PE JL July 29, 1966 CHAIRMAN MAO SWIMS lE IN THE YANGTSE 4 STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN Ltu sHAo-ct-t I Chino most resolutely and most wurmly A supports President Ho Chi Minh's Appeol. Peking Physics Colloquium Opens -{k Grond gothering of scientists from four continents. I 'r,]l i''*.l'fi Published in English, French, Sponish, Joponese and Germon editions ARnCIES A^tlD DOCUMENIS €holmcr Moo Sris in Ee Yolrghc (P. 3) FoIc €holmn ]ho ond Ernce i* the Teell of the Greot Storms ond Woves (P. - Renmi* Ititao ed:*orial 7)' Stotement ol Choirmon Liu Shoo-chi ol the People's Republic of Chino (p. 9) Choirmon Chu Teh's Messoge to Choirmon Truong Chinh (p. 10) Mcst Powerful Voice in Support of Vietnome.se People's Resistonce to U.S. Aggression (p. 11) Vice-Premier i'co Chuls Speech (p. 13) Cemrode Li Hsueh-feng's Opening Speech {p. t5} D.R.V. Ambcrssodor Tron Tu Binh's fueeeh (p. 16) Spaech by Tron Von.Thonh,.Heod of Ferrnonent Missien of South Vietnom N.F.L. in Chino (p. 18) Comrode Liu Ning-t's Speech (p. 20) Feoples of Chinc ond Vie{nom Unite Together, Fight Togetl-ier ond Win Victory editoriol (p, 21) Toqether - Renrnin Riboo P"erlntia. Ribao editoriol (p. 23) From the Mosses, to the Mosses - Shcnghoi Wcrkers Score Doubte Victory in Greot Culturol Revolution ond ln- dustriql Frcduction (p. 24) Fighter Armed With Moo fse-tung's Thought Liu Ying-chun - Greot Communist lp. 27) The Notion Emulotes Liu Ying-chun (p. 29) Suprenr,e lt Out, Propcgcte lt cnd De{end )l Jiefang- Study the Guide, Ccny - jun Bao editoriol (p. 30) Peking Physics Colloquium Opens (p. 32) Speech by Vice-Prernier Nieh Jung-chen ot the Opening Ceremony (p. 33) Excerpts Creotively Study end Apply Moo Tse-tung's Thought - From Comrode Wonq Chieh's Dicry (p. 36) Tt4E WEEK Chinese Preporotory Con:mittee {or First A.sion GANEFO Inouguroted; Nether- ior,Cs Chorge d'Atfaires Declored Persono lrlon Groto (p. 39) Publisted every Fridoy by ?EXING REVIEW Foi Wcn Chuong, Peking (3il, Chino Pet Oftice Registrotion No.2-922 Coble Address: Peking 2910 Printed ii the People's Republic oI Chino FROM CHAIRMAH MAO'S IIIORKS: "We Csmmunists ought to face the world and brave the storm, the great world of mass struggle and the mighty storm of rnass struggle." - Get Arganized! rar{r artatJl Choirmsn Moo Swirns in the Ysngtse .once a'-THAIRMAN Mao Tse-tung, our great leader, thought to themseh'es: It was Chairman Mao .rho \-'' again had a good swim in the Yangtse River, opened a broad, smooth path on the Yangtse for us. braving the wind and waves on July 16. How fine it would be if he could come todar. and see The sky over Wuhan that day was trright and clear. us cross the river! Tens of thousands of people, ebullient with joy, thronged Chairman Mao is the red sun in our hearts and is boih banks of the river. q,ith us for ever. Just as the competition started. a Chairrnan Mao had swum across the Yangtse at fast launch cut through the rvaves and sailed torvards Wuhan three times in June 1956, and had written his the-swimmers from the east where the surn was rising. magnificent and powerful poem Suinming-to the At that moment, one of the swimmers first caught sight melody Shui Tiq,o Keh Toa. Ten years later, Chairman of the great leader on the launch., Hardly abie to con- Mao again swam in the great river, staying in the tain his joy, he immediately shouted out: "Chairman water for 65 minutes and covering a distance of nearly Mao has arrived! Long live Chairman Mao!" Instantly, 15 kilometres. trt was as Chairman Mao had said in his the swimmers, holding hundreds of red banners high poem: above the water. srvam towards Chairman Mao. The "l care not that the wind blows and eyes of thousands upon thousands of people on the banks lhe and in the became waues beat; river. tvhich red rvith the reflections of the bannel's. u:ere turned on Chairman Mao! They all is better It than idly strolling in a courtyard." expressed the same rrish: May our great Chairman Mao The happy nelvs about Chairman Mao's latest live ten thousand years! And they all shouted in one swim in the Yangtse soon spread a1l over trVuhan. Filled vcice from their hearts: Iong live Chairman Mao! with greal joy. the people of this triple city. men and Simultaneously u'ith the cheers, all the ships at anchor women and old and young. passed on the rvord: ''Our sounded their whisties in honour of the great leader. respected and beloved leader Chairman Mao is so very Cheers intermingled with rvhistles to form a thunderous healthy. This is the greatesi happiness for the entire roar r;,,hich shook the sky over Wuhan. Chinese people and for the revolutionary people of the Chair- whole world!" Radiant with vigour and in buoyant spirits, man Mao stood on the deck and reviewed the large Acting in accordance r,l,ith Chairman Mao's instruc- numb,er of srvimmbrs battling the waves. At that tion to go and su,im in the big rivers and seas to steel moment, the swimmers formed a Great Wali on the themselves, 5,000 swirnmers in Wuhan, following the wide river, eleft the waves and valiantly forged ahead, course charted Chairman Mao, by enthusiastically took son:,e holding red banners high and others advancing part in the 11th Cross-Yangtse Sr,r'imrning Competition rvith big boards inscribed rvith quotations from Chair- morning great on the of July 16. Our- leader arrived man Mao's works whiclr read: "Unity, alertness, ear- launch revietved in a and the competitors. It was nestness and liveliness"; "The imperiaiists are bully- tremendous inspiration people a to all the of V/uhan. ing us in such a manner that w-e have to deal with T'he u,aters of the river seemed to be smi.iing that them seriously"; "Be resolute and unafraid of sacrifice, day. Cheering crowds lined both banks lvhich were su-rmount every difliculty to win victory." Chairman decorated rviLh colourful banners and huge posters with Mad was filled r,vith great joy to see that the swimmers slogans. It was a .festive scene, 'with the pcople im- rn'ere fired v,rith such revolutionary spirit, so firm in melsed in deep joy. I their determination and so strong in their fighting will. At 9:20 in tne morning, the strains of The East, Nou, walking to the starboard and no-rv to the port Is Red, a song in praise of our belo-",ed leader Chairman side, he waved to the swimmers amid enthusiastic cheers Mao. came throtigh the loudspeakers on both banks, and called out to them in a loud voice: "Greetingq l, slil'ring the hearts of everyone on the spot. They comrades! Long live you comradesl" 1 Jttl,g 29, 1966 l, The children's srvimming contin- gent made up of over 200 primary school pupiis received particular atten- tion from Charman Mao. Most of them Young Pioneers from B to 14 years old, the children breasted the rvaves and srvam v;gorously <lnward with a board inscribed with Chairman Mao's words: "Study diligently and make progress every day," singing the song We Are Successors to the Cause of Communism as ihey advanced. They demonsirated the revolutionary spirit of red ycung- siers in the Mao Tse-tung era. As the ..,.' .:,..,.'. u=.f,. ,1.'.lslrlr chiidren swam past, Chairman Mao re- irjir: t:iiii :::i$.t#i:ii: - ,,;i,&ii,:" ..:t,.,.... quested that the launch be steered :i;iiri4...-;i: torvards them. Seeing Chairman Mao, '+i:s;;+#+# the Youirg Pioneers enthusiastically shouted: "Long live Chairman Mao!" Beaming with lvarm smiles. Chairman \l[ao rvaveC to them and said in an affec- donate tone: "Greetings, childrenl" Chairma.n Nliao's encouragernent gave great strength to the children. Braving the rolhng waves, they su.am towards their destination. Nieh Chang-hsin, a srvimmer from t.l,e militia of the Hankos' Thermal Porrer Plant, became so excited when he sarv Chairman Mao that he forgot he was in the water. Raising both hands, he shouted: "Long live Chairman Mao! swim in the Yangtse, braving the wind and lvaves Long live Chairman Mao!" He leapt i,nto the air but soon sank into the river again. He gulped several mouthfuls, but the rvater way through the turbulent waters by side-stroking and tasied especially sweet to him. The 5,000 swimmers, sometimes he floated on his back, locking at the azure as excited as this militiaman, swam past Chairman Mao sky. Close by his side in the water were Comrade in groups and, cheering "Irng live Chairman Mao," Wang Jen-chung, Second Secretary of the Central- triumphantly reached the destination. South China Eureau of the Central Ccmmittee of the Chinese Communist Party and First Secretar;r of the As soon as they r.vent ashore, they tnrned round Hupeh Provincial Party Committee, and a group of and, together \^,ith the tens of thousands of people robust youths. thele, warmly cheered Chairman Mao u,ho was on board the launch in mid stream. As the vessel moved As Chairman Mao swam through rhe uaves, he towards the shore, Chairman Mao, who rvas standing talked animatedty with the comrades around him. A at the bow, ccntinuously waved his hand and shouted: -vourlg woman told him: "This is the second time I'm "Long iive the people!" The crowds on the shore were swimming in the Yangtse." Srniling, Chairman Mao in exuberant spirits; they burst into thunderous cheels replied: "The Yangtse is wide and deep.
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