THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1967 ;PAaE TWENTY Average Daily Net P m b b R in The Weather V. I iiQanrlfeBt^r lEv?nftts H m U i For The Week Ended Cloudy tonight, with 40 per Angnst U , 1967 cent chance at showers, low 68- 70; cloudy and cooler tomorrow, About Town Comments Session VFW Couveution 80 per cent of showers, hl|!h 78- From Your Neighbor *s Kitchen 14,508 80. Francis E. Miner, assistant TTie Boand o f Directors is In New Orleans ’ GLASTONBURY EUS Manchester— A City of Village Charm commandment of R ^ k y Hill conducting a public seaalon By DORIS BELDINO Veterans Home and Hospital, tonight to hiear comments Mrs. Mary LeDiic of 40 Cam­ Will be admitted to nominee- and suggestionB from the bridge St., Department presi­ Two recipes featuring beets VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 271 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1967 (Olosslfted Advertising on Page 18) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ship status in the American public. dent of the VFW Auxiliary, will wera given to Mrs. Robert M. OoUege of Hospital Adpaintstra* The hearings are held on head the state delegation to a (Be«te) Ban'Uy o f 4 O u «h Rd. tors Sunday afternoon in Chi­ the first Tuesday and third VFW National Convention for by a close friend and have be­ Thursday ,of ea«* month. one week starting tomorrow in come favoritep with her fam­ Horse Show cago. Totiight’s session Is from New Orleans, La. ily. They are Molded Beet and Smog Alert Cabbage Salad, which, she says, Seaman Appren. Kenneth L. 6:30 'to 8:30 in the town Delegates from the Manches­ Is Terminated counsel's office in 'the Mu­ ter VFW Post are Edwin Ed­ “ is wonderful with ham,” and Viei A ir Strikes Howard, son of Mrs. Hazel A. Sunday, A u g u st 20, 1967 HARTFORD (AP) — A nicipal Building. ward, District Commander, who Hollywood Beets. Partially Built Hangar Wright of 141 Deepwood Dr., high air poIIuKSon potential will head a delegation from the Molded Beet and Cabbage Salad is serving as a crewmember advUory fo r Oonnocticut Third District; G.J. AgosUnelU, tablespoons unflavored gel­ ALL CLASSES aboard the USS Hollister with The North American Benefit whs lifted today. ^ Association Guard Club will Department service officer, and atin the Seventh Fleet in the west­ BARBECUE—FOOD ALL DAY The advtoory, in effect have Its annual picnic tomor­ John Lynn. M «ulp ooUd iwiaiter Close to Record ern Pacific. cAnce WednCSiday, wan ter- row at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Auxiliary delegates are Mrs. % cup sugar 'mlnOted ah o f 11 a.m.. The Mrs. Wendell Graves at Bolton Mary E. Rowe, Mrs. Laura Eca- 1% cups boiling water SAIGON (AP) — The Reservations close Saturday, weather bureau said an Lake. Mrs. William Tuller is bert. Third District president, H cup lembn JuSce Woodland S i, South Glastonhury U.S. Command announced Collapses at Aug. 26 for a bus trip sponsor­ and Mrs. Florence Streeter and 1 tablespoon vinegar 'today a near record num­ area o f Increiaalng whvds ed by the Royal Black Precep- hostess. Mrs. Charles Hlrth, past De­ 1% tablespoons horseradish ber of air strikes on North and showers, ahead of a tory, Sunday, Sept. 3, to the cold front, wtab ex{)ected to ° Miss Catherine Noonan, partment presidents. hi telaapoiofi ekllt Orange Home in Hatsboro, Vieitnam, 662 raids just move Into the arte tonight daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ Auxiliary alternates are Mrs. \ cup finely chopped cab- above the dem^itarized Mass. The event is for mem­ Jane Fortin, Department secre­ iba^ and Saturday. bers, theit families, and friends. ward M. Noonan of 2 Jensen St., zone be/tween North and has recently completed an exec­ tary-treasurer; Mrs. Muriel Au­ %, cup finely chopped cooked A spokelsnian for the Two Killed, The bus will leave Orange Hall den, Mrs. Kenneth Aseltlne and beets South Vietnam, and bomb­ State Health Department at 9:30 a.m. and return to Man­ utive secretarial course at the Mildred Elley Secretarial Mrs. Raymond Hagenow. Soften gelatin in cold water; ing and naval shellings in­ said that despite an end to chester the following day. Res­ Mrs. Ruth K. Bogacz of Meri­ dissolve sugar In boiling wa­ MANCHESTER side the zone. the advisory, unnecessary Five Hurt at ervations may be made with School, Albany, N.Y. She was n member of the Newman Club. den will be installed as Auxil­ ter; add softened gelatin, and The Communists derailed a burning should be halted William D. Turkington, 103 W. iary national president, the mix well. Add lemon Juice, vine­ train Just outside Saigon and until Saturday mobnlng. N aval Base Center St. second from Connecticut to hold gar, horseradish and salt, and PET CENTER terrorist snipera attacked in the The weather bureau said this office. Mrs. LeDuc will chill until partially set Fold in 995 MAIN ST. — TEL. 649-4278 MANCHESTER South Vietnamese capital. good ventilation 'waa ex­ WEYMOUTH, M ass. A rock and roll dance for ^Genovesi Fund cabbage and beets. Place mix­ . Although ground fighting in pected this afternoon and make a presentation to her (A'P)— ^Two (rivilian work­ young people 21 or under will Up to $1,871 from the Connecticut Depart­ ture in a' mold which has been We are exclusive dealers featuring the South remadned scattered earty tonight. A Stagnant be held tonight from 7:30 to ment at this time, assisted by rinsed with cold water. Chill Smith Worthington nationally there were many sharp but mass of air over the mid- ers were killed and five 10 ;30 at Manchester High School A total of $1,871.94 has been Edwin Edwards and Mrs. Eca- until firm. Serve on lettuce or guaranteed leather dog equipment. limited skirmishes with at least Atlantic etates resulted in were injured today when parking lot. The Empty Set will received to date for the Vincent bert. A reception for Mrs. Bo­ other greens. ISl Communists killed in report­ the air pollution aidvllsary heavy precast concrete play for the dance. Refresh­ Genovesi Memorial Library gacz will be held In Hartford Hollywood Beets DOG COLLARS ed actions, the command said. for Connecticut,' southeast­ beams to support an air­ ments will be available. The Fund, it was announced by Jack Sept. 10. 1 cup stigar All Sizes In stock to fit the smalleeA The intensified pace of the air ern New York, eastern craft hangar collapsed at event is sponsored by the Man­ Cratty of 49 Phillip Rd., a fund Convention events will In­ hi cup seeded raisins of dogs to the St. BemaiUs war cost the United States its Pennsylvania and New Jer­ chester Recreation Department. Sou'th Weymouth Naval committee member. clude a joint Post and Auxiliary 1 cup vinegar From 643rd plane announced as lost sey. Air Station. Books received last week for Memorial Service Sunday night, 2 tablespoons cornstarch over North Vietnam, an F108 Dead were crane operators tile library included 30 reading a parade Tuesday, and the Thunderchlef shot down Thurs­ 3 cups cooked beets, sliced Training L«ashes and Choke William F. McGowan of Tewks­ books from Mr. and Mrs. Philip “ Million Dollar Pageant of Mix cornstarch and sugar; day. The pilot was saved by a OoUars American made Racial Scene bury, Mass., and Sabatoio O. Hurley of 176 Green Rd., and Drums” Wednesday at City add vinegar and cook in low helicopter. Rasetta of Reading, Mass. Closed for Vacati<m Park Stadium. Officers will be eight reference books on birds heat until sauce becomes clear The coordinated B52 raids One of those killed was a nominated Thui;)3day and elect­ RANGER PET Spray to Bothered by Fites In Uie From Au^rust 20th from Mrs. James Sullivan of and transparent. Add raisins struck the demilitarized zones crone operator who had almost ed auid installed Friday, Aug. rid your dog, cat or pup­ More Unrest 3b Elro St. and beets and let stand warm­ houssT 1.29 will do the —area early today, making made it to safety when toe W ill R ^ p e n 25. pies of fleas. One spray­ Money will be used to stock ing for at least 15 minutes be­ ing does the Job. Job. eight times within the {>ast three crane boom struck him. Mon., Aug. 28th n library at St. Bridget School fore serving. days. and to purchase and Install In Syracuse Three of toe 120-ton beams STATE Mrs. Bantly is a member of Up to 38,000 Communist stained glass doors at the en­ Duplicate Bridge were in place and toe fourth SHOE REPAIR South Methodist Church; past COMPLiETE LINE OF PATENTED MEDICINES troops are believed concentrat­ waa being erected when aome- trance to the room inscribed Results of a duplicate bridge OPEN 9-6 MON. - SAT., THURS. TILL 9 751 Mtain St. president of Manchester Green ed in the area, preparing for a And Houston tolng snapped and toe beams, with the words. The Vincent A. game last night at the Italian PTA; associate matron of Tem­ (Herald photo by Saternto) Plenty a t free parking at rear or front at store. possible attack on U. S. Marine Mandiester Genovesi Memorial Library. American- Club are; North- spanning 200 feet, came plung­ ple Chapter, OES; an officer in MRS. ROBERT M. BANTLY outposts. HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — A Three 60-ton concrete beams lay across construction cranes after they crash­ (Next to State Dedication of the library Is South, Fred Panzenhagen and ing down on two cranes 70 feet Theater) Chapman Court, Order of Am­ One raid went into the north­ small grocery store was de­ ed 70 feet to the ground at a hangar construction project at South Wey­ below.
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