BEFORE THE HON’BLE NATIONAL GREEN TRIBUNAL SOUTHERN ZONE SITTING AT CHENNAI (Under Section 18 (1) read with Section 14 (1) of the National Green Tribunal Act 2010) APPLICATION No. 146 of 2021 (SZ) Rangadurai Thirunavukarasu, S/o. Thirunavukarasu, Velachery, Chennai - 600042 ... Applicant --Vs-- The Commissioner of Police, Greater Chennai Police, Periyamet, Chennai - 600007 and others ... Respondents INDEX TO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS FILED BY THE APPLICANT Sl. Description of Document Page No. No. 1 Annexure No.1 : Copy of the prior Site Approval dated 1 - 3 22.03.2021 issued by the 2nd Respondent to the 8th Respondent 2 Annexure No.2 : Copy of the Site Drawing approved by the 4 2nd Respondent showing several residential buildings in close proximity to the proposed site Filed by : V.B.R. Menon Counsel for Applicant Place : Chennai-600078 Mobile ; 9384762930 Date : 28.07.2021 E-mail: [email protected] Anwo,*,- +/> .r'raiii_R Government of lndia dTDrw siT ts-d.r c-rrnq aeilro:*:ffi' :i.-*, A & D - wing, Brock 1-8, ,nd rroor, shallrit'fiJ*L:, Hadcious Road, Nungambakkanr Chennai _ 600006 E_mail [email protected] 2,2stt1B,2a2B1o23,2B2Broo,',!ilil,,,il,)l,"rrlli; riqr /prior Approvat A/P/sc/TN/Y{-yEtfi j No : 4 t 1 0846 tp qgsit il R=+io7p31s6 23t02t2021 +drq- lTo, M/s. M/s. Hindrrstan petroleum Corporation Limitc,cj n' 2 nd rr oor, 8;I;ii"' wo'az,-irlx. noro, n r*r,p"t, Taluka: Chennai, District: CHENNAT State: Tamil Nadu ptN:600018 survey ft"sq No, 437138,43gt5, 43811, 438/5^,ART, /Sub verachery T.s.No.1',i,ril",1r_r.",*i 7t1,.1.8r1, 20, vilase, verac'nery ilrri, 22t2, 23, 24& 25 0f District: CHENNAI' state: w" verachery, Ta;il ruaou, pttt:^:1;!i;i ooooo, c#.nh-d-^.tfurrls{n,"f;ii;: Proposed Petrol.eum s Rutuitor,t.t class A,B Retail outlet-at survey t r.s.No.17l1, 18.t1, 20, zirz,'is,'ia'i No,437138,4 3grs, 43g11,43g/5 o'r"ict., zs ,iir;;;;J;'V,,,un", PART, veracherv, , r"tu["'ver""i".v, verachery raiur, chennai oi"tri"i,'li'iirruii, arr,u, *, Tamir Nadu, prru, oooo+z /Si(s), guur eflq&'ou{*i Rs,q t} $Efki r.,i rirql otN74671z . prease rerer R.im {i(rI r]6ur to vour ietter No orN746712 dated 1Bto2tzo21"j:;:rJ::il+-l or i {cf}fd qz }-wq-odfr-d -dq{ffic efqurq;T qTq.srdod':]1x q eirR e*fm Drawrns(s) nos t-he Drawing(s) HPC/CHRRO t11.7t2020 stte/layouuconstruction.nos dated O4lO2t2O21 details fo-nia.tuo *,,r, , showrng the copy(of each) of the ,,"ri r"i"rlnoer referen.u same ,r ,.",rin"i iJrewr*r ,u and a orry ,,g,.,uo* ,n-,o-nun of appro'al "pproued Conditions of the Approval:_ You are advised-to upfoaO legible Grant or co signed srumiiro* copies ;i;;;;;f:? by appricant at the time to r;'trrr"".,ivtttou, il,S:H[:. or J:";,Xf" "tvised r;;;;, ;orroved racirities in \u n,onoseo u.q.vlugk.r**tqqP r {', I I;#'#HSA!Nires"s --fid*-- f, v++c'"-* f, Corrlrotler ot te.*io;wi *gqn.d, *" *J-, i*r.t,i. 6ovi otlrdlr t $ tl i., H,'; [''i i'i [i h i t t4-{i r Sorlui Cln}.. Chttit*{' fiqrqqm, RTI ACT 4v You are advised to-submit copy of Noc issued petroleum by local authority as per Rule 144, Rutes,2002 as amendld by (Amendm""ririrr"",iore. The r.dRa wr{ }' oquR MnT d'l & orq ftjritEqri zocz }- .rispr;r -,1.- sri prurFir#ilRa qra,aor ' xrv i :i.Erfit eg q.r-*fd.i*r iffiil-,""' "-rre on completion of the construction as shown i.n the approved plan please forward documents for grant of ricence in petroreum the following Form itv otthe Rures, 2002. , t.i( Grcrr) n fAfhd-d lRr s1d4q \rd 1 fs,rF,o{I Eir{r E{dTarkd |x (enclosed) outy friled"rn ano i,lneo z^ s.,rfrqq Fw zooz d, qi&q" irf,a vF615 qrc-e q{ .lrird{ {_rgci, 100s0/- rqft 4{- 3{rrm,i},o uBu, il lrum d Ed#r oi c,flh-r -t*;.rcJrr [drrr qrfl A license -10050/- {-* d r fee of Rs. lper yeai- maximum upto 10 years) to be submltted online a+iradr;;n onrine rppr;;tio;ri;;i 3 ffi*';ffi#i$f3titv unoer petroreum nuies zooz . Three copies oJ the approved drawings. 4 Us.l f}{ulc.F Bu{d, 'nqg{ eT{l Tfu {efl c,r{ft Enrcrrp dc)ftqrr n{rn 311J3 ftqrr rso orh rzo d.rfu*irCl ,\: ilhe il:j,;; zooz 1uo4 d,, ol dEwre rur:tnrt"r*i o. ,senr qft;; .lr.rdrsi *..,BTrd.r liqd iI, rnurn tJ or.rnr safety and rest certificate as required under rule 130 and 126 petroieum (encrosed) issued of the Rules. 2002 by competent person approved by _ ccE t,tagpur and generated o n I i n C o m p p thiough e et e n r e rs o n o i _M d u u, uii r dl il, s Brm qTl0_+rt qlq " " " rl&;il*i, r] .]r,qft q,rd or:*r- rr" qft_;,affik,#am*] f qlorf,rrrgeirtr€d wtr r EriflelR-ci qa arofou DistrictAuthority ffj;i::SJ..iy|:r"ii,"r'i:,,"?::i:Ti,J:?[the rosetherwith ste pran o" {€ 6lnlo-q S qrran EfiEd w trrdrefl nl +.t5 ;if}p.r ali}i11frt .r1.rr signature(s) the person(s) } Erdrffi 1 of authorised to sijn ir",e ;?;;ilJ correspondence addressed to z. ,r.Jq)Rn q,rn &-oETTR fld-*- kufdr dlUE , rrat ltt work is per approved f, ;,Lllf*tJ;J:i."*'' draw,nss has been rury compreted I EIi];;T oM 0 ftq ry qrq il- irft.r .;)dnm klo ol To rle r one set of corour photographs of the petror pump taken irom oinerent angres afl.qr em. 51gt$l p57s672000 fu+im Errr rrr{d_{tTfiR, +afr11r1 vI@o ortqizooo e ni-.r'd..lt6+;'i'iireri <rur mglil* trr r,z_erq il11 -.rqr.t 1*ffi1 M r,"r* r,ffq.iri.i-,i.qrgtr t ml t-ourq Jin{qfr-ilT/q.rdqn 6-I puvr i urer.r ml r Please foilow the requiremenuprovrsron or,, prevention sotr"n,, Raffinate ano srop ( Acqursrtion storage & of use in Autornooiusri Sare order 2000 Government Ministry of petroreum and Naturai of rndia, crr rio.'c s R. 519(E) ^;i;;;;;oateo osioolzooo. erqi qil"T{ d {r*n fr r*r +rqloq o1 ffiflfu erro Hun arprsc nNnq1o,46 (p4ss271) qr onrce fite No A/p/sc/rN/1 i":rffi:ffi::[; 4t1ol46 (p4ss2t1)rn a, your future urilrornur s t q s sqn ., 16v q.r r q -* s-r .1 H'-ffiH-*Y#H ; 7 ffi d + u u r er 1 rhis approvar/permission, however, does not ) "permlssion/clearance absorve from obtarnrng necessary from other authorities ., or !rncJer other statutes as app,cabie "..., .,qi."--('"' ;fi$%qg$'- .*",$'$' 7s tm?tq /yours faithfully 1g=rfta ftr-r c-€rflt (Manmeet Singh Manhas)) sq ffflDtro frq?-o- Qy. Controtter of Explosives qrd vffr gw Fa-wntro fuz-s. For Jt. Chief Controller of Explosives tilcnennai qn-+r0 (rff$o +S Gaa-fi o1RdA, Grq {ffi-6q1 fa-+rur }- ftq r,-rili} ds1qz : http //peso.sor.,n (For more information regarding td; status,fees and other details please visit oui-website Note:-This is system generated http //peso gov rn) documeni ;;;; not require signature. \ -\-!.{\'*- " \ss'*L'J;;+'- u.q.tu;ttr4oiq[{? Dr. f. $HEll{ HUBSAI}{ u:"s.r *ft-,trsfrrd'dfi *CsrruollgrolEryhsvrt S$.rp.m, qni?T{if,n, r P.ES.G. Gsvt oi ird^t' q{ttt mrs, *46 / Soutir c'-r:c, tJlttnt*r-. Digrlally signm iry ilranrrLEt Srrgh Manltas Huasd Approvat No A,pjSC.TNr14110g46 Locat0n South Crrclo Oflc0 | l)ar 2OZ 02 23 05 :tb li -05 3D finn<.*u-o- -6 ,' -) r-ts /l; i. ,r ii" I Es I ; li id : E; liEt i 2 lr :l Hsi I : a I {d I J 3! lrii ) | 6 | : c; l' in i2 =, i: ltil -\ I i}:l iitN i a E 3it 71, E :, irc l,ii -' . Ei l .- 9 9d zl e5E 1,3; r I E H3i ? !e I -.r 1:l L*i aF '.i :P3 ^U-cr=i li-= :. l, * it" liii 4 i I BE >FBci ;3E1, iI It,:a?t,r-- )bdilJ6[I: :rl*:'18 l----lIr---t -;- I'T IF l*l - rr , il Pse c i $ !li:E T E= ExF 3::9; Iti i t 9E;it T] Hs II! 3::ll !*!1'!*Elr I.lI. lgi p3 le it.r $EB 6ei;i6Z;;t 7li7si l, !i li2 i xi E ;FIn; ?.ei; | l, =l;l ;i Ii iu:E ( l---- I 9;5 <68 551 = 3 I ?1€-l ;i9 >oE !: B iilgI (d qP E:*ii :tE li.?le;ing': i E:; 6E:TI 61{*?i Il; :'ZPEa P9 a=1 4t?'*,1 :i ?; c '','Jl .E t ...1 *;: li,- lE l;j r36 t-tt E 6.q ::h;"Ir :;:l;6i- i Ei: ;IIi; d9 8t i;-t til @ >E ), ;.,:-J' d';al'.=|+Z> )& ri ^l I :l 8* I ir'l i: i ;:;t; ;3:H e 3t, l2l i | .-:9 {p {,8 i q* a2 *{ }r ii ir!i 42 *'.j il a iil lll rllil 3 VEO --J pg = = 4: ?,2 9 l;l < = < iirl> < E | E= i= ii F;;! 9t Pi 9: Y ^'- ._ F9 'ir:r{F r;l 33r g: HH!,e L 2 i2 a d:! l?li!r il;i5 =.1 €i itt = m1;e;5 \ -.
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