KIT5521 85552100200 A-10 WARTHOG During the war in Vietnam, the Air Force discovered that its twin tails shot away and the two turbofan engines are mounted fighter-bombers were not very good at providing close air support high above the tail to protect them from anti-aircraft artillery. The (CAS) to troops on the ground. What was needed was an aircraft tail surfaces also shield the engines from heat seeking mis- like the attack types used by the U.S. Navy, and to fill this need, the siles. During Operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom, A-10s Air Force first acquired surplus Navy A-1 Skyraiders. Next, the Air were very successful at destroying hundreds of tanks and other Force developed its own version on the Navy’s proven A-7 Corsair armored vehicles belonging to the Republican Guard and other II, but the Air Force wanted a dedicated attack and close air sup- units of the Iraqi Army. Quite often Warthogs returned safely to port aircraft of its own design. This led to the development of the their base with extensive battle damage that would have downed A-10 Thunderbolt II, which, because of its ungainly looks, became other aircraft. Your Revell kit of the A-10 comes with two sets of commonly known as the Warthog. Designed around a seven-bar- markings in different paint schemes. One is from the 104th Tactical rel, 30-mm cannon, which fires depleted Uranium rounds capable Fighter Squadron on the 175th Tactical Fighter Group which is part of piercing a considerable thickness of armor, the Warthog quickly of the Maryland Air National Guard. It is named “NORRIS THE became known as a tank buster. Additionally, eleven pylons under PLAYHOG” and is painted in the European I scheme. The other the wings and fuselage can carry a wide variety of ordnance includ- aircraft is named “Lets Roll” and is painted in the two-toned gray ing standard bombs, cluster bombs, and guided missiles. But the scheme. It was assigned to the 345th Fighter Squadron of the A-10 not only has a lot of firepower, its also designed to be very 355th Fighter Wing at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona. survivable. The pilot sits in an armored “bathtub” to protect him from ground fire. The Warthog can fly safely with either one of its * REPEAT SEVERAL TIMES * OPTIONAL PARTS * DECAL * ALTERNATIVE ASSEMBLY * CEMENT TOGETHER * REMOVE AND THROW AWAY * DO NOT CEMENT * A REPETER PLUSIEURS FOIS * PIECES EN OPTION * DECAL COMANIE * ENSEMBLAGE ALTERNATIVE * A COLLER * A RETIRER ET JETER * NE PAS COLLER READ THIS BEFORE YOU BEGIN LIRE CE QUI SUIT AVANT DE COMMENCER This optional paint guide is provided if you choose to detail paint your model. * Study the assembly drawings. * Etudier les schémas de montage. * Each plastic part is identified by a number. Ce guide de peinture vous sera fourni si vous choisissez * For better paint and decal adhesion, wash * Chaque pièce en plastique est identifiée par un numéro. de peindre votre modèle en détail. the plastic parts in a mild detergent solution. * Pour une meilleure prise de la peinture et des autocollants, Aluminum Rinse and let air dry. laver les pièces en plastique avec une solution détergente Aluminium * Check the fit of each piece before peu concentrée. Les rincer et les laisser sécher à l'air. Chrome Chrome cementing in place. * Vérifier que chaque pièce s'ajuste bien avant Dark Gray FS 36081 Gris foncé * Use only cement for polystyrene plastic. de la coller en place. Dark Green FS 34092 Vert foncé * Scrape paint from areas * N'utiliser que de la colle pour polystyrène. to be cemented. * Gratter les parties à coller pour enlever la peinture. Dark Gull Gray FS 36231 Gris cendré foncé * Allow paint to dry thoroughly before * Laisser la peinture bien sécher avant de manipuler les pièces. Flat Black FS 37038 Noir mat handling parts. * Any unused parts may be discarded. * Toute pièce inutilisée peut être jetée. Gray FS 36270 Gris Green Vert DECAL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS DIRECTIVES D'APPLICATION DES AUTOCOLLANTS Gloss Black FS 17038 Noir brillant 1. Découper l'autocollant désiré de la feuille. 1. Cut desired decal from sheet. Gloss White FS 17875 Blanc brilliant 2. Dip decal in water for a few seconds. 2. Tremper l'autocollant dans de l'eau pendant quelques secondes. Gunmetal Bronze 3. Place wet decal on paper towel. 3.Intercopy Placer l'autocollant mouillé sur une serviette en papier. 4. Wait until decal is movable on paper backing. 4. Attendez que l'autocollant puisse être déplacé sur son support Light Gray FS 36559 Gris clair en papier. 5. Place decal in position on model, face up and Light Green FS 34102 Vert clair slide backing away. 5. Mettre l'autocollant en position sur le modèle face sur Olive Drab FS 34087 6. Press out air bubbles with a soft damp cloth. le dessus et faire glisser le support pour l'enlever. Gris vert 6. Appuyer avec un chiffon doux humide pour éliminer les bulles d'air. 7. Milkiness that may appear is for better decal Olive Green FS 34095 Vert olivet adhesion and will dry clear. Wipe away any 7. La substance laiteuse qui peut apparaître est destinée à Red FS 11136 Rouge excess adhesive. améliorer l'adhésion de l'autocollant et devient incolore au 8. Do not touch decal until fully dry. séchage. Essuyer pour enlever tout excédent d'adhésif. Satin White Blanc satiné 8. Ne pas toucher l'autocollant tant qu'il n'est pas bien sec. 9. Allow the decals 48 hours to dry before Silver Argent applying clear coat. 9. Laisser l'autocollant sécher pendant 48 heures avant d'appliquer une couche transparente. Steel Acier NOTE: Decals are compatible with REMARQUE: Les autocollants sont compatibles avec Tan Havane setting solutions or solvents. les solutions de fixage ou les solvants. Yellow FS 13538 Jaune If you have any questions or comments, call our hotline at: (800) 833-3570 or, please write to: Revell-Monogram Consumer Service Department, 725 Landwehr Road, Northbrook, Illinois 60062 Be sure to include the plan number ((85552100200), part number, description, your return address and phone number. Visit our website: www.revell-monogram.com REVELL-MONOGRAM, LLC Northbrook, IL. Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved. 1 COCKPIT AND FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY A B 72 75 LIGHT 73 C CONTROL SEAT GRAY SEAT BACK 1 COLUMN (RIGHT SIDE) DARK GULL FUSELAGE NOTE: THE USE OF THE DARK GULL DARK GULL GRAY FLAT GRAY DARK GULL RIGHT HALF PILOT FIGURE IS OPTIONAL BLACK GRAY INTERIOR GRAY WITH FLAT RED BLACK GRIP GLOSS GLOSS LIGHT WHITE GRAY 80 BLACK TAN PILOTS ARM OLIVE GREEN ✱ FLAT BLACK 2 FUSELAGE DARK GULL GRAY LEFT HALF NOTE: PLACING WEIGHTS INSIDE THE NOSE WILL MAKE THE MODEL SIT 74 76 ✱ PROPERLY ON THE LANDING GEAR INSTRUMENT PANEL SEAT WITHOUT A USE OF THE SUPPORT (98) DARK GULL GRAY WITH OLIVE DRAB (LEFT SIDE) WITH LIGHT 79 A FLAT BLACK PANEL, 71 DARK GULL GRAY BELTS AND PILOT GLOSS BLACK INSTRU- COCKPIT BUCKET GRAY 3 SILVER BUCKLES OLIVE GREEN MENTS WITH WHITE PAINT DARK SHADED ACCESS (PAINT STRAPS DETAILS, AND SILVER AREA FLAT BLACK WITH PANEL YELLOW HANDLE FLAT BLACK LIGHT GRAY) SWITCHES DARK GULL GRAY KNOBS ✱ WITH BLACK STRIPES AND SILVER SWITCHES D SILVER E (OLEO PORTION) 29 NOSE GEAR WELL GLOSS WHITE 30 NOSE GEAR STRUT GLOSS WHITE 35 CANNON GUNMETAL MUZZLE GUNMETAL FORWARD FUSELAGE 2 ENGINE AND WING ASSEMBLY 11 EXHAUST NOZZLE 11 A 10 (SHOWN IN EXHAUST NOZZLE RIGHT ENGINE PLACE) FLAT BLACK INTERIOR NACELLE TOP 81 12 FLAME HOLDER TURBINE FLAT BLACK BLADES Intercopy 8 81 ENGINE NACELLE FLAME HOLDER (SHOWN IN PLACE) 12 9 TURBINE BLADES LEFT ENGINE REAR (SHOWN IN PLACE) NACELLE TOP FUSELAGE 95 5 26 50 51 4 RIGHT WING RIGHT NAVIGATION LIGHT B WING DECELERON SLAT C SLAT 25 D WING TIP TOP TOP DECELERON RIGHT CLEAR LEFT 7 STEEL TIP WING GREEN BOTTOM 6 NOTE: PAINT NAVIGATION LIGHTS WING BOTTOM 39 SAME COLOR AS FUSELAGE 39 FAIRING COVER FAIRING COVER CLEAR 38 38 37 LANDING 37 LANDING RED LANDING GEAR FAIRING LANDING GEAR GEAR FAIRING 96 GEAR FAIRING LEFT WING TIP FAIRING LEFT NAVIGATION LIGHT 2 WING ASSEMBLY CONTINUED RIGHT WING RIGHT 86 DECELERON BALANCE LEFT NOTE: WING TABS OVERLAP INSIDE NOTE: WING TABS OVERLAP INSIDE LEFT WING FUSELAGE FUSELAGE 3 TAIL ASSEMBLY 15 17 16 18 RIGHT VERTICAL TAIL LEFT VERTICAL TAIL RIGHT VERTICAL LEFT VERTICAL TAIL (OUTER HALF) (OUTER HALF) TAIL (INNER HALF) 23 13 LEFT HORIZONTAL RIGHT HORIZONTAL TAIL TAIL (TOP HALF) (TOP HALF) 24 14 RIGHT HORIZONTAL LEFT HORIZONTAL TAIL TAIL NOTE: WING TABS OVERLAP INSIDE (BOTTOM HALF) (BOTTOM HALF) FUSELAGE 4 MAIN LANDING GEAR ASSEMBLY 44 RIGHT STRUT 40 48 OLEO PORTION RIGHT CENTER RIGHT MAIN 47 42 MAIN GEAR SILVER DOOR STRUT RIGHT FORWARD RIGHT REAR WHEEL AND WHITE DOOR DOOR TIRE OUTER (PAINT CABLE HALF 49 BLACK) MAIN GEAR 48 77 84 FLAT BLACK WHEEL AND MAIN GEAR 88 INNER OUTER TIRE INNER WHEEL AND LINK DOOR RIGHT WHITE HALF TIRE OUTER ARM DOOR ARM FLAT BLACK HALF GLOSS GLOSS WHITE FLAT BLACK WHITE Intercopy 40, 41 46, 47 LEFT STRUT MAIN STRUT FORWARD WHITE DOOR GLOSS PAINTING NOTE: THE TIRES ARE FLAT BLACK (PAINT CABLE BLACK) 42, 43 WHITE AND THE WHEELS ARE GLOSS WHITE REAR RIGHT SIDE DOOR 32 33 34 DOOR ARMS AFT NOSE 45 NOSE WHEEL 46 FLAT BLACK GLOSS WHITE GEAR DOOR 41 43 LEFT CENTER LEFT GLOSS WHITE OLEO PORTION LEFT MAIN DOOR TIRE AND GLOSS LEFT REAR FORWARD WHITE WHEEL (INSIDE SURFACE) SILVER STRUT DOOR DOOR 44, 45 WHITE CENTER 87 (PAINT CABLE DOOR TAXI LIGHT BLACK) GLOSS WHITE SIDE VIEW (PAINT SHADED 88 AREA SILVER) LINK WHITE 77 INNER 85 DOOR OUTER LEFT STRUT 31 DOOR ARM DARK GRAY FORWARD NOSE GLOSS WHITE GEAR DOOR GLOSS WHITE LEFT SIDE (INSIDE SURFACE) 5 GENERAL ASSEMBLY 82 ANTENNA 19 LEFT VENTRAL STRAKE 27 PAVE PENNY POD 28 (LEFT HALF) PAVE PENNY POD (RIGHT
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