WEATHER FORECASTS WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT For M hours ending Tp. ra. Tuesday: Victoria and vicinity—Light to moderate Dominion—Mae Marsh. wlnda. partly cloudy and cold at night, Royal Vlctbrla—Dougtaa. Fairbanks, with occasional sleet or snow. Lower Mainland- Light to moderate Pontages—Alice Brady. — winds, mostly cloudy and cold, with Variety—Ann Little. y----------- ........ ..............-J ■ 2" VOL. 52. NO. 54 VICTORIA, B. C„ MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1918 EIGHTEEN PAGES » •y British Drop Over Japan, Too, Against ARRANGEMENTS MADE Five Bombs to One Return of Colonies WITH PEACE SIGNED, OFFERED BY WOMEN Dropped by Germans to Spying Germans Sydney. N. S. W.. March 4.—The BERLIN SAYS ATTACK FOR PUBLIC FUNERAL London, March 4.—In the month * Japanese consul-general here, said of January, says a statement is­ in the course of 'a lecture that Conference at Ottawa-Results, sued here to-day by the War Of­ Japan, like New Zealand and Aus­ OF HON. H.C. BREWSTER fice, German aeroplanes dropped tralia. strongly desires that the ON RUSSIA STOPPED in Organization Recommen­ 1,142 bombs in the area occupied by- German oolonitee shall not be re­ - , ______________________ ____ H British troops . in France. In the stored to Germany ^fter the war, dations to Government name period British aviators as. If they should l” the peace of the Pacific could not be regarded as dropped 7,665 bomb* in enemy Signatures of Bolsheviki Agents Attached, But Final Body of Late Premier to Lie in State in Legislative area*. secure. Chamber To-morrow From 9 to 3; Order of Procès CONCENTRATION ON WAR ' Decision Rests With All-Russian Congress of Work­ slon to Metropolitan Church——«1— PROBLEMS IS ADVISED A NUMBER OF SUCCESSFUL men’s, Peasants’ and Cossacks’ Deputies Ottawa. March 4 —After a three-day ___London, March 4.—A Russian official announcement signed by -~t The fyneral of the lit? Honorable Harlan Carey Brewster. Prime ' Minister of British Columbia, b to take place to-mobrow, ‘‘Tuesday tmteixm the wkr'-»whWWWiNÿ RAIDS ON UNE OF JNEMY Premier Lenin e aid Tweign Minister Trotsky says that the Bolshe*-* adlan women ended on Saturday' after­ viki delegation, after signing peace with Germany, is proceeding to­ afternoon, March 6. The body will be removed from the undertaking noon, when the delegates met the War Cabinet and presented a number of ward Petrograd, where the text of the agreement will be published at establishment, whither it was borne on arrival from the mainland this resolutions adopted at the meetings. REPORTED TO-DAY BY HAIG once. _______ ' morning, at 0 o’clock this evening to the Parliament Buildings. The At the conclusion of the meeting with Ratification of the treaty has been fixed for Thursday next, but catafalque will occupy a position immediately before the Chair of the Wat Cabinet Hon. N. W. Rowell thanked the delegates for their at­ the final decision rests with the All-Russian Congress of the Councils the Speaker in the Legislative Chamber, to which the general public London, March 4.—“A number of sucocsaful raid* wa* carried tendance and promised serious con­ out by us last night on different parts of the front,” says to-day’s of Workmen’s, Peasants’ and Cossacks' Deputies, which will assemble will be admitted at nine o’clock to-morrow morning and an oppor­ sideration of the resolutions ifctd before thç Government War Office statement '1 Australian troops entered German trenches at Moscow on March 12. I . : . tunity given for a sorrowing community to pay its last respects to the The conference, before Its close, sent near Wameton and after killing at least fifty Germans and destroy­ dead Premier. The doors of the Chamber will be closed promptly at the following message to Lieut.-Gen­ ing several dugouts, brought back eleven prisoners and a machine Berlin, March 4.—Military operations in Russia stopped yeeWr- 3 o’clock, and fifteen minutes afterwards the cortege will leave the eral Sir Arthur Currie, commander of gun. the Canadian forces In France: day, says a statement issued to-day by the German general staff. RniiHing, en route to the Metropolitan Church where due and fitting “ Other successful raids were carried out by Australian troops in "The. war conference 8f1 Canadian the neighborhood of Gapaard, east of Messines, and south of Volletsk The Germans In their advance religious ceremonial will be conducted f*-— ' women assembled at the call of the Prtsonrn were taken br n* In — ** through Russia have captured, accord* War .Committee of the' Cabinet, greets by the Rev. Clifton Parker. Minister A German Aeroplane raid and other machine gun* were cap­ lng to the official communication. 860 you and our brave men and nursing ef the First Baptist Church, of which tured. % officers and 67,000 men, 3.400 guns, sisters overseas, to whose welfare and Norway Continues Attacked Petrograd "North Middlesex troops raided an the late Mr. Brewster was a commun!- "encouragement the deliberations of the 5,000 machine guns, thousands of mo- enemy position north of Paaschendsele cant. Following, the service at the conference are directed. In your dan­ to Suffer Heavily tprs, 809 locomotives and thousands ot and Murdered Three and captured several prisoner». gers and difficulties our hearts and Church the ceremonies will proceed "Our casualties In -hese raids were railway trucks. prayers are with you. From U Boats’ Work DRIVE POSTPONED . WMm the care of (ht. ÜIMRPnic craft, Petrograd, March 8.—Via London. light. An official statement Issued last (Signed) "ADELAIDE PLVMTRKE. night said: the Worshipful Master, officers and March 4.—A German airman has "v- ••Chairman."*' "Our troops entered the German Washington, March 4.—Norway brethren of the Vancouver and Quadra bombed various part* of this city. lines at several other pointa In each “By reason of the signing of the Three persons were killed and five Grain and Liquor. case reaching their objectives, but continues to suffer heavily from the F, J. Stacpoole, K. C., Spoke of Peace treaty with Russia military Lodge concluding the burial sen-Ice in German submarine operations and wounded. The material damage Among the general resolutions pass­ a-ithout securing prisoners, as the accordance with the time-honored Ma­ othir^War losses. Twelve vessels Society at Royal Vic­ movements in Great Russia hare was unimportant. ed was one that whereas part of the enemy's garrison had withdrawn. aggregating 16.338 gross tons and ceased.” sonic ritual. The casket will be laid grain that is being sent to Great "A raid attempted by enemy troops toria Theatre valued at about -g3.000.000 were beside that of the Premier's late wife Britain le being wasted in the produc­ south of 8t. Quentin was repulsed, a Supplementary Treaties. sunk during February and nineteen in the family plot at fcoss Bay Ceme­ tion of spirituous beverages, the con few prisoners being left In our hands London, March 3.—Supplementary Farther Massacres "Shortly before dawn this morning seamen lost their lives, while twenty tery. ference expressed its belief that to treaties between the Central Powers the enemy's artillery develops# consid­ ati» missing, a cable to the Nor- The drive of the Victoria Patriotic Order of Progress. prevent this waste of foodstuffs the 6re$?fan legation here announced to­ ami the Bolsheviki Government were Being Committed by erable activity In the Lens sector." Aid Society was not officially opened signed at Breet-Litovsk In accordance The following Is the order In which milling of grain be done In Canada and French Report. day. with the main peace treaty, according the cortege will leave tjbe Parliament only the manufactured article be ex­ this morning. It was announced at Turks in Armenia ported to Great Britain until such time Paris. March 4.—The War Office here the headquarters office In the Union to & telegram from Brest - LUoyqk by Buildings and proceed bo -the church way of Vienna and Amsterdam, which and cemetery: as remedial legislation be enacted pro­ reported this afternoon. Bank building that a postponement hibiting such destruction of foodstuffs "Two Gerjnan attacks oft our lines gives details of the treaties. Marshal*, the Chiefs of the Provin­ . London, March 4.—The Copenhagen in Great Britain. north of the Chemin-des-Dam*s and was arranged In jrlew of the recent cial and City Police. » As the German official statement of correspondent of the Exchange Tele Appreciation was expressed of the near Malahcourt Wood were checked TROOPS OF GERMANY Provincial lose. In the death of Premier Sunday night mentioned only the ces­ The band. gruph Company says information has new Canadian regulation prohibiting by the French fire Os the Chaume Brewster. With the exception of a sation of operations in Great fluaala, Officiating minister. been received there to the effect that the manufacture and Importation of in­ Wood sector there was a lively bom- small amount of quiet canvassing and it vv^mi inferred In some quarters here Turkish soldiers have committed new Vancouver, and Quadra Lodge. X. F. tox lea tlag liquor*, and there was urged bardmmt. necessary executive business nothing fill' the • ifiman advance In the end AM. niPHsacres in the district of Armenia •In Lorraine Trench artillery tTtrafhdimd Finland would continue the enactment of a law prohibiting the GOING TG FINLAND will be done by the local committee Hearse ylth pallbearer*. which had been deserted by the Rus­ transportation of liquor from one pro­ prevented ah attack which German th 1 frmans reserving for themselves Family, immediate relattêfvH sians. vince to another. Reference also wai troop, were preperln* to make on our until obsequies of the late Prime Min­ generally a free hand outside the limits line».
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