CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 2010 Urban Water Management Plan RRisk ManagementMMM ProfessionalsP Prepared By: Risk Management Professionals TTAABBLLEE OOFF CCOONNTTEENNTTSS Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. ES – 1 ES.1 Service Area Overview ........................................................................ ES – 1 ES.2 System Demands ................................................................................ ES – 2 ES.3 System Supplies .................................................................................. ES – 2 ES.4 Water Supply Reliability and Contingency Planning ............................ ES – 3 ES.5 Demand Management Measures ........................................................ ES – 4 ES.6 Plan Adoption ...................................................................................... ES – 6 Chapter 1: Introduction & Plan Preparation ............................................................................ 1 – 1 1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1 – 1 1.2 Regulatory Changes .................................................................................. 1 – 2 1.3 Plan Organization ...................................................................................... 1 – 3 1.4 Coordination .............................................................................................. 1 – 4 1.5 Plan Adoption, Submittal, and Implementation ......................................... 1 – 6 Chapter 2: System Description ............................................................................................... 2 – 1 2.1 Service Area Physical Description............................................................. 2 – 1 2.2 Service Area Climate ................................................................................. 2 – 4 2.3 Service Area Population ............................................................................ 2 – 5 2.4 Other Demographic Factors ...................................................................... 2 – 6 Chapter 3: System Demands .................................................................................................. 3 – 1 3.1 Water Conservation Bill of 2009 Baselines and Targets ........................... 3 – 1 3.2 Water Demands ........................................................................................ 3 – 8 3.3 Water Demand Projections...................................................................... 3 – 15 3.4 Water Use Reduction Plan ...................................................................... 3 – 16 Chapter 4: System Supplies ................................................................................................... 4 – 1 4.1 Water Sources ........................................................................................... 4 – 1 4.2 Groundwater .............................................................................................. 4 – 4 4.3 Transfer Opportunities ............................................................................... 4 – 6 4.4 Desalinated Water Opportunities............................................................... 4 – 7 4.5 Recycled Water Opportunities ................................................................... 4 – 9 4.6 Future Water Projects ............................................................................. 4 – 18 Chapter 5: Water Supply Reliability and Water Shortage Contingency Planning ................... 5 – 1 5.1 Water Supply Reliability ............................................................................ 5 – 1 5.2 Water Shortage Contingency Planning ..................................................... 5 – 4 5.3 Water Quality ........................................................................................... 5 – 15 5.4 Drought Planning ..................................................................................... 5 – 18 Chapter 6: Demand Management Measures .......................................................................... 6 – 1 6.1 Demand Management Measure Implementation ...................................... 6 – 1 6.2 Operations Practices ................................................................................. 6 – 4 6.3 Education Programs ................................................................................ 6 – 11 6.4 Residential Programs .............................................................................. 6 – 14 6.5 Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Programs ................................. 6 – 17 6.6 Landscape Programs .............................................................................. 6 – 18 Chapter 7: Climate Change .................................................................................................... 7 – 1 7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 7 – 1 7.2 Climate Change Overview ......................................................................... 7 – 1 7.3 Effects of Climate Change ......................................................................... 7 – 2 7.4 Minimizing the Effects of Climate Change ................................................. 7 – 4 LLIISSTT OOFF AAPPPPEENNDDIICCEESS Appendix A: Public Notification Letters Appendix B: UWMP Adoption Resolution Appendix C: Urban Water Management Planning Act Appendix D: SBx7-7 Appendix E: West Basin Municipal Water District 2010 Urban Water Management Plan Appendix F: Water Conservation Ordinance: Ordinance No. 1433 Appendix G: Water Shortage Contingency Plan Appendix H: Completed DWR Checklist EExxeeccuuttiivvee SSuummmmaarryy The Urban Water Management Planning Act (Act) requires every urban water supplier providing water for municipal purposes to more than 3,000 customers, or supplying more than 3,000 acre- feet of water annually, to prepare and adopt an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). The Act also requires urban water suppliers to update the UWMP in years ending in five and zero, using a 20 year planning horizon. The City of El Segundo (City), has prepared this UWMP in accordance with all requirements set forth in the State of California Water Code Sections 10610 through 10657. The City is a retail water supplier to both residential and commercial accounts located within El Segundo’s service area. This UWMP addresses the City water system and includes a description of the water supply sources, historical and projected water use, and a comparison of water supply to water demands during normal, single dry, and multiple dry years. This Plan also addresses new water use conservation legislation, including the City’s 2015 and 2020 water use targets as required by the Water Conservation Act of 2009 (SBx7-7), and the implementation plan for meeting the City’s 2015 and 2020 water use targets. ES.1 SERVICE AREA OVERVIEW The City of El Segundo is located in the Los Angeles Basin on the coast approximately 1.5 miles south of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and is a semi-arid desert environment receiving less than 14 inches of rainfall annually. The City manages and operates the domestic water system that serves a residential population of approximately 17,050. The residential population of El Segundo is expected to only marginally increase over the next 25 years as the residential areas are virtually built-up with no substantial vacant land available for development. The water system consists of approximately 57.5 miles of main pipelines and serves potable water to a 5.5 square mile area. El Segundo’s water system is comprised of one pump station, two storage reservoirs, and one elevated storage tank. There are currently two available water supply sources; imported water from the Colorado River and State Water Project (delivered via the West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD)) and recycled water for landscaping irrigation and industrial use (also supplied by the WBMWD). In addition, there are four interconnections with three neighboring water agencies; Los Angeles Department of Water and Prepared by: Risk Management Professionals, Inc. ES-1 City of El Segundo – 2010 Urban Water Management Plan Power (LADWP), City of Manhattan Beach, and California Water Service, that can be activated during emergency situations. ES.2 SYSTEM DEMANDS In order to determine the twenty percent per capita water use reduction by the year 2020 required by SBx7-7, the City of El Segundo utilized the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) methods to determine the baseline, interim, and water use target values. The City of El Segundo is part of the WBMWD that has formed a regional alliance, and has thus determined its baseline and target values both individually and as part of the alliance. The regional baseline for the City of El Segundo is 220.6 GPCD, the interim target in 2015 is 198.6 GPCD and the target for 2020 compliance is 176.5 GPCD. The individually calculated baseline for the City is 514 GPCD, the interim target in 2015 is 463 GPCD, and the target for 2020 compliance is 411 GPCD. Significant growth or increase in water demands are not anticipated in future years as the City is almost completely built-out. The total past, current and future water demands for the City of El Segundo are summarized in Table ES-1, which takes into consideration the required consumption reduction required by SBx7-7. Table ES-1 Total Water Use Water
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