Figure S1. (A) Semi-arid Mediterranean steppes in the study area, Cabezo de la Plata, Murcia, Spain. (B) Detailed view of the steppe landscape in the study area, with a mosaic of vegetation patches dominated by the tussock grass Stipa tenacissima, L., and bare-soil inter-patches. I1 P4 I4 P1 diameter I3 P3 P2 distances I5 I2 P5 Figure S2. Schematic illustration of a sampling plot (~400 m2), with vegetation patches (green patches) on a bare-soil matrix. Each letter followed by a number (red labels) represents a soil-fauna sampling point, with sampling patches represented as P1…P5, and sampling interpatches represented as I1…I5. For each sampling point, the distance to each of the four nearest neighbor patches was measured. Patch size was measured as patch diameter (cm). Figure S3. Relative abundance of ground arthropods taxa found in semi-arid Mediterranean steppe areas in Southeast Spain. Figure S4. Abundance (A) and species richness (R) of ground arthropods found in interpatches (I) and patches (P) as a function of the average distance (D) to the four nearest neighbor patches in semi-arid Mediterranean steppe areas in Southeast Spain. Dashed lines are exponential fits. Table S1. List of taxa and number of morpho-species found in the litter and top-soil layers of fourteen plots of Mediterranean steppe areas in Southeast Spain. Indet Superf—Indeterminate Superfamily; Indet Fam: Indeterminate Family; Indet Genera: Indeterminate Genera; All Lepidoptera and most of Diptera are immatures. Number List of taxa of morphospecies Class Arachnida Ord. Acari Clade Endeostigmata Pachygnathina Alycoidea Nanorchestidae Speleorchestes 1 Clade Mesostigmata Dermanyssina Ascoidea Ascidae 1 Dermanyssoidea Laelapidae 1 Macronyssidae 1 Indet Fam 2 Eviphidoidea Indet Fam 1 Veigaioidea Veigaiidae 1 Ixodida Ixodoidea Ixodidae 1 Parasitina Parasitoidea Parasitidae 4 Uropodina Uropodoidea Uropodidae 1 Clade Oribatida Astigmatina Acaroidea Acaridae Histiogaster 1 Tyrophagus 1 Indet Genera 4 Histiostomatoidea Histiostomatidae 1 Indet Fam 1 Brachypylina Ameroidea Ctenobelbidae Ctenobelba 1 Carabodoidea Carabodidae Carabodes 1 Damaeoidea Belbodamaeidae Porobelba 1 Eremaeoidea Eremaeidae Erememaeus 1 Indet Genera 1 Gustavioidea Astegistidae 1 Xenillidae Xenillus ninfa 1 Licneremaeoidea Scutovertex Scutoverticidae sculptus 1 Indet Genera 1 Plateremaeoidea Gymnodamaeidae Gymnodameus 2 Desmonomata Crotonioidea Nothridae Nothrus 1 Enarthronota Brachychthonioidea Brachychthoniidae Brachychthnius 1 Indet Genera 2 Palaeosomata Ctenacaroidea Aphelacaridae Aphelacarus 1 Palaeosomata Protoplophoroidea Cosmochthoniidae 1 Indet Fam 1 Poronata Cerarozeroidea Humerobatidae 1 Ceratozetoidea Chamobatidae 1 Oripodoidea Oribatulidae Zygoribatula 1 Oribatula 1 Scheloribatidae Scheloribates 1 Indet Genera 2 Phenopelopoidea Phebopelopidae Eupelops 2 Indet Fam 1 Clade Prostigmata Anystina Anystoidea Anystidae Anystis 2 Indet Genera 4 Indet Fam 2 Caeculoidea Caeculidae Andocaeculus 2 Caeculus 2 Indet Fam 1 Erythraeoidea Erythraeidae 1 Indet Fam 1 Trombidioidea Microtrombidiidae 1 Trombidiidae 1 Chyletidae 1 Indet Fam 1 Eleutherengona Tetranychoidea Indet Fam 1 Eupodina Bdelloidea Bdellidae Bdella 1 Indet Genera 1 Bdelloidea Cunaxidae Cunaxa 1 Indet Genera 3 Eupodoidea Eupodidae 3 Indet Fam 3 Rhagidiidae Rhagidia 1 Indet Genera 3 Indet Fam 3 Tydeoidea Tydeidae Bimichaelia 1 Indet Genera 3 Indet Fam 1 Heterostigmatina Tarsocheyloidea Tarsocheylidae 1 Parasitengona Erythraeoidea Erythraeidae 1 Indet Fam 1 Raphignathina Cheyletoidea Cheyletidae 1 Indet Fam 1 Raphignathoidea Caligonellidae 3 Caligonella Caligonellidae Molothrognathus 1 Raphignathidae Rhaphignatus 3 Stigmaeidae 1 Indet Fam 4 Ord. Araneae Ctenizidae 1 Dictynidae 1 Dictynidae 1 Gnaphosidae 4 Immature 2 Leptonetidae 1 Linyphiidae 1 Linyphiidae 1 Lycosa immature 2 Mysmenidae 2 Oonopidae 2 Palpimanidae 1 Philodromidae 1 Prodidomidae Zimirina 1 Salticidae 2 Scytodidae Scytodes thoracica 1 Sicariidae 1 Theridiosomatidae Theridiosoma 1 Ord. Opiliones Clade Palpatores Phalangioidea 1 Ord. Pseudoscorpiones Diplotemnus Atemnidae insolitus 1 Cheiridiidae Apocheiridium ferum 1 Cheliferidae Rhacochelifer 1 Indet. Fam. 1 Geogarypus Geogarypidae nigrimanus 1 Olpiidae Minniza iberica 1 Class Entomognata Ord. Diplura Japygidae 1 Ord. Collembola Clade Entomobryomorpha Entomobryidae Entomobryidae Entomobrya 2 Entomobrya Entomobryidae Entomobryidae multifasciata 1 Entomobryidae Entomobryidae Seira 1 Entomobryidae Entomobryidae Sinella 1 Entomobryidae Entomobryidae Willosia 3 Entomobryidae Entomobryidae Indet Gen 3 Entomobryoidea Isotomidae Indet Gen 1 Clade Symphypleona Dicyrtomidae Dicyrtomina ornata 2 Class Insecta Ord. Coleoptera Carabidae 4 Chrysomelidae 3 Curculionidae 2 Dermestidae 1 Elateridae 1 Endomychidae 1 Ptinidae 3 Scarabeidae 2 Staphylinidae 5 Tenebrionidae 2 Ord. Diptera Cecidomyiidae 2 Chironomidae 2 Ptychopteridae 1 Scatopsidae 1 Sciaridae 1 ND 6 Ord. Embiidina Oligotomidae Haploembia 1 Ord. Hemiptera Clade Auchenorrhyncha Cicadoidea Cicadellidae 3 Cicadidae 1 Clade Heteroptera Cimicoidea Anthocoridae 1 Pentatomoidea Cydnidae 3 Lygaeoidea Lygaeidae 2 Clade Sternorrhyncha Aleyrodoidea Aleyrodidae 1 Coccoidea Indet Fam 5 Indet Superfam 1 Ord. Hymenoptera Formicidae Brachymyrmex 1 Camponotus 1 Camponotus (Myrmosericus) cruentatus 1 Crematogaster (Acrocelia) 1 Pheidole 2 Solenopsis 3 Não-Formicidae 7 Ord. Lepidoptera Indet Fam 6 Ord. Protura Eosentomoidea Eosentomidae 2 Ord. Psocodea Liposcelididae Liposcelis 1 Trogiidae Lepinotus 1 Ord. Thysanoptera Adiheterothripidae 1 Phlaeothripidae 2 Thripidadae 1 Ord. Zygentoma Lepismatidae Ctenolepisma 3 Class Chilopoda Ord. Geophilomorpha Indet Fam 2 Ord. Scutigeromorphae Indet Fam 1 Class Diplopoda Ord. Chordeumatida Indet Fam 1 Ord. Julida Indet Fam 1 Ord. Polyxenida Indet Fam 3 Reference (List of sources used to support taxonomic identification) 1. Arnett, R.H., 2000. American Insects: Handbook of the Insects of America North of Mexico. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida 2. Barrientos, J.A., 2006. III Curso practico de aracnologia: jornadas sobre taxonomia de arácnidos ibéricos. Laboratorio de Entomología, Facultad de Cienicas, Universidad de Córdoba y Grupo Ibérico de Aracnología, Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, Córdoba, España. 3. Balogh, J., 1961. Identification keys of world oribatid (Acari) families and genera. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 7:243-344 4. Bei-Bienko, G.Y.A., Blagoveshchenskii, D.I., Chenova, O.A., et al., 1967. Keys to the insects of the European USSR. Academy of Sicences of the USSR, printed in Jerusalem 5. Beier, M., 1963. 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