fM ( ~A (, AliN ( 0 , TH( lollllOU A l U~N 1 AS.S O CfAfi O N CONTENTS "Tim Burton creates a line-up of freaks and geeks in his artwork." S~t P.-s~ 37 S U~M ( I>: 10 1 0 I V OL UM£ 9 ~ I NUM &[II <t FEATURES 16 Home ~grown Hamm ror his TV role on Mad Men. Jon Hamm, RA '93. earned ,, Golden Globe Aw.ud in 1008. By Nancy t>.·toen 22 A collection of Tiger tales N('('<l some l>Ummcr n·.uling? Mizzoualumni tum out all m.tnncr of manu~ripts. Chtdt out th~e excerpts. 24 Heartland star Sh\:;!CrNcal £.Boyd, BA 'o1, won the 2oo8Amtrica'sC.ot Talmt competition. Ry NancyMcxn 30 Speaking the mind of Molly k<~thk"CnTwncr Mars in Rtd-..Hoc f>atnOf:Thr Kit~-AssWit of~tolo/fvutS.aonc·pcrson play by l~"g.<D' En,gcl, 8J '73. By aso;oci.ttc c.-d itor 0.1le Smith 32 Down the rabbit hole: Enter the world of Tim Burton On movie sets, photographer l.cah <~allo. MA 'o8. captures !>'till imagcs while dire<torTim Rurton 's visions become reality 8y staffwriter S.uJh G;.lrber 38 The next sound A new initiJtive at the MU School of Music provides o;chokuships Jnd olhercommunity S\lpport to .1spiring young co•nposers. By Dale Smjrh 40 Mizzou: Then and now H;wc a look at c.1mpus photos. p.lst .md present. Byst.)f( writer tlo1.)rcus Wilkins DEPARTMENTS 2 From the Editor 3 MizzouMaH 6 Around the Columns 44 Miuou Alumni Association News I VISIT MJZZOUMAGAZINE. COM FOR MORE PHOTOS AND STORIES. SO Class Notes >lt's commencement time, and MU graduates have b1g plans for the future. Semper Mizzou 64 >There's more to Mizz.ou musictans than we could fit 1n ptint. Ltsten to ... ~ ' ..........'.. .... ...~.. Neal E. Boyd smg and hear MU students' new mus1c compostttons. •'·' >lfyou butld it, they w•ll duck. Up to six chickens per household a.re nO\v alti)Wed 1nside Columb1a's c.1ty lim1ts. 0 ll11 FROM TH E EDITOR lOilOUAl AND AOVIII:T ISINti OHU:tS The stars came out ~07 Uon~kl. W ~-nold• "lumnJCtnln Columbi.l. \tO t.s.m. s;J4S~·rn;. f.u s.n·88l"';l90 This issue of MIZZOU is devoted to the arts. The Univcrsit y o f Missouri has more ~~~ lfll(l'(ll,l mk~«<u \\~:b m.!T.tOUtn.1f(.UtMrom than its f.1ir share of stMS, be it mo\•ie. television. theater, mu:,ic or literature. EOno•l:.lrcn'A'odq .ASSOCI Aft COITO« l).;k\mrt h A cast of a different C\AU NOll$ tOIIOII \ i.U(W>Will!lh AAI DIUCJO.. tll.~b OtnM!J~It' stripe graced my home for '"'OtOGIVot>~EIIS Rob HUI •nd '•(hoi.._, kniWt WIIJtlii$JDM k.Ahkt .al)(i'i.t.tAA G•rtM>t a Oinncr with 12 Tigers in lOUOII U oiHIITI.IS '11('\YShll'ln March. Roughly 60 True MIUOU AUIWNI AUOCIAfiON Tigers. all·star student tl) Rt:)·tWI!d~Ak!tnniCcnw CONrnhiJ. \t06p1t,phont p).&'o·6611, (u Q"J-85.)·;•~; members of the Mitzou ~~~'\~ lh.ttctotfodd A \lcCubbln, \1 (d 'ox Opu~lon~ ..x~c:"wd tn dl.i) m"~~,l~ Alumni Association, ~~ n~•.uil)· f't1l«t t~offid•lf!O'lt~o~~nofll'w Unho:t'\nyol\ti1>'\0\Irl signed up to have dinner or tbt \Uaou Ahunnl J\)!«~tlon :010 at fJcuhy. alumni or STAT UUNT OJ PUI"OSt Tl\( \lbtou Ah,tmnl A\'\.Od.luonproudl) wppmh tht be\I staff members· homes tl'll f'R"<t > .tnd lf~ltiOtl) of \li)~n • fl.lsllup unh'\!n.rty March , or t6. As a ChemistryProf~ssor John Adams, c~nt~r, uptut~d the <~ttention of •nd itulumnl ..ocld .. ide ld'donx rd~tioO•uhlp,c •tt tbt 14 15 (vu,ndltiOn Of OUI SUJ'PC)tl fl!('<of ttiAIIQofl<oh.l(>\ ~t tnhAn.c:td Ttue Tigers b~for~ dinnet M.uch 16.. rh.musl\ •lhu•cy. communlc.luon •nd \ OIW'Ittornmt. hostess. I invited six faculty members to join us. Because MIZIOU A\U .. Ioll AUOC' IATION GOVliNifoiG I OAID hf'.ilknl J•cq~.>tlltu; \ktnhrc:C.brk. "" 'II•. I didn't know beforehand the academic interests of the students who were coming. l'rc:<oi<Wnl"l'k<t bBd.lllWI1~hl . BCS '111. \lA '01, \'Ke Ptnldtnt I'.a.mrl• Wtdrc:n Obnditk, Ru~ -..; I asked professors of the Jrts and the sciences. None o f the faculty had experienced Trc:uui'C'rl!mO..tniWI". i.\ '90; lmm«!Nic P.a.~l l'tt~'fl\l Cl~-.g Uolwn ..uldKr. liSC:~L OS U '*t,Communluuon\ this alumni association event, so they d idn't know what to expect either. (.ommluc:e< lu!r ~nfemJI, BJ ·,..~..,f'it)'Commilt« O.•b JonU\.un~.IIA ·~; I!Q..ltl(otCommllt« Olllir In its fi fth year. the Dinner with 12 Tigers program thrives on that r~1ndomncss. Gr~ory&ilo:)·. BS BA '96; \knt\1(~1\ip~l'ld \t.a.rktu'S COmli\IU('((h.lu ~')·fl. H.rr1"'8,toti.IIJ '01, \Uuou ~~~L1oth't It becomes a practic;;1llesson in networking for the students. Sally Baldwin o f ... tlwort.Commlnccf.h.lu Wilitt Plc:fftr II 8GS 'llg; ll'uln Commm« Clu 11 J•mt~ r o:mm. ts BA.IS BA "'-Sdlooh Chillicothe, Mo., did know one of the professors, Chris Okonkwo, from an English •nd Col.lc:s-e' Comm1ttft Ch.llr ChriJ \tc:•"<:n$. 8A !i' · Al·l.ar,g. lttp~nt.atJ•·n Rot\.a.ld l.lnUord. \l ld'n ld\p ']6,f.d0 'n, class. "'We had a great conversation at our table d iscussing English, chemistry, Tille -e) \l(r:-hon, HJ "a;. O.ul.l Sax. lS rd '811, \I [d 'u biology and journalism," she says. Student Andrew Lorenz of jackson, Mo., fondly Sruu~\\ood)·. BS BA s;.ln""tllto: Rt!""'IC'nt.ltl•uOw~« fulk<t, 8:Sfd 'n.ln.l \l<0!1ney.8S\ ·n.M\ '91. recalls hearing about different people's experiences at Mizzou. "Individuals who 0\lt-of·St•tc: JttprC"CJ\IlU\~ ~lti\Ce Hun on, 8A '66, ~tr11 t 0ff~t·(.i!hck, 8:S [d 'll, lntc:m"'ion.d llc:prc:wnUU\'0: graduated from the university 25 years ago had similar experiences to mine. It Chttn )'c:h t:wol:..ll'oo;AiumniA~)oO(I.IItun Stuodc:nl ~rd kcpr.:.wtlt.Jti\'t ltrul) lttu.j(>unut.~m 'ro goes to show how traditions are engraved on Mizzou'S<ampus." Other students in AOVIUUIJIG U\U the all·starcast included Meagan Halphin of lee's Su mmit, Mo., Nicholas Jain of Scou Rtc:ttr, Dlrcc1or ofAd• crti~iAS •1¥1 Rc:ynokb Alwnl\1 C111nttr. ('.olumbia, \10 6SIIt Kennett, Mo .• and Emily Allen of Minneapolis. Faculty membi!rswere microbiol· phone SJJ·NNJ)ll, f.a S1J•Ul•11?0 c:·m.lil mlrl!OIIf m3l«<n.otdu. ogy's Louise Thai, educ.tion's Ann Korschgen, BA '71, and chemistry's john Adams. \UZlOU lt'I.Jga.orw. Su.n\tnt1' Mtel. \ 'olwnc 9$. ' umber <4 Whether at home or abroad, w.1tch the stMs come out as you read this issue. l'l.lbll<Sht<l qwmrly by lht Un!Vtl'<lt)' o( \U1.\0W1 Alumni A'-.oci~tiQil There's Leah Gallo, who records the genius of filmmaker/artist Tin> Burton. And u 1 Reynold' Al\lmru Clf'l'lltr Colu.mbf.l. \t06SJII Neal E. Boyd, who exhibited a heap of moxie on Amtrica's Got Talent. Perhaps Jon Hamm, who plays the sexy Don Draper in Mod Mtn, says it best. During .1 photo shoot for a Mizzou ad that aired with football and basketball telecasts this past season, he put a spin on the classic response to the Tigers' \mique cheer .. M+Z.'" "Z·O·U, (ormr." To hear it for yourself, follow the link below.-Kartn FlandermtytrWorlty, BJ '73 More: univoffairs.missouri.tdu/promoMateriafs/tv·spots/mit·ZOu·2009.php 2 ~1 !!01 SUMMER 2010 MIZZOU MAIL ll11 More, more, more! Wow. wow, wow. Your response to "\VhyWe Low 'Great job, folks!!! CoMo"' was groti(yin,g, ro 54j tht feosr . Best issue in years.' We mjoytd compiling our(awwitesfor y<~u. Hfft's -Mike Infante, BJ 'So a,glimpsr ar rtadtt r«Jctlon ro tht issue. Thanls fOI Blairsville. G<l. writing, and ktrpreading. on f.-cebook.<om/mizz.oumag.iz.lne IJ ~tiZZOU magazine st;~ff Nothing short of amazing oft he meals and didn't do very well in my I wanted to tell you how much I lowd the St\tdies. The pro(essors gave me a p.lsslng MWhy We Love CoMo" issue [Spril1g 2010) grade, so I made it throu8h. of MIZ1.0U magazine. I love ~ctting the I am nowgia ;md \\•ill be 95 in September, mJga~nc as •' way to st3y connected to MU. if l li\'e that long. I enjoy hearing from the but that is.--;uc made me love my hometown ;~ l umni group. .tnd the m.1gazine even mote. rro1n the Moms M. Stewart, BS Ag '37 moment I \.aw the cover I wa-; so t.>xcitcd. Monroe, La. Plettsc sh;~re my sincere thJilks with .111 involved for such .ln amazing article that from Columbia for severJI yNrs, it bri•lgs fdft«'s note: Gatb!er's Block ol1d Gold openrd fn truly captures the best of Columbia.
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