Centre for Archaeological Fieldwork School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology Queen’s University Belfast Data Structure Report: No. 044 (Part 1) Excavations at St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, County Antrim AE/04/155 & AE/05/50 on behalf of Data Structure Report St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, County Antrim Eiméar Nelis, Sarah Gormley, Cormac McSparron and Alison Kyle with specialist contributions by Ronan McHugh and Steven Trick text edited by Sarah Gormley and Emily Murray CAF DSR 44 (Part 1) 2004 Excavations (License No: AE/04/155) 2005 Excavations (License No: AE/05/50) SMR No: ANT 013:010 Grid Ref: D 0778 3325 2007 St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, Co. Antrim CAF DSR 44 CONTENTS List of contents i List of figures iii List of plates v List of tables vi 1 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objectives 2 1.3 Excavation 3 1.4 Discussion 7 1.5 Recommendations for further work 7 2 INTRODUCTION 9 2.1 General 9 2.2 Background 9 2.3 Archaeological remains 19 2.4 Reason for excavation and research objectives 23 2.5 Surveys 23 2.6 Archiving 24 2.7 Credits and acknowledgements 24 3 EXCAVATION 26 3.1 Introduction 26 3.2 Phases 1-4 29 3.3 Phases 5 and 6 42 3.4 Phases 7 and 8 52 3.5 Phase 9 66 3.6 Phase 10 75 3.7 Phase 11 80 3.8 Phase 12 83 3.9 Summary 85 4 TOPOGRAPHICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY 90 Ronan McHugh and Steven Trick 4.1 Topographical survey 90 4.2 Geophysical survey 98 4.3 Conclusions of topographical and geophysical survey 101 5 DISCUSSION 103 5.1 Introduction 103 5.2 Phases 1-4: late 5th to early 8th century 103 5.3 Phases 5 and 6: c 8th century 111 i St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, Co. Antrim CAF DSR 44 5.4 Phases 7 and 8: c. 9th to 12th century 114 5.5 Phase 9: c. 13th century onwards 118 5.6 Phase 10: Early Medieval Period – 19th century 120 5.7 Phase 11 and 12: Post-Medieval - Modern 120 5.8 Conclusions 121 6 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 122 6.1 Introduction 122 6.2 Radiocarbon dating programme 123 6.3 Processing of organic and bulk soil samples 124 6.4 Soil micro-morphological analysis 124 6.5 Coprolite analysis 124 6.6 Palynological analysis 125 6.7 Organic plant residue and macrofossil analysis 125 6.8 Insect remains analysis 126 6.9 Wood species identification 126 6.10 Dendro-chronological dating 126 6.11 Human remains analysis 126 6.12 Animal bone analysis 126 6.13 Bird and fish remains 127 6.14 Metal and metal related artefacts 127 6.15 Ceramic assemblage 127 6.16 Organic residue and lipid analysis 127 6.17 Lignite artefact analysis 128 6.18 Worked/ ground stone and petrological analysis 128 6.19 Chipped stone assemblage 128 6.20 Mortar analysis 128 6.21 Enamel and glass 129 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY 130 Appendix 1: Context Register 134 Appendix 2: Harris Matrices 149 Appendix 3: Field Drawing Register 156 Appendix 4: Small Finds Register 163 Appendix 5: Photographic Register 181 Appendix 6: Soil Sample Register 196 Appendix 7: Cyrax survey: souterrain images 203 ii St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, Co. Antrim CAF DSR 44 FIGURES 1.1 Location of Armoy, near Ballycastle, Co. Antrim and St Patrick’s Church. 1 1.2 Location of excavation area to the north of St Partick’s Church, Armoy, Co. 3 Antrim showing the grid sub-divisions employed during the excavation and the principle features uncovered. 2.1 Location of SMR sites which may relate to Early Medieval to Post-Medieval 22 activity close to St Patrick’s Church (ANT 013:010). 3.1 The extent of the excavation trench (delineated by dashed line), to the north 26 of the present St Patrick’s Church, Armoy. 3.2 Features which represent Phases 1, 2 (the ditch cut), 3 (primary ditch fills 30 and gullies) and 4 (ditch recut and primary fill). The plan shows the main ditch (C103) with its scarped walkway to the north, and parallel gully to the south. The possible termination of the Phase 2 ditch cut is represented by the dashed red line and the section points (A and B) for Figure 3.3 are marked. 3.3 Section of the ditch (C103) showing fills and also schematic representation 37 of Phases 2 to 8. Section points A and B are shown on the ditch plan Figure 3.2. 3.4 Section drawings showing (A) grids C-D southern baulk: north facing section; 43 (B) Southwest grid southern baulk: north facing section; (C) between Southwest grid and grid C: west facing section. Section includes C201 which represents Phase 5 activity. For location of grids see figure 1.2. 3.5 Plan showing the excavated features which represent Phase 6 activity at 44 Armoy. 3.6 Plan showing features representing Phase 7 (souterrain construction) and 55 Phase 8 (occupation remains including use of souterrain and metalling and schist paving and hearth). 3.7 Plan of the souterrain (C229). The section points for Figure 3.8 are marked 56 as points A to O. 3.8 Sections of souterrain (C229) showing surviving structural profiles. Section 58 points A to O are shown on the souterrain plan (see Figure 3.7). 3.9 Plan showing features representing Phase 9, including two phases of 67 construction of a rectangular structure (Phases 9ai and 9aii) and remodelling of the souterrain. 3.10 Distribution of burials uncovered during the excavation, representing Phase 76 10 activity. 4.1 Location of 2005 survey at Armoy. 91 4.2 Topographical survey of the mound at Armoy. 93 4.3 Features recorded on the summit and slopes of the mound. 94 4.4 The knoll and field boundaries. 96 4.5 Survey Area. 99 iii St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, Co. Antrim CAF DSR 44 4.6 Plot of earth resistance data. 99 4.7 Resistance plot overlaid on OS map (greyscale = -1.5 to +2 standard 99 deviations). 4.8 Graphical summary of anomalies discussed in the text. 101 4.9 Contour map overlaid on geophysical survey. 101 5.2 Location of main features uncovered during excavations in 1991 and 110 2004/2005. iv St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, Co. Antrim CAF DSR 44 PLATES Plate 1 View of the excavation of the southwest area during the 2004 excavation Cover (viewed from the north). Plate 2 View of the excavated ditch (C103: Phases 2 to 4) (viewed from the 33 east) enclosing the area to its south (left of image): showing scarped walkway to the north of the main ditch (right of ditch in image), and gully running parallel to the ditch, to its south (left of ditch in image). Plate 3 View of the excavated ditch (C103: Phases 2 to 4) (viewed from the 34 west) showing scarped walkway to the north of the main ditch, and parallel gully running south. Plate 4 Examples of lignite debitage, found in the northwest area in occupation 49 spreads C372 and C380. Plate 5 View of souterrain during excavation (viewed from the north), showing: 53 (A) north-south passage; (B) southeast passage or escape route; (C) southwest chamber; (D) hidden southern chamber. Plate 6 View of souterrain during excavation (viewed from the northwest), 54 showing southwest chamber in the foreground, and entrance with capstone to hidden southern chamber passage. The west wall of the southwest chamber was later removed during Phase 9b to construct a furnace. Plate 7 View of fills of the hearth (C223) (viewed from the southeast). 63 Plate 8 First phase of construction of the rectangular structure (C276, C277) 68 during Phase 9ai (viewed from the south). Plate 9 View of the rectangular structure in its second phase (Phase 9aii), 70 viewed from the southeast. Plate 10 Evidence of poorly preserved burial C560 (cranium and mandible). 75 Plate 11 Upper half of heavily degraded skeleton (C565) and grave cut (C551), 78 viewed from the east. Plate 12 View of Phase 11 garden remains overlying the backfilled north-south 81 passage of souterrain (viewed from the east). Plate 13 Perforated decorated stone disc, found near the ditch in C201: showing 113 figure of possible saint or religious figure (left) and possible floral or tree motif on the reverse (right). Plate 14 Example of organic plant remains (possible fruit) from the primary fill of 122 ditch (C181: Phase 3). v St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, Co. Antrim CAF DSR 44 TABLES Table 3.1 Outline of sub-divisions of Phase 9. 87 Table 6.1 St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, Co Antrim: Proposed samples for 123 single entity (AMS) dating programme (* Denotes phases for which it is hoped that suitable sample material will be identified upon completion of bulk soil sample processing). vi St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, Co. Antrim CAF DSR 44 1 SUMMARY 1.1 Background 1.1.1 The archaeological investigations at St Patrick’s Church, Armoy, Co. Antrim (Irish Grid Reference D 0778 3325), focused on a small field or paddock, immediately to the north of the 19th century church and round tower (SMR: ANT 013:010; Plate 1 – cover; Fig. 1.1). The field measures 30 to 45m (north-south) by 50 to 65m (east- west), and lies just 50m to the north and west of the Wellwater river at an altitude of >30m OD. The field carries a low gradient, rising gently towards the north, with the area for excavation measuring c25m x 35m at the widest points.
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