29/07/2018 THE TROJAN WAR – THE COURSE OF THE WAR Philoctetes on Lemnos Red Philoctetes abandoned at Figure Vessel c. 420 BC, Lemnos from an Attic Red Metropolitan Museum Figure Stamnos c. 460 BC, Louvre Heracles and the Nemean lion with Athena and possibly Philoctetes on a Bilingual Amphora from Athens c. 510 BC, British Museum Heracles passing Philoctetes his bow and quiver from his funeral pyre Red Figure Psykter, Metropolitan Museum Protesilaos on Black Figure Vessels, Hydria (←), British Museum and disembarking (↑) Protesilaos Roman copy of Greek original of c. 460-450 BC, British Museum 1 29/07/2018 Achilles waiting for Troilus on Achilles ambushing Polyxena Black Figure Pelike c. 540-480 on Black Figure Lekythos c. BC, British Museum 500 BC, British Museum Achilles killing Troilus from an Etruscan cinerary urn from Volterra Achilles ambushing Troilus on Etruscan tomb mural Tarquinia c. 550 BC History of Destruction of Troy 1287 by Guido della Colonne c. 1325 Chaucer Troilus and Criseyde frontispiece C15th Romain de Troie by Benoit de Sainte-Maure Eric Gill Title Page Troilus and Criseyde 1927 c. 1160 C14th manuscript 2 29/07/2018 Kauffman’s illustration for Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, Act V, Scene II 1789 Portrait of a Lady as Cressida by Opie engraved by Schiavonetti 1795 Shakespeare’s Cressida by Poynter 1888 exhibited 1800 Nike helps Lykaon with a libation before battle Red Figure Pelike c. 440 BC, British Museum Palamedes before Agamemnon by Rembrandt 1626, Museum de Lakenhal Netherlands Agamemnon and Achilles Roman mosaic Chryses pleading with Agamemnon for his daughter c. 360–350 BC, Louvre 3 29/07/2018 Briseis being led away from Achilles in a fresco from Pompeii C1st AD, Naples Briseis being led away from Achilles Red Figure Kylix c. 480 BC, British Museum Briseis and Achilles by Hollar C17th AD Thersites insulting Agamemnon (two views) Red Figure Hydria 450-440 BC, British Museum Etruscan bronze cista showing scenes from the Trojan War including Nike, Menelaus fighting Paris and Achilles over the body of Penthesilea c. 300-250 BC, British Museum Diomedes attacking Aeneas Red Figure Krater c. 490-460, Boston 4 29/07/2018 Diomedes in Roman versions of original by Kresilas of c. 450-430 BC, Naples and Munich East Pediment of the Parthenon c. 430 BC with Aphrodite lying in the lap of her Athena and Diomedes by Wolff 1853, mother Dione, British Museum Palace Bridge Berlin Diomedes and Glaucus exchanging weapons Red Figure Pelike c. 420 BC, Gela Museum Sicily Lycurgus driven mad by Dionysus attacking Lycurgus Cup Roman C4th AD, British his wife c. 350-340 BC, British Museum Museum Etruscan bronze mirror with Aiax (Aivas) arming helped by Telis (Thetis) whilsr Alcumena plays a lyre c. 325-300 BC, British Museum Bellerophon and the Chimera Terracotta Votive Plaque c. 490-470 BC, British Museum 5 29/07/2018 Etruscan mirror with Ajax and Hector fighting Ajax and Hector fighting over Patroclus’s body c. 550-500 BC, Munich Hector saying farewell to Andromache and Astyanax Red Figure Volute Krater c. 340 BC Hector and Ajax fighting Red Figure Kylix c. 485-480, Louvre Hector saying farewell to Hector saying farewell to Andromache and Andromache and Astyanax Astyanax Red by Deckler c. 1910 Figure Column Krater c. 370-360 BC 6 29/07/2018 Odysseus’s embassy to Achilles with Phoenix and Patroclus Red Figure Hydria c. 480 BC, Munich Hector admonishes Paris by Delorme 1824, Amiens Odysseus and Diomedes attack Dolon Rd Figure Calyx Krater c. 390-380 BC, British Museum The Envoys of Agamemnon by Ingres 1801, Paris Diomedes fighting Hector Odysseus and Diomedes kill Rhesus and steal Diomedes and Hector exchanging his horses c. 340 armour BC 7 29/07/2018 Morione Twins Achilles and Ajax playing a game Black Figure Achilles and Ajax playing dice, Lekythos c. 520 BC, Metropolitan Museum Louvre Achilles and Ajax playing a game Red Figure Hydria c. 490 BC, Metropolitan Museum Achilles and Ajax playing a game Black Figure Amphora, British Museum Achilles and Ajax playing a game, British Museum Achilles and Ajax playing a game, British Museum Achilles and Ajax playing a game Black Figure Lekythos, British Museum 8 29/07/2018 Greeks attacking Troy from ‘Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César’ c. 1340-1350 AD, Paris General fighting from Iliad VIII late C5th-early C6th AD Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan Achilles bandaging Patroclus, c. 500 BC, Wedgwood Plaque Berlin showing Patroclus arming Patroclus by David 1780 Patroclus killing Zeus’s son Sarpedon Red Figure Calyx Krater 9 29/07/2018 Death of Sarpedon carried from the field by Hypnos and Thanatos Red Figure Kylix c. 510-500 BC, British Museum Death of Patroclus Menelaus and Meriones lifting Patroclus‘s corpse on a cart while Odysseus looks on Etruscan Scene from Aeschylus’s The Phrygians showing Achilles in his tent Alabaster urn C2nd BC Hypnos and Thanatos carrying a dead hero (Patroclus?) White Ground Lekythos, British Museum Briseis being led back to Achilles Red Figure Kylix c. 480 BC, British Museum 10 29/07/2018 Odysseus leading Briseis back to Achilles Achilles mourning Patroclus by Nikolay The Wrath of Achilles by Benouville The Wrath of Achilles by West Thetis and attendants bring armour she had prepared for him to Achilles The Wrath of Achilles by Drolling 1810 Black Figure Hydria c. 575–550 BC, Louvre 11 29/07/2018 Armour for Achilles Thetis bringing Red Figure Pelike new armour to Achilles Red Figure Krater, British Museum Achilles Arming Terracotta by Banks 1777, Victoria and Albert Museum New Armour for Achilles by Van Dyck Achilles monument to Duke of Wellington by Apsley House by Westmacott Achilles and horses c. 560 BC by Nearchos 12 29/07/2018 Achilles and Hector Red Figure Volute Krater Berlin painter c. 480 BC, British Museum Achilles killing Hector Achilles killing Hector by Tajeo 1875 Achilles dragging Hector’s body Black Figure Vessel, British Museum Achilles dragging Hector’s body Red Figure Vessel Achilles dragging Hector’s body round the walls of Troy on a seal 13 29/07/2018 Achilles dragging Hector's body in front of the Gates of Troy by Von Matsch c. 1890 in a panoramic fresco on the upper level of the main hall of the Achilleion, Corfu Hector’s Body by David 1778 Hector on a Nine Heroes Tapestry of c. 1400-1410 from the Netherlands, Metropolitan Museum Scenes from the death of Hector from the ‘Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César’ c. 1275, France Sacrifice of Trojan hostages before Patroclus’s Funeral Games Etruscan Bronze Cista, British Museum Achilles killing 12 Trojan Princes at Patroclus's funeral pyre 14 29/07/2018 Etruscan Bronze Tripod similar to the Two horse chariot race Red Figure prize in Patroclus’s Funeral Games, Oinochoe, British Museum British Museum Roman African Slave Boxers C2nd or C1st BC, British Museum Boxers Black Figure Amphora, British Museum Wrestlers C3rd BC, Uffizi Wrestlers Red Figure Kylixes, Race in Armour (Hoplitodromos) Red Figure Kylix British Museum Sprinters on Black Figure Lekythos 15 29/07/2018 Teucer as Archer by Thorneycroft 1881, Los Angeles County Museum Discophorus Roman copy of Greek original, Townley Discobolus Roman copy of original British Museum by Myron of c. 450 BC, British Museum Diadumenos Roman copy of original by Priam begging Achilles for the body of Hector Red Figure Vessel Pentathletes Red Figure Pelike Phidias c. 450 BC, British Museum Priam begging Achilles for the body of Hector Red Figure Vessel Achilles with the body of Hector Red Figure Kylix 16 29/07/2018 Roman sarcophagus showing Achilles dragging Hector’s body and Priam begging for its return Priam pleads with Achilles for the body of Hector by Thorvaldsen 1868-1870, Copenhagen Achilles killing Penthesilea Black Achilles fighting Penthesilea Figure Amphora by Exekias c. 560 Black Figure Amphora by BC, British Museum Exekias c. 560 BC, British Museum Achilles and Penthesilea on Taranto cuirass c. 390-340 BC, British Museum Achilles killing Penthesilea Red Figure Kylix, Munich 17 29/07/2018 Achilles carrying off the body of Penthesilea from the battlefield Black figure Hydria Odysseus and Diomedes with the body of Penthesilea on Etruscan bronze mirror Memnon with African soldiers on Achilles and Thersites after reverse of Achilles fighting the death of Penthesilea Red Penthesilea Black Figure Figure Krater c. 240 BC Amphora by Exekias c. 560 BC, British Museum Eos with the body of her son Memnon Red Figure Kylix, Achilles and Memnon with their mothers Thetis and Louvre Eos Red Figure Volute Krater c. 480 BC, British Museum 18 29/07/2018 Death of Achilles with arrow in his foot on Roman seal with impression Ajax carrying off the body of Achilles from the François Vase c. 565 BC, Florence Ajax carrying off the body of Achilles Attic Black Figure Ajax with the body of Achilles Black Lekythos c. 510 BC, Munich Figure Pelike Thetis and the Nereids mourning Achilles Corinthian Black Figure Hydria c. 560–550 BC, Louvre Ajax and Odysseus contesting for Achilles’s armour Red Figure Kylix 19 29/07/2018 Ajax and Odysseus contesting for Achilles’s armour Black Figure Hydria, British Museum Athena supervising the casting of lots for Achilles’s armour Red Figure Kylix Ajax’s madness Athena supervising the casting of lots as he attacks for Achilles’s armour Black Figure sleeping sheep, Lekythos urged on by Athene Pen and grey ink and grey wash by Flaxman Ajax preparing to commit suicide Ajax’s suicide Death of Ajax by Fuseli 1772 Pen and brown ink with grey wash over graphite, one of the drawings from the Roman Album 20 29/07/2018 Ajax’s suicide on a Roman Cornelian scarab Ajax’s suicide on an Etruscan Ajax’s suicide seal C5th BC Bronze c 650 BC, British Ajax’s suicide Red Figure Krater c.
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