‘ J ^ ■N r o w i 8 » t * A Circnlatioii Statement.___ g t ^ t e ^ l A W Average dafljr drcolattoa of THE The Wehthw BVBNING MlctcATiH n 0 / 1 0 Mostly fair w eati^ w i^ occasion, MONTH OP JUNB • U 9 ^ ^ M al local ~show^ and thunderstwins. $■ Established as a WeelUy 1-881. Try'‘THB HERALD‘D WANT COL­ V O L m v i n NO. 241 Established as a Semi-Weekly 1888. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULYJ14, 1919. UMNS. ^Cost one cent per word for PRICE TWO CENTS Established as a Dally 1914. first insertion, half cent thereafter. '■■ii'r- t. E. BISSELl' CI1ED BIG OIRIGIBLE LHSi German High School Senate Committee Adjourtis BY GEN. FERSBING FOB REMV TO START AGAIN Will Teach R&penge Without Taking Up Treaty CONSPIOIOOS SERVICESWorkmen Orerhaniing Air­ Berlin, July 13.^—(Via London, these peace delnands we turn away July 14.)— A threat to instill a spirit with contempt frofn nations which ship for Trip to East Times Says Carson Was to Blame Mascliester Man Recares of revenege in German children is lacked the moral force to suppress Three Separate Resolutions this criminal jugglery and will work Fortune. contained In a proclamation signed Anireciation of Effident with all our might to make our chil­ For Dublin*s Easter Riots in *16 Aimed Indirectly at Pact, by a number of high school teachers dren and grand children inh'ferit this War Work. which was published in conservative sentiment and to keep it perma­ Reported — Nothing Said CROWDS GREET AIRMEN newspapers today. After criticis­ nently alive in the German nation.” London, July 14.— Significance with the Bolshevism of ex-Ministers ing the Entente the proclamation Prof. Kuno Meyer, well known In was attached in political circles to­ as well as of labor agitators.” concludes; the United States ds a lecturer, was day to the fact that the Chronicle, Bespoi^ible for Riots. About President’s Appear^ RECOMMENDED D. S. C. Officers and Crew Enjoyed Journey “ If wei are compelled to fulfill one of the signers. the organ of Premier.Lloyd George, The Times, another Northcliffe pa­ Across the Atlantic— No Sea-Sick­ the Telegraph and the Morning Post per, declared that Sir Edward was hS.- ance Before Body— Lodge, BY COLONEL S. €. JONES ness—^Met No Storms. made no editorial comment upon the responsible for the Easter rising at speech of Sir Edward Carson on Sat­ Dublin in 1916, but that he possibly Borah and LaFolette, Spon­ Pulham, July 14.—A force of 200 urday demanding the' repeal of the did not foresee that at the time. Yv Attention of Superiors Attracted by workmen were today engaged in VIEW BIG VICTORY PiOIADE home rule for Ireland bill and warn­ “ But he has no excuse today,’ sors of the Resolutions. His Methods of Handling Large overhauling the British dirigible ing Americans nbt to interfere in continued the Times, “ when he con­ Bodies of Men. R-34 in preparation for her flight to Irish affairs. demns the rebellion of 1916 he <■•1 her base at East Fortune, Scotland, IN P i l S AS 2 0 ,0 0 0 HEROES MARCH Daily Mall’s Comment. should remember that he is the last Washington, July 14.— Three sep­ the starting point of her trans-At­ First Lieutenant Clarence E. Bis- The Daily Mail, Lord Nopthcliffe’s man in Great Britain with less right arate resolutions indirectly involv­ sell, Cavalry, U. S. A., A. E. F., has lantic voyage. She is expected to paper, which has been criticising the to do so, and when he tells Ameri­ ing the peace' treaty were reported been accorded one of the highest of take the air within two or three days Marshal Foch Leads— ^Amoicans Under Pershii^ Follow— Premier, said, under the caption; ca to mind her own business he to the Senate this afternoon by the military honors in the form of a per­ and make the trip to East Fortune “ (^arson’s Bolshevism” ; courts the retort that the wishes of in about seven hours. Senate Foreign Relations Commit­ sonal citation from General John J. “ Is there one law for Robert Smil- 15,000,000 Irish-Americans are part Fidows and Orphans Weep Whde Soldiers Pass— Rqi- tee. Pershing, commander-in-chief of the Landed Yesterday. lie, (head of the coal miners’ union) of her, (Ireland’s) business. There Beyond taking up certain prelim­ American Expeditionary Forces. The The R-34 landed here yesterday and another for Sir Edward Car- is no room for dictatorship in a com­ after her history making flight resentatives of Every Civilized Race Present— Solemn inaries connected with the peace document which was awarded April son? A. Bonar Law, government monwealth of free Democracies— treaty the committee adjourned 19, of this year from military head­ across the Atlantic and back in ex­ leader in Commons, declared that neither dictatorship, of the proletar­ Tribute Paid France’s Million and a Half Dead. without considering the document it­ quarters Is signed In “ Jack” Persh­ cellent condition. One of her en­ the government will use all the re­ iat nor the Orangemen.” gines must be replaced, but this will self, or the proposed appearance of ing’s own hand, and oflBcially reads sources of the state against direct ac­ The Daily News thinks ‘‘‘there is be done after she arrives at East President Wilson before the commit­ as follows; Paris, July 14.— Twenty thousand Place le Etoile to allow the troops to tion by the miners and the railway no room in a civilized community for Fortune. Aside from rips in her tee. United States Army, A. E. F. allied soldiers swung across Paris march beneath the arch. workers. The government would people who are prepared on the envelope she suffered practically no Resolutions Reported. , CITATION. eastward today before the eyes of Route of the March. make the path easier If it let it be least occasion to destroy one another other damage. The resolutions reported were: Second Lieutenant, The route of the march, from the known that it intends to deal firmly in a private quarrel.” Crowds of sightseers came to more than a million spectators who Clarence E. Blssell, Cavalry. porte Maillot to the place de la 1— The Lodge Measure, request­ Pulham from London and many. saw the great victory parade. ing the President to furnish the For exceptionally meritorious and Republic, was a scene of Babylonian Norfolk towns to view the first Senate with a copy of any treaty conspicuous services at Base Section Leading them on horseback was splendor. At porte Maillot, through SHIPBUILDING RECORD PENTECOSTS BURN trans-Atlantic airship today. purported to have bben “ projected” Number Three, England. Marshal Foch, Generalissimo and di­ which the allied armies made their Enjoyable Trip. between Germany and Japan, “ to­ In testimony thereof and'as an ex. recting genius of the allied troops on official entry into the city, stood a Major Scott, commander of the MOKEN during JUNE MORTGAGE OF $800 gether with any Information regard­ pression of appreciation of these ser­ the field of battle. great triumiffial arch. R-34 and other oiflicers of her crew, ing it which may be in the possession vices, I award him this— Beside him rode Marshal Joffre, Along the avenue de la Grande emphasized today the ease with Bnilders Deliver 118 Vessels With of the State' Department. Citation, hero of the first battle of Marne, and Armee and then along the Champs Members Rejoice as Fire Consumes which they made the return journey Total Tonnage of 578,583— In­ Reminder of Former Debt— Pas­ An amendment to this measure (Signed) riding at the head of the various con­ Elysees to the Place de la Concorde from New York and the comfort crease Over Last Year. tor Reviews Work and Rededi­ reading: “ Or any further informa­ JOHN J, JERSHING, tingents came Generals Pershing, were festoons of gilded bunting, they enjoyed. Particularly they cates Church. tion concerning any negotiations be­ Commander In Chief. Haig, Petain, Liax, Castelnau and which swung from Venetian masts pointed out that while ships beneath Washington, July 14.— American tween Germany and Japan during Awarded on 19 April, 1919. other great chiefs. placed at thirty foot interval^ them were being ^tossed by a forty shipbuilders achieving new records The occasion of the burning of the the war,” was adopted in committee Lieutenant Bissell whose home la Americans First. Adorning the masts were luminous mile gale- that must ha.ve caused sea­ fn putting out.ships to carry Amer­ by a vote of 12 to 2. on Woodb^idge street, 'enlisted in The troops marched in alphabeti­ globes, flower baskets,. allied flags $800 mortgage on the Pentecostal sickness among their passengers, the ican products abroad. During June Church yesterday afternoon was one 2— The 3orah resolution, calling Boston the week of the declaration cal order which brought the Ameri­ and coats of arms o^JPrench cities. R-34 rode the wind with scarcely any cans, led by General Pershing, im­ they delivered 118 vessels, with a of great Thanksgiving and rejoicing upon the President for the prodne-. of war by the United States, He Trophies of War. rocking. mediately behind Foch and Joffre. total tonnage of 578,583 dead weight on the part of the members' who tion of a protest against the cessa­ was sent to the first officers’ training Displayed on pyramldical columns The greatest moment of the day to the shipping board. It was an­ have worked so long and hard to re­ tion of Shantung to Japan, which camp at Plattsburg, N.
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