Introduction This is the final version of the Twite, Linnet and Redpoll list, no further updates will be made. Grateful thanks to Tom Shevlin (www.irishbirds.ie) for the cover images and all those who responded with constructive feedback. All images © the photographer. Please note that this and other Reference Lists I have compiled are not exhaustive and are best employed in conjunction with other sources. Joe Hobbs Index The general order of species follows the International Ornithologists' Union World Bird List (Gill, F. & Donsker, D. (eds.) 2019. IOC World Bird List. Available from: https://www.worldbirdnames.org/ [version 9.1 accessed January 2019]). Final Version Version 1.2 (June 2019). Cover Main image: Twite. Raghly Harbour, County Sligo, Ireland. 6th December 2009. Picture by Tom Shevlin. Vignette: Linnet. Soldier's Point, County Louth, Ireland. 9th December 2007. Picture by Tom Shevlin. Species Page No. Arctic Redpoll [Acanthis hornemanni] 9 Common Redpoll [Acanthis sp.] 6 Lesser Redpoll [Acanthis cabaret] 6 Linnet [Linaria cannabina] 4 Mealy Redpoll [Acanthis flammea] 6 Twite [Linaria flavirostris] 3 Warsangli Linnet [Linaria johannis] 6 Yemen Linnet [Linaria yemenensis] 6 1 Relevant Publications Balmer, D. et al. 2013. Bird Atlas 2001-11: The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. BTO Books, Thetford. Beadle, D. & Rising, J.D. 2006. Tanagers, Cardinals, and Finches of the United States and Canada: The Photographic Guide. Princeton University Press. Beaman, M. 1994. Palearctic birds: a checklist of the birds of Europe, North Africa and Asia north of the foothills of the Himalayas. Harrier Publications, Stonyhurst, Lancashire. Clement, P. et al. 1993. Finches & Sparrows: an Identification Guide. Christopher Helm, A & C Black, London. Cramp, S. & Perrins, C.M. (eds.) 1994. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, The Birds of the Western Palearctic, Volume 8: Crows to Finches. Oxford University Press del Hoyo, J. et al. (eds.) 2010. Handbook of the Birds of the World Volume 15, Weavers to New World Warblers. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Glutz von Blotzheim, U.N. & Bauer, K.M. (eds.) 1997. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas bd. 14/II. Wiesbaden. Jenni, L. & Winkler, R. 1994. Moult and Ageing of European Passerines. Academic Press. Newton, I. 1972. Finches. Collins, London. Ottaviani, M. 2011. Monographie des Fringilles, Volume 2: Carduélinés – Histoire Naturelle et Photographies. Editions Prin, Ingré. Parkin, D.T. & Knox, A.G. 2010. The Status of Birds in Britain & Ireland. Christopher Helm, London. Shirihai, H. & Svensson, L. 2018. Handbook of Western Palearctic Birds: Passerines. Christopher Helm. Snow, D.W. & Perrins, C.M. (eds.) 1998. The Birds of the Western Palearctic Concise Edition Volume 2, Passerines. Oxford University Press. Svensson, L. 1992. Identification Guide to European Passerines (4th edition). Privately Published, Stockholm. van Duivendijk, N. 2010. Advanced Bird ID Guide, The Western Palearctic. New Holland. van Duivendijk, N. 2011. Advanced Bird ID Handbook, The Western Palearctic. New Holland. Vinicombe, K. et al. 1989. The Macmillan Field Guide to Bird Identification. Macmillan Press, London and Basingstoke. Vinicombe, K. et al. 2014. The Helm Guide to Bird Identification. Christopher Helm, London. General Notes Ericson, P.G.P. et al. 2000. Major Divisions in Oscines Revealed by Insertions in the Nuclear Gene c-myc: A Novel Gene in Avian Phylogenetic. The Auk 117(4): 1069-1078. Greenberg, R. et al. 1999. Tits, Warblers, and Finches: Foliage-gleaning birds of Nearctic and Palearctic forests. The Condor 101(2): 299-310. Harris, M.P. et al. 1965. A mixed population of Redpolls in northern Norway. British Birds 58: 288- 294. Herremans, M. 1990. Taxonomy and evolution in Redpolls. Carduelis flammea-hornemanni; A multivariate study of their biometry. Ardea 78(3): 441-458. King, J. 1996. OrnithoNews - Redpolls: one, two or five? Birding World 9(8): 322-323. Knox, A.G. 1988. The Taxonomy of Redpolls. Ardea 76(1): 1-26. Newton, I. 1968. The moulting seasons of some finches and buntings. Bird Study 15(2): 84-92. Payevsky, V.A. 2015. Taxonomy of true finches (Fringillidae, Passeriformes): A review of problems. Biology Bulletin 42(8): 713-723. [Original Russian text in Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 2015, 94(2): 221- 232.] Peach, W.J. et al. 1998. Long-term changes in the abundance of passerines in Britain and Ireland as measured by constant effort mist-netting. Bird Study 45(3): 257-275. Sangster, G. et al. 2013. Taxonomic recommendations for Western Palearctic birds: ninth report. Ibis 155(4): 898-907. Wallace, D.I.M. et al. 2001. Autumn migration in westernmost Donegal. British Birds 94(3): 103-120 (112). Williams, G.R. 1953. The dispersal from New Zealand and Australia of some introduced European passerines. Ibis 95(4): 676-692. Williamson, K. 1961. The taxonomy of the Redpolls. British Birds 54(6): 238-241. Witherby, H.F. 1915. The moults of the British passers, with notes on the sequence of their plumages, Part II. British Birds 9(7): 167-176. Zamora, J. et al. 2006. Conjoint mitochondrial phylogenetic trees for Canaries Serinus spp. and Goldfinches Carduelis spp. show several specific polytomies. Ardea 53(1): 1-17. 2 Twite Linaria flavirostris [Linnaeus]. [L.f. flavirostris] Norway, N Sweden & N Finland E to Kola peninsula (NW Russia). Winters S to the coasts of the Baltic & North Sea and C & E Europe. [L.f. pipilans] N & NW Ireland & N Britain. Winters, some S to coastal SE England and NE France E to Netherlands [L.f. brevirostris] Caucasus & adjacent S Russia S to SC & E Turkey and NW & N Iran. [L.f. kirghizorum] N & C Kazakhstan. Winters S to S Kazakhstan & N Uzbekistan. [L.f. korejevi] S Altai (Tarbagatay, NE Kazakhstan) & N Xinjiang (NW China). Winters SE Kazakhstan and Tajikistan S to C Afghanistan. [L.f. altaica] C & E Altai, W Sayan Mts & Tuva Republic (S Russia) and W & N Mongolia. [L.f. montanella] E Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, S Uzbekistan and W & SW Xinjiang S to Karakorum, Kunlun Shan and Altun Shan, E to N Qinghai (WC China), Afghanistan, Chitral, Gilgit & Baltistan (N Pakistan) and Trans Alay Mts (N Pamir Mts, C Asia). [L.f. miniakensis] S Qinghai & E Xizang (E Tibetan Plateau) E to E to Gansu and W Sichuan (C China). [L.f. rufostrigata] Ladakh & W & S Xizang (W & S Tibetan Plateau) and N India E to N Nepal. Treated by del Hoyo et al. 2010 as Carduelis flavirostris. Treated by some as Acanthis flavirostris. The proposed form pamirensis is included with L.f. montanella. The proposed form bensonorum is included in L.f. pipilans. Alexander, W.B. & Lack, D. 1944. Changes in status among British breeding birds. British Birds 38(3): 42-45 (45). Armitage, J. 1927. Some breeding habits of the Twite. British Birds 21(5): 117-119. Atkinson, P.W. 1998. The wintering ecology of the Twite Carduelis flavirostris and the consequences of habitat loss. Ph.D. Thesis, University of East Anglia. Brown, A.F. et al. 1995. The distribution, numbers and breeding ecology of Twite Acanthis flavirostris in the South Pennines of England. Bird Study 42(2): 107-121. Brown, R.H. 1936. Notes: Status of the Siskin and Twite in Lakeland. British Birds 30(5): 170-171. Butterfield, E.P. 1922. Letters: Observations on the Twite in the Pennines. British Birds 16(5): 140. Callahan, D. 2011. Taxonomy: Our forgotten endemics - British Twite. Birdwatch 228: 38. Clark, H. & Sellers, R.M. 1997. Distribution and abundance of Twites wintering in Caithness. Scottish Birds 19(1): 1-9. Clark, H. & Sellers, R.M. 1998. Movements of Twites in Scotland. Scottish Birds 19(5): 270-279. Clark, H. & Sellers, R.M. 1998. Winter habitats of Twites in Scotland. Scottish Birds 19(5): 262-269. Clark, H. & Sellers, R.M. 1999. A further survey of Twites wintering in Caithness. Scottish Birds 20: 35-37. Clark, H. & Sellers, R.M. 2001. Biometrics of the Twite Carduelis flavirostris. Ringing & Migration 20(4): 328-337. Corse, C.J. et al. 2011. Movements of Twite Carduelis flavirostris in northern Scotland. Ringing & Migration 26(2): 101-108. Couzens, D. 2018. Species profile: Hard times. Birdwatch 316: 44-47. Davies, M. 1988. The importance of Britain's Twites. RSPB Conservation Review 2: 91-94. Dierschke, J. & Bairlein, F. 2004. Habitat selection of wintering passerines in salt marshes of the German Wadden Sea. Journal of Ornithology 145(1): 48-58. Dierschke, J. 1997. The status of Shorelark Eremophila alpestris, Twite Carduelis flavirostris and Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis in the Wadden Sea. Wadden Sea Ecosystem 4: 95-114. Dierschke, J. 2002. Food preferences of Shorelarks Eremophila alpestris, Snow Buntings Plectrophenax nivalis and Twites Carduelis flavirostris wintering in the Wadden Sea. Bird Study 49(3): 263-269. Dunning, J. et al. 2016. A neglected colony of the Twite in central England. British Birds 109(6): 343- 348. Forrest, H.E. 1914. Notes: Twites in Shropshire in summer. British Birds 8(4): 97. Frost, R.A. 2008. Notes: Cliff-nesting Twites in the Peak District. British Birds 101(5): 263. Jardine, D.C. 1992. Notes: Twites eating seaweed. British Birds 85(11): 619. Jones, G. 2008. Conservation: Protecting the Pennine finch. Birdwatch 192: 34-36. Langston, R.H. et al. 2006. Status of breeding Twite Carduelis flavirostris in the UK. Bird Study 53(1): 55-63. Lu, X. et al. 2011. Breeding ecology of the Twite Carduelis flavirostris in northern Tibet. Ornis Fennica 88(3): 172. 3 Marler, P. & Mundinger, P. 1975. Vocalizations, social organization, and breeding biology of the Twite, Acanthis ftavirostris. Ibis 117(1): 1-17. McLoughlin, D. & Cotton, D. 2008. The status of Twite Carduelis flavirostris in Ireland 2008. Irish Birds 8(3): 323-330. McLoughlin, D. 2007. Throwing light on Twite. Wings 44: 19. McLoughlin, D. 2010. Twite on the edge - Rarest native finch soldiers on.
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