Pesq. Vet. Bras. 37(3):234-240, março 2017 DOI: 10.1590/S0100-736X2017000300006 Topic of General Interest Brucellosis in water buffaloes1 Melina G.S. Sousa2, Felipe M. Salvarani2, Henrique A. Bomjardim2, Marilene F. Brito3 and José D. Barbosa2* ABSTRACT.- Sousa M.G.S., Salvarani F.M., Bomjardim H.A., Brito M.F. & Barbosa J.D. 2017. Brucellosis in water buffaloes. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(3):234-240. Institu- to de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus de Castanhal, Rodovia BR-316 Km 61, Castanhal, PA 68741-740, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] The domestication of water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) originated in India and China and spread throughout the world and represents an important source of food of high bio- logical value. Given the importance and relevance of brucellosis for buffalo production, this article reviews the history, etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical signs, anatomopatholo- buffaloes performed in different countries and the Brazilian Amazon biome. gical findings, diagnosis and control of the disease, focusing on data from studies on water INDEX TERMS: Brucellosis, water buffaloes, Bubalus bubalis, Brucella abortus, diagnosis, control, zoonosis. RESUMO.- [Brucelose em bubalinos.] A domesticação do animal labor, especially for individuals from poor and de- búfalo (Bubalus bubalis) ocorreu particularmente na Índia veloping countries (Cockrill 1984). The water buffalo was e China, difundindo-se pelo mundo, gerando fontes de ali- introduced in Brazil in 1895 on the island of Marajó, Pará. mento de alto valor biológico. Diante da importância e re- Currently, according to the genealogical record of the Brazi- levância da brucelose para a bubalinocultura este trabalho lian Association of Buffalo Breeders (Associação Brasileira tem por objetivo fazer uma revisão acerca do histórico da de Criadores de Búfalos - ABCB), the following breeds are doença, etiopatogenia, fatores epidemiológicos, sinais clíni- present in Brazil: Mediterranean, Murrah, Jafarabadi and cos, achados anatomopatológicos, diagnóstico e o controle, Carabao, and Baio (ABCB 2015). com enfoque nos dados obtidos em estudos em bubalinos The world buffalo population exceeds 168 million ani- no mundo e no Bioma Amazônico brasileiro. mals, geographically distributed in the following propor- tions: 161 million (95.83%) in Asia, 3.717 million (2.24%) TERMOS DE INDEXAÇÃO: Brucelose, búfalos, Bubalus bubalis, Brucella abortus, aborto, diagnóstico, controle, zoonose. in Africa, 3.3 million (1.96%) in South America, with a lar- ge herd in Brazil, 500,000 (0.30%) in Europe, and 40,000 INTRODUCTION (0.02%) in Australia (Borghese 2005). Brazil has approxi- mately 1,319,478 water buffaloes, and the North region, Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) domestication occur- which has 877,345 animals, is the largest producer in the red between 2500 and 1400 BC, particularly in India and country, especially the state of Pará, which accounts for China. Since then, water buffalo production has spread 37.4% (493,646) of the national herd (IBGE 2014). throughout the world, generating an important source of Brucellosis, a zoonotic disease of chronic evolution food of high biological value, such as milk and meat, and and granulomatous character, is one of the infectious con- tagious diseases that affect water buffaloes; it is caused 1 Received on November 4, 2016. by facultative intracellular bacteria of the genus Brucella Accepted for publication on November 22, 2016. that infects cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system 2 Instituto de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veteriná- (Cheville et al. 1993, Xavier et al. 2009). The main etio- ria, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Campus de Castanhal, Rodovia logical agent for water buffaloes is Brucella abortus bio- BR-316 Km 61, Castanhal, PA 68741-740, Brazil. *Corresponding author: var 1 (Fosgate et al. 2002, Megid et al. 2005). This disease [email protected] 3 Departamento de Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública, Instituto de Veteri- has caused major economic losses due to reproductive nária (IV), Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), BR-465 problems, such as reduced fertility, birth of weak calves, Km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. and abortion (Corbel 1997). Brucellosis is also associated 234 Brucellosis in water buffaloes 235 should be called brucellosis, in reference to Colonel David Bru- al. 2015a). ce. Two years later, Meyer and Shaw proposed the genus Brucella with Brucellosis fibrinous hassuppurative been diagnosed necrotic in placentitiswater buffaloes (Sousa from et (Pacheco & Mello 1956). In 1938, an editorial by Colonel William Egypt (Gentile 1957, Menshawy et al. 2014), Italy (Guari- Horrocks analyzed the results of epidemiological investigations no et al. 2001), Trinidad and Tobago (Fosgate et al. 2002), in France and described the differences between the strains of B. , . and . responsible for undulant fever in Pakistan (Nasir et al. 2004), Argentina (Konrad et al. 2013) abortus B melitensis B suis cattle, goats and pigs, respectively (Vassallo 1992). and Brazil (Ogassawara et al. 1969, Santa Rosa et al. 1969, Brucella in buffaloes occurred Láu & Singh 1985, Bastianetto et al. 2005, Silva et al. 2014a, in 1948 in Cairo, Egypt, from milk samples from sick buffalo cows Sousa et al. 2015a, 2015b). (GentileThe first1957). report According of isolation to the of literature, B. abortus infection Given the importance of brucellosis in buffalo produc- in buffaloes has been detected in Italy by indirect enzyme-linked tion, this article reviews the history, etiopathogenesis, epi- immunoassay (ELISA) (Guarino et al. 2001), in Trinidad and To- bago by serology and bacterial culture (Fosgate et al. 2002, Fosga- diagnosis and control of the disease, focusing on data from te et al., 2011), in Pakistan in private livestock farms (Nasir et al. studiesdemiology, on water clinical buffaloes signs, performedanatomopathological in the Brazilian findings, Ama- zon biome. (Konrad et al. 2013). In Egypt, a recent study showed the presen- ce2004), of B. and suis in and Argentina B. abortus by fluorescencein domestic ruminants, polarization including assay (FPA) bu- ffaloes, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Menshawy et al. HISTORY OF BRUCELLOSIS 2014). In 1751, Cleghorn, a British army surgeon serving in Minorca Is- In 1895, water buffaloes were introduced in Brazil via the is- land, Spain, described cases of a disease with symptoms similar to land of Marajó; the buffaloes were imported from Australia, Egypt, those described by Hippocrates in 460 BC. However, it was Mars- India, Italy and Southeast Asian countries. On the island of Marajó, ton, also a British army surgeon, who in 1859 characterized the the animals found optimal breeding conditions. In the following disease as an independent disease entity after he acquired bru- decades, water buffaloes were introduced into other regions cellosis on the Island of Malta, located south of Sicily, Italy, and of Brazil, mainly in places with a hot and humid climate (Jorge symptom (Evans 1950). 1969; 40.9% (27/66) of the animals investigated were seropositi- reportedOn July for 9, the1887, first the time British “recurrent army physician gastric fever”David asBruce, its main who ve2005). according The first to the report rapid of agglutination brucellosis in test buffaloes (RAT) in platesBrazil was(Santa in was also on the Island of Malta during the Napoleonic wars, iso- in adult buffalo cows in Brazil by Ogassawara et al. (1969) from Malta fever (or Mediterranean fever or undulant fever) from the jointRosa ethygroma. al. 1969). Later, However, seroepidemiological the etiological agentsurveys was demonstrated first isolated spleenlated the of aspecific sick person. agent Heresponsible then found for the the cause disease of the known disease as the presence of brucellosis in buffaloes in different Brazilian sta- by isolating the etiological agent from splenic cultures of seven tes (Láu & Singh 1985, Bastianetto et al. 2005, Silva et al. 2014a). fatal cases and by experiments with animals. In 1893, Bruce na- In 2015, a study that evaluated buffalo cows with brucellosis from med the microorganism Micrococcus melitensis, a reference to the Amazon biome detected, by real-time PCR (qPCR) and for the the Roman name for Malta, Melite (Isle of Honey). In 1905, Zam- B. abortus starting in the second month mit successfully demonstrated that the Maltese goat is an animal host of M. melitensis - first time in the world, perimentally with the antigen of Malta fever via an agglutination tissuesof pregnancy (Sousa in et theal. 2015a). amniotic fluid, allantoic fluid and uterus of test and via isolation by of finding M. melitensis that sera in frompure goatsculture reacted from theex buffalo cows and starting in the fifth month of pregnancy in fetal M. melitensis was also present in the milk of infected goats. In 1906, Birt and Stra- ETIOLOGY OF BRUCELLOSIS chananimal’s reported blood. thatLater, they Horrocks had found confirmed Malta thatfever in South Africa Brucellosis is an infectious contagious disease usually of and blamed goat milk, which had been widely consumed in the chronic evolution and granulomatous character, caused by facultative intracellular bacteria of the genus Brucella South Africa in 1909. During his work in Uganda in 1909, Bru- (Fosgate et al. 2002). Brucella spp. are gram-negative coc- ceaffected investigated region; Muhinyo they confirmed disease, theshowing presence that ofit wasMalta
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