement. The Palestinian conflict important measure. looked like insolvable. The Jordanians were not The agreement will strengthen our attack on quick at the beginning to make peace, and then terror in three important areas. First, the United it became a great success. Then we have en- States will immediately begin to provide Israel countered the danger to all these three achieve- with additional equipment and training. Second, ments by the acts of terror. In my eyes, Presi- our nations will join together to develop new dent Clinton is the first world leader that put antiterror methods and technologies. Third, we on the agenda peace in our time as the major will work to enhance communications and co- goal. ordination between our nations, as well as other If you look back at history, most of the time governments who have joined with us in the was spent on wars, on cold wars, on confronta- war against terror. tions. It was a chance for the first time to escape In addition to what we propose to do under all the bitter histories of blood and terror. And this agreement, the United States will also in- then we have encountered again another crease its intelligence sharing and coordination. uninvited and unprecedented problem, how to At my direction, our Secretary of State, Warren go ahead with peace when you have acts of Christopher, and the Director of Central Intel- terror. I think yesterday a foundation was laid ligence, John Deutch, will remain in Israel to down to do both, namely to go ahead with peace speed the progress of this agreement. We must and reject terror. I tell you, Mr. President, that do everything we can to track down those re- in our eyes, you, your administration, the Amer- sponsible for the recent violence, and we must ican Congress, have changed the whole destiny work to prevent them from shedding more inno- of the Middle East. cent blood. The importance of the Middle East is not The forces supporting peace and security are just because it has produced religions and Bible, stronger than those that pursue destruction. We the importance of the Middle East that, in our must prove that. Whatever effort it takes, what- times, it is the first testing ground to take many ever time it takes, we must say to them: You conflicts that were so difficult to solve and try will be tracked down; you will be rooted out. to solve them. If we shall succeed, I think it The message of the pact to the people of Israel may serve as the model to other places. should also be quite clear: Just as America walks For us, President Clinton is really a great with you every step of the way as you work leader, but not less than that, a moving friend. toward peace, we stand with you now in defend- He has a tear in his eyes when we go through ing all that you are and all that has been accom- a difficult period of time, and we have a tear plished. Without security, there is no peace. And in our eyes when we are listening to his reaction ultimately, without peace, there can be no per- and involvement. Thank you very much, Mr. manent security. Therefore, we are resolved to President. work with you until the day that Israel achieves The President. Thank you. First, I would like peace with security. To give up hope for peace to express my appreciation to the Prime Min- now or to fail to stand up for security after ister and his Cabinet for the meeting that we all that has been done would be to give the had this morning just before coming over here terrorists their victory. to discuss the situation with regard to terrorism To speak of Israel is to speak of courage and the recent bombings. We have decided that and character, to speak of strength in the face the United States and Israel will immediately of decades of hardship and bloodshed. David begin negotiations to conclude a bilateral agree- Ben-Gurion once said, ``I have seen what a peo- ment on combating terrorism. I told the Prime ple is capable of achieving in their hour of su- Minister that the United States will commit preme trial. I have seen their spirit touched more than $100 million to this effort. by nobility.'' 445 VerDate 06-OCT-99 14:02 Oct 11, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00001 Frm 00445 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\96PUBP~1\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Mar. 14 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 For those of us in the rest of the world, to the Israelis who were killed, there were after the ordeal of these bombings we have seen Americans killed, there were Palestinians killed, once again the nobility that is Israel. As a result there were Moroccans killed. So that's why I of the meeting in Sharm al-Sheikh yesterday, came here at this moment. I have seen for the first time a broad-based We put together the meeting in Sharm al- commitment to making sure the noble people Sheikh along with President Mubarak because of Israel and the peace-loving peoples through- I felt that the time was right for other countries out this region may be able to live and work in the region and around the world to dem- together against terrorism and for a peaceful onstrate to the nations here most affected, espe- future.
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