k S~OTOVE.p0;p0< &OW ~O~O~EI Ins tauration. VOL. 22, NO. 8 JULY 1997 BISMARCKAND THE JEWS i that they seek out Negro men? Almost as horrible as Simpson's murder of his ex- wife is the suspicion that he engaged in In keeping with Instauration's policy of ano- be married and have a proven track consensual sex with a number of white nymity, most communicants will be identified record of bringing healthy babies to full women. by the first three digits of their zip code. term. Salary is not mentioned, but excel- 741 0 If things remain reasonably calm, lent compensation is promised. Americans may be able to dredge up 200 0 "White, Aryan, Indo-European people" enough satisfactory solutions out of our May 1997, p. 5) contains superfluous traditions and those of Western nations 0 In regard to the Tiger Woods' stink words. "Aryanu alone says it all. There is to get us through. We might even be able about "fried chicken and collards," nothing wrong with it as a designation to indulge in a bit of idealism again. To would it have been insulting to say to for our people. True, German National live a wholly materialistic life in a mate- Chi Chi Rodriquez, "Watch out for those Socialists used the word. but it was also rialistic world is apparently very uncom- tamales?" It would not. I was never a used long before anyone ever heard of fortable. customer of K-Mart, but Iassure you that National Socialism. When we use colors 114 I shall never set foot in one of their to designate races, we imply that racial stores. differences are only skin deep. i~ I rage, squawk, whine, moan and 190 566 gnash my teeth at the dispossession that preceded me and will outlive me. 0 During a recent &at with a tenured 0 Ellen and her new lover hold hands at 420 Ivy League professor who considers Clin- a reception for Clinton. The media break ton the greatest president of this century, out in one enormous smile, though polls 0 My anthropology professor, in an he admitted that affirmative action had always show the vast majority of Ameri- aside, once commented that he would failed. When people like this change cans consider homosexuality abnormal. not be at all surprised if, after the Melt- their minds, it's plain white patience is 522 ing Pot had fused the resident Cauca- running out. soids, Congoids and Mongoloids, the av- 309 0 Why bother to study whether gays are erage American will closely resemble the good parents, happy and well-adjusted? American Indian before the white man C] A country that starts ignoring its laws Does anyone imagine that any research- arrived. is in trouble. The point about illegals is er would dare publish negative findings? 111 their illegality, not the economic and so- 114 cial impact. When disrespect for the law "Circumcision" vibrates my eardrums starts, it is difficult to contain. 0 Van Ryan's Express, Frank Sinatra's as one of the most hated words in Eng- 105 mesmerizing wartime epic of a hair- lish. I am very glad this custom is not as raising POW escape across the Italian customary in America as it used to be. 0 Since WWll the U.S. has been trying railways, like Steve McQueen's The 240 to help other countries to develop. If im- Great Escape, was a struggle purely be- migrants from these countries are the tween whites. Jews and the Holocaust C] Thanks to advances in the high-tech "best and brightest," is it right for us to never entered into the picture. How very medical field, more and more new jobs encourage them to leave? are being created for U.S. women. The 432 CONTENTS Genetics & IVF Institute near Washing- Bismarck and the Jews. ....... 4 ton (DC) recently advertised for "gesta- 0 If you're a Mexican pedophile or drug The Direct-Mail Nexus. ...... 9 tional carriers." Ideally candidates should dealer, the INS can't be bothered to fin- The Uncompromising Taliban. .lo gerprint you before granting citizenship. Georgie Anne Geyer. ........1 1 But if 55 years ago you lied about being Dual Citizenship Has Got to Go. .13 Instauration in the Hitler Youth, they'll work night is published 12 times a year by and day until you're deported. Bogus Civility. .............. .14 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. 302 A Parable for Our Times. ...... .16 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Solution to the Melanin Problem. 16 Annual Subscription 0 The elite consider the $300,000 loan- Good and Bad Reads. ........ .l6 $35 (third class) ed Newt Gingrich is more morally qws- No Requiem for White Pro Baseball 17 $45 (fim class) tionable than the $500,000 given to Racial Cousins First. ......... .17 $48 Canada Hubbell! $ 50 foreign (surface) Backtalk. .................. .18 $67 foreign (air) 200 Inklings. ................... .20 Single copy price $3, postpaid Cultural Catacombs. .......... 21 Magazine is mailed in plain white envelope 0 I was surprised to hear on local radio an item from the Washington Post about Primate Watch. ............. .23 Wilmot Robertson, editor a possible Israeli spy in high echelons of Talking Numbers. ........... -24 Make checks payable to Howard Allen. the U.S. government. The real surprise is Satcom Sam.. ............... 25 Florida residents, please add 6% sales tax. to hear about it all. Waspishly Yours. .............27 Third-class mail is not forwarded. 115 Notes from the Sceptred Isle. ... .28 Advise change of address well in advance. Report from the Darkening Tip. .29 ISSN 0277-2302 0 Have white women become so degen- Elsewhere. ................. .30 01997 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. erate and lacking in racial awareness PAGE 2-INSTAURATION-JULY 1997 - .. .. .. largest shareholder, said, "The (YReilly, WafetyValve it's not an Irish pub." There was none of '!#==8 the media hysteria that followed Fuzzy refreshing to watch a tightly constructed, family, friends and co-workers and even Zoeller's remarks about Tiger Woods' al- tension-packed war movie'with a white other- racialists to see the stark evidence. leged gastronomic propensities. male as the hero. If actors glorify their Whites simply are not reproducing ade- 192 own and throw in a tad of atrocity prop- quately. Feminism, material pursuits, ca- aganda, that's still a far cry from WWll reers, laziness and homosexuality are all Many Americans across the political as backdrop for the "gas chambers." taking an unacceptable toll. I can only spectrum fear that we are heading the 472 pray that the few whites remaining in an- wrong way. Whites fear immigration; other couple of hundred years will be in blacks predict race war; Jews are uneasy 0 We put Serbs on trial for violations of their own ethnostates and will be abso- about Farrakhan. A consistent theme in human rights, which rate a vice presiden- lutely ruthless in keeping all Jews and all the complaints k that the U.S. is 10s- tial toast when dmby the Chinese. nonwhites out. ing cohesiin and direction as a nation. School kids are expelled for what were 580 Americans analyze this almost exclusive- once considered harmless flirtations, but ly in domestic terms-what the develop are instructed in sodomy. 0 We lnstaurationists are all too aware ments each group fears or craves will do 766 of the liberal-minority efforts to propa- to its status. But how about the world gandize whites with a constant barrage impact? Considering America's gigantic 0 If Colin Powell runs next time for the of multiculturism. But unless you have nuclear arsenal, how does the rest of presidency with Tiger Woods for veep, school-age children as I do, you don't mankind read to the possibility of civil we won't have to bother to vote. It'd be know the half of it. N shows (especially war in the U.S.? racist to even suppose they could lose! commercials), books, magazines and or- 844 300 ganizations (i.e., Girl Scouts) are just rid- dled with multicult nonsense. School 0 I would say that ingeneral there is not 0 Rightwingers tend to impeach good ar- textbooks are heavily influenced by "ad- much the U.S. can do to influence guments by mixing them with absurdi- visers" with the predictable result of ra- events in Mexico. The U.S. is far more ties. There are many examples of this. cial minorities being vastly overrepre- interested in events in the Middle East. One is their traditional attack on "God- sented both in photos and text. We will probably pay dearly for this atti- less communism." The trouble with com- 607 tude, but since the results won't come in munism is not that it is "Godless," but for a few more years, today's pols don't that it is a murder machine. 0 A friend who opened a restaurant give a damn. 250 some years ago on Queens Blvd. in New 479 York City had to pay off the Mafia by 0 I frankly hope the millennialists are buying all his alcohol from one special My newspaper carried a picture of right and that large parts of the nation source. Otherwise, he was assured, his Hutu refugw being transported in open drop into the sea. The American people new eatery would be burned to the railroad cars. Men, women and children are completely beyond logic and reason. ground. When four hoods came in to fi- were all packed together without sni- Their religious indoctrination, liberal nalize future alcohol sales, I was aston- tary facilities or protection from the "education" and incomparable historical ished to hear that these foul-mouthed, weather.
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