
THE SOUTH AFRICAN AVIFAUNA SERIES OF THE PERCY FITZP A TRICK INSTITUTE OF AFRICAN ORNITHOLOGY (Genera/ Editor: PROFESSOR J. M. WINTERBOTTOM, Director of the Institute) No. 20 CHECK LIST OF THE BIRDS OF THE EAST LONDON AREA BY Miss M. COURTENAY-LATIMER (East London lvft1set1m) Price 75c The copyright of this article vests in the author. No quotation from it or information derived from it is to be published without full acknowledgement of the source. CHJ~CK LIST OP :BIRDS OF THE :By M. CourJGenay~-Latimer (Tiirector 1 East London Museum) - 1 - The area under review covers the Divisional Council area for East London - from the .Fish River to Cintza_along the coast 9 a range of one hundred and sixty -Ltliles 0 The country is composed of hilly undulations with vegetat1onaccording to Acocks' Vegetation rviap 1 consisting of~-- 1. Forest and Thorn veld 2 o Valley Bush 3. Alexandria Forest type 4. ·Eastern Province thorn veld. CI1IIVfATIC CON:DITIONS RGCORDJ:l,"'D AT EAST LONDON I,ati tuc1e 33.02 Sou.th? I1on(Situde 27.50 East 1 Height 4-10 ft. J:>ising j_nland towarc1s King William 1 s Town to 1 9 195 feet;. A~:-erage Rainfall 31.83 inches with average of 105 rainy days per year. Average Daily Sunshine- 7.5 hours. Daily vvind speed average per year - 10.8 m.p.h. This list has been compiled over a number of years9 careful observations together with tb.e taxonomic collection housed in the :B;r:tst I1ondon 1-~~useum. T<f[uch credit is due to earlier workerst records 9 pa:r::ticularly the late Dr. Hobert Godfrey 9 vvho worked systematically in this area9 - 2 - I10MENCLATURE follows mainly that of Roberts Birds o~South Africa 9 Revised Edition by McLachlan~ Liversidge. Reference numbers of Vincent's Check List and Roberts are included 9 and Mr. P.A. OTancey' s-fincl.ings o THAtTKS ~ I thank the Di visional Council for sub- -·------mitting a map of the area concerned. To the Chairman 9 Nl:r. G.G. Smith 9 for reducing and making the copy of the map included:; to l1~r. C.D. Quickel­ berge for checking and reading9 and to the Meteorological office for information supplied. - 3 - - 4 - Order S P H E N I S C I F 0 R M E S Family SPH~NISOIDAE P_~uins Genus SPHENISCUS Brisson ------~---------=------- 1. SPH~NISOUS DBMERSUS Linnaeus 9 Jackass Penguin S. demersus Linnaeus ( R2 9 V2) g Oa1)e of Good Hope Visitor off coast of East London Genus EUDYPTES Vieillot ----~-~-~~ 2. EUDYPTES CHRYSOOOHE ( Forster) 9 Rockhopper Pen:_~uin E. chrysocone (Forster) (R3 9 V6)~ Falkland Islands Rare visitor to coast. Order C 0 L Y M B I F 0 R M E S Family PODICIPIDAE Grebes Genus PODICEPS Latham 3. PODICEPS RUFIOOLLIS (Pallas) 9 African Dabchick P.r. capensis Salvadori (R6 9 V9)~ Shoa 9 Abyssinia Resident throughout area on all suitable water stretches. Order P R 0 C E L L A R I I F 0 R M E S :B1 am~y DI_OIVillDEIDAE Albatrosses Genus DIOMEDEA Linnaeus 4. DIQ]/lEDEA EXU:GANS Linnaeus, V/andering Albatross D.e. exulans Linnaeus (R7 9 Vl0): Cape of Good Hope Off coast of East London. 5. DIOlVJEDEA 1\I!EJJANOPHRIS Temminck 9 Black-browed Albatross D. melanophris Temminck (R8 9 Vl3): Cape of Good Hope Common visitor to coast. 6. DIONJKDEA CAUTA Gould, Shy Albatross D. cau-Ga. salvini (Hothschild) (Rll,Vl6): New Zea.laiid :-··---- Common visitor to coast off East London. 7Q DI01UillEA CHLORORHYNCHUS Gmelin, Yellow-nosed Albatross l?.,~_q,~_=h.S~h;y:nchus Gmelin ( RlO, Vi5): Cape Seas Common visitor to coast. !~ifY PROCELLARIIDAE Petrels and She~r~at~ Genus lVf.ACRONECTES Richmond + ----·-·---.-· - 8. lVJACRONECTES GIGANTEUS (Gmelin), Giant Petrel M~-~anteus ( Gmelin) (Rl3, Vl9): Near Sta-Gen Island 9 Cape Horno Visi-t;or to coast 1 common. Genus D~~~IQ~ Stephens 9. DAEeiON CAPENSIS ( I1innaeus), Cape Sea Pigeon D. capellsi§_ ( Linnaeus) ( R14, V20) : Cape of Good Hope Commonly found off coast. Q.£.~§- B.V.~~IA Bonanar:te lOo BULWERIA CAERULEA (Gmelin), Blue Petrel Bu caerulea ('Gmelin) (R20, V22): Southern Ocean 47° ~-5~crs Latitude Rare, recorded at East London by J. Hewitt. Genus PACBYPTILA Illiger - 6 - 11. PACHYPTILA FOR8TERI (Latham), Whale Bir-d ?· forsteri (Latham): (R2l,V30): New Zealand. Visitor to coast, recorded from East London during December. 12. PACHYPTILA DESOLATA (Gmelin), Dove Petrel P.d. desolata (Gmelin)~ (R22 9 V32)~ Kerguelen. Island. Visitor to coast. 13. PACHYPTILA SALVINI (Mathews), Broad-billed Petrel P.s. salvini (Mathews)~ (R2l,V3l)g Marion Island. Rare visitor to coast. Genus PROCELLARIA Linnaeus 14. PROCELLARIA AEQUINOCTIALIS Linnaeus, Cape Hen a.~~· aequinocti~ Linnaeus (R23~V36)~ Cape of Good Hope. Visitor to coast. b. P.a. conspi9il~_ata (Gould) (R23b 9 V-)~ Australian Seas. Not common, recorded off coast of East London. 15. PROCELLARIA CINEREUS (Gmelin), Great Grey Shearwater P. cinereus (Gmelin) (R24,V37)~ Southern Ocean 47° to 58°.-S. Lat. Not common recorded from off East London. 16. PROCELLARIA GRISEUS (Gmelin), Sooty Shearwater P. griseus (BonalJarte) ~ (H29, V42) g New Zealand. Visitor to coast. -~ '7 - i 17-. PROC:;JLLARIA JtiUNDA ( Galvin), Little Shearwa ter I P.m. elegans (Giglioli and Salvadori) (R27 9 V40): Southern Atlantic. Decoii.mosed specimen WG.shed up at Cintza beach 9 East ·tondon." 1 . 18. PROCJ:!:LI,ARIA LHERMINIERI Lesson 9 Baillon s Little ShearwatGr Po lherminieri bailloni Bonaparte ( R28, V41): Y!est IndieB; l\[auri. tius o Rare visitor to coast. y.ami=sy_HYDROBATID.fl.E St~r~etrels --Genus HYDROBATES Boie ' 19 o HYDBOBATES PELAGICUS ( Linnaeus), 3torm Petrel H. 12_elagi~ (Linnaeus) (R30, V44)~ Coast of Sweden. Rare visitor to coast. I Go:ms OC::~ANI'J:ES Keyserling & Blasius ! - -·~-~-----;_, 20. OCT~ANITES OCEANICUS (Kuhl), Wilson's Storm Petrel O.~anicus (Kuhl) (R33,V47): South Georgia Visit;or to coast, but D.ot common • .Gem~ ~R:f!J_GI~TTA_ B.idgwa:v r 21. FREGETTA TROPICA (Gou1d) 9 Black-bellied Storm Petrel F~t. tropica (Gould) (R36 9 V50): 6°33'N. Lat. - Ner6 1 W. Long. Rare. Decomposed remains found at Ncera Beach in June 1958. Order P E L E C A N I F 0 R M E S Fami.ly PHAETHONITIDAE Tropic~Bird§_ - 8 - .. Genus PHAETON.. Linnaeus 22. PHAETON RUBRICAUDA Boddaerty Red-tailed Tropic-Bird P. rubricauda Boddaert (R39yV55)~ Mauritius. On 1/3/1954 a specimen was collected at Gonubie, · East London. Trawler Captain H. Goosen, reports seeing three off East London on 25/2/1954. Specimens :2ast JJondon Museum. Family §.1L;!;,IDAE Gannets Genus MORUS Vieillot 23. MORUS BASSANUS (Linnaeus), Cape Gannet M.b. ca~ensis (Lichtenstein)(R44yV59)~ Cape of Good Hope.- Very common along coast. Family PHALACROCORACTDAE_Q_ormorants Genus PHALACBOCORAX Brisson· 1 24. PHALACROCORAX CARBO ( Linnaeus) 1 Nhi te-breasted Cormorant P.c. luci.dus ( Lichtenstein) ( R4-7 1 V60) ~Cape of Good Hope. Resident and common along coast. 25. PHALACROCOR~C CAPENSIS (Sparrman), Cape Cormorant P. capensis (SJ)arrman) (R48, V61) g False Bayy C.P. Resident and common along coast. 26. PHALACROCORAX AFRICANUS (Gmelin) 9 Reed CoTinorant P.a. afri.canu~ '(Gmeli.n) (R50,V6J)g River Nile 1 Egypt. Resident and common on most water courses. Has become extremely plentiful locally since 1955. - 9 - Family ANHINGIDAJ"!; Darters Gerrus A:l\IHIN(}A Brisson ---~--- 27., ANHINGA l1UFA ( Lacepede & Daudin) ~ South African _ Dart er A!..£.!_~"Ufa ( I1acepede & Daudin) ( R52, V66) g Senegal Resident and common~ occurs in most partsy es~9Gcially plentiful in river estuaries. Order C I C 0 N I I F 0 R M E S ]{amily ARDEIDAE Herons 9 Egrets & Bitterns . G~n~4_@_E~nn~ 28. ARDEA CINEREA Linnaeus, Grey Heron ~_cinerea Linnaeus (R54,V7l)~ Sweden Resident. Widely distributed throughout. 29. ARDJ~A MELANOCEPHAJ.JA Vigors & Children, Bla9k- headed Heron A. mBlanocephala Vigors & Children (R55,V72}~ N"ear Lake _Cha~ Resident. Very common and widely distributed • . 30. ARDEA PURPUREA Linnaeus~ Purple Heron 1 A~. J?U~urea Linnaeus (R57 9 V74)g River Danube~ Middle Europe. Uncom~on. Occurs locally at Gonubie Sanctuary. · Genus EGRJT:TTA Forster 31. EGRETTA ALBA (Linnaeus)~ Great White Heron I E.a. melanocephala ( 1 ~ragler) (H58,V75)~ Senegam.bia Rare. Of local incidence in quiet estuaries and alone:; river banks. -.,_. I - 10 - 32. EGRETTA INTEIDfiEDIA ( 'Vagler) 9 Yellow-billed Egret E.~_12rach,;ytQ;yncha (Brehm) (R60 9 V76)~ Blue Nile Widely distributed, single birds usually seen fishing in the estuaries of our rivers. 33. EGRETTA ARDESIACA (Wagler) 9 Black Heron E. ardesiaca ( i!ifagler) ( R64 9 V77) g :Senegambia Extremely rare. M. Courtenay-Latimer and G.G. Smith record one specimen with Cattle ~~grets 9 28/2/1955 at Gonubie Sanctuary. · 34. EGRETTA GARZETTA (Linnaeus) 9 I,ittle Egret E.~ze~ ( Linnaeus) (R59 9 V78) g Malalbergo, Northern Italy. Resident. Widely distributed but not very common 9 and appears to be largely confined to the coastal districts. Genus ARTIEOLA Boie - ~ 35. ARDEOLA IBIS (Linnaeus) 9 Cattle Egret I A.i. ruficrista (Bonaparte) (R61 9 V79) g Madagascar1 Exceedingly common residento Increasing rapidly. 36. ARDEOLA HALLOIDES (Scopoli) 9 Squacco Heron A. ralloides (Scopoli) (R62 9 V80)g Carinola. Rare. Recorded by R. Godfrey tvvice locally 11/5/1931 and 9/9/1937. Genus NYCTICORillC Forster 37. NYCTICORAX NYCTICORAX (Linnaeus), Night Heron I N.n. nycticora]E (Linnaeus) (R.69 9 V83)g South Europe Resident 9 common and widely distributed throughout the area. - 11 - I 38. NYC~CICORAX JJEUCONOTOS ( Wagler), White-backed Night Heron ~~tos (Yvagler) (R70 9 V84): Senegambia Resident and local. ~u~ n~OBRYQ_HUS Bilberg o 1 3 9 IXOBB.YCHUS l.VIINUTUS ( Linnaeus) 9 Little Bi ttern a.
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