university ^ A r c h iv e s FEb e 4 1982 BY STEPHANIE WINN the editor of the Mustang Daily • u n Writer that he believed the Bible was Although the debate format Christianity debate set forconfused, March contradictory and con­ 1 haa been changed a little to suit trived. its participants, anti-Christian men will alternately discuss their question of the Bible’s credibility will be discussed in his introduc­ " I f Christian leaders in the Mark Roland and Christian Dan views during five minute of moral truths and historical tion. same d ty (San Luis Obispo) are Morrow have agreed to a free- segments. issues. Morrow said the main “ I hope to demonstrate the confused in their interpretations for-all (Uscusaion to be aired Because the two could not argument is whether the Bible reasonableness of the Bible,” of the BiUe, then that’s proof Monday, March 1 at 6 p.m. on come to agreement on specifics can be trusted or not. 'They will Morrow said. that the Bible is confusing and K C PR ’s Open Channel program. to be discussed from the Bible, discuss proofs and the Roland, a resident of Grover contradicting itself,” he said. Open Channel host, Mai4 Oss, they decided the debate would reasonableness of the Bible, he City, said that for the last eight Morrow, who never met will act as mediator for the have an informal format. i said. months he has been looking for a Roland previous to accepting his discussion which will last one “ The goal will be to have a free Morrow said he will start the Christian to discuss controver­ challenge, said he entered the hour and allow twenty minutes flowing discussion,” said Mor­ debate with an explanation on sial items in the Bible with. discussion because he wished to for outside callers. row who is a master’s engineer­ how to evaluate whether the Bi­ Hoping to expose Christianity lay to rest questions Roland rais­ During the first 40 minutes of ing student at Cal Poly. ble is credible or not. Both the as a “ mind control system,” ed about the Bible that he believ­ the informal debate each of the The discussion will hit on the < scientific and historical approach Roland said in a recent letter to ed were untrue. Mustang Daily Tuesday, February 23,1982 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis OMspo V olum e 46, N o . 67 ORVs in South County facing uncertain future BY S H A R Y N SEARS Slatf Writer 'The question of how to handle off-road vehicle use in the South County dunes remains unanswered follow­ ing a meeting of the Coastal Commission in Santa Bar­ bara last 'Thursday. 'The commission decided not to - approve a moratorium banning ORVs from the dunes, conten­ ding it did not have the authority to deal with moratoriums on state park proprerty. -larj “ We don't believe anyone has the right to imptose a moratorium on state propterty but the state prarks department.’’ Ken Huddleston, chief ranger of the San Luis ObispK) coastal area, said Monday. Huddleston attended last Thursday’s public hearing and was not surprised that the issue passed unresolv­ ed. “ I don't exp>ect to see an end to this soon," .said Hud­ dleston, adding that the next step is a series of meetings and negotiations between the state parks department, the county and the Q>astal Commission. He said the three groups will meet once a week for about six weeks. Concern over the environmental deterioration of the dunes caused by ORVs has prompted interest in the moratorium by many environmentalists, including the I.’ Sierra Club and the Native Plants Society, both of Mustang OsMy - Mart* Onli which had representatives at the hearing. Oral health educator Maria Ortiz, left, demonstrates proper dental flossing to Poly student Dawn Vegetation deteriorated Broznick. Oral health education is one of the many services provided ‘o students by the health Huddleston agreed that the vegetation in the dune center. area has deteriorated but cited a lack of funds as the reason the state piarks department haa not monitored the environment more closely. Enforcing the spieed limit and warning pieople of Health Center: shop of useful programs hazardous areas has become the main function of the couples or individuals in birth control, communica 22 patrol piersons currently assigned to the dune area, BYGAILPELLERIN Stall Wrttar tion in relationships and making sexual decisions. Huddleston said. There is no charge and no appointment is “ W e’re a pieople pwtrol, " he added, “ not a resource The Health O nter is like a supiermarket where mx-essary for this education, said Huffman patrol.” students shop to find products u.seful to them, ac­ Nutrition education provides information on Huddleston said the respxinsibility for resource cording to the Health Center’s assistant ad­ weight loss and gam, as well as low budget piatrol rests with the parks department But a lean ministrator. residence halls and athletes' nutrition and budget has kep them from implementing a resource Jim Huffman sees the Health Education l*rogram vegetarianism patrol plan, he said as one of these useful products and cited other ex­ .According to Marv Cummings, nutrition According to Huddleston, the 1975 coastal plan pro­ amples. educator, the staff m her program is trying to vided for vegetation to be reestablished, “ but so far P>ducation workshops are offered l>oth in the organize a weight control group for interested that hasn't been implemented. " Health Center or as outreach programs for groups students, noting that about 70 percent of the pe<iple Restoring and protecting vegetation will be Hud­ on or off campus, while the family planning pro­ they work with are concerned with weight control dleston’s goal and he hopies to see much of the 197.5 gram provides workshops which educate groups. Please see page 2 plan realized as pxissible The Pretenders subdue frustrated Poly audience BY TOM JOHNSON Few flops And so were The IVetenders Editor Fortunately the group —and Hynde didn t flop loo Hynde issues challenge The crowd was clearly restless. Some had arrived as often. For a five-song stint at the end of the concert. The early as 1 ;30 Wednesday morning and had to endure at The Pretenders failed badly only once—at a time Pretenders put on a pierformance which left the au­ least one night of being bundled up on the cold con­ when audience enthusiasm was at its peak After a dience hoarse from cheering and grappling for the pro­ crete next to the Main (Jym. When the crowd was told stirring anthem which sounded as if it should have per adjective to describe the musical wizardry they that the 10 p.m. concert had Jjeen delayed two hours been played at a royal coronation, the band came out had just witnessed. During "Big Boys Get Spanked," due to transportation troubles an audible muttering to a frenzied 3,200 Ih-etenders faithfuls and played “ Up the Neck, " “ Precious. " "Brass in Pocket,” and rumbled through the line. They were tired. 'They were "the Wait ” and "the Adultress." The opening corona­ "M ystery Achievement ' Hynde assumed a proud frustrated. They were angry. tion theme was carried through these first two songs stance, sneered at the audience and angrily issued the But when 'The Pretenders strolled out onto the stage as a tired looking Hynde acted as reserved as (ireat audience a challenge. The crowd did not respond in like at the ungodly hour of 1 a m. Friday and ironically Britain’s supreme monarch. Queen E^lizabeth H. kind, but simply egged Hynde on by cheering louder launched into their hit “ the W ait,” the anger and But after the second number, Hynde transformed Hynde could afford to be cocky with her frustration subsided. The tired audience became Re­ herself from a reserved queen to a fiesty motorcycle challenge—she was backed by some imposing guitar juvenated and, forgetting their past troubles, clapped, gang leader. Hynde, appropriately attired in a leather work from James Honeyman Scott and Pete Famdon screamed and danced to the most memorable concert jacket and pants, strutted defiantly to the apron of the Hynde relinquished the spotlight to lead guitarist performance at Poly in recent years. stage and heckled those in front rows. Scott and bass player Famdon during “ Precious.” 'Die band’s album jackets lists four musicians, yet After the third song she thanked her opening act. Scott and Famdon did not fumble their chance to be one member embodies the spirit, the personality of The Bow Wow W ow—who received less than a warm the center of attention, plying their art well during an Pretenders; lead singer and rhythm guitarist Chrissie response—and smirked that those who had booed that extended guitar jam. Hynde. When Chrissie was at her best the band was at group were probably fraternity members. 'The its best. When Hynde flopped, so did the group. tempermental, street-wise Hynde was in top form. PI«aM aaa page 5 Pag* 2 Mustang Daily Tuaaday. Fabnisry 23,1962 Wiliams denies black slayings Poish media attacks vyyesa ATLANTA (AP) • Wajme B. WiUlama took the W ARSAW, Poland (AP) — TTie army newspaper, in stand in his own defense Monday, saying he was a sharp attack Monday on the suspended lalmr union “ scared," and denying that he knew either of the two Solidarity, accused Lech Walesa of joining other young blacks he is accused of murdering. Newsline Solidarity leaders in calling for the lynching of Com­ The 23-year-old black free-lance photographer, wear­ munist Party officials.
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