
l. LAGXITU PARASARI (JatakaChandrika) dgffi li Translation& Nofesby O.P. VERMA W RANJAN PUBLIGATIONS 16,Ansari Road, Darya Ganj NEWDELH| - 110002(rNDrA) ',1 PREFACE Laghu Parasari occupiesa place of pride in Hindu astrological literature. Its principles originate from the gospel book of astrologyi.e., Brihat ParasaraHora sastra.In thiJshort trcatisca pcculiarand specificway and lucidity hasbeen adopted Irr prcscnting the Parasaraprinciples. This short work in a true pt'rspectiveis the prime and foremostwork for thosewho want to dive deep into the vast oceanof predictiveastrology. ' Vimsottari Dasa or.Udu Dasa system,which this Laghu Parasari deals is logical and in vogue since the evorutiofi of Maharishi Parasara'ssystem in Hindu astrology.-- Tiuly it is in vogue becauseit has stood to the test of time. Sanskritis the languagewhich has many different meanings for the same worcl. There are many commentaries on Laghu Parasariby illustrious commentators.Due to above peculiaiity of the Sanskrit language,the work got corrupt with many discrepancies rather due to misinterpretations of thl commentators.we have tried here to stick to the principles strictly rather than to deviateand viberatewith various commentator's emphatic interpretations.Many points of contradictions have been dealt with logically and supporting authorities have been quoted for the sakeof authenticity and reliability. Commentaries and views of Pt. Vinayaka Sastri ,Betala,, Pt Ram Yatna Ojha and Pt. Seeta Ram Jha have been given weightageas they are upto the mark in understanding Laghu Parasari.This trio is like Hindu trinity of gods as far ai ta[hu Parasariis concerned. V Parasariprinciples regarclingthc Dasa-Bhuktiresults have been condensedin this work in iust 42 slokas.ln south hldia theseprinciples are studied as fataka Chandrika consisting of urorrr-rh80 siokas which were composed by VenkatesaPandita. Initial42 slokasof both the works aresame. Laghu Parasariends here after enunciating the principles.The remaining 38 slokas chandrika only, telling about the auspicious belong to |ataka '1,2 and iiauspicious planets for Lagnas and some ge.eral principles. Thereforewe have adopted the name Laghu Parasari- Our this version iataki Chandrika i.e., Moon light to nativity. contains all slokas. The compiler of Laghu Parasariwhich is studied exclusively in North India is anonymous' We earnestlyfeel proud in presentingthis work before our readerswithenlighteningcommentary. This will oPennew vistas in the cliscriminating part of the brain of our esteemedreadels, particularly new entrantsin the field of astrology'Though we irave done our foremost endeavour to make the work as worthy aspossiblebut still someerrorsmighthave creptinwhich would .oi the critical eye of scholarsand intelligent practitioners of the"r.up" ,ii"r.r.u of astrology.Healthy suggestionsin this respe'ct will be cordially accePted. The publishers are worthy of appreciationfor bringing the work in print in excellentfashion. we supposethe readerswill appreciate this endeavour as they have done with other tutting classics brought in print by M/s Ranjan "rriigtPublications. Kartika Poornima. O.P. Verma 30th Nov,2001 Contents Preface Contents page Inhoduction No. Vf,reqrq: l3-S3 Preliminaries Slokas ; 1. Prayer. 2. Subjectmatter of the work. 3. Importance of Naksatra Dasa. 4. About general know how. 5. Aspectsof planets. 6. About Trikona and Trishadayalords 7. About lords of Kendras. 8. About 2nd and 12thhouse lords. 9. Rule about 8,hhouse lord. 10. KendradhipatyaDosha 11. Sun and Moon as.8thhouse lords. "/-2. Yogakarakatwa of planets 13. Characteristicsof Rahu and Ketu. zilrneqrq: S4-g7 Combinations of Planets 14. Auspicious combinations. 15. BlemishedKendra & Trikona lords. 16. More about Yogakarakatwa. 17. Rajayogapar excellence. 18. Dasasof Yogakarakas. 'i.9. Bhuktis of related inauspiciouslords. 20. Other auspiciousYogas. 21. lRahu-Ketuas Yogakarakas. 22. Extinctionof Raiayoga. 88-102 On Longevity 23. Determinationof Maraka houses. 24. Determinationof Maraka Planc'ts. r! rr rr rl 25. 26. Other Maraka Planets. il il rl 27. 28. Specialityof Saturn as Maraka. EVTITFrEIFI: 103-l3t Dasasand Bhuktis of plarrets 29. Specialrulgs for Dasaresults. il rl rr rr rl 30. 31. Neutral Bhukti lord to Dasalord. 32. Dasasof Kendra and Tiikona lords. 33. Yogakarakaand Maraka Dasa-Bhuktis. 34.ilililllll 35. Auspicious Dasaand Bhukti of Yogakaraka. 36. Dasa-Bhuktisof Rahu-Ketu. 37. Dasasof inauspiciousplanets. il lr rr ll 38. t 39. Rule about Maraka Dasas. 40. Rule for Dasa-Bhuktiof Venusand Saturn 41.. Specific Rajayogas. r rl 42. W: 132-170 Auspiciousand InauspiciousPlanets 43. Aries Lagna . 47. Taurus Lagna .l l,l 49. Gemini Lagta 51. Cancerlagna il. Leo Lagna 57. Virgo t gn 59. Libra l-agna 62. Scorpio Lagna &. SagittariusLagna ffi. Capricorn Lagna 69. Aquarius Lagna 77. PiscesLagna 73. Concluding Slokas frrmezlrq: t7t-t72 Miscellaneous 75. General Slokas 76. Dasa Calculations t73-183 n. Index to TechnicalTerms tE4-189 iJf' i ' Introduction Man has been curious to know his future since the dawn of human civilisation and will be keen for the same in future also. This is more due to his never satisfying nature with his present conditioning. His hopeslie in astrology and in a broader sense in the scienceof future which comprisesof astrology,palmistry, forehead reading etc.Vhrious methods are adopted in astrology for anticipating the coming events but primary factors like planets, hbuses and signs more or lessremain the same with all of them. This work is primarily concerned with the characteristics acquired by various planets due to their lordship of. various houses.Most auspicioushouses are the 1*, 5thand 9tr'houses which form the vertices of an equilateral triangle. Most inauspicious houses are the 8th,1l-th, 6th and 3'd houses in the descendingorder. Basicallyplanets have inherent beneficand n'raleficnature. The words iuspicious and inauspicioushave been used in this commentary oi this work instead of benefic and malefic. The former are ipecific here for good and bad characteristicsof the planets due io their house lordships. A natural malefic can be auspiciousor givesauspicious results during his Dasaor Bhukti for teing the iord of an auspicious house. Like wise a natural benefic ian be inauspicious during his Dasa-Bhukti simply by owning an inauspicibushouse. The resultstold for the planets in thislext are different from the results of natal horoscopy. The results of natal horoscopyare of permanentnature and occur with more or lessintensiiy through out life. The results described here are of temporary nature and are limited to Dasa-Bhukti 10 Laghu parasari-Jataka Chandrika periods only. Though results of Rajayoga combinations are sometimesevident through out life in some measures. The lords of Trikonas are of the sameelement a.d therefore are friendly to each other bestowing auspiciousness.Thus they are consideredauspicious in Dasacontext. The lords of Kendras form pairs of friendly and unfriendly planets. Though friends, still they are of opposite nature. Therefore they aie saicl to suspend their inherent beneficor malefic nature in Dasacontext and behave as neutrals to form Yogas with Trikona lords. Maharishi Parasarahas said at length about various types of Dasas but the great Maharishi has himself concludea tnat Vimsottari Dasa system is the best among all of them. Though Astottari, Yogini and KalachakraDasas are also used bv the rank and fileof astrologers;but vimsottari Dasa is widelyaccepted one. Maharishi Parasarasays. Ec+ ftvilrrfr iqr Eyn{qr ffif,r{! Vimsottari Dasa is supreme in Kaliyuga, The zodiac is of 360oand every side of an equilateral triangle formed i' it sweeps 120o.There are2z Naksairas in the zodiac and 9 Naksatrasfall within 120o.This 120" correspondsto 120 yearsof Vimsottari Dasai.e., 6 yearsof the Sun; 10 yearsof the Moory 7 years of Mars; L8 years of Rahu; 16 yearJ of Jupiter; L9 years of Saturn;17 yearsof Mercury; T year:sof Ketu ana ZO yearsof VenusDasa. 1o of zodiacstands for 1 year of Dasa.Some astrologersusually interpret 120years as full longevity of human being but it is a wrong inference.120 years is just the total of the Dasa years of nine planets. of course in them also fall Maraka Dasaswhich usually end the life of an individual. Vimsottari Dasais one such scientificmethod to time good and bad periods which is based on the principle of trine or Trikona (Triangle). It was practiceamong ancient Hindu writers not to talk of the principles but more stress was laid on applicability considering what is said to be divine. The Sun is the central star of our planetary system. tf we start from the Sun, the orbits of various planets are as under : Laghu Parasari'JatakaChandrika 11 Sury Mercury, Venus,Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn' If instead of thesun, we keep earthas the pivotal entity then the orbital order will be: Earth, Sun, Moory Mars, )upiter, Saturry Mercury and Venus' Rahu and Ketu are also considered as planets, though in reality they are simply the intersection poinls gf-ihe.plths of earth and lhe Moot. These two nodes have their fixed place in the zodiac. Rahu is the point from where the Moon starts to her northem course and Ketu is the point from where the Moon starts to her southern course. Rahu and Ketu thus are the magnetic point points which have retrograde motion and arrive at the same uft"t L8 years. Solar and Lunar eclipsesoccur due to these two nodei"n"ty and after every 18 years almost similar ecliPsesoccur. Due to uniformity of their moiion theseare also the
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