Quantum gravity predictions for black hole interior geometry Emanuele Alesci1,∗ Sina Bahrami1,y and Daniele Pranzetti2z 1Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA and 2Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5, Canada (Dated: September 13, 2019) In a previous work we derived an effective Hamiltonian constraint for the Schwarzschild geometry starting from the full loop quantum gravity Hamiltonian constraint and computing its expectation value on coherent states sharply peaked around a spherically symmetric geometry. We now use this effective Hamiltonian to study the interior region of a Schwarzschild black hole, where a homo- geneous foliation is available. Descending from the full theory, our effective Hamiltonian, though still bearing the well known ambiguities of the quantum Hamiltonian operator, preserves all relevant information about the fundamental discreteness of quantum space. This allows us to have a uniform treatment for all quantum gravity holonomy corrections to spatially homogeneous geometries, unlike the minisuperspace loop quantization models in which the effective Hamiltonian is postulated. We show how, for several geometrically and physically well motivated choices of coherent states, the classical black hole singularity is replaced by a homogeneous expanding Universe. The resultant ge- ometries have no significant deviations from the classical Schwarzschild geometry in the pre-bounce sub-Planckian curvature regime, evidencing the fact that large quantum effects are avoided in these models. In all cases, we find no evidence of a white hole horizon formation. However, various aspects of the post-bounce effective geometry depend on the choice of quantum states. A primary aim for the quantization program of grav- Firstly, we were still confronted with the fundamental itational field is to determine the fate of classical space- issue of whether the microscopic degrees of freedom re- time singularities as predicted by general relativity. It moved by the symmetry reduction at the classical level has been speculated that quantum gravitational effects could have been relevant, affecting the final physical pre- smooth out spacetime singularities, analogously to how dictions of the theory. In the case of LQC techniques ap- an ultraviolet completion of quantum fields tames ultra- plied to the Schwarzschild interior, this was clearly mani- violet divergences. Fortunately, the canonical approach fest in the use of point holonomies for the construction of to loop quantum gravity (LQG) is now sufficiently devel- the reduced kinematical Hilbert space associated with the oped to systematically resolve this key issue from the full 2-spheres that foliate the spacelike surfaces, which com- theory perspective. pletely eliminated all information about the 3-D struc- To provide some historical context, we point out that ture of the graph. Secondly, the reintroduction, by hand, the first generation of quantum gravity predictions were of some `elementary plaquette' at the end of the quanti- made in cosmology and within the minisuperspace quan- zation procedure, in order to fix the quantum parameters tization scheme. There the loop quantization program entering the construction of the states, was an ambigu- was implemented by applying LQG inspired techniques ous prescription, with different choices yielding different to a (model dependent) symmetry reduced phase space physical scenarios, as well as undesirable features. of general relativity parametrized by the Ashtekar con- In order to construct a more robust and reliable model nection and densitized triad [1]. The resultant models, of quantum black hole geometry that addresses the afore- which later became known as loop quantum cosmology mentioned issues, a new framework, the so-called `quan- (LQC), unanimously predict that the classical spacetime tum reduced loop gravity' approach [15{20], has recently singularity is replaced by a quantum bounce [2,3]. They been developed in which one starts from the full LQG offered the first glimpse of how quantum gravity could arXiv:1904.12412v2 [gr-qc] 12 Sep 2019 theory and then performs the symmetry reduction at the resolve spacetime singularities. quantum level by means of coherent states encoding the However, attempts to generalize the loop quantization information about a semi-classical spherically symmetric program to a black hole geometry were not equally suc- black hole geometry. More precisely, computing the ac- cessful at producing generally accepted predictions [4{ tion of the quantum Hamiltonian operator on a partially 14]. The starting point of all these previous attempts was gauge fixed kinematical Hilbert space results in a semi- the observation that the Schwarzschild black hole interior classical, effective Hamiltonian constraint H that now can be described in terms of a contracting anisotropic eff replaces the Hamiltonian constraint of general relativ- Kantowski{Sachs model, allowing one to apply LQC ity. Unlike its predecessors, the newly obtained effective techniques to this highly symmetric geometry. This ap- Hamiltonian constraint for the Schwarzschild geometry proach presented two major drawbacks. [20] descends from the LQG quantum Hamiltonian con- straint. It retains all information about the fundamental degrees of freedom associated with the quantum space ∗ [email protected] y [email protected] that is inherited from the full theory. z [email protected] The effective Hamiltonian in [20] was derived for a gen- 2 eral spacetime foliation, well defined for both the exte- tions and dΩ2 is the unit round 2-sphere line element. rior and the interior Schwarzschild regions. Solving for Due to spatial homogeneity, the only gauge freedom is the effective geometry in both regions cannot be done to rescale proper time by choosing a lapse function N. within the minisuperspace quantization program as a ho- As commonly done, in order to avoid having a diver- mogeneous slicing that covers the entire spacetime is not gent symplectic structure, we require x 2 [0;L0] where available. One is forced to use an inhomogeneous slic- L0 is some infrared cut-off in the x direction. The co- ing and subsequently work with an infinite dimensional variant phase space of solutions consists of the met- phase space. In particular, the effective scalar constraint ric functions Λ and R and their conjugate momenta equation Heff = 0 is now a highly non-linear, non-local PΛ;PR. The symplectic 2-form for this phase space is ODE. While work is in progress to develop numerical ! = L0(dR^dPR +dΛ^dPΛ), whence the Poisson brack- techniques to solve this equation, a simpler task is to ets assume the familiar form fR; PRg = fΛ;PΛg = 1=L0. restrict attention to the interior region where the stan- To avoid confusion with the previous LQG literature, we dard Schwarzschild foliation is now homogeneous and the emphasize that the L0 factor appearing in the symplec- coherent states are peaked around this homogenous ge- tic structure is not absorbed in the phase space variables. ometry. In this way, the effective Hamiltonian derived in Hence, in all subsequent equations, the phase space vari- [20], as well as the Hamilton's evolution equations that ables must be regarded as invariants under a rescaling by it generates, assume a more tractable form which can be this cut-off. In particular, as it will become clear below, solved through a combination of analytical and numeri- the effective dynamics is L0-independent and the unde- cal tools. In this letter we report on the results of this sirable features related to this scale dependence that ap- analysis. pear in some of the previous minisuperspace models are Let us emphasize that our restricting to the interior absent in our treatment. minisuperspace for the sake of solving the interior effec- In the case of a Schwarzschild spacetime with a gravi- tive dynamics is not equivalent to the minisuperspace tational mass m, the above phase space variables assume quantization models of the previous literature. In fact, as the following trajectories (in the rest of the letter we de- it will be elucidated in detail, our Heff provides a uniform note classical solutions with a subscript c, and we work treatment of the quantum gravity SU(2) holonomy cor- in c = ~ = 1 units unless otherwise stated) rections to spatially homogeneous geometries. It should τ=2Gm be noted that a number of ambiguities present in the Rc(τ) = 2Gm e ; quantization procedure for the Hamiltonian constraint p −τ=2Gm Λc(τ) = e − 1; in LQG [21] inevitably percolate in our construction as 1 h −τ=2Gmi well, implying non-uniqueness for the form of the quan- PRc (τ) = 2 − e ; tum corrections that we derive. However, this level of 2G τ=4Gmp τ=2Gm ambiguity is a direct reflection of important open issues PΛc (τ) = −2m e 1 − e ; (2) in the full theory, unlike the quantization ambiguity in the polymer approach that is due to a choice to work for with point holonomies. Therefore, our derived Heff repre- R2 sents a far better motivated alternative to the previously Nc = − (3) 2G2mP used Hamiltonian constraint of the minisuperspace loop Λ quantization procedure, which so far has been postulated as the choice for the lapse function. Here the range based on the example of homogeneous and isotropic cos- −∞ < τ < 0 covers the entire interior region of the mology [22]. At the same time, having the full theory Schwarzschild black hole, with τ = 0 corresponding to (graph) structure to begin with, our analysis provides a the horizon and τ = −∞ to the classical singularity. In consistent and intuitive geometrical framework in which the effective theory, the phase space variables are evolved we identify the quantum parameters entering the effective in time τ via the following Poisson brackets: dynamics. This allows us to investigate, in a controlled way, how various choices of quantum coherent states re- 1 @Heff [N] R_ = fR; Heff [N]g = ; sult in different physical predictions of the theory. L0 @PR 1 @Heff [N] Phase space and effective dynamics.
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