AUTOMOBILES 112 • AUTOMOBILES 112 • AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 112 AUTOMOBILES 112 Thursday, July 12, 1956 TORRANCE PRESS Page 31 . You'll never get a better 50 AUTOMOBILES 119• AUTOMOBILES 112» AUTOMOBILES 11* • AUTOMOBILES 112 deal than you can get right Beautiful OSCAR MAPLES now on the all new ... Cars ' FORD To Choose From '56 Plymouth YOUR HEADQUARTERS V-8 Belvedere* 2-door. Push-but­ ton drive, radio, heater, power for a OLDSMOBILE steering. 2 - tone., whltewalla. * power brakes. Driven only AT SOOo miles. A-1 Guaranteed Vacation Used Car - $495 Down '53 Studebaker Absolutely . President 2-door V-8. Rarlio, CECIL L THOMAS & Sons lioater, 2-tone fltil.ih. whilewallii, hydra-matlr. & twin exhauat. Driven only 10,000 mile*. 100% financing Brand New ..... $450 Down Remember Our Motto . '55 Dodge V-8 Custom Royal hard-top, Ra­ . .... OLDSMOBILE "88" dio, healer, Automatic shift, trl finish, whttewalls, twin «x "Service After The Sa e rtaust. full power incl. windows. Driven only 10.0OO mlleg. ..... Ho iday Harctop Coupe $495 Down , '50 NASH '51 FORD '52 CHEV. '49 FORD Rambler. Radio, heater, over­ Club coupe. Original gre*n With Starfire Styling and Full Factory Equipment drive. Excellent throughout finish. New car dealer war­ 55 Mercury D*lux« 4-door. ftadio. heater. Custom 4-door. Overdrive, No down plan to* qualified ranty. No down plan. $38 Monterey hardtop, nnriin. heat­ Power Gllda. 4 beautiful 2- radio. h«*twr. mech. food. buyer. $36 a month. Full a month. Full pric« For as Low as er. Merr-o-matlr. 2-tone. white ton« maroon. Nft down plan No down plan price MdAwallH. *. twin exhatmt. $495 Down $9.98 wk. $26 mo. $599 $599 54 Ford Ranch wagon V-8. Radii, heat­ er, A automatic. Low mileage. '51 FORD '49 FORD ' '50 CHEV. 12388 Thl» In an exceptional buy at 'i-Ton pick-up truck. 'j-Ton truck. Equipped with As Low as Only '52 NASH motor, original mi finlah. plumber rack and »Id« cabi- 2-door Custom. Radio and Anilxwuador. Radio, heater, No down plan, $36 a month. n«U. Lik* n«w. Must b« 0««n $395 Down h»atw, oiverdrlvt. No down A overdrive. No down plan. Full prlr« *"to appn»ciat«! No down plan. $395 $63 plan Full price $43 a month. Full price 53 Dodge $599 $799 DOWN Per Month (~V>ronet. V-8 nodan. Radio A $39.50 mo. $599 i e a t « r, avitomatic. original Tax Including: 1-Year leaullful maroon finish. Liike Iiuu ranee iftw. Only 21.(XX) mllea. $295 Down '50 HUDSON '51 HUDSON '49 FORD '53 BUICK Pacemaker club coupe. Ra­ Commodore 8 4-door. Radio, "THBSF3 ARW NEW CAR 3p<M.'ial r.hib rxnipe. dio, heater, A overdrive. No heater, hydramatir. Beauti­ TRADE-INS!" 1-Ton pdck-up. 4-ap<>*d trans­ heater. Dvnaflow. attractive down plan. $24 a month. ful jet black finiah. (27 OLDS "88" 2-Door Sedan mission. No down plan yellow finish. No down Full price month. Full price Ask For Joe Full price at $30 mo. $1099 $399 $499 S21 88 CHET As Low As. $75 Month RODGERS '53 FORD '51 CAD. '50 MERC. Includes Insurance '53 CHEV. De-Vllle roupe. 2-tone blue Club coup* Reautlful Ha­ V-* 4-door sodan. Radio. Bel-Air 2-door. Beautiful 2- finish, whitewalls. Orifelna.1 waiian bronze color, radio, $395 Down For 1 Year MOTORS h«atcr. EJxtra nic«. No down tone finish. No down plan. one-owner CAI-. No down heater, overdrive, it dual plan. Full prlc« Full price plan. Full price pipe*. No down plan. Dodge-Plymouth Dealer "Serving you wince 1932" $1099 $1099 $1699 $36 mo. 1640 S. Pacific Avs. CECIL L THOMAS San Pedro TE. 2-4561 and Sons THE OSCAR MAPLES FORD Cadillac & Oldsmobile YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER Dealer ' 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU FOURTH and PACIFIC AVE. - SAN PEDRO LEADER Open Every Evening Till 9 Saturday Till 6 The House You Can 420 CABRILLO Trust - Since 1932! FA. 8-5014 TORRANCE Harbor Pontiac Relax! Go... 01 HIGHWAY at HAWTHORNE BLVD. at Gaffey FR. 5-0554 . WALTERIA THE FABULOUS '56 PONTIAC Carefree and Worry Free . This Summer . TE. 2-4659 You Will Smile No Car So Big No Price So Low In a '55 Cad....$4295 Every Mile Ooupe PeVllle. YOU pniVK A ROACH * BUTLER'S FOR BUICK No Deal So Right TOP VALUE USED CAR HAHDMAN VRBD CAT! '53 Cad... $2395 48 PLYMOUTH ....$145 Station wagon 3 neat*. Radio Coup* DeVllle. ft hrnter. Well, watcha waitln' '53 Willys '6' . $895 for ? ? ? DOWN '4-door aexlan Ra/lln, heater, overdrive, '55 Olds... $2795 2-tone. whltewall tire*. 47 MERCURY .... .$125 $00 I* Holiday, full power coup*. Radio A healer. 100% FINANCING OR EQUITY IN YOUR CAR M a give away at this '54 Olds..$1795 low price! On Aj»pror«id Credit '51 Mercury . $595 Super, 4-door. Power. 50 MERCURY ......$295 Cluh ooup<». Radio and heater. 4-door eedan R. & H.. new p*1nt.. new You'd whop around week* to r-860 CATALINA HARDTOP MMt' covert. Jk rood rubber. '51 Olds. ..$795 «pot another honey like thin! ASK YOU R NEIGHBOR ABOUT US Super M eedan. No Money Down COMPLETE (On Approved Credit) '50 Mercury . $495 And Many More to Chose From 1954 FORD V-8 54Buick..$l995 "Little Lot - Big Values" Club coup*. R 4k H., overdrive. 2-totie Super ronvertlhla. Country Squire Like new. Radio, heater, Fordc-matlc, Mnted rlaa*. 3-toa* paint Strato Flight Hydramatic Radio flnl*h. premium white rtdewaAl tiros. 3-»*e,t«. Beautiful red ftmah. ROACH 100% $59 per mo. Heater 2-Tone Paint Whitewalls 53 Dodge . $695 AND 2-door. Full Flow Oil Filter Oil Bath Air Cleaner '49 Pontiac . $395 HARDMAN 1953 FORD STATION WAGON A hydramatlc. J-dof>r. Radio, heater '54 Ply. ...$1595 AUTO SALES Radio and heat*r. Powe.r»d for the future. Be*utlful whit* finiah. Back-up Lighti Including Tax and Lie. Belvedere etation wajron. Pow­ $1395 100% $39 per mo. er eteerinjf. 1961 Torrance Blvd. WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EACH CAR FA. 8-8101 GMAC or BANK TERMS '51 Olds... $895 1955 BUICK 2-DR. CENTURY THIS WEEK-END ONLYI Riviera coup*. Radio, heater, poww *teerinf. pow*r br»kw. tinted ffliM. 3-ton* flnlah. WE WILL MEET OR BEAT 88 Hard top Speol/il on the all new and premium whltewall tire*. HARBOR MOTOR CO. Chryslers & Plymouths $2595 100% $69 per mo. ANY LEGITIMATE DEAL 51 Chev... $645 Largf.it selection and body Club roupe. Power tilde tyle.i and colors "Your Oldsmobile Dealer" 1954 BUICK 2-DR. SUPER RIVIERA COUPE RAdlo. he»tw. Pynaflow. power »te«rinf A brake*, continental kit. tlftt«4 flaw. Mid WILMINGTON '54 Chev. .$1495 Plymouths premium white nldewalU. Oi*tom trim. See 230 W. Anaheim 300 W. Anaheim fcel-Alr. hard top. «K low rtj $199 down 100% $49 per mo. TE. 4-1166 TE. 4-1166 '51 Buick . $695 Chrysler Windsor fcpecliil hardtop. «i low as $299 down (on «pt>rovert credit) 1953 FORD V-8 2-door. Radio A heater. Like new I OUR VALUES and '50 Chev... $495 Stop in today. Let u« ahow Harbor Pontiac you what we ciin do for you $949 100% $29 per mo. THE WEATHER Olub coupe. GARL'S MOTORS 111 S. Pacific Ave. San Pedro TE. 3-2484 1200 AVALON BLVD. 1952 NASH RAMBLER STATION WAGON '56 Ford 6.$1595 JWllmlngtpn_____ TE . ft-.tl81 Radio, heater, overdrive, new finiah. and leather interior. R Fannenner coupe. '62 FORD V-8 CtToTom club ffodan. Radio A heater. etc. $895 100% $29 per mo. Exceptionally clejui. Excel­ '54 Ford.. $1495 lent condition. Onlv $ 15 down. "«" Crestline hard top. Ford- 92K month. Just 1955 & 1956 BUICK CONVERTIBLES HOT! eteerlng. BOTH O-M»tlc, power CREIGHTON L/oaded with extra equipment. Suburban Motors Select Cars 100% $69 per mo. 1954 FORD .... .'$1245 '51 Ford ... $745 P. trifle Coast Hwy. AUTHORIZED FACTORY DEALER Ou*fom 4-docir. Fully »qulpp*«1. Victor!*, ro'rd-o-matlc. (1 ' Tormnca Blv FOR: R ii FR. P-2 A Complete Line of 1956 Buicks New & Used MERCEDES BORGWARD 1954 PONTIAC . $1295 And Lots More to OhW»ftaln dHux* 4-door. F*ully ftquipp«<l. Select From RENAULT ENGLISH FORD "Private Party" Payments as low as $69 Month' SEE iTUDfflUJCBlt TRIUMPH VOLVO 1953 FORD ..... $1195 Victoria hardtop. Fully «K|uipp«d. Champion 2-door «edan. Or*r- BILL WILLIAMS drhe. radio mid heater. Good aoronil car. Bent offer take«! AS LOW 1950 PONTIAC .... $395 and TB. 8-4939 $1 Oluh ooiip*. Fully «qulpt>*d. JIM TIPPETT AS JMAMvnjTM hard top. Full 100% FINANCING power. Custom interior. N*w car guarantee. Full price 1955 CHEVROLET . $1795 $2495. No down payment. 395 CECIL L Black and white finish. White TE 4-8595 V-H 4-door. Fully *qulpp*d. WaCARL'S MOTORS THOMAS Dealer 445 E. Anaheim, Wilmington 1949 PLYMOUTH . $295 Anaheim BUTLER'S FOR BUICK 4-door. M«rhiin|ral A -1. AND SONS wi i rr .V3133 31 CHRTflM .fer, Also Many More Near New and Late Model 1TR automatic. >wn '50 CHEV Heefiine de­ Cadillac. Olrlamoblle One Giant Location 400 So. Sepulveda payment, fun purr »o>»6. luxe **<\ good con­ OMC Trurkt C IA dition. fJuarantred. Many ei- Cars to Choose From 10.000 with CARL'S MOTORS tr«*. f)nly llfi down or $23 a 7th to Sth on GaH«y all <? month. Ran Pedro TON . ..,t.,, . A., KIT Manhattan Beach Chrynler-Plymotjth Healer TE. 2-4659 Will tnk*> Roorl Pickup 42r, W' Anaheim CREIGHTON HARBOR SALES CO. Trurk. Furniture, or what WlLMINOTOisf TB.
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