MERCERIANTHE A Publication for Alumni and Friends of Mercer University Summer 2004 • Volume 14, Number 2 Business School Receives AACSB Accreditation By Jenny Butkus he Eugene W. Stetson School of Business and Economics of sonalized program of study. The report accreditation that a business school stated, “MAPS builds on the close aca- can receive. It represents a strong Mercer University has been inducted into an elite group of demic advisement relationship between commitment to quality in the class- student and faculty to provide a person- room and to the overall learning expe- business schools worldwide who have received accreditation alized approach to shaping an individ- rience that goes far beyond the typical. ual student’s academic program.” “Throughout my long association T The peer review team also noted with Mercer, the University has always from AACSB International — The Association to Advance the strengths of the MBA and Executive been dedicated to preparing students Collegiate Schools of Business. MBA programs at Mercer, finding both with the highest quality education meeting AACSB International standards. possible,” he added. “This accredita- Mercer School of Business During the candidacy period, the “collectively and individually demon- When learning of the accreditation, tion simply reaffirms the University’s received an official certificate marking Business School reaffirmed its mission strates attention to continuous Mercer University Trustee Robert efforts. I am pleased to have my its accreditation at a special ceremony as student education. The School improvement and innovation in teach- Hatcher, Georgia chairman of BB&T grandfather’s name on a school that in Montreal, Canada, on April 18. Of reduced faculty teaching loads, enrich- ing.” The report also said that “inter- and President and CEO of MidCountry is so committed to the highest stan- the 13 universities to receive initial ing the classroom experience, and views with students demonstrated a Financial Corp., said, “AACSB dards in educating tomorrow’s accreditation at this year’s AACSB overhauled the business curriculum to high degree of satisfaction with the International is the most prestigious business leaders.” International annual conference, only provide an education tai- faculty and with faculty six are in the United States, with lored to the needs of the availability outside the Mercer being one of them. student and the work- classroom.” “Receiving AACSB International “Achieving AACSB International place. Business facul- Regarding the accreditation reaffirms what I’ve known for a long time — accreditation is a testament to the high ty strengthened their learning environ- the Eugene W. Stetson School caliber of the Business School’s faculty, commitment to con- ment, the team stat- of Business of Mercer staff and students,” said Mercer ducting research in ed that the University is an outstanding University President R. Kirby Godsey. the field and interacting University provided a leader in business education. I “Mercer University is committed to with other practitioners. strong sense of “family” congratulate the University, providing the highest quality education At the end of the candidacy culture on both the Atlanta especially the School of Business, for reaching this milestone in its possible to its students, and this period, a team of deans from other and the Macon campus and credited long history of excellence.” accreditation is another indicator that AACSB International accredited busi- its religious heritage and orientation in we are accomplishing that.” ness schools visited and evaluated all helping “inculcate values of respect, — GEORGE ISRAEL Only 418 business schools out of aspects of the School, talking with collegiality and mutual support.” — President and CEO more than 1,500 in the United States trustees, administrators, faculty, staff, Mercer was commended for its — Georgia Chamber of Commerce have this prestigious accreditation. students and alumni. This peer review innovative Managed Academic Path to — Among the other institutions with busi- team then submitted a recommenda- Succes (MAPS) undergraduate curricu- ness schools having AACSB tion to the Board of Directors for lum for the bachelor of business International accreditation are AACSB International, who voted to administration degree. This interdisci- Harvard University, Vanderbilt grant accreditation to Mercer. plinary program, offered on Mercer’s University, Baylor University, Wake Among the strengths that the peer Macon campus, allows students to Forest University and University of review team noted in its report was the identify their interests and, together California-Berkeley. School’s faculty, which they stated with their faculty adviser, develop a per- AACSB International accreditation means the Stetson School of Business and Economics meets quality standards Commencement Speakers Inspire More than 1,600 Graduates relating to strategic management of resources, interactions of faculty and hroughout the month of Larry Braden, a 1965 graduate of students in the educational process and May, more than 1,600 the Pharmacy School and chairman of achievement of learning goals. The T students from Mercer’s the Board of Trustees for the United application process for accreditation 10 schools and colleges were States Pharmacopeia, advised gradu- takes a minimum of five years. rewarded for all their hard work, ates of the professionalism required in Mercer business professor Walt long hours and lessons learned as the field of pharmacy. Austin, Ph.D., who coordinated they received their well earned “Today you enter a profession in Mercer’s AACSB International degrees in graduation ceremonies. which all parties, physicians, accreditation efforts, said the School The University held a total of nine patients and the standards of the used the extensive application process commencements in Macon and courts fully expect you to exercise as an opportunity to review and Atlanta, and graduates heard from your complete judgment in assuring further strengthen its curriculum an array of distinguished speakers. the best possible outcome of therapy and programs. Mercer University President R. and the highest level of safety for the “Achieving AACSB accreditation Kirby Godsey presented three honorary patient,” Braden told the estimated Preparing for the Macon commencement were, from left, commencement speaker and honorary means that the Stetson School of degrees. Larry Braden, president of degree recipient Dr. David Shi, president of Furman University; Mercer University President 2,000 pharmacy graduates and Business and Economics not only has Lacey Drug Company, was awarded an R. Kirby Godsey; Chairman of the Mercer Board of Trustees James A. Bishop; and honorary guests. “Treat every person you high quality to achieve accreditation, honorary doctor of science degree on degree recipient Joseph Hillman Harvey Jr., vice chairman emeritus of Harveys supermarkets. encounter with dignity and respect; but also that it has demonstrated over May 1 at the Southern School of respect yourself, and project yourself the five-year candidacy period that it Pharmacy commencement. At the merce degree, and David Shi, presi- Below are highlights from the com- by your deeds in a manner that has effective quality control processes Macon commencement on May 9, dent of Furman University, was granted mencement speeches. To read the full earns the respect of others.” that will ensure that we provide a Joseph Hillman Harvey, vice chairman an honorary doctor of laws degree. speeches, visit www.mercer.edu and David Shi, who has written several high-quality education in the future,” emeritus of Harveys supermarkets, Braden and Shi also gave commence- click on “More News” in the “Mercer books, two of which were nominated Austin said. received an honorary doctor of com- ment addresses. Spotlight” box. — Continued on page 7 MERCERIANTHE CAMPUS TALK Summer 2004 • Vol. 14, No. 2 President and CEO R. Kirby Godsey university Executive Vice President and Provost Horace W. Fleming Senior Vice President for University Advancement, University Admissions and External Affairs Emily P. Myers University Offers Tuition Pre-Pay Senior Vice President for Finance Lynwood G. Donald Senior Vice President for Administration Richard N. Goddard By Jenny Butkus for guaranteed amount of tuition. the consortium and refunds are avail- Senior Vice President – Atlanta “We see this new plan as part of able if the student receives a scholar- Richard V. Swindle esponding to a national call our ongoing effort to make higher ship or decides not to attend college. At its annual meeting, Editor Judith T. Lunsford to make higher education education accessible to families,” said For purchasers, the effectiveness of the Mercer National Managing Editor more affordable and more Carol Williams, associate vice presi- the Independent 529 Plan is not Richard L. Cameron R Alumni Board voted Designers accessible to students, Mercer has dent of student financial planning at dependent on the performance of the Ginger Harper, Steve Mosley joined more than 200 other private Mercer. “This plan offers families a stock or bond markets. Rather, contri- Writers unanimously to Jenny Butkus, Denise Cook, Rachel Garza, colleges and universities across the unique opportunity to freeze college butions are actually pre-purchasing Wes Griffith, Sonal Patel country to offer an income tax- tuition rates, which means more stu- tuition, in part or in whole, at less than support the
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